/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PROCESS_THREAD(servreg_hack_process, ev, data) { static struct etimer periodic; static struct uip_udp_conn *outconn, *inconn; PROCESS_BEGIN(); /* Create outbound UDP connection. */ outconn = udp_broadcast_new(UIP_HTONS(UDP_PORT), NULL); udp_bind(outconn, UIP_HTONS(UDP_PORT)); /* Create inbound UDP connection. */ inconn = udp_new(NULL, UIP_HTONS(UDP_PORT), NULL); udp_bind(inconn, UIP_HTONS(UDP_PORT)); etimer_set(&periodic, PERIOD_TIME); etimer_set(&sendtimer, random_rand() % (PERIOD_TIME)); while(1) { PROCESS_WAIT_EVENT(); if(ev == PROCESS_EVENT_TIMER && data == &periodic) { etimer_reset(&periodic); etimer_set(&sendtimer, random_rand() % (PERIOD_TIME)); } else if(ev == PROCESS_EVENT_TIMER && data == &sendtimer) { send_udp_packet(outconn); } else if(ev == tcpip_event) { parse_incoming_packet(uip_appdata, uip_datalen()); } } PROCESS_END(); }
///Send everything in our line buffer to the PC void sendLineBuffer() { long bytesToSend = pixNum; long loc = 0; unsigned char dataSize; ///Loop trough until we've sent everything while (bytesToSend > 0) { dataSize = (bytesToSend >= MAXSENDSIZE) ? MAXSENDSIZE : bytesToSend; send_udp_packet(&sendBuffer[0], &lineBuffer[loc], dataSize); bytesToSend -=dataSize; loc+=dataSize; } }
void ipx_receive(int s) { ipxpacket_t buf; int rc; struct sockaddr from; size_t sl = sizeof(from); rc = recvfrom(s,&buf,sizeof buf,0,&from,&sl); if (rc == -1) { fprintf(stderr,"read(ipx): %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(-2); } if (rc > 0) { if (buf.tic == -1) { // Setup packet if (!connected++) { connect(s,&from,sl); send_udp_packet(PKT_INIT,0,NULL,0); } } else { if (buf.u.d.checksum & NCMD_SETUP) { printf("setup packet, dropped\n"); } else if (buf.u.d.checksum & NCMD_EXIT) { send_udp_packet(PKT_QUIT,buf.u.d.starttic,NULL,0); exit(0); } else if ((buf.u.d.checksum & NCMD_CHECKSUM) == buf.u.d.checksum) { // No flags, normal game packet char outbuf[100]; int tics; outbuf[0] = tics = buf.u.d.numtics; outbuf[1] = buf.u.d.player; for (int i=0; i< tics; i++) TicToRaw(outbuf+2+i*sizeof(ticcmd_t),&buf.u.d.cmds[i]); send_udp_packet(PKT_TICC, ExpandTics(buf.u.d.starttic, basetic), outbuf, 2+tics*sizeof(ticcmd_t)); } } } }
bool network_cmd_send(const char *cmd_) { bool ret; char *command = NULL; char *save = NULL; const char *cmd = NULL; const char *host = NULL; const char *port_ = NULL; global_t *global = global_get_ptr(); bool old_verbose = global ? global->verbosity : false; uint16_t port = DEFAULT_NETWORK_CMD_PORT; if (!network_init()) return false; if (!(command = strdup(cmd_))) return false; global->verbosity = true; cmd = strtok_r(command, ";", &save); if (cmd) host = strtok_r(NULL, ";", &save); if (host) port_ = strtok_r(NULL, ";", &save); if (!host) { #ifdef _WIN32 host = ""; #else host = "localhost"; #endif } if (port_) port = strtoul(port_, NULL, 0); RARCH_LOG("%s: \"%s\" to %s:%hu\n", msg_hash_to_str(MSG_SENDING_COMMAND), cmd, host, (unsigned short)port); ret = verify_command(cmd) && send_udp_packet(host, port, cmd); free(command); global->verbosity = old_verbose; return ret; }
int copied_ttl(SOCKADDR_IN *dst, unsigned int timeout, RouteInfo *rinfo) { SOCKET sr; SOCKADDR_IN from; int icmp_type, delta, is_packet_recieved, copiedttl; unsigned short seq_sent, seq_resp; ULONG start_test_timestamp = GetTickCount(); sr = init_icmp_socket(); strcpy(rinfo->path, UNDEFINED_PATH); rinfo->resp_ttl = UNDEFINED_TTL; rinfo->cnt_packet_waste = 0; seq_sent = INITIAL_SEQ; while(GetTickCount()-start_test_timestamp < timeout*1000) { ULONG start_packet_timestamp = GetTickCount(); send_udp_packet(dst, MAX_TTL, seq_sent); rinfo->cnt_packet_waste++; is_packet_recieved = wait_for_icmp(sr, &seq_resp, &icmp_type, &from, &copiedttl, timeout); delta = GetTickCount()-start_packet_timestamp; if (!is_packet_recieved) //we got no reply { // fprintf(stderr, "%3d Request timed out\t", MAX_TTL); break; } if(seq_sent == seq_resp) //check if this is our ICMP packet { if (icmp_type == ICMP_DEST_UNREACH) { rinfo->time_waste_on_test = GetTickCount() - start_test_timestamp; rinfo->rtt = delta; rinfo->hopdist = MAX_TTL+1-copiedttl; closesocket(sr); return 1; } } //it was not a response to our packet. send it again } closesocket(sr); return 0; }
