void CGamePolePlayer::setValue( int x, int y, char v ) { if( x<0 || x>=GAME_POLE_SIZE || y<0 || y>=GAME_POLE_SIZE ) return; switch( v ) { case EMPTY_SHOOTED: setChar( x*2+1, y*2+1, EMPTY_SHOOTED_CHAR ); break; case SHIP_NON_SHOOTED: setChar( x*2+1, y*2+1, PLAYER_SHIP_NON_SHOOTED_CHAR ); break; case SHIP_SHOOTED: setChar( x*2+1, y*2+1, SHIP_SHOOTED_CHAR ); break; } }
void VirtualValue::setTo(const Variant& value, StringCache& stringcache) { if ( value.isInt() ) { setNumber(value.asInt()); } else if ( value.isReal() ) { setReal(value.asReal()); } else if ( value.isBool() ) { setBoolean(value.asBool()); } else if ( value.isChar() ) { setChar(value.asChar()); } else if ( value.isString() ) { setString(stringcache.lookup(value.asString())); } else { mKind = eEmpty; } }
void StringData::setChar(int offset, CStrRef substring) { ASSERT(!isStatic()); if (offset >= 0) { int len = size(); if (len == 0) { // PHP will treat data as an array and we don't want to follow that. throw OffsetOutOfRangeException(); } if (offset < len) { if (!substring.empty()) { setChar(offset, substring.data()[0]); } else { removeChar(offset); } } else if (offset > RuntimeOption::StringOffsetLimit) { throw OffsetOutOfRangeException(); } else { int newlen = offset + 1; char *buf = (char *)Util::safe_malloc(newlen + 1); memset(buf, ' ', newlen); buf[newlen] = 0; memcpy(buf, data(), len); if (!substring.empty()) buf[offset] = substring.data()[0]; assign(buf, newlen, AttachString); } } }
size_t TM1628::write(byte chr){ if(_curpos<0x07) { setChar(_curpos, chr); _curpos++; } }
void DisplayBuffer::backspace() { if (m_cursor_x > 0) { m_cursor_x --; setChar(m_cursor_x, m_cursor_y, ' ', m_cursorColor); } }
void MAX7219::setNumber(uint32_t number, int addr) { // number = number % (uint32_t) pow(10, maxDevices); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (number == 0 && i > 0) { setChar(i, ' ', addr); } else { setDigit(i, number % 10, addr); number = number / 10; } } }
Coin::Coin() { switch(rand() % 3) { case 0: setChar('.'); setValue(25); break; case 1: setChar('o'); setValue(100); break; case 2: setChar('O'); setValue(250); break; } setType("Coin"); init_pair(2, COLOR_YELLOW, -1); setColo(COLOR_PAIR(2)); setPosRand(); }
void MyString::compressSpaces( void ) { if( Len == 0 ) { return; } for ( int i = 0, j = 0; i <= Length(); ++i, ++j ) { if ( isspace ( Data[i] ) ) { i++; } setChar ( j, Data[i] ); } }
Player::Player() : Actor() { init_pair(0, COLOR_WHITE, -1); setColo(COLOR_PAIR(0)); setChar('@'); setType("Player"); setName("Noop"); // Init Luck and Defense 0 to 3 attr.LCK = (rand() % 3); attr.DEF = (rand() % 3); setPosRand(); }
void LCDShield::setStr(char *pString, uint8_t x, uint8_t y, int fColor, int bColor) { x = x + 16; y = y + 8; // loop until null-terminator is seen while (*pString != 0x00) { // draw the character setChar(*pString++, x, y, fColor, bColor); // advance the y position y = y + 8; // bail out if y exceeds 131 if (y > 131) break; } }
