예제 #1
void hunter(int time) {
    pid_t localpid = getpid();
    setpgid(localpid, hunterGID);
    printf("HUNTERHUNTERHUNTER      Hunter[%d] is looking for the path\n", localpid);
    int pathtime = random();
    if (usleep(time) == -1) {
        /* exit when usleep interrupted by kill signal */
        if (errno == EINTR)exit(4);

    semopChecked(semID, &SignalNHunterPath, 1);
    semopChecked(semID, &WaitPHunterPath, 1);
    *numHunterPath = *numHunterPath + 1;
    semopChecked(semID, &SignalPHunterPath, 1);

    printf("HUNTERHUNTERHUNTER      Hunter[%d] enters the magic path, now %d hunters in path\n", localpid, *numHunterPath);
    semopChecked(semID, &SignalSDragonWakeUp, 1);

    semopChecked(semID, &WaitSHunterCave, 1);
    printf("HUNTERHUNTERHUNTER      Hunter[%d] enters the cave\n", localpid);
    semopChecked(semID, &SignalSDragonFight, 1);
    semopChecked(semID, &WaitSHunterFight, 1);

    semopChecked(semID, &WaitPHunterLeave, 1);
    *numHunterLeave = *numHunterLeave + 1;
    printf("HUNTERHUNTERHUNTER      Hunter[%d] leaves, now Smaug has fought %d hunters\n", localpid, *numHunterLeave);
    semopChecked(semID, &SignalPHunterLeave, 1);

    if(checkHunter()) {
예제 #2
void thief(int time) {
    pid_t localpid = getpid();
    setpgid(localpid, thiefGID);
    printf("THIEFTHIEFTHIEFTHIEF    Thief[%d] is looking for the path\n", localpid);

    if (usleep(time) == -1) {
        /* exit when usleep interrupted by kill signal */
        if (errno == EINTR)exit(4);

    semopChecked(semID, &SignalNThiefPath, 1);
    semopChecked(semID, &WaitPThiefPath, 1);
    *numThiefPath = *numThiefPath + 1;
    semopChecked(semID, &SignalPThiefPath, 1);

    printf("THIEFTHIEFTHIEFTHIEF    Thief[%d] enters the magic path, now %d thieves in path\n", localpid, *numThiefPath);
    semopChecked(semID, &SignalSDragonWakeUp, 1);

    semopChecked(semID, &WaitSThiefCave, 1);
    printf("THIEFTHIEFTHIEFTHIEF    Thief[%d]enters the cave\n", localpid);
    semopChecked(semID, &SignalSDragonPlay, 1);

    semopChecked(semID, &WaitSThiefPlay, 1);

    semopChecked(semID, &WaitPThiefLeave, 1);
    *numThiefLeave = *numThiefLeave + 1;
    printf("THIEFTHIEFTHIEFTHIEF    Thief[%d] leaves, now Smaug has played with %d thieves\n", localpid, *numThiefLeave);
    semopChecked(semID, &SignalPThiefLeave, 1);
    if(checkThief()) {
예제 #3
//smaug eats a meal
void eat() {
    semopChecked(semID, &WaitNMeal, 1); //guarantee that there is really a meal
    int i;
    // let the sheep and cows be ready to be eaten
    for (i = 0; i < SHEEP_IN_MEAL; i++) {
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalSSheepWaiting, 1);
    for (i = 0; i < COW_IN_MEAL; i++) {
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalSCowWaiting, 1);

    //printf("Smaug waits to eat each sheep and cow in the meal\n");
    semopChecked(semID, &WaitSDragonEat, 1);
    printf("DRAGONDRAGONDRAGON      Smaug starts eating\n");
    int j;
    //deal with sheep
    for (j = 0; j < SHEEP_IN_MEAL; j++) {
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalSSheepEaten, 1);
    //deal with cows
    for (j = 0; j < COW_IN_MEAL; j++) {
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalSCowEaten, 1);

    //waiting the meal to be done
    semopChecked(semID, &WaitSMealDone, 1);
    printf("DRAGONDRAGONDRAGON      Smaug finishes eating\n");
    //decrement the number of meals
    *numMeal = *numMeal - 1;
    semopChecked(semID, &WaitPEatenMeal, 1);
    *numEatenMeal = *numEatenMeal + 1;
    printf("DRAGONDRAGONDRAGON      Smaug eats one more snack,%d snacks eaten, %d snacks left\n", *numEatenMeal, *numMeal);
    semopChecked(semID, &SignalPEatenMeal, 1);

예제 #4
int checkTermination() {
    semopChecked(semID, &WaitPTermination, 1);
    if (*flagTermination == 1) {
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPTermination, 1);
        return 1;
    else {
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPTermination, 1);
        return 0;
예제 #5
int checkHunter() {
    semopChecked(semID, &WaitPHunterLeave, 1);
    if (*numHunterLeave >= MAX_TREASUREHUNTER) {
        printf("Smaug has fought with more than maximum number of hunters, the simulation will terminate\n");
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPHunterLeave, 1);
        return 1;
    else {
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPHunterLeave, 1);
        return 0;
예제 #6
int checkThief() {
    semopChecked(semID, &WaitPThiefLeave, 1);
    if (*numThiefLeave >= MAX_THIEF) {
        printf("Smaug has played with more than maximum number of thieves, the simulation will terminate\n");
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPThiefLeave, 1);
        return 1;
    else {
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPThiefLeave, 1);
        return 0;
예제 #7
int checkCow() {
    semopChecked(semID, &WaitPCowEaten, 1);
    if (*numCowEaten >= MAX_COW) {
        printf("Smaug has eaten more than the maximum number of cows, the simulation will terminate\n");
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPCowEaten, 1);
        return 1;
    else {
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPCowEaten, 1);
        return 0;
예제 #8
int checkSheep() {
    semopChecked(semID, &WaitPSheepEaten, 1);
    if (*numSheepEaten >= MAX_SHEEP) {
        printf("Smaug has eaten more than maximum number of sheep, the simulation will terminate\n");
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPSheepEaten, 1);
        return 1;
    else {
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPSheepEaten, 1);
        return 0;