bool network_cmd_send(const char *cmd_) { char *command, *save; bool ret; const char *cmd = NULL; const char *host = NULL; const char *port_ = NULL; bool old_verbose = g_extern.verbosity; uint16_t port = DEFAULT_NETWORK_CMD_PORT; if (!netplay_init_network()) return false; if (!(command = strdup(cmd_))) return false; g_extern.verbosity = true; cmd = strtok_r(command, ";", &save); if (cmd) host = strtok_r(NULL, ";", &save); if (host) port_ = strtok_r(NULL, ";", &save); if (!host) { #ifdef _WIN32 host = ""; #else host = "localhost"; #endif } if (port_) port = strtoul(port_, NULL, 0); RARCH_LOG("Sending command: \"%s\" to %s:%hu\n", cmd, host, (unsigned short)port); ret = verify_command(cmd) && send_udp_packet(host, port, cmd); free(command); g_extern.verbosity = old_verbose; return ret; }
int ip_send( ipaddr_t dst, unsigned short proto, unsigned short id, void *data, int len ) { char *buf; size_t header_size; int result; not_quite_ip_header_t header; if ( my_ipaddr == 0 ) { ip_init(); } header.protocol = proto; header.source = my_ipaddr; header.destination = dst; header.flags = 0; if ( ( random() % 100 ) < packet_loss ) header.flags |= DROP_PACKET; if ( ( random() % 100 ) < packet_corruption ) header.flags |= CORRUPT_PACKET; header_size = sizeof( not_quite_ip_header_t ); buf = malloc( header_size + len ); memcpy( buf, &header, header_size ); memcpy( buf + header_size, data, len ); result = send_udp_packet( dst, buf, header_size + len ); free( buf ); if ( result < 0 ) return result; else { if ( result < header_size ) return -1; else return ( result - header_size ); } }
void udp_receive(int s) { size_t len = 1024; packet_header_t *p = malloc(len); int rc; rc = read(s,p,len); if (rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"read(udp): %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(-2); } if (rc > 0) { switch (p->type) { case PKT_SETUP: { struct setup_packet_s *sinfo = (void*)(p+1); consoleplayer = sinfo->yourplayer; send_udp_packet(PKT_GO,0,NULL,0); write(ipxs,"\xff\xff\xff\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00",16); } break; case PKT_GO: { ipxpacket_t pkt; memset(&pkt,0,sizeof(pkt)); pkt.tic = ipxcounter++; pkt.u.d.player = consoleplayer^1; pkt.u.d.starttic = 0; pkt.u.d.numtics = 0; pkt.u.d.retransmitfrom = 0; pkt.u.d.checksum = NetbufferChecksum(&pkt.u.d.retransmitfrom, 4); write(ipxs,&pkt,16); } break; case PKT_TICS: { ipxpacket_t pkt; int tic = doom_ntohl(p->tic); byte *pp = (void*)(p+1); int tics = *pp++; memset(&pkt,0,sizeof(pkt)); size_t len; pkt.tic = ipxcounter++; pkt.u.d.starttic = tic; pkt.u.d.player = (consoleplayer == 0 ? 1 : 0); pkt.u.d.numtics = tics; for (int t=0; t<tics; t++) { int players = *pp++; for (int i=0; i<players; i++) { if (*pp++ == pkt.u.d.player) RawToTic(&pkt.u.d.cmds[t],pp); pp += sizeof(ticcmd_t); } } pkt.u.d.retransmitfrom = 0; len = 12+tics*sizeof(ticcmd_t); len = (len+7)&0xff8; // round up to next 16 pkt.u.d.checksum = NetbufferChecksum(&pkt.u.d.retransmitfrom, len-8); write(ipxs,&pkt,len); } } } }
void Initialize() { lineNum = 0; pixNum = 0; ///Set PORTA as an input DDRA = 0x00; ///Set External interrupt pins as inputs DDRD = DDRD | (1 << PIND2); DDRC = DDRC | (1 << PINC2) | (1 << PINC3); ///Set Stepper output ports C[4:7], D[4:7] DDRD = DDRD | (0xf << PORTD4); DDRC = DDRC | (0xf << PORTC4); ///Set up i2c communcation i2c_init(); //Setup ethernet communication /* enable PB0, reset as output */ ETHERNET_RESET_PORT_DD |= (1<<ETHERNET_RESET_PIN); /* set output to gnd, reset the ethernet chip */ ETHERNET_RESET_PORT &= ~(1<<ETHERNET_RESET_PIN); _delay_ms(10); /* set output to Vcc, reset inactive */ ETHERNET_RESET_PORT |= (1<<ETHERNET_RESET_PIN); _delay_ms(300); /*initialize enc28j60*/ enc28j60Init(mymac); _delay_ms(20); /* Magjack leds configuration, see enc28j60 datasheet, page 11 */ // LEDB=yellow LEDA=green // // 0x476 is PHLCON LEDA=links status, LEDB=receive/transmit // enc28j60PhyWrite(PHLCON,0b0000 0100 0111 01 10); enc28j60PhyWrite(PHLCON,0x476); _delay_ms(20); //init the ethernet/ip layer: init_ip_arp_udp(mymac,myip,mypcip,mypcmac, sendBuffer); _delay_ms(100); //send out a test packet char str[10] = "hello ryan"; send_udp_packet(sendBuffer, str, 10); //Enable Internal pull up resistors DDRC = DDRC & ~(1<< PORTC0); DDRC = DDRC & ~(1<< PORTC1); PORTC = PORTC | (1<< PORTC0); PORTC = PORTC | (1<< PORTC1); cameraOn = 0; }