SamplePlayHandle::SamplePlayHandle( SampleBuffer* sampleBuffer ) : PlayHandle( TypeSamplePlayHandle ), m_sampleBuffer( sharedObject::ref( sampleBuffer ) ), m_doneMayReturnTrue( true ), m_frame( 0 ), m_ownAudioPort( true ), m_defaultVolumeModel( DefaultVolume, MinVolume, MaxVolume, 1 ), m_volumeModel( &m_defaultVolumeModel ), m_track( NULL ), m_bbTrack( NULL ) { setAudioPort( new AudioPort( "SamplePlayHandle", false ) ); }
SamplePlayHandle::SamplePlayHandle( SampleTCO* tco ) : PlayHandle( TypeSamplePlayHandle ), m_sampleBuffer( sharedObject::ref( tco->sampleBuffer() ) ), m_doneMayReturnTrue( true ), m_frame( 0 ), m_ownAudioPort( false ), m_defaultVolumeModel( DefaultVolume, MinVolume, MaxVolume, 1 ), m_volumeModel( &m_defaultVolumeModel ), m_track( tco->getTrack() ), m_bbTrack( NULL ) { setAudioPort( ( (SampleTrack *)tco->getTrack() )->audioPort() ); }
SamplePlayHandle::SamplePlayHandle( const QString& sampleFile ) : PlayHandle( TypeSamplePlayHandle ), m_sampleBuffer( new SampleBuffer( sampleFile ) ), m_doneMayReturnTrue( true ), m_frame( 0 ), m_ownAudioPort( true ), m_defaultVolumeModel( DefaultVolume, MinVolume, MaxVolume, 1 ), m_volumeModel( &m_defaultVolumeModel ), m_track( NULL ), m_bbTrack( NULL ) { setAudioPort( new AudioPort( "SamplePlayHandle", false ) ); }
int SdpBuild::checkCodec( bool testReInvite, SipCallMember *member, bool forceHold , bool *srtpErr) { bool holdMe=false; cntParam=0; setRecvonly(false); ReInvite=testReInvite; int status = (int)SipCall::GarKeinCall; int isRtpMap=0; int i=0, j=0; QString transT; bool evaluateV=false, evaluateA=false, evaluateAV=false; QString mstr = member->getSessionDescription(); QString ipaddress; QString curline; QString portstr; QString codecstr; QString codecstr1; QString codecstr2; int receivedAudioMediaNumber = 0, receivedVideoMediaNumber = 0; QString dp=":"; QString sec; mstr += '\n'; // Guarentee termination if( mstr.left( mstr.find( '\n' ) ) != "v=0" ) { return doReturn (status); } mstr.remove( 0, mstr.find( '\n' ) + 1 ); while( mstr.length() > 2 ) { curline = mstr.left( mstr.find( '\n' ) ); mstr.remove( 0, mstr.find( '\n' ) + 1 ); if( curline.left( curline.find( '=' ) ) == "c" ) { if( curline.contains("IP4") ) { ipaddress = curline.mid( curline.find( "IP4" ) + 4 ).stripWhiteSpace(); } else { ipaddress = curline.mid( curline.find( "IP6" ) + 4 ).stripWhiteSpace(); } } if( curline.contains("m=audio")) { if(ipaddress.contains("") || ipaddress.contains("::0") || forceHold){ status = (int) SipCall::putMeOnHold; setExtHost(ipaddress); holdMe = true; } else { if(evaluateV==true) { evaluateAV=true; status = (int)SipCall::auviCall; } else { status = (int)SipCall::StandardCall; evaluateA=true; } if ( ( curline.contains("RTP/SAVP") && (sessionC->getSrtpMode() != 1) )|| ( curline.contains("RTP/AVP") && (sessionC->getSrtpMode() != 0) ) ) { *srtpErr = true; } setAudioPort(curline.section(' ',1,1)); setExtHost(ipaddress); int i = (-1); do { i++; acc[i] = curline.section(' ', i+3, i+3); } while (acc[i].length() != 0); receivedAudioMediaNumber = i; } } if( curline.contains("m=video")) { if(ipaddress.contains("")|| ipaddress.contains("::0") || forceHold){ status = (int) SipCall::putMeOnHold; setExtHost(ipaddress); holdMe = true; } else { if(evaluateA==true) { evaluateAV=true; status = (int)SipCall::auviCall; } else { status = (int)SipCall::videoCall; evaluateV=true; } setExtPort(curline.section(' ',1,1)); setExtHost(ipaddress); int i = (-1); do { i++; vcc[i] = curline.section(' ', i+3, i+3); } while (vcc[i].length() != 0); receivedVideoMediaNumber = i; } } if( ( curline.contains("m=application") ) ) { if(ipaddress.contains("") || ipaddress.contains("::0") || forceHold){; status = (int) SipCall::putMeOnHold; setExtHost(ipaddress); holdMe = true; } else { setExtHost(ipaddress); setExtPort(curline.section(' ',1,1)); transT=curline.section(' ',2,2); sec=curline.section(' ',3,3); status = checkVectorId(status,sec); // find the load type call->setRemoteStart(false); // if(status==0){ return doReturn (status); // error } if(!testTrans(status,transT)) return doReturn (0); } } if( curline.contains("a=")) { if (curline.contains("a=sendonly") || curline.contains("a=inactive") || curline.contains("a=recvonly") ) { status = (int) SipCall::putMeOnHold; if( curline.contains("a=sendonly")) { setRecvonly(true); } if(KStatics::haveIPv6){ setExtHost( "::0"); } else { setExtHost(""); } return doReturn (status); } if (holdMe) { return doReturn (status); //hold was detected by ipaddress } // if (curline.contains("a=fmtp:" + sec) ) {// we have a=vec or a=cmd if(curline.contains("rstart")) { call->setRemoteStart(true); return doReturn (status); } } // we look for audio and video if( curline.contains("a=rtpmap")) { isRtpMap++; codecstr=curline.section(' ',1,1); codecstr1=curline.section(':',1,1); codecstr2=codecstr1.section(' ',0,0); // STORE RECEIVED MEDIA ATTRIBUTES bool concerningAudio = false; // search for audio i=0; while ( i<receivedAudioMediaNumber) { if (codecstr2 == acc[i]) { acstr[i] = codecstr.section('/',0,0); concerningAudio = true; break; } i++; } // search for video, if not audio if (concerningAudio == false) { for (i=0; i<receivedVideoMediaNumber; i++) { if (codecstr2 == vcc[i]) { vcstr[i] = codecstr.section('/',0,0); break; } } } } if ( curline.contains("a=fmtp:97")) { // looks strange, but works, as only ILBC uses responsePay if ( curline.contains ("mode=30") ) tempresponsepay = 240; if ( curline.contains ("mode=20") ) tempresponsepay = 160; } } } // END OF WHILE-LOOP if( (isRtpMap<receivedAudioMediaNumber) && ( evaluateA || evaluateV || evaluateAV) ){ for(i=0;i<=receivedAudioMediaNumber;i++) { for(j=0;j<=NAUDIO;j++) { if (acc[i] == sessionC->getACodecNum(j) ) { if(acstr[i] == "" )acstr[i] = sessionC->getACodecName(j); break; } } } for(i=0;i<=receivedVideoMediaNumber;i++) { for(j=0;j<=NAUDIO;j++) { if (vcc[i] == sessionC->getCodecNum(j) ) { vcstr[i] = sessionC->getCodecName(j); break; } } } } if( evaluateV || evaluateAV) { // *** VIDEO *** if (videoMediaNegotiationINVITE(receivedVideoMediaNumber) == false) { status=0; // no good codec for us; audiocheck is not necessary any longer return doReturn (status); } } if( evaluateA || evaluateAV) { // *** AUDIO *** if (audioMediaNegotiationINVITE(receivedAudioMediaNumber) == false) { status=0; // no good codec for us; return doReturn (status); } } // We have a good Codec return doReturn (status); }
NotePlayHandle::NotePlayHandle( InstrumentTrack* instrumentTrack, const f_cnt_t _offset, const f_cnt_t _frames, const Note& n, NotePlayHandle *parent, int midiEventChannel, Origin origin ) : PlayHandle( TypeNotePlayHandle, _offset ), Note( n.length(), n.pos(), n.key(), n.getVolume(), n.getPanning(), n.detuning() ), m_pluginData( NULL ), m_filter( NULL ), m_instrumentTrack( instrumentTrack ), m_frames( 0 ), m_totalFramesPlayed( 0 ), m_framesBeforeRelease( 0 ), m_releaseFramesToDo( 0 ), m_releaseFramesDone( 0 ), m_subNotes(), m_released( false ), m_hasParent( parent != NULL ), m_parent( parent ), m_hadChildren( false ), m_muted( false ), m_bbTrack( NULL ), m_origTempo( Engine::getSong()->getTempo() ), m_origBaseNote( instrumentTrack->baseNote() ), m_frequency( 0 ), m_unpitchedFrequency( 0 ), m_baseDetuning( NULL ), m_songGlobalParentOffset( 0 ), m_midiChannel( midiEventChannel >= 0 ? midiEventChannel : instrumentTrack->midiPort()->realOutputChannel() ), m_origin( origin ), m_frequencyNeedsUpdate( false ) { lock(); if( hasParent() == false ) { m_baseDetuning = new BaseDetuning( detuning() ); m_instrumentTrack->m_processHandles.push_back( this ); } else { m_baseDetuning = parent->m_baseDetuning; parent->m_subNotes.push_back( this ); parent->m_hadChildren = true; m_bbTrack = parent->m_bbTrack; parent->setUsesBuffer( false ); } updateFrequency(); setFrames( _frames ); // inform attached components about new MIDI note (used for recording in Piano Roll) if( m_origin == OriginMidiInput ) { m_instrumentTrack->midiNoteOn( *this ); } if( hasParent() || ! m_instrumentTrack->isArpeggioEnabled() ) { const int baseVelocity = m_instrumentTrack->midiPort()->baseVelocity(); // send MidiNoteOn event m_instrumentTrack->processOutEvent( MidiEvent( MidiNoteOn, midiChannel(), midiKey(), midiVelocity( baseVelocity ) ), MidiTime::fromFrames( offset(), Engine::framesPerTick() ), offset() ); } if( m_instrumentTrack->instrument()->flags() & Instrument::IsSingleStreamed ) { setUsesBuffer( false ); } setAudioPort( instrumentTrack->audioPort() ); unlock(); }
PresetPreviewPlayHandle::PresetPreviewPlayHandle( const QString & _preset_file, bool _load_by_plugin, DataFile *dataFile ) : PlayHandle( TypePresetPreviewHandle ), m_previewNote( NULL ) { s_previewTC->lockData(); setUsesBuffer( false ); if( s_previewTC->previewNote() != NULL ) { s_previewTC->previewNote()->mute(); } const bool j = Engine::projectJournal()->isJournalling(); Engine::projectJournal()->setJournalling( false ); if( _load_by_plugin ) { Instrument * i = s_previewTC->previewInstrumentTrack()->instrument(); const QString ext = QFileInfo( _preset_file ). suffix().toLower(); if( i == NULL || !i->descriptor()->supportsFileType( ext ) ) { i = s_previewTC->previewInstrumentTrack()-> loadInstrument(pluginFactory->pluginSupportingExtension(ext).name()); } if( i != NULL ) { i->loadFile( _preset_file ); } } else { bool dataFileCreated = false; if( dataFile == 0 ) { dataFile = new DataFile( _preset_file ); dataFileCreated = true; } // vestige previews are bug prone; fallback on 3xosc with volume of 0 // without an instrument in preview track, it will segfault if(dataFile->content().elementsByTagName( "vestige" ).length() == 0 ) { s_previewTC->previewInstrumentTrack()-> loadTrackSpecificSettings( dataFile->content().firstChild().toElement() ); } else { s_previewTC->previewInstrumentTrack()->loadInstrument("tripleoscillator"); s_previewTC->previewInstrumentTrack()->setVolume( 0 ); } if( dataFileCreated ) { delete dataFile; } } dataFile = 0; // make sure, our preset-preview-track does not appear in any MIDI- // devices list, so just disable receiving/sending MIDI-events at all s_previewTC->previewInstrumentTrack()-> midiPort()->setMode( MidiPort::Disabled ); // create note-play-handle for it m_previewNote = NotePlayHandleManager::acquire( s_previewTC->previewInstrumentTrack(), 0, typeInfo<f_cnt_t>::max() / 2, Note( 0, 0, DefaultKey, 100 ) ); setAudioPort( s_previewTC->previewInstrumentTrack()->audioPort() ); s_previewTC->setPreviewNote( m_previewNote ); Engine::mixer()->addPlayHandle( m_previewNote ); s_previewTC->unlockData(); Engine::projectJournal()->setJournalling( j ); }
InstrumentPlayHandle::InstrumentPlayHandle( Instrument * instrument, InstrumentTrack* instrumentTrack ) : PlayHandle( TypeInstrumentPlayHandle ), m_instrument( instrument ) { setAudioPort( instrumentTrack->audioPort() ); }