// Calculate zero for all 3 axis, storing it for later measurements // This assumes your platform is truly level! // See also: http://www.freescale.com/files/sensors/doc/app_note/AN3447.pdf void Accel::autoZero(){ // Take 50 measurements of all 3 axis, find the median, that's our zero-point // Why 50? Because that's what the aeroquad project does byte loopCount = 50; //Serial.print("Starting accel autoZero with "); //Serial.print(loopCount, DEC); //Serial.println(" iterations."); int findZero[loopCount]; for (byte axis = XAXIS; axis <= ZAXIS; axis++){ for (byte i=0; i<loopCount; i++){ sendReadRequest(0x32 + (axis * 2)); findZero[i] = readWordFlip(); delay(10); } zero[axis] = findMedian(findZero, loopCount); /*Serial.print("Zero of accel axis "); Serial.print(axis, DEC); Serial.print(" is: "); Serial.println(zero[axis]);*/ } // Write to eeprom // eeprom_write(EEPROM_ADDR_ACCEL_PITCH, zero[XAXIS]); // eeprom_write(EEPROM_ADDR_ACCEL_ROLL, zero[YAXIS]); // eeprom_write(EEPROM_ADDR_ACCEL_YAW, zero[ZAXIS]); }
// Updates all raw measurements from the accelerometer void Accel::updateAll(){ sendReadRequest(0x32); requestBytes(6); for (byte axis = XAXIS; axis <= ZAXIS; axis++) { dataRaw[axis] = zero[axis] - readNextWordFlip(); dataSmoothed[axis] = filterSmooth(gConstant[axis] * dataRaw[axis] + gB[axis], dataSmoothed[axis], _smoothFactor); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int defaultParams = argc < 8; //start parameters if(defaultParams) { printf("1st parameter: number of nodes to read \n"); printf("2nd parameter: number of read-tries \n"); printf("3rd parameter: name of the file to save measurement data \n"); printf("4th parameter: 1 = read same node, 0 = read different nodes \n"); printf("5th parameter: ip adress \n"); printf("6th parameter: port \n"); printf("7th parameter: 0=stateful, 1=stateless\n"); printf("8th parameter: 0=tcp, 1=udp (only with stateless calls)\n"); printf("\nUsing default parameters. \n"); } UA_UInt32 nodesToReadSize; UA_UInt32 tries; UA_Boolean alwaysSameNode; UA_ByteString reply; UA_ByteString_newMembers(&reply, 65536); UA_Boolean stateless; UA_Boolean udp; if(defaultParams) nodesToReadSize = 1; else nodesToReadSize = atoi(argv[1]); if(defaultParams) tries= 2; else tries = (UA_UInt32) atoi(argv[2]); if(defaultParams){ alwaysSameNode = UA_TRUE; }else{ if(atoi(argv[4]) != 0) alwaysSameNode = UA_TRUE; else alwaysSameNode = UA_FALSE; } if(defaultParams){ stateless = UA_FALSE; }else{ if(atoi(argv[7]) != 0) stateless = UA_TRUE; else stateless = UA_FALSE; } if(defaultParams){ udp = UA_FALSE; }else{ if(atoi(argv[8]) != 0) udp = UA_TRUE; else udp = UA_FALSE; } //Connect to remote server UA_String endpoint; UA_String_copycstring("none",&endpoint); ConnectionInfo connectionInfo; /* REQUEST START*/ UA_NodeId *nodesToRead; nodesToRead = UA_Array_new(&UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_NODEID], 1); for(UA_UInt32 i = 0; i<1; i++) { if(alwaysSameNode) nodesToRead[i].identifier.numeric = 2253; //ask always the same node else nodesToRead[i].identifier.numeric = 19000 +i; nodesToRead[i].identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC; nodesToRead[i].namespaceIndex = 0; } UA_DateTime tic, toc; UA_Double *timeDiffs; UA_Int32 received; timeDiffs = UA_Array_new(&UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_DOUBLE], tries); UA_Double sum = 0; tic = UA_DateTime_now(); /** UA_Double duration; UA_UInt32 count = 0; UA_Double start = 0, stop = 0; UA_UInt32 timeToRun = 30; UA_UInt32 timeToStart = 8; UA_UInt32 timeToStop = 22; do{ toc = UA_DateTime_now(); duration = ((UA_Double)toc-(UA_Double)tic)/(UA_Double)1e4; if(duration>=timeToStart*1000 && duration <= timeToStop*1000){ if(start==0.0){ start=UA_DateTime_now(); } } //if(stateless || (!stateless && i==0)){ if(defaultParams){ if(ua_client_connectUA("",atoi("16664"),&endpoint,&connectionInfo,stateless,udp) != 0){ return 0; } }else{ if(ua_client_connectUA(argv[5],atoi(argv[6]),&endpoint,&connectionInfo,stateless,udp) != 0){ return 0; } } //} sendReadRequest(&connectionInfo,1,nodesToRead); received = recv(connectionInfo.socket, reply.data, 2000, 0); if(duration>=timeToStart*1000 && duration <= timeToStop*1000){ count++; } if(!stateless){ closeSession(&connectionInfo); recv(connectionInfo.socket, reply.data, 2000, 0); closeSecureChannel(&connectionInfo); } //if(stateless || (!stateless && i==tries-1)){ close(connectionInfo.socket); //} if(duration >= timeToStop*1000 && stop==0){ stop=UA_DateTime_now(); printf("%i messages in %f secs, rate %f m/s\n", count, (stop-start)/(UA_Double)1e7, (UA_Double)count/((stop-start)/(UA_Double)1e7)); } }while(duration<timeToRun*1000); exit(0); **/ for(UA_UInt32 i = 0; i < tries; i++) { //if(stateless || (!stateless && i==0)){ tic = UA_DateTime_now(); if(defaultParams){ if(ua_client_connectUA("",atoi("16664"),&endpoint,&connectionInfo,stateless,udp) != 0){ return 0; } }else{ if(ua_client_connectUA(argv[5],atoi(argv[6]),&endpoint,&connectionInfo,stateless,udp) != 0){ return 0; } } //} for(UA_UInt32 i = 0; i < nodesToReadSize; i++) { sendReadRequest(&connectionInfo,1,nodesToRead); received = recv(connectionInfo.socket, reply.data, 2000, 0); } if(!stateless){ closeSession(&connectionInfo); recv(connectionInfo.socket, reply.data, 2000, 0); closeSecureChannel(&connectionInfo); } //if(stateless || (!stateless && i==tries-1)){ close(connectionInfo.socket); //} toc = UA_DateTime_now() - tic; timeDiffs[i] = (UA_Double)toc/(UA_Double)1e4; sum = sum + timeDiffs[i]; } /* REQUEST END*/ UA_Double mean = sum / tries; printf("mean time for handling request: %16.10f ms \n",mean); if(received>0) printf("received: %i\n",received); // dummy //save to file char data[100]; const char flag = 'a'; FILE* fHandle = UA_NULL; if (defaultParams) { fHandle = fopen("client.log", &flag); }else{ fHandle = fopen(argv[3], &flag); } //header UA_Int32 bytesToWrite = sprintf(data, "measurement %s in ms, nodesToRead %d \n", argv[3], 1); fwrite(data,1,bytesToWrite,fHandle); for(UA_UInt32 i=0;i<tries;i++) { bytesToWrite = sprintf(data,"%16.10f \n",timeDiffs[i]); fwrite(data,1,bytesToWrite,fHandle); } fclose(fHandle); UA_String_deleteMembers(&reply); UA_Array_delete(nodesToRead,&UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_NODEID], 1); UA_free(timeDiffs); return 0; }