void EXTI0_IRQHandler(void) {
	static uint32_t transmit = 0;
	if (EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line0) != RESET) {
		EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line0); 			/* Clear interrupt flag */
	if (transmit == 1) {
	transmit = 1;
	printf("Hello World\n");
예제 #2
/* jump here when a NAVIGATION message is received */
void on_NAV_STATUS(IvyClientPtr app, void *user_data, int argc, char *argv[]) {
	double hpos, vpos;
	double hservo, vservo;

	if (mode == AUTO) {
		gps_pos_x = atof(argv[2]);
		gps_pos_y = atof(argv[3]);
		/* calculate azimuth */
		ant_azim = atan2(gps_pos_x, gps_pos_y) * 180. / M_PI;

		if (ant_azim < 0)
			ant_azim += 360.;

		/* calculate elevation */
		ant_elev = atan2((gps_alt - home_alt), sqrt(atof(argv[5]))) * 180.
				/ M_PI;
		if (ant_elev < 0)
			ant_elev = 0.;

		gtk_range_set_value(azim_scale, ant_azim);
		gtk_range_set_value(elev_scale, ant_elev);

	// The magic is done here

	// First take the horizontal angle relative to the neutral point "hnp"
	hpos = ant_azim - hnp;

	// Keep the range between (-180,180). this is done so that it consistently swaps sides
	if (hpos < -180) {
		hpos += 360;
	} else if (hpos > 180) {
		hpos -= 360;

	// keep the range within the field of view "hfov"
	if (hpos > (hfov / 2)) {
		hpos = hfov / 2;
	} else if (-hpos > (hfov / 2)) {
		hpos = -hfov / 2;

	// Take the vertical angle relative to the neutral point "vnp"
	vpos = ant_elev - vnp;

	// keep within the field of view "vfov"
	if (vpos > (vfov / 2)) {
		vpos = vfov / 2;
	} else if (-vpos > (vfov / 2)) {
		vpos = -vfov / 2;

	// make outputs relative to limits for the Pololu board

	vservo = (((vpos + (vfov / 2)) / vfov) * (vlim2 - vlim1)) + vlim1;
	hservo = (((hpos + (hfov / 2)) / hfov) * (hlim2 - hlim1)) + hlim1;

	/*g_message("home_alt %f gps_alt %f azim %f elev %f", home_alt, gps_alt, ant_azim, ant_elev); */

	// Send servo position.
	send_pos(vservo, hservo);

	g_message("vservo %f hservo %f", vservo, hservo);