예제 #1
void ScriptableWorker::run()
    if ( hasLogLevel(LogDebug) ) {
        bool isEval = m_args.length() == Arguments::Rest + 2
                && m_args.at(Arguments::Rest) == "eval";

        for (int i = Arguments::Rest + (isEval ? 1 : 0); i < m_args.length(); ++i) {
            QString indent = isEval ? QString("EVAL:")
                                    : (QString::number(i - Arguments::Rest + 1) + " ");
            foreach (const QByteArray &line, m_args.at(i).split('\n')) {
                SCRIPT_LOG( indent + getTextData(line) );
                indent = "  ";

    bool hasData;
    const quintptr id = m_args.at(Arguments::ActionId).toULongLong(&hasData);
    QVariantMap data;
    if (hasData)
        data = Action::data(id);

    const QString currentPath = getTextData(m_args.at(Arguments::CurrentPath));

    QScriptEngine engine;
    ScriptableProxy proxy(m_wnd, data);
    Scriptable scriptable(&proxy);
    scriptable.initEngine(&engine, currentPath, data);

    if (m_socket) {
        QObject::connect( proxy.signaler(), SIGNAL(sendMessage(QByteArray,int)),
                          m_socket, SLOT(sendMessage(QByteArray,int)) );

        QObject::connect( &scriptable, SIGNAL(sendMessage(QByteArray,int)),
                          m_socket, SLOT(sendMessage(QByteArray,int)) );
        QObject::connect( m_socket, SIGNAL(messageReceived(QByteArray,int)),
                          &scriptable, SLOT(setInput(QByteArray)) );

        QObject::connect( m_socket, SIGNAL(disconnected()),
                          &scriptable, SLOT(abort()) );
        QObject::connect( &scriptable, SIGNAL(destroyed()),
                          m_socket, SLOT(deleteAfterDisconnected()) );

        if ( m_socket->isClosed() ) {


    QObject::connect( &scriptable, SIGNAL(requestApplicationQuit()),
                      qApp, SLOT(quit()) );

    QByteArray response;
    int exitCode;

    if ( m_args.length() <= Arguments::Rest ) {
        SCRIPT_LOG("Error: bad command syntax");
        exitCode = CommandBadSyntax;
    } else {
        const QString cmd = getTextData( m_args.at(Arguments::Rest) );

#ifdef HAS_TESTS
        if ( cmd == "flush" && m_args.length() == Arguments::Rest + 2 ) {
            log( "flush ID: " + getTextData(m_args.at(Arguments::Rest + 1)), LogAlways );
            scriptable.sendMessageToClient(QByteArray(), CommandFinished);

        QScriptValue fn = engine.globalObject().property(cmd);
        if ( !fn.isFunction() ) {
            SCRIPT_LOG("Error: unknown command");
            const QString msg =
                    Scriptable::tr("Name \"%1\" doesn't refer to a function.").arg(cmd);
            response = createLogMessage(msg, LogError).toUtf8();
            exitCode = CommandError;
        } else {
            /* Special arguments:
             * "-"  read this argument from stdin
             * "--" read all following arguments without control sequences
            QScriptValueList fnArgs;
            bool readRaw = false;
            for ( int i = Arguments::Rest + 1; i < m_args.length(); ++i ) {
                const QByteArray &arg = m_args.at(i);
                if (!readRaw && arg == "--") {
                    readRaw = true;
                } else {
                    const QScriptValue value = readRaw || arg != "-"
                            ? scriptable.newByteArray(arg)
                            : scriptable.input();

            QScriptValue result = fn.call(QScriptValue(), fnArgs);

            if ( engine.hasUncaughtException() ) {
                const QString exceptionText =
                        QString("%1\n--- backtrace ---\n%2\n--- end backtrace ---")
                        .arg( engine.uncaughtException().toString(),
                              engine.uncaughtExceptionBacktrace().join("\n") );

                SCRIPT_LOG( QString("Error: Exception in command \"%1\": %2")
                             .arg(cmd, exceptionText) );

                response = createLogMessage(exceptionText, LogError).toUtf8();
                exitCode = CommandError;
            } else {
                response = serializeScriptValue(result);
                exitCode = CommandFinished;

    if (exitCode == CommandFinished && hasData)
        Action::setData(id, scriptable.data());

    scriptable.sendMessageToClient(response, exitCode);

예제 #2
void ScriptableWorker::run()

    QScriptEngine engine;
    ScriptableProxy proxy(m_wnd);
    Scriptable scriptable(&proxy);
    scriptable.initEngine( &engine, QString::fromUtf8(m_args.at(Arguments::CurrentPath)),
                           m_args.at(Arguments::ActionId) );

    if (m_socket) {
        QObject::connect( &scriptable, SIGNAL(sendMessage(QByteArray,int)),
                          m_socket, SLOT(sendMessage(QByteArray,int)) );
        QObject::connect( m_socket, SIGNAL(messageReceived(QByteArray,int)),
                          &scriptable, SLOT(setInput(QByteArray)) );

        QObject::connect( m_socket, SIGNAL(disconnected()),
                          &scriptable, SLOT(abort()) );
        QObject::connect( &scriptable, SIGNAL(destroyed()),
                          m_socket, SLOT(deleteAfterDisconnected()) );

        if ( m_socket->isClosed() ) {


    QObject::connect( &scriptable, SIGNAL(requestApplicationQuit()),
                      qApp, SLOT(quit()) );

    QByteArray response;
    int exitCode;

    if ( m_args.length() <= Arguments::Rest ) {
        MONITOR_LOG("Error: bad command syntax");
        exitCode = CommandBadSyntax;
    } else {
        const QString cmd = QString::fromUtf8( m_args.at(Arguments::Rest) );

        if ( hasLogLevel(LogDebug) ) {
            MONITOR_LOG("Client arguments:");
            for (int i = Arguments::Rest; i < m_args.length(); ++i)
                MONITOR_LOG( "    " + QString::fromUtf8(m_args.at(i)) );

#ifdef HAS_TESTS
        if ( cmd == "flush" && m_args.length() == Arguments::Rest + 2 ) {
            MONITOR_LOG( "flush ID: " + QString::fromUtf8(m_args.at(Arguments::Rest + 1)) );
            scriptable.sendMessageToClient(QByteArray(), CommandFinished);

        QScriptValue fn = engine.globalObject().property(cmd);
        if ( !fn.isFunction() ) {
            MONITOR_LOG("Error: unknown command");
            response = createLogMessage("CopyQ client",
                                        Scriptable::tr("Name \"%1\" doesn't refer to a function.")
            exitCode = CommandError;
        } else {
            QScriptValueList fnArgs;
            for ( int i = Arguments::Rest + 1; i < m_args.length(); ++i )
                fnArgs.append( scriptable.newByteArray(m_args.at(i)) );

            QScriptValue result = fn.call(QScriptValue(), fnArgs);

            if ( engine.hasUncaughtException() ) {
                const QString exceptionText = engine.uncaughtException().toString();
                MONITOR_LOG( QString("Error: exception in command \"%1\": %2")
                             .arg(cmd).arg(exceptionText) );
                response = createLogMessage("CopyQ client", exceptionText, LogError).toUtf8();
                exitCode = CommandError;
            } else {
                response = serializeScriptValue(result);
                exitCode = CommandFinished;

    scriptable.sendMessageToClient(response, exitCode);
