예제 #1
파일: call.c 프로젝트: Perelandric/ponyc
static bool is_receiver_safe(typecheck_t* t, ast_t* ast)
     case TK_THIS:
     case TK_FLETREF:
     case TK_FVARREF:
     case TK_EMBEDREF:
     case TK_PARAMREF:
       ast_t* type = ast_type(ast);
       return sendable(type);

     case TK_LETREF:
     case TK_VARREF:
       ast_t* def = (ast_t*)ast_data(ast);
       pony_assert(def != NULL);
       ast_t* def_recover = ast_nearest(def, TK_RECOVER);
       if(t->frame->recover == def_recover)
         return true;
       ast_t* type = ast_type(ast);
       return sendable(type);

       // Unsafe receivers inside expressions are catched before we get there.
       return true;
예제 #2
static bool is_receiver_safe(typecheck_t* t, ast_t* ast)
     case TK_THIS:
     case TK_FLETREF:
     case TK_FVARREF:
     case TK_EMBEDREF:
     case TK_PARAMREF:
       ast_t* type = ast_type(ast);
       return sendable(type);

     case TK_LETREF:
     case TK_VARREF:
       const char* name = ast_name(ast_child(ast));
       sym_status_t status;
       ast_t* def = ast_get(ast, name, &status);
       ast_t* def_recover = ast_nearest(def, TK_RECOVER);
       if(t->frame->recover == def_recover)
         return true;
       ast_t* type = ast_type(ast);
       return sendable(type);

       // Unsafe receivers inside expressions are catched before we get there.
       return true;
예제 #3
파일: call.c 프로젝트: Perelandric/ponyc
static bool check_nonsendable_recover(pass_opt_t* opt, ast_t* ast)
  if(opt->check.frame->recover != NULL)
    AST_GET_CHILDREN(ast, positional, namedargs, question, lhs);

    ast_t* type = ast_type(lhs);

    AST_GET_CHILDREN(type, cap, typeparams, params, result);

    // If the method is tag, the call is always safe.
    if(ast_id(cap) == TK_TAG)
      return true;

    ast_t* receiver = ast_child(lhs);

    // Dig through function qualification.
    if((ast_id(receiver) == TK_FUNREF) || (ast_id(receiver) == TK_FUNAPP) ||
       (ast_id(receiver) == TK_FUNCHAIN))
      receiver = ast_child(receiver);

    if(!is_receiver_safe(&opt->check, receiver))
      ast_t* arg = ast_child(positional);
      bool args_sendable = true;
      while(arg != NULL)
        if(ast_id(arg) != TK_NONE)
          // Don't typecheck arg_type, this was already done in
          // auto_recover_call.
          ast_t* arg_type = ast_type(arg);
            args_sendable = false;
        arg = ast_sibling(arg);
      if(!args_sendable || !sendable(result))
        ast_error(opt->check.errors, ast, "can't call method on non-sendable "
          "object inside of a recover expression");
        ast_error_continue(opt->check.errors, ast, "this would be possible if "
          "the arguments and return value were all sendable");
        return false;
  return true;
예제 #4
파일: flatten.c 프로젝트: Potpourri/ponyc
static ast_result_t flatten_sendable_params(ast_t* params)
  ast_t* param = ast_child(params);
  ast_result_t r = AST_OK;

  while(param != NULL)
    AST_GET_CHILDREN(param, id, type, def);

      ast_error(type, "this parameter must be sendable (iso, val or tag)");
      r = AST_ERROR;

    param = ast_sibling(param);

  return r;
예제 #5
파일: reference.c 프로젝트: Preetam/ponyc
bool expr_reference(pass_opt_t* opt, ast_t** astp)
  typecheck_t* t = &opt->check;
  ast_t* ast = *astp;

  // Everything we reference must be in scope.
  const char* name = ast_name(ast_child(ast));

  sym_status_t status;
  ast_t* def = ast_get(ast, name, &status);

  if(def == NULL)
    const char* alt_name = suggest_alt_name(ast, name);

    if(alt_name == NULL)
      ast_error(ast, "can't find declaration of '%s'", name);
      ast_error(ast, "can't find declaration of '%s', did you mean '%s'?",
        name, alt_name);

    return false;

    case TK_PACKAGE:
      // Only allowed if in a TK_DOT with a type.
      if(ast_id(ast_parent(ast)) != TK_DOT)
        ast_error(ast, "a package can only appear as a prefix to a type");
        return false;

      ast_setid(ast, TK_PACKAGEREF);
      return true;

    case TK_INTERFACE:
    case TK_TRAIT:
    case TK_TYPE:
    case TK_TYPEPARAM:
    case TK_PRIMITIVE:
    case TK_STRUCT:
    case TK_CLASS:
    case TK_ACTOR:
      // It's a type name. This may not be a valid type, since it may need
      // type arguments.
      ast_t* id = ast_child(def);
      const char* name = ast_name(id);
      ast_t* type = type_sugar(ast, NULL, name);
      ast_settype(ast, type);
      ast_setid(ast, TK_TYPEREF);

      return expr_typeref(opt, astp);

