예제 #1
파일: chan.c 프로젝트: jimjag/libdill
int main() {
    int val;
    int rc;

    /* Receiver waits for sender. */
    int ch1[2];
    rc = chmake(ch1);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    assert(ch1[0] >= 0);
    assert(ch1[1] >= 0);
    int hndl1 = go(sender(ch1[0], 1, 333));
    errno_assert(hndl1 >= 0);
    rc = chrecv(ch1[1], &val, sizeof(val), -1);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    assert(val == 333);
    rc = hclose(ch1[1]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(ch1[0]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(hndl1);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);

    /* Sender waits for receiver. */
    int ch2[2];
    rc = chmake(ch2);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    int hndl2 = go(sender(ch2[0], 0, 444));
    errno_assert(hndl2 >= 0);
    rc = chrecv(ch2[1], &val, sizeof(val), -1);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    assert(val == 444);
    rc = hclose(ch2[1]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(ch2[0]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(hndl2);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);

    /* Test two simultaneous senders. */
    int ch3[2];
    rc = chmake(ch3);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    int hndl3[2];
    hndl3[0] = go(sender(ch3[0], 0, 888));
    errno_assert(hndl3[0] >= 0);
    hndl3[1] = go(sender(ch3[0], 0, 999));
    errno_assert(hndl3[1] >= 0);
    rc = chrecv(ch3[1], &val, sizeof(val), -1);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    assert(val == 888);
    rc = yield();
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = chrecv(ch3[1], &val, sizeof(val), -1);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    assert(val == 999);
    rc = hclose(ch3[1]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(ch3[0]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(hndl3[0]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(hndl3[1]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);

    /* Test two simultaneous receivers. */
    int ch4[2];
    rc = chmake(ch4);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    int hndl4[2];
    hndl4[0] = go(receiver(ch4[0], 333));
    errno_assert(hndl4[0] >= 0);
    hndl4[1] = go(receiver(ch4[0], 444));
    errno_assert(hndl4[1] >= 0);
    val = 333;
    rc = chsend(ch4[1], &val, sizeof(val), -1);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    val = 444;
    rc = chsend(ch4[1], &val, sizeof(val), -1);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(ch4[1]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(ch4[0]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(hndl4[0]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(hndl4[1]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);

    /* Test simple chdone() scenario. */
    int ch8[2];
    rc = chmake(ch8);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = chdone(ch8[0]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = chrecv(ch8[1], &val, sizeof(val), -1);
    errno_assert(rc == -1 && errno == EPIPE);
    rc = chrecv(ch8[1], &val, sizeof(val), -1);
    errno_assert(rc == -1 && errno == EPIPE);
    rc = chrecv(ch8[1], &val, sizeof(val), -1);
    errno_assert(rc == -1 && errno == EPIPE);
    rc = hclose(ch8[1]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(ch8[0]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);

    /* Test whether chdone() unblocks all receivers. */
    int ch12[2];
    rc = chmake(ch12);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    int hndl6[2];
    hndl6[0] = go(receiver2(ch12[0]));
    errno_assert(hndl6[0] >= 0);
    hndl6[1] = go(receiver2(ch12[0]));
    errno_assert(hndl6[1] >= 0);
    rc = chdone(ch12[1]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = chrecv(ch12[1], &val, sizeof(val), -1);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    assert(val == 0);
    rc = chrecv(ch12[1], &val, sizeof(val), -1);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    assert(val == 0);
    rc = hclose(ch12[1]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(ch12[0]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(hndl6[0]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(hndl6[1]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);

    /* Test whether chdone() unblocks blocked senders. */
    int ch15[2];
    rc = chmake(ch15);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    int hndl8[3];
    hndl8[0] = go(sender2(ch15[0]));
    errno_assert(hndl8[0] >= 0);
    hndl8[1] = go(sender2(ch15[0]));
    errno_assert(hndl8[1] >= 0);
    hndl8[2] = go(sender2(ch15[0]));
    errno_assert(hndl8[2] >= 0);
    rc = msleep(now() + 50);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = chdone(ch15[1]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(ch15[1]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(ch15[0]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(hndl8[0]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(hndl8[1]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(hndl8[2]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);

