예제 #1
bool ResizableWindow::restoreWindowStateFromString (const String& s)
    StringArray tokens;
    tokens.addTokens (s, false);

    const bool fs = tokens[0].startsWithIgnoreCase ("fs");
    const int firstCoord = fs ? 1 : 0;

    if (tokens.size() != firstCoord + 4)
        return false;

    Rectangle<int> newPos (tokens[firstCoord].getIntValue(),
                           tokens[firstCoord + 1].getIntValue(),
                           tokens[firstCoord + 2].getIntValue(),
                           tokens[firstCoord + 3].getIntValue());

    if (newPos.isEmpty())
        return false;

    ComponentPeer* const peer = isOnDesktop() ? getPeer() : nullptr;
    if (peer != nullptr)
        peer->getFrameSize().addTo (newPos);

        Desktop& desktop = Desktop::getInstance();
        RectangleList allMonitors (desktop.getDisplays().getRectangleList (true));
        allMonitors.clipTo (newPos);
        const Rectangle<int> onScreenArea (allMonitors.getBounds());

        if (onScreenArea.getWidth() * onScreenArea.getHeight() < 32 * 32)
            const Rectangle<int> screen (desktop.getDisplays().getDisplayContaining (newPos.getCentre()).userArea);

            newPos.setSize (jmin (newPos.getWidth(),  screen.getWidth()),
                            jmin (newPos.getHeight(), screen.getHeight()));

            newPos.setPosition (jlimit (screen.getX(), screen.getRight()  - newPos.getWidth(),  newPos.getX()),
                                jlimit (screen.getY(), screen.getBottom() - newPos.getHeight(), newPos.getY()));

    if (peer != nullptr)
        peer->getFrameSize().subtractFrom (newPos);
        peer->setNonFullScreenBounds (newPos);

    lastNonFullScreenPos = newPos;
    setFullScreen (fs);

    if (! fs)
        setBoundsConstrained (newPos);

    return true;
예제 #2
void ResizableWindow::setResizeLimits (const int newMinimumWidth,
                                       const int newMinimumHeight,
                                       const int newMaximumWidth,
                                       const int newMaximumHeight) noexcept
    // if you've set up a custom constrainer then these settings won't have any effect..
    jassert (constrainer == &defaultConstrainer || constrainer == nullptr);

    if (constrainer == nullptr)
        setConstrainer (&defaultConstrainer);

    defaultConstrainer.setSizeLimits (newMinimumWidth, newMinimumHeight,
                                      newMaximumWidth, newMaximumHeight);

    setBoundsConstrained (getBounds());
예제 #3
void AudioProcessorEditor::setResizeLimits (int newMinimumWidth,
                                            int newMinimumHeight,
                                            int newMaximumWidth,
                                            int newMaximumHeight) noexcept
    // if you've set up a custom constrainer then these settings won't have any effect..
    jassert (constrainer == &defaultConstrainer || constrainer == nullptr);

    const bool shouldEnableResize      = (newMinimumWidth != newMaximumWidth || newMinimumHeight != newMaximumHeight);
    const bool shouldHaveCornerResizer = (shouldEnableResize != resizable    || resizableCorner != nullptr);

    setResizable (shouldEnableResize, shouldHaveCornerResizer);

    if (constrainer == nullptr)
        setConstrainer (&defaultConstrainer);

    defaultConstrainer.setSizeLimits (newMinimumWidth, newMinimumHeight,
                                      newMaximumWidth, newMaximumHeight);

    setBoundsConstrained (getBounds());
StandaloneFilterWindow::StandaloneFilterWindow (const String& title,
                                                const Colour& backgroundColour)
    : DocumentWindow (title, backgroundColour,
                       | DocumentWindow::closeButton),
      filter (0),
      deviceManager (0),
      optionsButton (0)
    setTitleBarButtonsRequired (DocumentWindow::minimiseButton | DocumentWindow::closeButton, false);

    PropertySet* const globalSettings = getGlobalSettings();

    optionsButton = new TextButton (T("options"));
    Component::addAndMakeVisible (optionsButton);
    optionsButton->addButtonListener (this);
    optionsButton->setTriggeredOnMouseDown (true);

        filter = createPluginFilter();

        if (filter != 0)
            deviceManager = new AudioFilterStreamingDeviceManager();
            deviceManager->setFilter (filter);

            XmlElement* savedState = 0;

            if (globalSettings != 0)
                savedState = globalSettings->getXmlValue (T("audioSetup"));

            deviceManager->initialise (filter->getNumInputChannels(),

            delete savedState;

            if (globalSettings != 0)
                JUCE_NAMESPACE::MemoryBlock data;

                if (data.fromBase64Encoding (globalSettings->getValue (T("filterState")))
                     && data.getSize() > 0)
                    filter->setStateInformation (data.getData(), data.getSize());

            setContentComponent (filter->createEditorIfNeeded(), true, true);

            const int x = globalSettings->getIntValue (T("windowX"), -100);
            const int y = globalSettings->getIntValue (T("windowY"), -100);

            if (x != -100 && y != -100)
                setBoundsConstrained (x, y, getWidth(), getHeight());
                centreWithSize (getWidth(), getHeight());

    if (deviceManager == 0)
        jassertfalse    // Your filter didn't create correctly! In a standalone app that's not too great.