void Settings::storeDefaultValues(void) { Debug::out(LOG_DEBUG, "Settings::storeDefaultValues() - storing default settings, because it seems we miss those setting..."); char key[32]; for(int id=0; id<8; id++) { // read the list of device types from settings sprintf(key, "ACSI_DEVTYPE_%d", id); // create settings KEY, e.g. ACSI_DEVTYPE_0 if(id == 1) { // ACSI id 0 enaled by defaul setInt(key, DEVTYPE_TRANSLATED); } else { // other ACSI id's disabled setInt(key, DEVTYPE_OFF); } } setChar("DRIVELETTER_FIRST", 'C'); setChar("DRIVELETTER_SHARED", 'P'); setChar("DRIVELETTER_CONFDRIVE", 'O'); setBool("MOUNT_RAW_NOT_TRANS", false); setBool("SHARED_ENABLED", false); setBool("SHARED_NFS_NOT_SAMBA", false); }
void Itoa(int num, char *str) { int p = 0, q = 0, r = 0; int i = 0; //printf("IsPalindrome str = %d\n",str); while(num) { p = (num/10)*10; q = num - p; setChar(q, str, i); // put q converted to character in str[i] num = num/10; i++; } str[i] = '\0'; }
int AscFile::load(char *filename) { FILE *fp; fp = fopen(filename, "r"); if(fp == NULL) { return -1; } float version; fscanf(fp, "ASCII-Paint v%g", &version); fscanf(fp, "%i %i", &width, &height); setSize(width, height); // Scan until we hit #(the marker for the start of image data) while(fgetc(fp) != '#'); for(int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for(int y = 0; y < height; y++) { char c = fgetc(fp); int fr = fgetc(fp); int fg = fgetc(fp); int fb = fgetc(fp); int br = fgetc(fp); int bg = fgetc(fp); int bb = fgetc(fp); int solid = fgetc(fp); int walkable = fgetc(fp); setChar(x, y, c); setFore(x, y, fr, fg, fb); setBack(x, y, br, bg, bb); setSolid(x, y, solid); setSolid(x, y, walkable); } } fclose(fp); return 1; }
size_t DisplayBuffer::write(uint8_t c, bool ignoreNewlines) { if(!ignoreNewlines && c == '\n') { m_cursor_x = 0; m_cursor_y ++; resolveCursor(); } else if(!ignoreNewlines && c == '\r') { // skip } else { resolveCursor(); setChar(m_cursor_x, m_cursor_y, c, m_cursorColor); m_cursor_x ++; resolveCursor(); } }
CGamePolePlayer::CGamePolePlayer( CSeaFightApp & host ) : CGamePoleBase( host, GAME_POLE_INTERVAL, GAME_POLE_INTERVAL ) { for( int y = 0; y <= GAME_POLE_SIZE*2; y++ ) { for( int x = 0; x <= GAME_POLE_SIZE*2; x++ ) { if( !(x%2) && (y%2) ) setChar(x, y, 0x2502); else if( (x%2) && !(y%2) ) setChar( x, y, 0x2500 ); else if( !(x%2) && !(y%2) && x>0 && x<GAME_POLE_SIZE*2 && y>0 && y<GAME_POLE_SIZE*2 ) setChar(x, y, 0x253C); else if( !x && !(y%2) && y>0 && y<GAME_POLE_SIZE*2 ) setChar( x, y, 0x251C ); else if( x==GAME_POLE_SIZE*2 && !(y%2) && y>0 && y<GAME_POLE_SIZE*2 ) setChar( x, y, 0x2524 ); else if( !y && !(x%2) && x>0 && x<GAME_POLE_SIZE*2 ) setChar( x, y, 0x252C ); else if( y==GAME_POLE_SIZE*2 && !(x%2) && x>0 && x<GAME_POLE_SIZE*2 ) setChar( x, y, 0x2534 ); else if( !x && !y ) setChar( x, y, 0x250C ); else if( !x && y==GAME_POLE_SIZE*2 ) setChar( x, y, 0x2514 ); else if( x==GAME_POLE_SIZE*2 && !y ) setChar( x, y, 0x2510 ); else if( x==GAME_POLE_SIZE*2 && y==GAME_POLE_SIZE*2 ) setChar( x, y, 0x2518 ); else setChar( x, y, EMPTY_NON_SHOOTED ); } } }