    /* Test whether hclose() unblocks blocked senders and receivers. */
    int ch16[2];
    rc = chmake(ch16);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    int hndl9[2];
    hndl9[0] = go(receiver3(ch16[0]));
    errno_assert(hndl9[0] >= 0);
    hndl9[1] = go(receiver3(ch16[0]));
    errno_assert(hndl9[1] >= 0);
    rc = msleep(now() + 50);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(ch16[1]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(ch16[0]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(hndl9[0]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(hndl9[1]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);

    /* Test cancelation. */
    int ch17[2];
    rc = chmake(ch17);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    int hndl10 = go(cancel(ch17[0]));
    errno_assert(hndl10 >= 0);
    rc = hclose(hndl10);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(ch17[1]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(ch17[0]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);

    /* Receiver waits for sender (zero-byte message). */
    int ch18[2];
    rc = chmake(ch18);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    int hndl11 = go(sender3(ch18[0], 1));
    errno_assert(hndl11 >= 0);
    rc = chrecv(ch18[1], NULL, 0, -1);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(ch18[1]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(ch18[0]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(hndl11);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);

    /* Sender waits for receiver (zero-byte message). */
    int ch19[2];
    rc = chmake(ch19);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    int hndl12 = go(sender3(ch19[0], 0));
    errno_assert(hndl12 >= 0);
    rc = chrecv(ch19[1], NULL, 0, -1);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(ch19[1]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(ch19[0]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(hndl12);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);

    /* Channel with user-supplied storage. */
    struct chstorage mem;
    int ch20[2];
    rc = chmake_mem(&mem, ch20);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = chrecv(ch20[0], NULL, 0, now() + 50);
    errno_assert(rc == -1 && errno == ETIMEDOUT);
    rc = hclose(ch20[1]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(ch20[0]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);

    return 0;
예제 #2
파일: sim.c 프로젝트: enderdzz/NetworkTask
void fork_off_workers(void)
/* Fork off the two workers, M0 and M1. */

  if (fork() != 0) {
	/* This is the Parent.  It will become main, but first fork off M1. */
	if (fork() != 0) {
		/* This is main. */
		sigaction(SIGPIPE, &act, &oact);
	        setvbuf(stdout, (char *)0, _IONBF, (size_t)0);/*don't buffer*/
	} else {
		/* This is the code for M1. Run protocol. */
		sigaction(SIGPIPE, &act, &oact);
	        setvbuf(stdout, (char *)0, _IONBF, (size_t)0);/*don't buffer*/
		id = 1;		/* M1 gets id 1 */
		mrfd = r5;	/* fd for reading time from main */
		mwfd = w6;	/* fd for writing reply to main */
		prfd = r1;	/* fd for reading frames from worker 0 */
		switch(protocol) {
			case 2:	receiver2();	break;
			case 3:	receiver3();	break;
			case 4: protocol4();	break;
			case 5: protocol5();	break;
			case 6: protocol6();	break;
		terminate("Impossible.  Protocol terminated");
  } else {
	/* This is the code for M0. Run protocol. */
	sigaction(SIGPIPE, &act, &oact);
        setvbuf(stdout, (char *)0, _IONBF, (size_t)0);/*don't buffer*/

	id = 0;		/* M0 gets id 0 */
	mrfd = r3;	/* fd for reading time from main */
	mwfd = w4;	/* fd for writing reply to main */
	prfd = r2;	/* fd for reading frames from worker 1 */

	switch(protocol) {
		case 2:	sender2();	break;
		case 3:	sender3();	break;
		case 4: protocol4();	break;
		case 5: protocol5();	break;
		case 6: protocol6();	break;
	terminate("Impossible. protocol terminated");
예제 #3
파일: choose.c 프로젝트: raedwulf/libdill
int main() {
    int rc;
    int val;