    case TK_FVAR:
    case TK_FLET:
    case TK_EMBED:
      // Transform to "this.f".
      if(!def_before_use(def, ast, name))
        return false;

      ast_t* dot = ast_from(ast, TK_DOT);
      ast_add(dot, ast_child(ast));

      ast_t* self = ast_from(ast, TK_THIS);
      ast_add(dot, self);

      ast_replace(astp, dot);

      if(!expr_this(opt, self))
        return false;

      return expr_dot(opt, astp);

    case TK_PARAM:
      if(t->frame->def_arg != NULL)
        ast_error(ast, "can't reference a parameter in a default argument");
        return false;

      if(!def_before_use(def, ast, name))
        return false;

      ast_t* type = ast_type(def);

        return false;

      if(!valid_reference(opt, ast, type, status))
        return false;

      if(!sendable(type) && (t->frame->recover != NULL))
          "can't access a non-sendable parameter from inside a recover "
        return false;

      // Get the type of the parameter and attach it to our reference.
      // Automatically consume a parameter if the function is done.
      ast_t* r_type = type;

      if(is_method_return(t, ast))
        r_type = consume_type(type, TK_NONE);

      ast_settype(ast, r_type);
      ast_setid(ast, TK_PARAMREF);
      return true;

    case TK_NEW:
    case TK_BE:
    case TK_FUN:
      // Transform to "this.f".
      ast_t* dot = ast_from(ast, TK_DOT);
      ast_add(dot, ast_child(ast));

      ast_t* self = ast_from(ast, TK_THIS);
      ast_add(dot, self);

      ast_replace(astp, dot);

      if(!expr_this(opt, self))
        return false;

      return expr_dot(opt, astp);

    case TK_ID:
      if(!def_before_use(def, ast, name))
        return false;

      ast_t* type = ast_type(def);

      if(type != NULL && ast_id(type) == TK_INFERTYPE)
        ast_error(ast, "cannot infer type of %s\n", ast_nice_name(def));
        ast_settype(def, ast_from(def, TK_ERRORTYPE));
        ast_settype(ast, ast_from(ast, TK_ERRORTYPE));
        return false;

        return false;

      if(!valid_reference(opt, ast, type, status))
        return false;

      ast_t* var = ast_parent(def);

        case TK_VAR:
          ast_setid(ast, TK_VARREF);

        case TK_LET:
        case TK_MATCH_CAPTURE:
          ast_setid(ast, TK_LETREF);

          return false;

        if(t->frame->recover != NULL)
          ast_t* def_recover = ast_nearest(def, TK_RECOVER);

          if(t->frame->recover != def_recover)
            ast_error(ast, "can't access a non-sendable local defined outside "
              "of a recover expression from within that recover expression");
            return false;

      // Get the type of the local and attach it to our reference.
      // Automatically consume a local if the function is done.
      ast_t* r_type = type;

      if(is_method_return(t, ast))
        r_type = consume_type(type, TK_NONE);

      ast_settype(ast, r_type);
      return true;

    default: {}

  return false;
예제 #6
파일: reference.c 프로젝트: tmmcguire/ponyc
bool expr_fieldref(pass_opt_t* opt, ast_t* ast, ast_t* find, token_id tid)
  AST_GET_CHILDREN(ast, left, right);
  ast_t* l_type = ast_type(left);

    return false;

  AST_GET_CHILDREN(find, id, f_type, init);

  // Viewpoint adapted type of the field.
  ast_t* type = viewpoint_type(l_type, f_type);

  if(ast_id(type) == TK_ARROW)
    ast_t* upper = viewpoint_upper(type);

    if(upper == NULL)
      ast_error(opt->check.errors, ast, "can't read a field through %s",
      return false;


  // In a recover expression, we can access obj.field if field is sendable
  // and not being assigned to, even if obj isn't sendable.

  typecheck_t* t = &opt->check;

  if(t->frame->recover != NULL)
        errorframe_t frame = NULL;
        ast_error_frame(&frame, ast, "can't access field of non-sendable "
          "object inside of a recover expression");
        ast_error_frame(&frame, find, "this would be possible if the field was "
        errorframe_report(&frame, opt->check.errors);
        return false;
      ast_t* parent = ast_parent(ast);
      ast_t* current = ast;
      while(ast_id(parent) != TK_RECOVER && ast_id(parent) != TK_ASSIGN)
        current = parent;
        parent = ast_parent(parent);
      if(ast_id(parent) == TK_ASSIGN && ast_child(parent) != current)
        errorframe_t frame = NULL;
        ast_error_frame(&frame, ast, "can't access field of non-sendable "
          "object inside of a recover expression");
        ast_error_frame(&frame, parent, "this would be possible if the field "
          "wasn't assigned to");
        errorframe_report(&frame, opt->check.errors);
        return false;

  // Set the unadapted field type.
  ast_settype(right, f_type);

  // Set the type so that it isn't free'd as unattached.
  ast_setid(ast, tid);
  ast_settype(ast, type);

  if(ast_id(left) == TK_THIS)
    // Handle symbol status if the left side is 'this'.
    const char* name = ast_name(id);

    sym_status_t status;
    ast_get(ast, name, &status);

    if(!valid_reference(opt, ast, type, status))
      return false;

  return true;