Queen::Queen(int num){ setPlayer(num); setChar('q' - num * 32); setValue( 9); }
King::King(int num){ setPlayer(num); setChar('k' - num * 32); setValue(3); }
Bishop::Bishop(int num){ setPlayer(num); setChar('b' - num * 32); setValue( 3.5); }
Castle::Castle(int num){ setPlayer(num); setChar('c' - num * 32); setValue( 5); }
Null::Null(int num){ setPlayer(num); setChar(32); setValue(0); }
void Console::setString(std::string str, int xStart, int yStart) { for(int i = 0; i < str.length();i++) { setChar(str.c_str()[i],xStart+i,yStart); } }
void run(const char *s) { unsigned char v; unsigned char par_count=0; unsigned char ah; unsigned char al; int16_t cx; int16_t bx; int16_t dx; unsigned char lbyte; unsigned char hbyte; for (unsigned int c=0; c<1024; c++) { v = (unsigned char)(*(s+c)); if(print_asm==1) printf("%04xh %02x ",c,v); if(par_count>0) { par_count--; printf("%02xh ",v); } else { switch (v) { case 0xB0: c++; v = (unsigned char)(*(s+c)); al = v; if(print_asm==1) printf("mov al, %4Xh",al); break; case 0xB4: c++; v = (unsigned char)(*(s+c)); ah = v; if(print_asm==1) printf("mov ah, %4Xh",ah); break; case 0xB9: c++; lbyte = (unsigned char)(*(s+c)); c++; hbyte = (unsigned char)(*(s+c)); cx = (int16_t)(hbyte << 8 | lbyte); if(print_asm==1) printf("mov cx, %4Xh",cx); break; case 0xBA: c++; lbyte = (unsigned char)(*(s+c)); c++; hbyte = (unsigned char)(*(s+c)); dx = (int16_t)(hbyte << 8 | lbyte); if(print_asm==1) printf("mov dx, %4Xh",dx); break; case 0xBB: c++; lbyte = (unsigned char)(*(s+c)); c++; hbyte = (unsigned char)(*(s+c)); bx = (int16_t)(hbyte << 8 | lbyte); if(print_asm==1) printf("mov bx, %4Xh",bx); break; case 0xCC: printf("int 3 debug..."); par_count=2; break; case 0xCD: c++; v = (unsigned char)(*(s+c)); if(print_asm==1) printf("int %2Xh",v); if(v==0x20) { // return to "DOS" :D exit(0); } if(v==0x21) { // DOS if(ah == 0x4C) { // exit program printf("\r\n"); exit(al); } if(ah == 0x40) { // write to a file or device /* BX = file handle CX = number of bytes to write DS:DX -> data to write */ for(int i=0; i<cx; i++) { v = (unsigned char)(*(s+(dx-0x100)+i)); if (use_curses) { setChar(v); cursor_x++; } else { printf("%c",v); } } } } break; default: printf("%02xh",v); if (v>=32) { printf(" \"%c\"",v); } break; } } if(print_asm==1) printf("\r\n"); } }
void Surface::initCharset() { setChar(0, ":ooo:", "o:::o", "ooooo", "o:::o", "o:::o"); setChar(1, "oooo:", "o:::o", "oooo:", "o:::o", "oooo:"); setChar(2, ":oooo", "o::::", "o::::", "o::::", ":oooo"); setChar(3, "oooo:", "o:::o", "o:::o", "o:::o", "oooo:"); setChar(4, "ooooo", "o::::", "oooo:", "o::::", "ooooo"); setChar(5, "ooooo", "o::::", "ooo::", "o::::", "o::::"); setChar(6, ":oooo", "o::::", "o:ooo", "o:::o", ":ooo:"); setChar(7, "o:::o", "o:::o", "ooooo", "o:::o", "o:::o"); setChar(8, "::o::", "::o::", "::o::", "::o::", "::o::"); setChar(9, ":::o:", ":::o:", ":::o:", ":::o:", "ooo::"); setChar(10, "o::o:", "o:o::", "oo:::", "o:o::", "o::o:"); setChar(11, "o::::", "o::::", "o::::", "o::::", "ooooo"); setChar(12, "oo:o:", "o:o:o", "o:o:o", "o:::o", "o:::o"); setChar(13, "o:::o", "oo::o", "o:o:o", "o::oo", "o:::o"); setChar(14, ":ooo:", "o:::o", "o:::o", "o:::o", ":ooo:"); setChar(15, "oooo:", "o:::o", "oooo:", "o::::", "o::::"); setChar(16, ":ooo:", "o:::o", "o:::o", "o::oo", ":oooo"); setChar(17, "oooo:", "o:::o", "oooo:", "o:o::", "o::o:"); setChar(18, ":oooo", "o::::", ":ooo:", "::::o", "oooo:"); setChar(19, "ooooo", "::o::", "::o::", "::o::", "::o::"); setChar(20, "o:::o", "o:::o", "o:::o", "o:::o", ":oooo"); setChar(21, "o:::o", "o:::o", ":o:o:", ":o:o:", "::o::"); setChar(22, "o:::o", "o:::o", "o:o:o", "o:o:o", ":o:o:"); setChar(23, "o:::o", ":o:o:", "::o::", ":o:o:", "o:::o"); setChar(24, "o:::o", "o:::o", ":oooo", "::::o", ":ooo:"); setChar(25, "ooooo", ":::o:", "::o::", ":o:::", "ooooo"); setChar(26, ":ooo:", "o::oo", "o:o:o", "oo::o", ":ooo:"); setChar(27, "::o::", ":oo::", "::o::", "::o::", ":ooo:"); setChar(28, ":ooo:", "o:::o", "::oo:", ":o:::", "ooooo"); setChar(29, "oooo:", "::::o", "::oo:", "::::o", "oooo:"); setChar(30, "o::::", "o::o:", "ooooo", ":::o:", ":::o:"); setChar(31, "ooooo", "o::::", "oooo:", "::::o", "oooo:"); setChar(32, ":oooo", "o::::", "oooo:", "o:::o", ":ooo:"); setChar(33, "ooooo", "::::o", ":::o:", "::o::", "::o::"); setChar(34, ":ooo:", "o:::o", ":ooo:", "o:::o", ":ooo:"); setChar(35, ":ooo:", "o:::o", ":oooo", "::::o", ":ooo:"); setChar(36, "::o::", "::o::", "::o::", ":::::", "::o::"); setChar(37, ":ooo:", "::::o", ":::o:", ":::::", "::o::"); setChar(38, ":::::", ":::::", "::o::", ":::::", "::o::"); setChar(39, ":::::", ":::::", ":ooo:", ":::::", ":ooo:"); setChar(40, ":::::", ":::::", ":::::", ":::o:", "::o::"); setChar(41, ":::::", ":::::", ":::::", ":::::", "::o::"); setChar(42, ":::::", ":::::", ":ooo:", ":::::", ":::::"); setChar(43, ":::o:", "::o::", "::o::", "::o::", ":::o:"); setChar(44, "::o::", ":::o:", ":::o:", ":::o:", "::o::"); setChar(45, ":::::", ":::::", ":::::", ":::::", ":::::"); setChar(46, "ooooo", "ooooo", "ooooo", "ooooo", "ooooo"); setChar(47, "::o::", "::o::", ":::::", ":::::", ":::::"); setChar(48, "o:o:o", ":ooo:", "ooooo", ":ooo:", "o:o:o"); setChar(49, "::::o", ":::o:", "::o::", ":o:::", "o::::"); char c[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!?:=,.-() #'*/"; int i; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) transl[i] = 45; for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) transl[(int)c[i]] = i; }
Variant(char value) { setChar(value); }
void StringData::set(CVarRef key, CStrRef v) { setChar(key.toInt32(), v); }
Pawn::Pawn(int num){ setPlayer(num); setChar('p' - num * 32); setValue( 1); }
Knight::Knight(int num){ setPlayer(num); setChar('n' - num * 32); setValue( 3); }
void TM1638::setChars(const char* value, uint8_t offset) { while (*value) setChar(offset++, *value++); }