    /* Non-blocking receiver case. */
    int ch1 = chmake(sizeof(int));
    errno_assert(ch1 >= 0);
    int hndl1 = go(sender1(ch1, 555));
    errno_assert(hndl1 >= 0);
    struct chclause cls1[] = {{CHRECV, ch1, &val, sizeof(val)}};
    rc = choose(cls1, 1, -1);
    choose_assert(0, 0);
    assert(val == 555);
    rc = hclose(hndl1);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);

    /* Blocking receiver case. */
    int ch2 = chmake(sizeof(int));
    errno_assert(ch2 >= 0);
    int hndl2 = go(sender2(ch2, 666));
    errno_assert(hndl2 >= 0);
    struct chclause cls2[] = {{CHRECV, ch2, &val, sizeof(val)}};
    rc = choose(cls2, 1, -1);
    choose_assert(0, 0);
    assert(val == 666);
    rc = hclose(hndl2);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);

    /* Non-blocking sender case. */
    int ch3 = chmake(sizeof(int));
    errno_assert(ch3 >= 0);
    int hndl3 = go(receiver1(ch3, 777));
    errno_assert(hndl3 >= 0);
    val = 777;
    struct chclause cls3[] = {{CHSEND, ch3, &val, sizeof(val)}};
    rc = choose(cls3, 1, -1);
    choose_assert(0, 0);
    rc = hclose(hndl3);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);

    /* Blocking sender case. */
    int ch4 = chmake(sizeof(int));
    errno_assert(ch4 >= 0);
    int hndl4 = go(receiver2(ch4, 888));
    errno_assert(hndl4 >= 0);
    val = 888;
    struct chclause cls4[] = {{CHSEND, ch4, &val, sizeof(val)}};
    rc = choose(cls4, 1, -1);
    choose_assert(0, 0);
    rc = hclose(hndl4);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);

    /* Check with two channels. */
    int hndl5[2];
    int ch5 = chmake(sizeof(int));
    errno_assert(ch5 >= 0);
    int ch6 = chmake(sizeof(int));
    errno_assert(ch6 >= 0);
    hndl5[0] = go(sender1(ch6, 555));
    errno_assert(hndl5 >= 0);
    struct chclause cls5[] = {
        {CHRECV, ch5, &val, sizeof(val)},
        {CHRECV, ch6, &val, sizeof(val)}
    rc = choose(cls5, 2, -1);
    choose_assert(1, 0);
    assert(val == 555);
    hndl5[1] = go(sender2(ch5, 666));
    errno_assert(hndl5 >= 0);
    rc = choose(cls5, 2, -1);
    choose_assert(0, 0);
    assert(val == 666);
    rc = hclose(hndl5[0]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(hndl5[1]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);

    /* Test whether selection of in channels is random. */
    int ch7 = chmake(sizeof(int));
    errno_assert(ch7 >= 0);
    int ch8 = chmake(sizeof(int));
    errno_assert(ch8 >= 0);
    int hndl6[2];
    hndl6[0] = go(feeder(ch7, 111));
    errno_assert(hndl6[0] >= 0);
    hndl6[1] = go(feeder(ch8, 222));
    errno_assert(hndl6[1] >= 0);
    int i;
    int first = 0;
    int second = 0;
    int third = 0;
    for(i = 0; i != 100; ++i) {
        struct chclause cls6[] = {
            {CHRECV, ch7, &val, sizeof(val)},
            {CHRECV, ch8, &val, sizeof(val)}
        rc = choose(cls6, 2, -1);
        errno_assert(rc == 0 || rc == 1);
        if(rc == 0) {
            assert(val == 111);
        if(rc == 1) {
            assert(val == 222);
        int rc = yield();
        errno_assert(rc == 0);
    assert(first > 1 && second > 1);

