예제 #1
EXPORT(sqInt) primitiveSerialPortWrite(void) {
	sqInt bytesWritten;
	sqInt portNum;
	char *array;
	sqInt startIndex;
	sqInt count;
	sqInt _return_value;

	portNum = interpreterProxy->stackIntegerValue(3);
	array = ((char *) (interpreterProxy->firstIndexableField(interpreterProxy->stackValue(2))));
	startIndex = interpreterProxy->stackIntegerValue(1);
	count = interpreterProxy->stackIntegerValue(0);
	if (interpreterProxy->failed()) {
		return null;
	interpreterProxy->success((startIndex >= 1) && (((startIndex + count) - 1) <= (interpreterProxy->byteSizeOf((oopForPointer( array ) - BASE_HEADER_SIZE)))));
	if (!(interpreterProxy->failed())) {
		bytesWritten = serialPortWriteFrom(portNum, count, (array + startIndex) - 1);
	_return_value = interpreterProxy->integerObjectOf(bytesWritten);
	if (interpreterProxy->failed()) {
		return null;
	interpreterProxy->popthenPush(5, _return_value);
	return null;
예제 #2
	char *array;
	char * arrayPtr;
	sqInt bytesWritten;
	sqInt count;
	sqInt portNum;
	sqInt startIndex;
	sqInt _return_value;

	bytesWritten = 0;
	portNum = stackIntegerValue(3);
	array = ((char *) (firstIndexableField(stackValue(2))));
	startIndex = stackIntegerValue(1);
	count = stackIntegerValue(0);
	if (failed()) {
		return null;
	success((startIndex >= 1)
	 && (((startIndex + count) - 1) <= (byteSizeOf(((sqInt)(sqIntptr_t)(array) - BaseHeaderSize)))));
	if (!(failed())) {
		arrayPtr = (array + startIndex) - 1;
		bytesWritten = serialPortWriteFrom(portNum, count, arrayPtr);
	if (failed()) {
		return null;
	_return_value = integerObjectOf(bytesWritten);
	popthenPush(5, _return_value);
	return null;
/* Write count bytes from the named byte array to the given serial port's
   output buffer. Return the number of bytes written. This implementation is
   asynchronous: it may return before the entire packet has been sent. */
int serialPortWriteFromByName(const char *portName, int count, void *startPtr)
  int portNum = portNumberForName(portName);
  if (portNum < 0)
  { success(false);
    return 0;
  return serialPortWriteFrom(portNum, count, startPtr);