예제 #1
파일: metasys.c 프로젝트: sbutler/nut
/* get the answer of a command from the ups */
int get_answer(unsigned char *data) {
	unsigned char my_buf[255];	/* packet has a maximum length of 256 bytes */
	int packet_length, checksum, i, res;
	/* Read STX byte */
	res = ser_get_char(upsfd, my_buf, 1, 0);
	if (res < 1) {
		ser_comm_fail("Receive error (STX): %d!!!\n", res);
		return -1;	
	if (my_buf[0] != 0x02) {
		ser_comm_fail("Receive error (STX): packet not on start!!\n");
		return -1;	
	/* Read data length byte */
	res = ser_get_char(upsfd, my_buf, 1, 0);
	if (res < 1) {
		ser_comm_fail("Receive error (length): %d!!!\n", res);
		return -1;	
	packet_length = my_buf[0];
	if (packet_length < 2) {
		ser_comm_fail("Receive error (length): packet length %d!!!\n", packet_length);
		return -1;	
	/* Try to read all the remainig bytes (packet_length) */
	res = ser_get_buf_len(upsfd, my_buf, packet_length, 1, 0);
	if (res != packet_length) {
		ser_comm_fail("Receive error (data): got %d bytes instead of %d!!!\n", res, packet_length);
		return -1;	

	/* now we have the whole answer from the ups, we can checksum it 
	   checksum byte is equal to the sum modulus 256 of all the data bytes + packet_length
	   (no STX no checksum byte itself) */
	checksum = packet_length;
	for (i = 0; i < (packet_length - 1); i++) checksum += my_buf[i];  
	checksum = checksum % 256;
	if (my_buf[packet_length-1] != checksum) {
		ser_comm_fail("checksum error! got %x instad of %x, received %d bytes \n", my_buf[packet_length - 1], checksum, packet_length);
		dump_buffer(my_buf, packet_length);
		return -1;
	packet_length-=1;		/* get rid of the checksum byte */
	memcpy(data, my_buf, packet_length);
	return packet_length;
예제 #2
파일: pace.c 프로젝트: ajiskrishnan/nut
void test_EOL()
  char ch;
	    ser_get_char(upsfd,&ch, SER_WAIT_SEC,SER_WAIT_USEC);
	ser_get_char(upsfd,&ch, SER_WAIT_SEC,SER_WAIT_USEC);
	if(ch == '\r')
예제 #3
파일: bcmxcp_ser.c 프로젝트: ThomasKurz/nut
/* get the answer of a command from the ups. And check that the answer is for this command */
int get_answer(unsigned char *data, unsigned char command)
	unsigned char	my_buf[128];	/* packet has a maximum length of 121+5 bytes */
	int		length, end_length = 0, res, endblock = 0, start = 0;
	unsigned char	block_number, sequence, pre_sequence = 0;

	while (endblock != 1){

		do {
			/* Read PW_COMMAND_START_BYTE byte */
			res = ser_get_char(upsfd, my_buf, 1, 0);

			if (res != 1) {
				upsdebugx(1,"Receive error (PW_COMMAND_START_BYTE): %d, cmd=%x!!!\n", res, command);
				return -1;


		} while ((my_buf[0] != PW_COMMAND_START_BYTE) && (start < 128));
		if (start == 128) {
			ser_comm_fail("Receive error (PW_COMMAND_START_BYTE): packet not on start!!%x\n", my_buf[0]);
			return -1;

		/* Read block number byte */
		res = ser_get_char(upsfd, my_buf+1, 1, 0);

		if (res != 1) {
			ser_comm_fail("Receive error (Block number): %d!!!\n", res);
			return -1;

		block_number = (unsigned char)my_buf[1];

		if (command <= 0x43) {
			if ((command - 0x30) != block_number){
				ser_comm_fail("Receive error (Request command): %x!!!\n", block_number);
				return -1;

		if (command >= 0x89) {
			if ((command == 0xA0) && (block_number != 0x01)){
				ser_comm_fail("Receive error (Requested only mode command): %x!!!\n", block_number);
				return -1;

			if ((command != 0xA0) && (block_number != 0x09)){
				ser_comm_fail("Receive error (Control command): %x!!!\n", block_number);
				return -1;

		/* Read data length byte */
		res = ser_get_char(upsfd, my_buf+2, 1, 0);

		if (res != 1) {
			ser_comm_fail("Receive error (length): %d!!!\n", res);
			return -1;

		length = (unsigned char)my_buf[2];

		if (length < 1) {
			ser_comm_fail("Receive error (length): packet length %x!!!\n", length);
			return -1;

		/* Read sequence byte */
		res = ser_get_char(upsfd, my_buf+3, 1, 0);

		if (res != 1) {
			ser_comm_fail("Receive error (sequence): %d!!!\n", res);
			return -1;

		sequence = (unsigned char)my_buf[3];

		if ((sequence & 0x80) == 0x80) {
			endblock = 1;

		if ((sequence & 0x07) != (pre_sequence + 1)) {
			ser_comm_fail("Not the right sequence received %x!!!\n", sequence);
			return -1;

		pre_sequence = sequence;