예제 #9
int checkJewel() {
    semopChecked(semID, &WaitPDragonJewel, 1);
    if (*numDragonJewel >= MAX_JEWEL) {
        printf("Dragon has more than maximum number of jewels, the simulation will terminate\n");
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPDragonJewel, 1);
        return 1;
    else if (*numDragonJewel <= MIN_JEWEL) {
        printf("Dragon has fewer than minimum number of jewels, the simulation will terminate\n");
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPDragonJewel, 1);
        return 1;
    else {
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPDragonJewel, 1);
        return 0;
예제 #10
void hunter(int startTimeN)
	int localpid;
	localpid = getpid();
    printf("HUNTER %8d HUNTER A hunter arrived outside the valley\n", localpid);
    if( startTimeN > 0) 
 	   if( usleep( startTimeN) == -1)
 	 	 /* exit when usleep interrupted by kill signal */
	  // Terminate check
 semopChecked(semID, &WaitProtectTerminate, 1);
 if( *terminateFlagp == 1 ) {
 	 printf("HUNTER %8d HUNTER hunter has found the magical path after we've been told to terminate\n", localpid);
 	 semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectTerminate, 1);
 	 kill(localpid, SIGKILL);
 } else {
 	 printf("HUNTER %8d HUNTER hunter has found the magical path in %d ms\n", localpid, startTimeN);
 	 semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectTerminate, 1);
 	 printf("HUNTER %8d HUNTER A hunter was looking for path for a %f ms\n", localpid, startTimeN/1000.0);
	semopChecked(semID, &WaitProtectHunterCount, 1);
	*hunterCounterp = *hunterCounterp + 1;
	semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectHunterCount, 1);
	printf("HUNTER %8d HUNTER hunter is under smaug's spell and is waiting to be interacted with\n", localpid);
	printf("HUNTER %8d HUNTER hunter wakes smaug\n", localpid);
	semopChecked(semID, &SignalDragonSleeping, 1);
	semopChecked(semID, &WaitHuntersWaiting, 1);
	printf("HUNTER %8d HUNTER hunter enters smaug's cave\n", localpid);
	printf("HUNTER %8d HUNTER hunter fights with smaug\n", localpid);
	semopChecked(semID, &WaitHunterFinish, 1);
	printf("HUNTER %8d HUNTER hunter leaves cave and goes home\n", localpid);
	kill(localpid, SIGKILL); // KILL AT THE END
예제 #11
//smaug fights the treasure hunter
void fight() {

    semopChecked(semID, &WaitNHunterPath, 1);
    *numHunterPath = *numHunterPath - 1;
    printf("DRAGONDRAGONDRAGON      Smaug is ready to interact with a hunter waiting in the path\n");
    semopChecked(semID, &SignalSHunterCave, 1);

    semopChecked(semID, &WaitSDragonFight, 1);
    printf("DRAGONDRAGONDRAGON      Smaug starts fighting with the hunter\n");
    int fightrand = (double)rand()/RAND_MAX;
    if (fightrand > THIEF_WIN) {
        semopChecked(semID, &WaitPDragonJewel, 1);
        *numDragonJewel = *numDragonJewel + 5;
        printf("DRAGONDRAGONDRAGON      Smaug wins and gets 5 jewels, now smaug has %d jewels\n", *numDragonJewel);
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPDragonJewel, 1);
    else {
        semopChecked(semID, &WaitPDragonJewel, 1);

        printf("DRAGONDRAGONDRAGON      The hunter fights well and will get rewarded with 10 jewels\n");
    if(*numDragonJewel >= 10 ) {
        *numDragonJewel = *numDragonJewel - 10; 
        printf("DRAGONDRAGONDRAGON      Smaug gives 10 jewels, now it has %d jewels\n", *numDragonJewel);
        else {
        printf("DRAGONDRAGONDRAGON      Smaug does not have enough jewels, the simulation will terminate\n");
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPDragonJewel, 1);
    if(checkJewel()) {
    semopChecked(semID, &SignalSHunterFight, 1);
예제 #12
//smaug plays with the thief
void play() {

    semopChecked(semID, &WaitNThiefPath, 1);
    *numThiefPath = *numThiefPath - 1;
    printf("DRAGONDRAGONDRAGON      Smaug is ready to interact with a thief waiting in the path\n");
    semopChecked(semID, &SignalSThiefCave, 1);

    semopChecked(semID, &WaitSDragonPlay, 1);
    printf("DRAGONDRAGONDRAGON      Smaug fights with the hunter\n");
    int fightrand = (double)rand()/RAND_MAX;
    if (fightrand > HUNTER_WIN) {
        semopChecked(semID, &WaitPDragonJewel, 1);
        *numDragonJewel = *numDragonJewel + 20;
        printf("DRAGONDRAGONDRAGON      Smaug wins and gets 20 jewels, now smaug has %d jewels\n", *numDragonJewel);
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPDragonJewel, 1);
    else {
        semopChecked(semID, &WaitPDragonJewel, 1);
        printf("DRAGONDRAGONDRAGON      Smaug loses and loses 8 jewels\n");
    if(*numDragonJewel >= 8) {
        *numDragonJewel = *numDragonJewel - 8;
        printf("DRAGONDRAGONDRAGON      Smaug loses 8 jewels, now it has %d jewels\n", *numDragonJewel);
    else {
        printf("DRAGONDRAGONDRAGON      Smaug has only %d jewels, now simulation terminates\n", *numDragonJewel);
    semopChecked(semID, &SignalPDragonJewel, 1);
    if(checkJewel()) {

    semopChecked(semID, &SignalSThiefPlay, 1);
예제 #13
void cow(int time) {
    pid_t localpid = getpid();
    setpgid(localpid, beastGID);
    printf("COWCOWCOWCOWCOWCOW      Cow[%d] is grazing for %d usec\n", localpid, time);
    if (usleep(time) == -1) {
        /* exit when usleep interrupted by kill signal */
        if (errno == EINTR) exit(4);
    //the cow is enchanted
    //keep in this order in all files to avoid deadlock
    semopChecked(semID, &WaitPSheepInValley, 1); //use the number of sheep in valley
    semopChecked(semID, &WaitPCowInValley, 1);   //use the number of cows in valley
    *CowInValley = *CowInValley + 1;
    semopChecked(semID, &SignalNCowInValley, 1);
    printf("COWCOWCOWCOWCOWCOW      Cow[%d] is enchanted, now %d cows and %d sheep in Valley\n", localpid, *CowInValley, *SheepInValley);
    // There is a meal in the Valley
    if (*CowInValley >= COW_IN_MEAL && *SheepInValley >= SHEEP_IN_MEAL) {
        int i;
        // decrement the counters only when the semaphores are decremented
        for (i = 0; i < COW_IN_MEAL; i++) {
            semopChecked(semID, &WaitNCowInValley, 1);
            *CowInValley = *CowInValley - 1;
        for (i = 0; i < SHEEP_IN_MEAL; i++) {
            semopChecked(semID, &WaitNSheepInValley, 1);
            *SheepInValley = *SheepInValley - 1;

        //increment the number of meals
        semopChecked(semID, &WaitPNumMeal, 1);
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalNMeal, 1);
        *numMeal = *numMeal + 1;
        printf("COWCOWCOWCOWCOWCOW      Cow[%d] results in a new meal, now number of meals:%d\n", localpid, *numMeal);
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPNumMeal, 1);
        //release the use of shared variables
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPCowInValley, 1);
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPSheepInValley, 1);

