예제 #1
DeepSkyObject::DeepSkyObject( const CatalogEntryData &data, CatalogComponent *cat )
    // FIXME: This assumes that CatalogEntryData coordinates have
    // J2000.0 as epoch as opposed to the catalog's epoch!!! -- asimha
    qWarning() << "Creating a DeepSkyObject from CatalogEntryData assumes that coordinates are J2000.0";
    setType( data.type );
    setRA0( data.ra/15.0 ); // NOTE: CatalogEntryData stores RA in degrees, whereas setRA0() wants it in hours.
    setDec0( data.dec );
    setLongName( data.long_name );
    if( ! data.catalog_name.isEmpty() )
        setName( data.catalog_name + ' ' + QString::number( data.ID ) );
    else {
        setName( data.long_name );
        setLongName( QString() );
    MajorAxis = data.major_axis;
    MinorAxis = data.minor_axis;
    PositionAngle = data.position_angle;
    setMag( data.magnitude );
    PGC = 0;
    UGC = 0;
    setCatalog( data.catalog_name );
    updateID = updateNumID = 0;
    customCat = cat;
    Flux = data.flux;

    // Disable image loading on init
예제 #2
void StarObject::updateCoords( KSNumbers *num, bool , const dms*, const dms*, bool ) {
    //Correct for proper motion of stars.  Determine RA and Dec offsets.
    //Proper motion is given im milliarcsec per year by the pmRA() and pmDec() functions.
    //That is numerically identical to the number of arcsec per millenium, so multiply by
    //KSNumbers::julianMillenia() to find the offsets in arcsec.

    // Correction:  The method below computes the proper motion before the
    // precession.  If we precessed first then the direction of the proper
    // motion correction would depend on how far we've precessed.  -jbb
    double saveRA = ra0().Hours();
    double saveDec = dec0().Degrees();

    double newRA, newDec;

    getIndexCoords( num, &newRA, &newDec );
    newRA /= 15.0;                           // getIndexCoords returns in Degrees, while we want the RA in Hours
    setRA0( newRA );
    setDec0( newDec );

    SkyPoint::updateCoords( num );
    setRA0( saveRA );
    setDec0( saveDec );
예제 #3
void StarObject::init( const starData *stardata ) 
    double ra, dec;
    ra = stardata->RA / 1000000.0;
    dec = stardata->Dec / 100000.0;
    setType( SkyObject::STAR );
    setMag( stardata->mag / 100.0 );
    setRA0( ra );
    setDec0( dec );
    setRA( ra );
    setDec( dec );
    SpType[0] = stardata->spec_type[0];
    SpType[1] = stardata->spec_type[1];
    PM_RA = stardata->dRA / 10.0;
    PM_Dec = stardata->dDec / 10.0;
    Parallax = stardata->parallax / 10.0;
    Multiplicity = stardata->flags & 0x02;
    Variability = stardata->flags & 0x04 ;
    updateID = updateNumID = 0;
    HD = stardata->HD;
    B = V = 99.9;

    // DEBUG Edit. For testing proper motion. Uncomment all related blocks to test.
    // WARNING: You can debug only ONE STAR AT A TIME, because
    //          the StarObject::Trail is static. It has to be
    //          static, because otherwise, we can run into segfaults
    //          due to the memcpy() that we do to create stars
    testStar = false;
    if( stardata->HD == 103095 && Trail.size() == 0 ) {
      // Populate Trail with various positions
        kDebug() << "TEST STAR FOUND!";
        testStar = true;
        KSNumbers num( J2000 ); // Some estimate, doesn't matter.
        long double jy;
        for( jy = -10000.0; jy <= 10000.0; jy += 500.0 ) {
            num.updateValues( J2000 + jy * 365.238 );
            double ra, dec;
            getIndexCoords( &num, &ra, &dec );
            Trail.append( new SkyPoint( ra / 15.0, dec ) );
        kDebug() << "Populated the star's trail with " << Trail.size() << " entries.";
    // END DEBUG.

예제 #4
void StarObject::init( const deepStarData *stardata ) 
    double ra, dec, BV_Index;
    ra = stardata->RA / 1000000.0;
    dec = stardata->Dec / 100000.0;
    setType( SkyObject::STAR );

    if( stardata->V == 30000 && stardata->B != 30000 )
      setMag( ( stardata->B - 1600 ) / 1000.0 ); // FIXME: Is it okay to make up stuff like this?
      setMag( stardata->V / 1000.0 );

    setRA0( ra );
    setDec0( dec );
    setRA( ra );
    setDec( dec );

    SpType[1] = '?';
    SpType[0] = 'B';
    if( stardata->B == 30000 || stardata->V == 30000 ) {
      BV_Index = -100;
      SpType[0] = '?';
    else {
      BV_Index = ( stardata->B - stardata->V ) / 1000.0;
      ( BV_Index > 0.0 ) && ( SpType[0] = 'A' );
      ( BV_Index > 0.325 ) && ( SpType[0] = 'F' );
      ( BV_Index > 0.575 ) && ( SpType[0] = 'G' );
      ( BV_Index > 0.975 ) && ( SpType[0] = 'K' );
      ( BV_Index > 1.6 ) && ( SpType[0] = 'M' );

    PM_RA = stardata->dRA / 100.0;
    PM_Dec = stardata->dDec / 100.0;
    Parallax = 0.0;
    Multiplicity = 0;
    Variability = 0;
    updateID = updateNumID = 0;
    B = stardata->B / 1000.0;
    V = stardata->V / 1000.0;