size_t Variant::deserialize(const unsigned char *buffer, size_t size) { if (buffer != NULL && size > 0) { Variant::Type type = static_cast<Variant::Type>(*buffer); ++buffer; switch (type) { case UINT8: { typedef uint8_t Type; if ((size - 1) < sizeof(Type)) return 0; else { setUint8(static_cast<Type>(*buffer)); size = sizeof(Type) + 1; } break; } case INT8: { typedef uint8_t Type; if ((size - 1) < sizeof(Type)) return 0; else { setInt8(static_cast<Type>(*buffer)); size = sizeof(Type) + 1; } break; } case UINT16: { typedef uint16_t Type; if ((size - 1) < sizeof(Type)) return 0; else { setUint16(ntohs(*reinterpret_cast<const Type *>(buffer))); size = sizeof(Type) + 1; } break; } case INT16: { typedef int16_t Type; if ((size - 1) < sizeof(Type)) return 0; else { setInt16(ntohs(*reinterpret_cast<const Type *>(buffer))); size = sizeof(Type) + 1; } break; } case UINT32: { typedef uint32_t Type; if ((size - 1) < sizeof(Type)) return 0; else { setUint32(ntohl(*reinterpret_cast<const Type *>(buffer))); size = sizeof(Type) + 1; } break; } case INT32: { typedef int32_t Type; if ((size - 1) < sizeof(Type)) return 0; else { setInt32(ntohl(*reinterpret_cast<const Type *>(buffer))); size = sizeof(Type) + 1; } break; } case UINT64: { typedef uint64_t Type; if ((size - 1) < sizeof(Type)) return 0; else { setUint64(ntohll(*reinterpret_cast<const Type *>(buffer))); size = sizeof(Type) + 1; } break; } case INT64: { typedef int64_t Type; if ((size - 1) < sizeof(Type)) return 0; else { setInt64(ntohll(*reinterpret_cast<const Type *>(buffer))); size = sizeof(Type) + 1; } break; } case FLOAT: { typedef uint32_t Type; if ((size - 1) < sizeof(Type)) return 0; else { setFloat(ntohf(*reinterpret_cast<const Type *>(buffer))); size = sizeof(Type) + 1; } break; } case DOUBLE: { typedef uint64_t Type; if ((size - 1) < sizeof(Type)) return 0; else { setDouble(ntohd(*reinterpret_cast<const Type *>(buffer))); size = sizeof(Type) + 1; } break; } case BOOL: { typedef bool Type; if ((size - 1) < sizeof(Type)) return 0; else { setBool(*reinterpret_cast<const Type *>(buffer)); size = sizeof(Type) + 1; } break; } case CHAR: { typedef char Type; if ((size - 1) < sizeof(Type)) return 0; else { setChar(*reinterpret_cast<const Type *>(buffer)); size = sizeof(Type) + 1; } break; } case STRING: { typedef uint32_t Type; if ((size - 1) < sizeof(Type)) return 0; else { Type len = ntohl(*reinterpret_cast<const Type *>(buffer)); if (len > 0 && len <= ((size - 1) - sizeof(Type))) setString(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(buffer + sizeof(Type)), len); size = sizeof(Type) + 1 + len; } break; } case BINARY: { typedef uint32_t Type; if ((size - 1) < sizeof(Type)) return 0; else { Type len = ntohl(*reinterpret_cast<const Type *>(buffer)); if (len > 0 && len <= ((size - 1) - sizeof(Type))) setBinary(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(buffer + sizeof(Type)), len); size = sizeof(Type) + 1 + len; } break; } } return size; } return 0; }