        //send a wakeup to dragon
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalSDragonWakeUp, 1);
    else { //the cow in the Valley is not enough for a meal
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPCowInValley, 1);
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPSheepInValley, 1);
//    printf("Cow %d waiting in the snack\n", localpid);
    semopChecked(semID, &WaitSCowWaiting, 1);

    semopChecked(semID, &SignalNCowToEat, 1);

    //Wait in this order to avoid deadlock
    semopChecked(semID, &WaitPSheepToEat, 1);
    semopChecked(semID, &WaitPCowToEat, 1);
    *numCowToEat = *numCowToEat + 1;
    if (*numCowToEat >= COW_IN_MEAL && *numSheepToEat >= SHEEP_IN_MEAL) {
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < COW_IN_MEAL; i++) {
            semopChecked(semID, &WaitNCowToEat, 1);
            *numCowToEat = *numCowToEat - 1;
        for (i = 0; i < SHEEP_IN_MEAL; i++) {
            semopChecked(semID, &WaitNSheepToEat, 1);
            *numSheepToEat = *numSheepToEat - 1;
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPCowToEat, 1);
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPSheepToEat, 1);
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalSDragonEat, 1);
    else {
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPCowToEat, 1);
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPSheepToEat, 1);

    // it waits to be eaten
    semopChecked(semID, &WaitSCowEaten, 1);

    semopChecked(semID, &WaitPCowEaten, 1);
    *numCowEaten = *numCowEaten + 1;
    semopChecked(semID, &SignalPCowEaten, 1);

    printf("COWCOWCOWCOWCOWCOW      Cow[%d] is eaten, now %d cows eaten\n", localpid, *numCowEaten);
    if(checkCow()) {

    semopChecked(semID, &SignalNMealCow, 1);

    //signal smaug that the meal is done only when all beasts are eaten
    //keep in this order to avoid deadlock
    semopChecked(semID, &WaitPMealSheep, 1);
    semopChecked(semID, &WaitPMealCow, 1);
    *numMealCow = *numMealCow + 1;
    if(*numMealSheep >= SHEEP_IN_MEAL && *numMealCow >= COW_IN_MEAL) {
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < SHEEP_IN_MEAL ; i++) {
            semopChecked(semID, &WaitNMealSheep, 1);
            *numMealSheep = *numMealSheep - 1;

        for (i = 0; i < COW_IN_MEAL ; i++) {
            semopChecked(semID, &WaitNMealCow, 1);
            *numMealCow = *numMealCow - 1;

        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPMealCow, 1);
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPMealSheep, 1);
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalSMealDone, 1);
    else {
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPMealCow, 1);
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPMealSheep, 1);
예제 #14
void smaug(int smaugWinChance)//
 int k;
 int localpid;
 double elapsedTime;
 /* local counters used only for smaug routine */

 int cowsEatenTotal = 0;
 int sheepsEatenTotal = 0;
 int thiefsWonTotal = 0;
 int huntersWonTotal = 0;

 int sleepThisIteration = 1;
 	/* Initialize random number generator*/
	/* Random numbers are used to determine the time between successive beasts */
	smaugProcessID = getpid();
	printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU   PID is %d \n", smaugProcessID );
	localpid = smaugProcessID;
	while (*terminateFlagp==0) 
 	  // Smaug goes to sleep if nothing happens and sleepThisIteration is 1
 	 if(sleepThisIteration == 1) 
 	 	 printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU Smaug has gone to sleep\n" );
 	 	 // We must reset the semaphore to prevent smaug waking up when there's no need to
 	 	 seminfo.val = 0;
 	 	 semctlChecked(semID, SEM_DRAGONSLEEPING, SETVAL, seminfo);
 	 	 semopChecked(semID, &WaitDragonSleeping, 1);
 	 	 printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU Smaug sniffs his valey\n" );
 	 	 printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU Smaug has woken up \n" );
 	 	 sleepThisIteration = 1;
	 semopChecked(semID, &WaitProtectMealWaitingFlag, 1);
	 semopChecked(semID, &WaitProtectSheepMealWaitingFlag, 1);
	 if(*mealWaitingFlagp >= 1 && *mealSheepWaitingFlagp >= 1)
		while( *mealWaitingFlagp >= 1 && *mealSheepWaitingFlagp >= 1  ) 
			*mealWaitingFlagp = *mealWaitingFlagp - 1;
			*mealSheepWaitingFlagp = *mealSheepWaitingFlagp - 1;
			printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU   signal cow meal flag %d\n", *mealWaitingFlagp);
			semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectMealWaitingFlag, 1);
			printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU   Smaug is eating a meal\n");
			for( k = 0; k < COWS_IN_GROUP; k++ ) {
				semopChecked(semID, &SignalCowsWaiting, 1);
				printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU   A cow is ready to eat\n");
			printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU   signal sheep meal flag %d\n", *mealSheepWaitingFlagp);
			semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectSheepMealWaitingFlag, 1);
			for( k = 0; k < SHEEPS_IN_GROUP; k++ ) {
				semopChecked(semID, &SignalSheepsWaiting, 1);
				printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU  A sheep is ready to eat\n");

			/*Smaug waits to eat*/
			semopChecked(semID, &WaitDragonEating, 1);
			for( k = 0; k < COWS_IN_GROUP; k++ ) 
				semopChecked(semID, &SignalCowsDead, 1);
				printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU   Smaug finished eating a cow\n");
			for( k = 0; k < SHEEPS_IN_GROUP; k++ ) 
				semopChecked(semID, &SignalSheepsDead, 1);
				printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU   Smaug finished eating a sheep\n");
			printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU   Smaug has finished a meal\n");
			if( (cowsEatenTotal >= MAX_COWS_EATEN) && (sheepsEatenTotal >= MAX_SHEEPS_EATEN) ) 
				printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU   Smaug has eaten the allowed number of cows and sheeps\n");
				*terminateFlagp= 1;	
			printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU Smaug takes a nap for %d us\n", SMAUG_NAP_LENGTH);
 	 	 	printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU Smaug takes a deep breath\n");
			/* Smaug check to see if another snack is waiting */
			semopChecked(semID, &WaitProtectMealWaitingFlag, 1);
			semopChecked(semID, &WaitProtectSheepMealWaitingFlag, 1);
			if( *mealWaitingFlagp > 0 && *mealSheepWaitingFlagp > 0  ) 
				printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU  %d  Smaug eats again\n", localpid);
 	  semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectMealWaitingFlag, 1); // release the protection
 	  semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectSheepMealWaitingFlag, 1); // release the protection
 	  semopChecked(semID, &WaitProtectThiefCount, 1);
	  if(*thiefCounterp > 0) 