    /* Test 'otherwise' clause. */
    int ch9 = chmake(sizeof(int));
    errno_assert(ch9 >= 0);
    struct chclause cls7[] = {{CHRECV, ch9, &val, sizeof(val)}};
    rc = choose(cls7, 1, 0);
    choose_assert(-1, ETIMEDOUT);
    rc = choose(NULL, 0, 0);
    choose_assert(-1, ETIMEDOUT);

    /* Test two simultaneous senders vs. choose statement. */
    int ch10 = chmake(sizeof(int));
    errno_assert(ch10 >= 0);
    int hndl7[2];
    hndl7[0] = go(sender1(ch10, 888));
    errno_assert(hndl7[0] >= 0);
    hndl7[1] = go(sender1(ch10, 999));
    errno_assert(hndl7[1] >= 0);
    val = 0;
    struct chclause cls8[] = {{CHRECV, ch10, &val, sizeof(val)}};
    rc = choose(cls8, 1, -1);
    choose_assert(0, 0);
    assert(val == 888);
    val = 0;
    rc = choose(cls8, 1, -1);
    choose_assert(0, 0);
    assert(val == 999);
    rc = hclose(hndl7[0]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(hndl7[1]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);

    /* Test two simultaneous receivers vs. choose statement. */
    int ch11 = chmake(sizeof(int));
    errno_assert(ch11 >= 0);
    int hndl8[2];
    hndl8[0] = go(receiver1(ch11, 333));
    errno_assert(hndl8[0] >= 0);
    hndl8[1] = go(receiver1(ch11, 444));
    errno_assert(hndl8[1] >= 0);
    val = 333;
    struct chclause cls9[] = {{CHSEND, ch11, &val, sizeof(val)}};
    rc = choose(cls9, 1, -1);
    choose_assert(0, 0);
    val = 444;
    rc = choose(cls9, 1, -1);
    choose_assert(0, 0);
    rc = hclose(hndl8[0]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(hndl8[1]);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);

    /* Choose vs. choose. */
    int ch12 = chmake(sizeof(int));
    errno_assert(ch12 >= 0);
    int hndl9 = go(choosesender(ch12, 111));
    errno_assert(hndl9 >= 0);
    struct chclause cls10[] = {{CHRECV, ch12, &val, sizeof(val)}};
    rc = choose(cls10, 1, -1);
    choose_assert(0, 0);
    assert(val == 111);
    rc = hclose(hndl9);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);

    /* Test transferring a large object. */
    int ch17 = chmake(sizeof(struct large));
    errno_assert(ch17 >= 0);
    int hndl10 = go(sender4(ch17));
    errno_assert(hndl9 >= 0);
    struct large lrg;
    struct chclause cls14[] = {{CHRECV, ch17, &lrg, sizeof(lrg)}};
    rc = choose(cls14, 1, -1);
    choose_assert(0, 0);

    /* Test that 'in' on done-with channel fires. */
    int ch18 = chmake(sizeof(int));
    errno_assert(ch18 >= 0);
    rc = hdone(ch18);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    struct chclause cls15[] = {{CHRECV, ch18, &val, sizeof(val)}};
    rc = choose(cls15, 1, -1);
    choose_assert(0, EPIPE);

    /* Test expiration of 'deadline' clause. */
    int ch21 = chmake(sizeof(int));
    errno_assert(ch21 >= 0);
    int64_t start = now();
    struct chclause cls17[] = {{CHRECV, ch21, &val, sizeof(val)}};
    rc = choose(cls17, 1, start + 50);
    choose_assert(-1, ETIMEDOUT);
    int64_t diff = now() - start;
    time_assert(diff, 50);

