예제 #1
  // init with default settings
  mEllipsoidalMode = false;
  setSourceCrs( GEOCRS_ID ); // WGS 84
  setEllipsoid( GEO_NONE );
예제 #2
  // init with default settings
  mEllipsoidalMode = false;
  mCoordTransform = new QgsCoordinateTransform;
  setSourceCrs( GEOCRS_ID ); // WGS 84
  setEllipsoid( GEO_NONE );
예제 #3
  // init with default settings
  mProjectionsEnabled = false;
  mCoordTransform = new QgsCoordinateTransform;
  setSourceCrs( GEOCRS_ID ); // WGS 84
  setEllipsoid( "WGS84" );
예제 #4
void GeoLocation::reset( GeoLocation *g ) {
	indexEllipsoid = g->ellipsoid();
	setEllipsoid ( indexEllipsoid );
	setLong( g->lng()->Degrees() );
	setLat( g->lat()->Degrees() );
	Name      = g->name();
	Province  = g->province();
	Country   = g->country();
	TimeZone  = g->TZ();
	TZrule    = g->tzrule();
	Height    = g->height();
예제 #5
GeoLocation::GeoLocation( double x, double y, double z, QString name, QString province, QString country, double TZ, TimeZoneRule *tzrule, int iEllips ) {
	PosCartX = x;
	PosCartY = y;
	PosCartZ = z;
	Name = name;
	Province = province;
	Country = country;
	TimeZone = TZ;
	TZrule = tzrule;
	indexEllipsoid = iEllips;
	setEllipsoid ( indexEllipsoid );
예제 #6
GeoLocation::GeoLocation( GeoLocation *g ) {
	Longitude = g->Longitude;
	Latitude  = g->Latitude;
	Name      = g->Name;
	Province  = g->Province;
	Country   = g->Country;
	TimeZone  = g->TimeZone;
	TZrule    = g->TZrule;
	Height    = g->Height;
	indexEllipsoid = g->indexEllipsoid;
	setEllipsoid ( indexEllipsoid );
예제 #7
GeoLocation::GeoLocation( const GeoLocation &g ) {
	Longitude = g.Longitude;
	Latitude  = g.Latitude;
	Name      = g.Name;
	Province  = g.Province;
	Country   = g.Country;
	TimeZone  = g.TimeZone;
	TZrule    = g.TZrule;
	Height    = g.Height;
	indexEllipsoid = g.indexEllipsoid;
	setEllipsoid ( indexEllipsoid );
예제 #8
GeoLocation::GeoLocation( double lng, double lat,
				QString name, QString province, QString country, double tz, TimeZoneRule *tzrule, int iEllips, double hght ) {
	Longitude.set( lng );
	Latitude.set( lat );
	Name = name;
	Province = province;
	Country = country;
	TimeZone = tz;
	TZrule = tzrule;
	Height = hght;
	indexEllipsoid = iEllips;
	setEllipsoid ( indexEllipsoid );
예제 #9
GeoLocation::GeoLocation( dms lng, dms lat,
                          const QString &name, const QString &province, const QString &country, double tz, TimeZoneRule *tzrule, int iEllips, double hght ) {
    Longitude = lng;
    Latitude = lat;
    Name = name;
    Province = province;
    Country = country;
    TimeZone = tz;
    TZrule = tzrule;
    Height = hght;
    indexEllipsoid = iEllips;
    setEllipsoid ( indexEllipsoid );
예제 #10
bool QgsDistanceArea::setEllipsoid( const QString& ellipsoid )
  QString radius, parameter2;
  // SQLITE3 stuff - get parameters for selected ellipsoid
  sqlite3      *myDatabase;
  const char   *myTail;
  sqlite3_stmt *myPreparedStatement;
  int           myResult;

  // Shortcut if ellipsoid is none.
  if ( ellipsoid == GEO_NONE )
    mEllipsoid = GEO_NONE;
    return true;