			*thiefCounterp = *thiefCounterp - 1;
			semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectThiefCount, 1);
 	 	 	 // Wake thief from wander state for interaction
 	 	 	 	 semopChecked(semID, &SignalThievesWaiting, 1);
 	 	 	 	 printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU Smaug is playing with a thief\n");
 	 	 	 	 if( rand() % 100 <= smaugWinChance ) 
 	 	 	 	 	 numJewels += 20;
 	 	 	 	 	 printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU Smaug has defeated a thief\n");
 	 	 	 	 	 printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU Smaug has gained a treasure (%d jewels). He now has %d jewels.\n", 20, numJewels);
 	 	 	 	 	 numJewels -= 8;
 	 	 	 	 	 printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU Smaug has been defeated by a thief\n");
 	 	 	 	 	 printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU Smaug has lost a treasure (%d jewels). He now has %d jewels.\n", 8, numJewels);
 	 	 	 	 printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU Smaug has finished a game (1 thief process has been terminated)\n");
				if(thiefsWonTotal >= MAX_THEIFES_WON ) 
					printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU   Smaug has won the allowed number of thieves\n");
					 *terminateFlagp= 1;	
 	 	 	 	 if( numJewels >= MAX_TREASURE_IN_HOARD) 
 	 	 	 	 	 printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU Smaug has %d, so he is richer then everyone so he leaves.\n", numJewels);
					 *terminateFlagp= 1;	
 	 	 	 	 if( numJewels <= MIN_TREASURE_IN_HOARD) 
 	 	 	 	 	 printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU Smaug has %d, so is very poor and decide to leave\n", numJewels);
					 *terminateFlagp= 1;	
				semopChecked(semID, &SignalThiefFinish, 1);
		semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectThiefCount, 1); //release 	

	  semopChecked(semID, &WaitProtectHunterCount, 1);
	  if(*hunterCounterp > 0) 
			// check thift
			*hunterCounterp = *hunterCounterp - 1;
			semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectHunterCount, 1);
 	 	 	 	 semopChecked(semID, &SignalHuntersWaiting, 1);
 	 	 	 	 printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU Smaug is fighting with a hunter\n");
 	 	 	 	 if( rand() % 100 <= smaugWinChance ) 
 	 	 	 	 	 numJewels += 5;
 	 	 	 	 	 printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU Smaug has defeated a hunter\n");
 	 	 	 	 	 printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU Smaug has gained a treasure (%d jewels). He now has %d jewels.\n", 10, numJewels);
 	 	 	 	 	 numJewels -= 10;
 	 	 	 	 	 printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU Smaug has been defeated by a hunter\n");
 	 	 	 	 	 printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU Smaug has lost a treasure (%d jewels). He now has %d jewels.\n", 5, numJewels);
 	 	 	 	printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU Smaug has finished a fight(1 hunter process has been terminated)\n");
				if(huntersWonTotal >= MAX_HUNTERS_WON ) 
					printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU   Smaug has won the allowed number of hunters\n");
					   *terminateFlagp= 1;	
 	 	 	 	 if( numJewels >= MAX_TREASURE_IN_HOARD) 
 	 	 	 	 	 printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU Smaug has %d, so he is richer then everyone so he leaves.\n", numJewels);
					   *terminateFlagp= 1;	
 	 	 	 	 if( numJewels <= MIN_TREASURE_IN_HOARD) 
 	 	 	 	 	 printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU Smaug has %d, so is very poor and decide to leave\n", numJewels);
					   *terminateFlagp= 1;			
				 semopChecked(semID, &SignalHunterFinish, 1);
		semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectHunterCount, 1); //release 
		printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU   Smaug sleeps again\n");
		semopChecked(semID, &WaitDragonSleeping, 1);
		printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU   Smaug is awake again\n");
		sleepThisIteration = 0;

예제 #15
void smaug() {
    int newWakeup = 1;
    pid_t localid = getpid();
    smaugID = localid;
    printf("DRAGONDRAGONDRAGON      Smaug[%d] is born\n", smaugID);
    setpgid(smaugID, dragonGID);
    printf("DRAGONDRAGONDRAGON      Smaug[%d] goes to sleep\n", smaugID);

    semopChecked(semID, &WaitPDragonJewel, 1);
    *numDragonJewel = INIT_JEWEL;
    semopChecked(semID, &SignalPDragonJewel, 1);

    semopChecked(semID, &WaitSDragonWakeUp, 1);
    newWakeup = 1;
    int time = 0;
    while (1) {  //sleeping/waking loop
        printf("DRAGONDRAGONDRAGON      Smaug[%d] wakes up\n", smaugID);
        while (1) {  //swimming loop
            // the meal, thief, hunter process in this loop
            int onceMeal = 0;
            int onceThief = 0;
            int onceHunter = 0;

            //looking for meals
            semopChecked(semID, &WaitPNumMeal, 1);
            while(*numMeal > 0 && onceMeal < MEAL_ONCE) {
                if(newWakeup==1) newWakeup = 0;
                else semopChecked(semID, &WaitSDragonWakeUp, 1);

                printf("DRAGONDRAGONDRAGON      Smaug[%d] finds the %d-th snack\n", smaugID, onceMeal+1);
                onceMeal ++;
            semopChecked(semID, &SignalPNumMeal, 1);

            //check meal this round
            if(onceMeal > 0) {  //if the
            else printf("DRAGONDRAGONDRAGON      Smaug[%d] finds no snacks, it looks for thieves\n", smaugID);

            //looking for thieves
            semopChecked(semID, &WaitPThiefPath, 1);
            while(*numThiefPath > 0 && onceThief < THIEF_ONCE) {
                if(newWakeup==1) newWakeup = 0;
                else semopChecked(semID, &WaitSDragonWakeUp, 1);

                printf("DRAGONDRAGONDRAGON      Smaug[%d] finds the %d-th thief\n", smaugID, onceThief+1);
                onceThief ++;
            semopChecked(semID, &SignalPThiefPath, 1);

            //check thief this round
            if(onceThief > 0) {
                printf("DRAGONDRAGONDRAGON      Smaug[%d] is a happy dragon now, it curls up its jewels and goes to sleep\n", smaugID);
            else printf("DRAGONDRAGONDRAGON      Smaug[%d] finds no thieves, it looks for hunters\n", smaugID);

            //looking for hunters
            semopChecked(semID, &WaitPHunterPath, 1);
            while(*numHunterPath > 0 && onceHunter < HUNTER_ONCE) {
                if(newWakeup==1) newWakeup = 0;
                else semopChecked(semID, &WaitSDragonWakeUp, 1);

                printf("DRAGONDRAGONDRAGON      Smaug[%d] finds the %d-th hunter\n", smaugID, onceHunter + 1);
            semopChecked(semID, &SignalPHunterPath, 1);