    /* Test unexpired 'deadline' clause. */
    int ch22 = chmake(sizeof(int));
    errno_assert(ch22 >= 0);
    start = now();
    int hndl11 = go(sender3(ch22, 4444, start + 50));
    errno_assert(hndl11 >= 0);
    struct chclause cls18[] = {{CHRECV, ch22, &val, sizeof(val)}};
    rc = choose(cls17, 1, start + 1000);
    choose_assert(0, 0);
    assert(val == 4444);
    diff = now() - start;
    time_assert(diff, 50);
    rc = hclose(hndl11);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);

    /* Test that first channel in the array is prioritized. */
    int ch23 = chmake(sizeof(int));
    errno_assert(ch23 >= 0);
    int ch24 = chmake(sizeof(int));
    errno_assert(ch24 >= 0);
    int hndl12 = go(sender1(ch23, 0));
    errno_assert(hndl12 >= 0);
    int hndl13 = go(sender1(ch24, 0));
    errno_assert(hndl13 >= 0);
    struct chclause cls19[] = {
        {CHRECV, ch24, &val, sizeof(val)},
        {CHRECV, ch23, &val, sizeof(val)}
    rc = choose(cls19, 2, -1);
    choose_assert(0, 0);
    rc = chrecv(ch23, &val, sizeof(val), -1);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(hndl13);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(hndl12);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(ch24);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);
    rc = hclose(ch23);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);

    /* Try adding the same channel to choose twice. Doing so is pointless,
       but it shouldn't crash the application. */
    int ch25 = chmake(sizeof(int));
    errno_assert(ch25 >= 0);
    struct chclause cls20[] = {
        {CHRECV, ch25, &val, sizeof(val)},
        {CHRECV, ch25, &val, sizeof(val)}
    rc = choose(cls20, 2, now() + 50);
    choose_assert(-1, ETIMEDOUT);
    rc = hclose(ch25);
    errno_assert(rc == 0);

    return 0;
예제 #4
    sc_main(int argc, char *argv[])
    sc_signal<pkt> pkt_in0;
    sc_signal<pkt> pkt_in1;
    sc_signal<pkt> pkt_in2;
    sc_signal<pkt> pkt_in3;
    sc_signal<pkt> pkt_out0;
    sc_signal<pkt> pkt_out1;
    sc_signal<pkt> pkt_out2;
    sc_signal<pkt> pkt_out3;

    sc_signal<sc_int<4> > id0, id1, id2, id3;

    sc_signal<bool> switch_cntrl;

    sc_clock clock1("CLOCK1", 75, SC_NS, 0.5, 0.0, SC_NS);
    sc_clock clock2("CLOCK2", 30, SC_NS, 0.5, 10.0, SC_NS);

    // Module instiatiations follow
    // Note that modules can be connected by hooking up ports 
    // to signals by name or by using a positional notation

    sender sender0("SENDER0");
    // hooking up signals to ports by name

    sender sender1("SENDER1");
    // hooking up signals to ports by position
    sender1(pkt_in1, id1, clock1);

    sender sender2("SENDER2");
    // hooking up signals to ports by name

    sender sender3("SENDER3");
    // hooking up signals to ports by position
    sender3( pkt_in3, id3, clock1 );

    switch_clk switch_clk1("SWITCH_CLK");
    // hooking up signals to ports by name

    mcast_pkt_switch switch1("SWITCH");
    // hooking up signals to ports by name

    receiver receiver0("RECEIVER0");
    // hooking up signals to ports by name  

    receiver receiver1("RECEIVER1");
    // hooking up signals to ports by position
    receiver1( pkt_out1, id1 );

    receiver receiver2("RECEIVER2");
    // hooking up signals to ports by name

    receiver receiver3("RECEIVER3");
    // hooking up signals to ports by position
    receiver3( pkt_out3, id3 );

    sc_start(0, SC_NS);

#if !defined(__SUNPRO_CC)
    // you cannot do that with SC5.0
    // since it doesn't support member templates
    return 0;