		/* Try to read all the remainig bytes */
		res = ser_get_buf_len(upsfd, my_buf+4, length, 1, 0);

		if (res != length) {
			ser_comm_fail("Receive error (data): got %d bytes instead of %d!!!\n", res, length);
			return -1;

		/* Get the checksum byte */
		res = ser_get_char(upsfd, my_buf+(4+length), 1, 0);

		if (res != 1) {
			ser_comm_fail("Receive error (checksum): %x!!!\n", res);
			return -1;

		/* now we have the whole answer from the ups, we can checksum it */
		if (!checksum_test(my_buf)) {
			ser_comm_fail("checksum error! ");
			return -1;

		memcpy(data+end_length, my_buf+4, length);
		end_length += length;


	upsdebug_hex (5, "get_answer", data, end_length);

	return end_length;
예제 #4
파일: microdowell.c 프로젝트: AlexLov/nut
unsigned char * CmdSerial(unsigned char *OutBuffer, int Len, unsigned char *RetBuffer)
	#define TMP_BUFF_LEN	1024
   unsigned char InpBuff[TMP_BUFF_LEN+1] ;
	unsigned char TmpBuff[3] ;
   int i, ErrCode ;
   unsigned char *p ;
	int BuffLen ;

	/* The default error code (no received character) */

   SendCmdToSerial(OutBuffer, Len) ;
	usleep(10000) ; /* small delay (1/100 s) */

	/* get chars until timeout */
	BuffLen = 0 ;
	while (ser_get_char(upsfd, TmpBuff, 0, 10000) == 1)
		InpBuff[BuffLen++] = TmpBuff[0] ;
		if (BuffLen > TMP_BUFF_LEN)
			break ;

	upsdebug_hex(4, "UPS->", InpBuff, BuffLen) ;

	if (BuffLen > 0)
		ErrCode = CheckDataChecksum(InpBuff, BuffLen) ;
		/* upsdebugx(4, "ErrCode = %d / Len = %d", ErrCode, BuffLen); */

		if (!ErrCode)
			/* FramePointer to valid data! */
			p = InpBuff + ups.FramePointer ;
			/* p now point to valid data.
			 check if it is a error code. */
			ErrCode = CheckErrCode(p) ;
			if (!ErrCode)
				/* I copy the data read in the buffer */
				for(i=0 ; i<(int) (p[1])+3  ; i++)
					RetBuffer[i] = p[i] ;
				ups.ErrCode = ups.ErrCount = ups.CommStatus = 0 ;
				return(RetBuffer) ;

	/* if they have arrived here, wants to say that I have found an error.... */
	ups.ErrCode = ErrCode ;
	ups.ErrCount++ ;
	if (ups.ErrCount > 3)
		ups.CommStatus &= 0x80 ;
		ups.CommStatus |= (unsigned char) (ups.ErrCount & 0x7F)  ;
			if (ups.ErrCount > 100)
			ups.ErrCount = 100 ;
	return(NULL) ;	/* There have been errors in the reading of the data */
예제 #5
파일: liebert.c 프로젝트: AlexLov/nut
/* normal idle loop - keep up with the current state of the UPS */
void upsdrv_updateinfo(void)
	unsigned char	c;
	unsigned int	ob, lb;
	static	unsigned int	ob_state = 0, ob_last = 0, ob_ctr = 0;
	static	unsigned int	lb_state = 0, lb_last = 0, lb_ctr = 0;

	ob = lb = 0;

	/* the UPS connects RX to TX when on battery, so test for loopback */

	ser_flush_in(upsfd, "", 0);

	ser_send_char(upsfd, c);
	if (ser_get_char(upsfd, &c, 1, 0) == 1) {
		while (ser_get_char(upsfd, &c, 1, 0) == 1)
		if (c == ML_ONBATTERY)
			ob = 1;
	if (ser_get_dcd(upsfd))
		lb = 1;

	/* state machine below to ensure status changes are debounced */

	/* OB/OL state change: reset counter */
	if (ob_last != ob)
		ob_ctr = 0;

	upsdebugx(2, "OB: state %d last %d now %d ctr %d",
		ob_state, ob_last, ob, ob_ctr);

	if (ob_ctr >= DEBOUNCE) {

		if (ob != ob_state) {

			upsdebugx(2, "OB: toggling state");

			if (ob_state == 0)
				ob_state = 1;
				ob_state = 0;

	ob_last = ob;

	/* now do it again for LB */

	/* state change: reset counter */
	if (lb_last != lb)
		lb_ctr = 0;

	upsdebugx(2, "LB: state %d last %d now %d ctr %d",
		lb_state, lb_last, lb, lb_ctr);

	if (lb_ctr >= DEBOUNCE) {

		if (lb != lb_state) {

			upsdebugx(2, "LB: toggling state");

			if (lb_state == 0)
				lb_state = 1;
				lb_state = 0;

	lb_last = lb;


	if (ob_state == 1)
		status_set("OB");	/* on battery */
		status_set("OL");	/* on line */

	if (lb_state == 1)
		status_set("LB");	/* low battery */