            //check hunter
            if(onceHunter > 0) {
                printf("DRAGONDRAGONDRAGON      Smaug[%d] fought with the treasure hunter and goes to swim\n", smaugID);
            else {
                printf("DRAGONDRAGONDRAGON      Smaug[%d] finds no hunters, there is nothing left, smaug goes to sleep\n", smaugID);

        printf("DRAGONDRAGONDRAGON      Smaug[%d] goes to sleep\n", smaugID);
        semopChecked(semID, &WaitSDragonWakeUp, 1);
        newWakeup = 1;
예제 #16
void cow(int startTimeN) {
	int localpid;
	//	int retval;
	int k;
	localpid = getpid();

	/* graze */
	printf("CCCCCCC %8d CCCCCCC   A cow is born\n", localpid);
	if (startTimeN > 0) {
		if (usleep(startTimeN) == -1) {
			/* exit when usleep interrupted by kill signal */
			if (errno == EINTR)
	printf("CCCCCCC %8d CCCCCCC   cow grazes for %f ms\n", localpid,
				 startTimeN / 1000.0);

	/* does this beast complete a group of BEASTS_IN_GROUP ? */
	/* if so wake up the dragon */
	semopChecked(semID, &WaitProtectCowsInGroup, 1);
	semopChecked(semID, &SignalCowsInGroup, 1);
	*cowCounterp = *cowCounterp + 1;
	printf("CCCCCCC %8d CCCCCCC   %d  cows have been enchanted \n", localpid,
	if ((*cowCounterp >= COWS_IN_GROUP) && (*sheepCounterp >= SHEEP_IN_GROUP)) {
		*cowCounterp = *cowCounterp - COWS_IN_GROUP;
		for (k = 0; k < COWS_IN_GROUP; k++) {
			semopChecked(semID, &WaitCowsInGroup, 1);
		printf("CCCCCCC %8d CCCCCCC   The last cow is waiting\n", localpid);
		semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectCowsInGroup, 1);
		semopChecked(semID, &WaitProtectMealWaitingFlag, 1);
		*mealWaitingFlagp = *mealWaitingFlagp + 1;
		printf("CCCCCCC %8d CCCCCCC   signal meal flag %d\n", localpid,
		semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectMealWaitingFlag, 1);
		semopChecked(semID, &SignalDragonSleeping, 1);
		printf("CCCCCCC %8d CCCCCCC   last cow  wakes the dragon \n", localpid);
	} else {
		semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectCowsInGroup, 1);

	semopChecked(semID, &WaitCowsWaiting, 1);

	/* have all the beasts in group been eaten? */
	/* if so wake up the dragon */
	semopChecked(semID, &WaitProtectCowsEaten, 1);
	semopChecked(semID, &SignalCowsEaten, 1);
	*cowsEatenCounterp = *cowsEatenCounterp + 1;
	if ((*cowsEatenCounterp >= COWS_IN_GROUP)) {
		*cowsEatenCounterp = *cowsEatenCounterp - COWS_IN_GROUP;
		for (k = 0; k < COWS_IN_GROUP; k++) {
			semopChecked(semID, &WaitCowsEaten, 1);
		printf("CCCCCCC %8d CCCCCCC   The last cow has been eaten\n", localpid);
		semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectCowsEaten, 1);
		semopChecked(semID, &SignalDragonEating, 1);
	} else {
		semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectCowsEaten, 1);
		printf("CCCCCCC %8d CCCCCCC   A cow is waiting to be eaten\n", localpid);
	semopChecked(semID, &WaitCowsDead, 1);

	printf("CCCCCCC %8d CCCCCCC   cow  dies\n", localpid);
예제 #17
void sheep(int startTimeN) {
	int localpid;
	int k;
	localpid = getpid();

	/* graze */
	printf("SSSSSSS %8d SSSSSSS   A sheep is born\n", localpid);
	if (startTimeN > 0) {
		if (usleep(startTimeN) == -1) {
			/* exit when usleep interrupted by kill signal */
			if (errno == EINTR)
	printf("SSSSSSS %8d SSSSSSS   sheep grazes for %f ms\n", localpid, startTimeN / 1000.0);

	/* does this beast complete a group of BEASTS_IN_GROUP ? */
	/* if so wake up the dragon */
	semopChecked(semID, &WaitProtectSheepInGroup, 1);
	semopChecked(semID, &SignalSheepInGroup, 1);
	*sheepCounterp = *sheepCounterp + 1;
	printf("SSSSSSS %8d SSSSSSS   %d  sheep have been enchanted \n", localpid, *sheepCounterp);
	if ((*cowCounterp >= COWS_IN_GROUP) && (*sheepCounterp >= SHEEP_IN_GROUP)) {
		*sheepCounterp = *sheepCounterp - SHEEP_IN_GROUP;
		for (k = 0; k < SHEEP_IN_GROUP; k++) {
			semopChecked(semID, &WaitSheepInGroup, 1);
		printf("SSSSSSS %8d SSSSSSS   The last sheep is waiting\n", localpid);
		semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectSheepInGroup, 1);
		semopChecked(semID, &WaitProtectMealWaitingFlag, 1);
		*mealWaitingFlagp = *mealWaitingFlagp + 1;
		printf("SSSSSSS %8d SSSSSSS   signal meal flag %d\n", localpid, *mealWaitingFlagp);
		semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectMealWaitingFlag, 1);
		semopChecked(semID, &SignalDragonSleeping, 1);
		printf("SSSSSSS %8d SSSSSSS   last sheep  wakes the dragon \n", localpid);
	} else {
		semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectSheepInGroup, 1);

	semopChecked(semID, &WaitSheepWaiting, 1);

	/* have all the beasts in group been eaten? */
	/* if so wake up the dragon */
	semopChecked(semID, &WaitProtectSheepEaten, 1);
	semopChecked(semID, &SignalSheepEaten, 1);
	*sheepEatenCounterp = *sheepEatenCounterp + 1;
	if ((*sheepEatenCounterp >= SHEEP_IN_GROUP)) {
		*sheepEatenCounterp = *sheepEatenCounterp - SHEEP_IN_GROUP;
		for (k = 0; k < SHEEP_IN_GROUP; k++) {
			semopChecked(semID, &WaitSheepEaten, 1);
		printf("SSSSSSS %8d SSSSSSS   The last sheep has been eaten\n", localpid);
		semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectSheepEaten, 1);
		semopChecked(semID, &SignalDragonEating, 1);
	} else {
		semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectSheepEaten, 1);
		printf("SSSSSSS %8d SSSSSSS   A sheep is waiting to be eaten\n", localpid);
	semopChecked(semID, &WaitSheepDead, 1);

	printf("SSSSSSS %8d SSSSSSS   sheep dies\n", localpid);
예제 #18
//the function which sets the termination
void setTerminate() {
    semopChecked(semID, &WaitPTermination, 1);
    *flagTermination = 1;
    semopChecked(semID, &SignalPTermination, 1);
예제 #19
void sheep(int time) {
    pid_t localpid = getpid();
    setpgid(localpid, beastGID);
    printf("SHEEPSHEEPSHEEPSHEEP    Sheep[%d] is grazing for %d usec\n", localpid, time);
    if (usleep(time) == -1) {
        /* exit when usleep interrupted by kill signal */
        if (errno == EINTR)exit(4);
    //the sheep is enchanted