  // Check if we have a custom projection, and set from text string.
  // Format is "PARAMETER:<semi-major axis>:<semi minor axis>
  // Numbers must be with (optional) decimal point and no other separators (C locale)
  // Distances in meters.  Flattening is calculated.
  if ( ellipsoid.startsWith( "PARAMETER" ) )
    QStringList paramList = ellipsoid.split( ':' );
    bool semiMajorOk, semiMinorOk;
    double semiMajor = paramList[1].toDouble( & semiMajorOk );
    double semiMinor = paramList[2].toDouble( & semiMinorOk );
    if ( semiMajorOk && semiMinorOk )
      return setEllipsoid( semiMajor, semiMinor );
      return false;

  // Continue with PROJ.4 list of ellipsoids.

  //check the db is available
  myResult = sqlite3_open_v2( QgsApplication::srsDbFilePath().toUtf8().data(), &myDatabase, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nullptr );
  if ( myResult )
    QgsMessageLog::logMessage( QObject::tr( "Can't open database: %1" ).arg( sqlite3_errmsg( myDatabase ) ) );
    // XXX This will likely never happen since on open, sqlite creates the
    //     database if it does not exist.
    return false;
  // Set up the query to retrieve the projection information needed to populate the ELLIPSOID list
  QString mySql = "select radius, parameter2 from tbl_ellipsoid where acronym='" + ellipsoid + '\'';
  myResult = sqlite3_prepare( myDatabase, mySql.toUtf8(), mySql.toUtf8().length(), &myPreparedStatement, &myTail );
  // XXX Need to free memory from the error msg if one is set
  if ( myResult == SQLITE_OK )
    if ( sqlite3_step( myPreparedStatement ) == SQLITE_ROW )
      radius = QString( reinterpret_cast< const char * >( sqlite3_column_text( myPreparedStatement, 0 ) ) );
      parameter2 = QString( reinterpret_cast< const char * >( sqlite3_column_text( myPreparedStatement, 1 ) ) );
  // close the sqlite3 statement
  sqlite3_finalize( myPreparedStatement );
  sqlite3_close( myDatabase );

  // row for this ellipsoid wasn't found?
  if ( radius.isEmpty() || parameter2.isEmpty() )
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "setEllipsoid: no row in tbl_ellipsoid for acronym '%1'" ).arg( ellipsoid ) );
    return false;

  // get major semiaxis
  if ( radius.left( 2 ) == "a=" )
    mSemiMajor = radius.mid( 2 ).toDouble();
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "setEllipsoid: wrong format of radius field: '%1'" ).arg( radius ) );
    return false;

  // get second parameter
  // one of values 'b' or 'f' is in field parameter2
  // second one must be computed using formula: invf = a/(a-b)
  if ( parameter2.left( 2 ) == "b=" )
    mSemiMinor = parameter2.mid( 2 ).toDouble();
    mInvFlattening = mSemiMajor / ( mSemiMajor - mSemiMinor );
  else if ( parameter2.left( 3 ) == "rf=" )
    mInvFlattening = parameter2.mid( 3 ).toDouble();
    mSemiMinor = mSemiMajor - ( mSemiMajor / mInvFlattening );
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "setEllipsoid: wrong format of parameter2 field: '%1'" ).arg( parameter2 ) );
    return false;

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "setEllipsoid: a=%1, b=%2, 1/f=%3" ).arg( mSemiMajor ).arg( mSemiMinor ).arg( mInvFlattening ) );

  // get spatial ref system for ellipsoid
  QString proj4 = "+proj=longlat +ellps=" + ellipsoid + " +no_defs";
  QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem destCRS;
  destCRS.createFromProj4( proj4 );
  //TODO: createFromProj4 used to save to the user database any new CRS
  // this behavior was changed in order to separate creation and saving.
  // Not sure if it necessary to save it here, should be checked by someone
  // familiar with the code (should also give a more descriptive name to the generated CRS)
  if ( destCRS.srsid() == 0 )
    QString myName = QString( " * %1 (%2)" )
                     .arg( QObject::tr( "Generated CRS", "A CRS automatically generated from layer info get this prefix for description" ),
                           destCRS.toProj4() );
    destCRS.saveAsUserCRS( myName );