    //keep in this order to get use
    semopChecked(semID, &WaitPSheepInValley, 1);
    semopChecked(semID, &WaitPCowInValley, 1);
    *SheepInValley = *SheepInValley + 1;
    semopChecked(semID, &SignalNSheepInValley, 1);
    printf("SHEEPSHEEPSHEEPSHEEP    Sheep[%d] is enchanted, now %d cows and %d sheep in Valley\n", localpid, *CowInValley, *SheepInValley);
    // There is a meal in the Valley
    if (*SheepInValley >= SHEEP_IN_MEAL && *CowInValley >= COW_IN_MEAL) {
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < SHEEP_IN_MEAL; i++) {
            semopChecked(semID, &WaitNSheepInValley, 1);
            *SheepInValley = *SheepInValley - 1;
        for (i = 0; i < COW_IN_MEAL; i++) {
            semopChecked(semID, &WaitNCowInValley, 1);
            *CowInValley = *CowInValley - 1;

        semopChecked(semID, &WaitPNumMeal, 1);
        *numMeal = *numMeal + 1;
        printf("SHEEPSHEEPSHEEPSHEEP    Sheep[%d] results in a new meal, now number of meals:%d\n", localpid, *numMeal);
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalNMeal, 1);
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPNumMeal, 1);

        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPCowInValley, 1);
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPSheepInValley, 1);

        //send a wake up to the dragon
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalSDragonWakeUp, 1);
    else { //the sheep in the Valley is not enough for a meal
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPCowInValley, 1);
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPSheepInValley, 1);

    // sheep waiting
    semopChecked(semID, &WaitSSheepWaiting, 1);

    semopChecked(semID, &SignalNSheepToEat, 1);

    // smaug starts eating only when the the meal is ready
    semopChecked(semID, &WaitPSheepToEat, 1);
    semopChecked(semID, &WaitPCowToEat, 1);
    *numSheepToEat = *numSheepToEat + 1;
    if (*numSheepToEat >= SHEEP_IN_MEAL && *numCowToEat >= COW_IN_MEAL) {
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < SHEEP_IN_MEAL; i++) {
            semopChecked(semID, &WaitNSheepToEat, 1);
            *numSheepToEat = *numSheepToEat - 1;
        for (i = 0; i < COW_IN_MEAL; i++) {
            semopChecked(semID, &WaitNCowToEat, 1);
            *numCowToEat = *numCowToEat - 1;

        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPCowToEat, 1);
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPSheepToEat, 1);
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalSDragonEat, 1);
    else {
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPCowToEat, 1);
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPSheepToEat, 1);
//    printf("Sheep %d is about to be eaten\n", localpid);
    semopChecked(semID, &WaitSSheepEaten, 1);

    semopChecked(semID, &WaitPSheepEaten, 1);
    *numSheepEaten = *numSheepEaten + 1;
    semopChecked(semID, &SignalPSheepEaten, 1);
    printf("SHEEPSHEEPSHEEPSHEEP    Sheep[%d] is eaten, now %d sheep eaten\n", localpid, *numSheepEaten);
    if(checkSheep()) {

    semopChecked(semID, &SignalNMealSheep, 1);
    //keep in this order to avoid deadlock
    semopChecked(semID, &WaitPMealSheep, 1);
    semopChecked(semID, &WaitPMealCow, 1);
    *numMealSheep = *numMealSheep + 1;
    if(*numMealSheep >= SHEEP_IN_MEAL && *numMealCow >= COW_IN_MEAL) {
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < SHEEP_IN_MEAL ; i++) {
            semopChecked(semID, &WaitNMealSheep, 1);
            *numMealSheep = *numMealSheep - 1;

        for (i = 0; i < COW_IN_MEAL ; i++) {
            semopChecked(semID, &WaitNMealCow, 1);
            *numMealCow = *numMealCow - 1;

        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPMealCow, 1);
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPMealSheep, 1);
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalSMealDone, 1);
    else {
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPMealCow, 1);
        semopChecked(semID, &SignalPMealSheep, 1);
예제 #20
void smaug() {
	int k;
	//	int temp;
	int localpid;
	//	double elapsedTime;

	/* local counters used only for smaug routine */
	int cowsEatenTotal = 0;
    int sheepEatenTotal = 0;

	/* Initialize random number generator*/
	/* Random numbers are used to determine the time between successive beasts */
	smaugProcessID = getpid();
	printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU   PID is %d \n", smaugProcessID);
	localpid = smaugProcessID;
	printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU   Smaug has gone to sleep\n");
	semopChecked(semID, &WaitDragonSleeping, 1);
	printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU   Smaug has woken up \n");
	while (TRUE) {
		semopChecked(semID, &WaitProtectMealWaitingFlag, 1);
		while (*mealWaitingFlagp >= 1) {
			*mealWaitingFlagp = *mealWaitingFlagp - 1;
			printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU   signal meal flag %d\n", *mealWaitingFlagp);
			semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectMealWaitingFlag, 1);
			printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU   Smaug is eating a meal\n");
			for (k = 0; k < COWS_IN_GROUP; k++) {
				semopChecked(semID, &SignalCowsWaiting, 1);
				printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU   A cow is ready to eat\n");
            for (k = 0; k < SHEEP_IN_GROUP; k++) {
				semopChecked(semID, &SignalSheepWaiting, 1);
				printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU   A sheep is ready to eat\n");

			/*Smaug waits to eat*/
			semopChecked(semID, &WaitDragonEating, 1);
			for (k = 0; k < COWS_IN_GROUP; k++) {
				semopChecked(semID, &SignalCowsDead, 1);
				printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU   Smaug finished eating a cow\n");
            for (k = 0; k < SHEEP_IN_GROUP; k++) {
				semopChecked(semID, &SignalSheepDead, 1);
				printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU   Smaug finished eating a sheep\n");
			printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU   Smaug has finished a meal\n");
			if (cowsEatenTotal >= MAX_COWS_EATEN && sheepEatenTotal >= MAX_SHEEP_EATEN) {
				printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU   Smaug has eaten the allowed number of sheep and cows\n");
				*terminateFlagp = 1;