  // set transformation from project CRS to ellipsoid coordinates
  mCoordTransform->setDestCRS( destCRS );

  mEllipsoid = ellipsoid;

  // precalculate some values for area calculations

  return true;
예제 #11
void GeoLocation::changeEllipsoid(int index) {
예제 #12
bool QgsDistanceArea::setEllipsoid( const QString& ellipsoid )
  // Shortcut if ellipsoid is none.
  if ( ellipsoid == GEO_NONE )
    mEllipsoid = GEO_NONE;
    return true;

  // Check if we have a custom projection, and set from text string.
  // Format is "PARAMETER:<semi-major axis>:<semi minor axis>
  // Numbers must be with (optional) decimal point and no other separators (C locale)
  // Distances in meters.  Flattening is calculated.
  if ( ellipsoid.startsWith( "PARAMETER" ) )
    QStringList paramList = ellipsoid.split( ":" );
    bool semiMajorOk, semiMinorOk;
    double semiMajor = paramList[1].toDouble( & semiMajorOk );
    double semiMinor = paramList[2].toDouble( & semiMinorOk );
    if ( semiMajorOk && semiMinorOk )
      return setEllipsoid( semiMajor, semiMinor );
      return false;

  // Continue with PROJ.4 list of ellipsoids.
  QgsEllipsoidCache::Params params = QgsEllipsoidCache::instance()->getParams( ellipsoid );

  // row for this ellipsoid wasn't found?
  if ( params.radius.isEmpty() || params.parameter2.isEmpty() )
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "setEllipsoid: no row in tbl_ellipsoid for acronym '%1'" ).arg( ellipsoid ) );
    return false;

  // get major semiaxis
  if ( params.radius.left( 2 ) == "a=" )
    mSemiMajor = params.radius.mid( 2 ).toDouble();
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "setEllipsoid: wrong format of radius field: '%1'" ).arg( params.radius ) );
    return false;

  // get second parameter
  // one of values 'b' or 'f' is in field parameter2
  // second one must be computed using formula: invf = a/(a-b)
  if ( params.parameter2.left( 2 ) == "b=" )
    mSemiMinor = params.parameter2.mid( 2 ).toDouble();
    mInvFlattening = mSemiMajor / ( mSemiMajor - mSemiMinor );
  else if ( params.parameter2.left( 3 ) == "rf=" )
    mInvFlattening = params.parameter2.mid( 3 ).toDouble();
    mSemiMinor = mSemiMajor - ( mSemiMajor / mInvFlattening );
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "setEllipsoid: wrong format of parameter2 field: '%1'" ).arg( params.parameter2 ) );
    return false;

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "setEllipsoid: a=%1, b=%2, 1/f=%3" ).arg( mSemiMajor ).arg( mSemiMinor ).arg( mInvFlattening ) );

  // get spatial ref system for ellipsoid
  QString proj4 = "+proj=longlat +ellps=" + ellipsoid + " +no_defs";
  QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem destCRS = QgsCRSCache::instance()->crsByProj4( proj4 );
  //TODO: createFromProj4 used to save to the user database any new CRS
  // this behavior was changed in order to separate creation and saving.
  // Not sure if it necessary to save it here, should be checked by someone
  // familiar with the code (should also give a more descriptive name to the generated CRS)
  if ( destCRS.srsid() == 0 )
    QString myName = QString( " * %1 (%2)" )
                     .arg( QObject::tr( "Generated CRS", "A CRS automatically generated from layer info get this prefix for description" ) )
                     .arg( destCRS.toProj4() );
    destCRS.saveAsUserCRS( myName );

  // set transformation from project CRS to ellipsoid coordinates
  mCoordTransform->setDestCRS( destCRS );

  mEllipsoid = ellipsoid;

  // precalculate some values for area calculations

  return true;