			/* Smaug check to see if another snack is waiting */
			semopChecked(semID, &WaitProtectMealWaitingFlag, 1);
			if (*mealWaitingFlagp > 0) {
				printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU   Smaug eats again\n"); //, localpid);
			} else {
				semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectMealWaitingFlag, 1);
				printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU   Smaug sleeps again\n"); //, localpid);
				semopChecked(semID, &WaitDragonSleeping, 1);
				printf("SMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAUGSMAU   Smaug is awake again\n"); //, localpid);
예제 #21
void cow(int startTimeN)
	int localpid;
	int k;
	localpid = getpid();

	/* graze */
	printf("CCCCCCC %8d CCCCCCC   A cow is born\n", localpid);
	if( startTimeN > 0) {
		if( usleep( startTimeN) == -1){
			/* exit when usleep interrupted by kill signal */
	printf("CCCCCCC %8d CCCCCCC   cow grazes for %f ms\n", localpid, startTimeN/1000.0);
	 semopChecked(semID, &WaitProtectTerminate, 1);
 if( *terminateFlagp == 1 ) 
 	 printf("CCCCCCC %8d CCCCCCC cow has found the magical path after we've been told to terminate\n", localpid);
 	 semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectTerminate, 1);
 	 kill(localpid, SIGKILL);
 	 printf("CCCCCCC %d CCCCCCC cow has found the magical path in %d ms\n", localpid, startTimeN);
 	 semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectTerminate, 1);

	/* does this beast complete a group of BEASTS_IN_GROUP ? */
	/* if so wake up the dragon */
	semopChecked(semID, &WaitProtectCowsInGroup, 1);
	semopChecked(semID, &SignalCowsInGroup, 1);
	*cowCounterp = *cowCounterp + 1;
	printf("CCCCCCC %8d CCCCCCC   %d  cows have been enchanted \n", localpid, *cowCounterp );
	if( ( *cowCounterp  >= COWS_IN_GROUP )) 
		*cowCounterp = *cowCounterp - COWS_IN_GROUP;
		for (k=0; k<COWS_IN_GROUP; k++)
			semopChecked(semID, &WaitCowsInGroup, 1);
		printf("CCCCCCC %8d CCCCCCC   The last cow is waiting\n", localpid);
		semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectCowsInGroup, 1);
		semopChecked(semID, &WaitProtectMealWaitingFlag, 1);
		*mealWaitingFlagp = *mealWaitingFlagp + 1;
		printf("CCCCCCC %8d CCCCCCC   signal meal flag %d\n", localpid, *mealWaitingFlagp);
		semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectMealWaitingFlag, 1);
		semopChecked(semID, &WaitProtectSheepMealWaitingFlag, 1);
		if(*mealSheepWaitingFlagp >= 1 )
			semopChecked(semID, &SignalDragonSleeping, 1);
		semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectSheepMealWaitingFlag, 1);
		printf("CCCCCCC %8d CCCCCCC   last cow  wakes the dragon \n", localpid);
		semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectCowsInGroup, 1);

	semopChecked(semID, &WaitCowsWaiting, 1);

	/* have all the beasts in group been eaten? */
	/* if so wake up the dragon */
	semopChecked(semID, &WaitProtectCowsEaten, 1);
	semopChecked(semID, &SignalCowsEaten, 1);
	*cowsEatenCounterp = *cowsEatenCounterp + 1;
	if( ( *cowsEatenCounterp >= COWS_IN_GROUP )) {
		*cowsEatenCounterp = *cowsEatenCounterp - COWS_IN_GROUP;
		for (k=0; k<COWS_IN_GROUP; k++){
       		        semopChecked(semID, &WaitCowsEaten, 1);
		printf("CCCCCCC %8d CCCCCCC   The last cow has been eaten\n", localpid);
		semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectCowsEaten, 1);
		semopChecked(semID, &SignalDragonEating, 1);
		semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectCowsEaten, 1);
		printf("CCCCCCC %8d CCCCCCC   A cow is waiting to be eaten\n", localpid);
	semopChecked(semID, &WaitCowsDead, 1);

	printf("CCCCCCC %8d CCCCCCC   cow  dies\n", localpid);
	kill(localpid, SIGKILL); // KILL AT THE END
예제 #22
void sheep(int startTimeN)
	int localpid;
	int k;
	localpid = getpid();

	/* graze */
	printf("SHEEP %8d SHEEP   A Sheep is born\n", localpid);
	if( startTimeN > 0) {
		if( usleep( startTimeN) == -1){
			/* exit when usleep interrupted by kill signal */
	printf("SHEEP %8d SHEEP  Sheep grazes for %f ms\n", localpid, startTimeN/1000.0);
	 semopChecked(semID, &WaitProtectTerminate, 1);
 if( *terminateFlagp == 1 ) 
 	 printf("SHEEP %8d SHEEP Sheep has found the magical path after we've been told to terminate\n", localpid);
 	 semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectTerminate, 1);
 	 kill(localpid, SIGKILL);
 	 printf("SHEEP %d SHEEP Sheep has found the magical path in %d ms\n", localpid, startTimeN);
 	 semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectTerminate, 1);

	/* does this beast complete a group of BEASTS_IN_GROUP ? */
	/* if so wake up the dragon */
	semopChecked(semID, &WaitProtectSheepsInGroup, 1);
	semopChecked(semID, &SignalSheepsInGroup, 1);
	*sheepCounterp = *sheepCounterp + 1;
	printf("SHEEP %8d SHEEP   %d  Sheep have been enchanted \n", localpid, *sheepCounterp );
	if( ( *sheepCounterp >= SHEEPS_IN_GROUP )) 
		*sheepCounterp = *sheepCounterp - SHEEPS_IN_GROUP;
		for (k=0; k<SHEEPS_IN_GROUP; k++)
			semopChecked(semID, &WaitSheepsInGroup, 1);
		printf("SHEEP %8d SHEEP   The last sheep is waiting\n", localpid);
		semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectSheepsInGroup, 1);
		semopChecked(semID, &WaitProtectSheepMealWaitingFlag, 1); //
		*mealSheepWaitingFlagp = *mealSheepWaitingFlagp + 1;
		printf("SHEEP %8d SHEEP  signal meal flag %d\n", localpid, *mealSheepWaitingFlagp);
		semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectSheepMealWaitingFlag, 1); //
		semopChecked(semID, &WaitProtectMealWaitingFlag, 1);
		if(*mealSheepWaitingFlagp >= 1 && *mealWaitingFlagp >= 1 )
			printf("!!!!!!!!!!!!  signal cow meal flag %d \n", *mealWaitingFlagp);
			printf("!!!!!!!!!!!!   signal sheep meal flag %d \n", *mealSheepWaitingFlagp);
			semopChecked(semID, &SignalDragonSleeping, 1);
		semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectMealWaitingFlag, 1);
		printf("SHEEP %8d SHEEP  last sheep wakes the dragon \n", localpid);
		semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectSheepsInGroup, 1);

	semopChecked(semID, &WaitSheepsWaiting, 1);

	/* have all the beasts in group been eaten? */
	/* if so wake up the dragon */
	semopChecked(semID, &WaitProtectSheepsEaten, 1);
	semopChecked(semID, &SignalSheepsEaten, 1);
	*sheepsEatenCounterp = *sheepsEatenCounterp + 1;
	if( ( *sheepsEatenCounterp >= SHEEPS_IN_GROUP )) {
		*sheepsEatenCounterp = *sheepsEatenCounterp - SHEEPS_IN_GROUP;
		for (k=0; k<SHEEPS_IN_GROUP; k++){
       		        semopChecked(semID, &WaitSheepsEaten, 1);
		printf("SHEEP %8d SHEEP   The last cow has been eaten\n", localpid);
		semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectSheepsEaten, 1);
		semopChecked(semID, &SignalDragonEating, 1);
		semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectSheepsEaten, 1);
		printf("SHEEP %8d SHEEP   A sheep is waiting to be eaten\n", localpid);
	semopChecked(semID, &WaitSheepsDead, 1);

	printf("SHEEP %8d SHEEP sheep dies\n", localpid);
	kill(localpid, SIGKILL); // KILL AT THE END
예제 #23
int main() {
	//	int k;
	//	int temp;

	/* variables to hold process ID numbers */
	int parentPID = 0;
	int cowPID = 0;
    int sheepPID = 0;
	int smaugPID = 0;

	/* local counters, keep track of total number */
	/* of processes of each type created */
	int cowsCreated = 0;
    int sheepCreated = 0;

	/* Variables to control the time between the arrivals */
	/* of successive beasts*/
	//	double minwait = 0;
	int newSeed = 0;
	int sleepingTime = 0;
	int maxCowIntervalUsec = 0;
    int maxSheepIntervalUsec = 0;
	int nextInterval = 0.0;
	int status;
	int w = 0;
	double maxCowInterval = 0.0;
	double totalCowInterval = 0.0;
    double maxSheepInterval = 0.0;
    double totalSheepInterval = 0.0;
	double elapsedTime;
	//	double hold;

	parentPID = getpid();
	setpgid(parentPID, parentPID);
	parentProcessGID = getpgid(0);
	printf("CRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCR  main process group  %d %d\n", parentPID, parentProcessGID);

	/* initialize semaphores and allocate shared memory */

	/* inialize each variable in shared memory */
	*cowCounterp = 0;
	*cowsEatenCounterp = 0;
    *sheepCounterp = 0;
	*sheepEatenCounterp = 0;
	*mealWaitingFlagp = 0;

	printf("Please enter a random seed to start the simulation\n");
	scanf("%d", &newSeed);

	printf("Please enter the maximum interval length for cow (ms)\n");
	scanf("%lf", &maxCowInterval);
    printf("max Cow interval time %f \n", maxCowInterval);
    maxCowIntervalUsec = (int)maxCowInterval * 1000;

    printf("Please enter the maximum interval length for sheep (ms)\n");
	scanf("%lf", &maxSheepInterval);
    printf("max Sheep interval time %f \n", maxSheepInterval);
    maxSheepIntervalUsec = (int)maxSheepInterval * 1000;

	gettimeofday(&startTime, NULL);

	if ((smaugPID = fork()) == 0) {
		printf("CRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCR  Smaug is born\n");
		printf("CRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCR  Smaug dies\n");
	} else {
		if (smaugProcessID == -1) {
			smaugProcessID = smaugPID;
		setpgid(smaugPID, smaugProcessID);
		printf("CRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCR  Smaug PID %8d PGID %8d\n", smaugPID,

	printf("CRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCR  Smaug PID  create cow %8d \n", smaugPID);

	while (TRUE) {
		semopChecked(semID, &WaitProtectTerminate, 1);
		if (*terminateFlagp != 0) {
			semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectTerminate, 1);
		semopChecked(semID, &SignalProtectTerminate, 1);

		/* Create a cow process if needed */
		/* The condition used to determine if a process is needed is */
		/* if the last cow created will be enchanted */
		elapsedTime = timeChange(startTime);
		if (totalCowInterval - elapsedTime < totalCowInterval) {
			nextInterval = (int)((double)rand() / RAND_MAX * maxCowIntervalUsec);
			totalCowInterval += nextInterval / 1000.0;
			sleepingTime = (int)((double)rand() / RAND_MAX * maxCowIntervalUsec);
			if ((cowPID = fork()) == 0) {
				/* Child becomes a beast */
				elapsedTime = timeChange(startTime);
				/* Child (beast) quits after being consumed */
			} else if (cowPID > 0) {
				if (cowProcessGID == -1) {
					cowProcessGID = cowPID;
					printf("CRCRCRCRCR %8d  CRCRCRCRCR  cow PGID %8d \n", cowPID,
				setpgid(cowPID, cowProcessGID);
				printf("CRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCR   NEW COW CREATED %8d \n", cowsCreated);
			} else {
				printf("CRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCR cow process not created \n");

        /* Create a sheep process if needed */
		/* The condition used to determine if a process is needed is */
		/* if the last sheep created will be enchanted */
        elapsedTime = timeChange(startTime);
		if (totalSheepInterval - elapsedTime < totalSheepInterval) {
			nextInterval = (int)((double)rand() / RAND_MAX * maxSheepIntervalUsec);
			totalCowInterval += nextInterval / 1000.0;
			sleepingTime = (int)((double)rand() / RAND_MAX * maxSheepIntervalUsec);
			if ((sheepPID = fork()) == 0) {
				/* Child becomes a beast */
				elapsedTime = timeChange(startTime);
				/* Child (beast) quits after being consumed */
			} else if (sheepPID > 0) {
				if (sheepProcessGID == -1) {
					sheepProcessGID = sheepPID;
					printf("CRCRCRCRCR %8d  CRCRCRCRCR  sheep PGID %8d \n", sheepPID, sheepProcessGID);
				setpgid(sheepPID, sheepProcessGID);
				printf("CRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCR   NEW SHEEP CREATED %8d \n", sheepCreated);
			} else {
				printf("CRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCRCR sheep process not created \n");

		/* wait for processes that have exited so we do not accumulate zombie or cows */
		while ((w = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG)) > 1) {
			if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
				if (WEXITSTATUS(status) > 0) {
					printf("exited, status=%8d\n", WEXITSTATUS(status));
					printf("GOODBYE from main process %8d\n", getpid());
				} else {
					printf("                           REAPED process %8d\n", w);

		/* terminateFlagp is set to 1 (from initial value of 0) when any */
		/* termination condition is satisfied */
		if (*terminateFlagp == 1)

		/* sleep for 80% of the cow interval */
		/* then try making more processes */
		usleep((totalCowInterval * 800));
	if (*terminateFlagp == 1) {
	printf("GOODBYE from main process %8d\n", getpid());