예제 #1
QgsComposerLabel::QgsComposerLabel( QgsComposition *composition ):
    QgsComposerItem( composition ), mHtmlState( 0 ), mHtmlUnitsToMM( 1.0 ),
    mHtmlLoaded( false ), mMargin( 1.0 ), mFontColor( QColor( 0, 0, 0 ) ),
    mHAlignment( Qt::AlignLeft ), mVAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ),
    mExpressionFeature( 0 ), mExpressionLayer( 0 )
  mHtmlUnitsToMM = htmlUnitsToMM();

  //get default composer font from settings
  QSettings settings;
  QString defaultFontString = settings.value( "/Composer/defaultFont" ).toString();
  if ( !defaultFontString.isEmpty() )
    mFont.setFamily( defaultFontString );

  //default to a 10 point font size
  mFont.setPointSizeF( 10 );

  //default to no background
  setBackgroundEnabled( false );

  if ( mComposition && mComposition->atlasMode() == QgsComposition::PreviewAtlas )
    //a label added while atlas preview is enabled needs to have the expression context set,
    //otherwise fields in the label aren't correctly evaluated until atlas preview feature changes (#9457)
    setExpressionContext( mComposition->atlasComposition().currentFeature(), mComposition->atlasComposition().coverageLayer() );

  //connect to atlas feature changes
  //to update the expression context
  connect( &mComposition->atlasComposition(), SIGNAL( featureChanged( QgsFeature* ) ), this, SLOT( refreshExpressionContext() ) );

예제 #2
QgsComposerHtml::QgsComposerHtml( QgsComposition* c, bool createUndoCommands )
    : QgsComposerMultiFrame( c, createUndoCommands )
    , mContentMode( QgsComposerHtml::Url )
    , mWebPage( nullptr )
    , mLoaded( false )
    , mHtmlUnitsToMM( 1.0 )
    , mRenderedPage( nullptr )
    , mEvaluateExpressions( true )
    , mUseSmartBreaks( true )
    , mMaxBreakDistance( 10 )
    , mExpressionLayer( nullptr )
    , mDistanceArea( nullptr )
    , mEnableUserStylesheet( false )
    , mFetcher( nullptr )
  mDistanceArea = new QgsDistanceArea();
  mHtmlUnitsToMM = htmlUnitsToMM();
  mWebPage = new QgsWebPage();
  mWebPage->setIdentifier( tr( "Composer HTML item" ) );
  mWebPage->mainFrame()->setScrollBarPolicy( Qt::Horizontal, Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff );
  mWebPage->mainFrame()->setScrollBarPolicy( Qt::Vertical, Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff );

  //This makes the background transparent. Found on http://blog.qt.digia.com/blog/2009/06/30/transparent-qwebview-or-qwebpage/
  QPalette palette = mWebPage->palette();
  palette.setBrush( QPalette::Base, Qt::transparent );
  mWebPage->setPalette( palette );

  mWebPage->setNetworkAccessManager( QgsNetworkAccessManager::instance() );
  QObject::connect( mWebPage, SIGNAL( loadFinished( bool ) ), this, SLOT( frameLoaded( bool ) ) );
  if ( mComposition )
    QObject::connect( mComposition, SIGNAL( itemRemoved( QgsComposerItem* ) ), this, SLOT( handleFrameRemoval( QgsComposerItem* ) ) );

  // data defined strings
  mDataDefinedNames.insert( QgsComposerObject::SourceUrl, QString( "dataDefinedSourceUrl" ) );

  if ( mComposition && mComposition->atlasMode() == QgsComposition::PreviewAtlas )
    //a html item added while atlas preview is enabled needs to have the expression context set,
    //otherwise fields in the html aren't correctly evaluated until atlas preview feature changes (#9457)
    setExpressionContext( mComposition->atlasComposition().feature(), mComposition->atlasComposition().coverageLayer() );

  //connect to atlas feature changes
  //to update the expression context
  connect( &mComposition->atlasComposition(), SIGNAL( featureChanged( QgsFeature* ) ), this, SLOT( refreshExpressionContext() ) );

  mFetcher = new QgsNetworkContentFetcher();
  connect( mFetcher, SIGNAL( finished() ), this, SLOT( frameLoaded() ) );

예제 #3
void QgsComposerHtml::refreshExpressionContext()
  QgsVectorLayer * vl = nullptr;
  QgsFeature feature;

  if ( mComposition->atlasComposition().enabled() )
    vl = mComposition->atlasComposition().coverageLayer();
  if ( mComposition->atlasMode() != QgsComposition::AtlasOff )
    feature = mComposition->atlasComposition().feature();

  setExpressionContext( feature, vl );
  loadHtml( true );
예제 #4
QgsComposerHtml::QgsComposerHtml( QgsComposition* c, bool createUndoCommands ): QgsComposerMultiFrame( c, createUndoCommands ),
    mContentMode( QgsComposerHtml::Url ),
    mWebPage( 0 ),
    mLoaded( false ),
    mHtmlUnitsToMM( 1.0 ),
    mRenderedPage( 0 ),
    mEvaluateExpressions( true ),
    mUseSmartBreaks( true ),
    mMaxBreakDistance( 10 ),
    mExpressionFeature( 0 ),
    mExpressionLayer( 0 ),
    mEnableUserStylesheet( false )
  mHtmlUnitsToMM = htmlUnitsToMM();
  mWebPage = new QWebPage();
  mWebPage->setNetworkAccessManager( QgsNetworkAccessManager::instance() );
  QObject::connect( mWebPage, SIGNAL( loadFinished( bool ) ), this, SLOT( frameLoaded( bool ) ) );
  if ( mComposition )
    QObject::connect( mComposition, SIGNAL( itemRemoved( QgsComposerItem* ) ), this, SLOT( handleFrameRemoval( QgsComposerItem* ) ) );

  // data defined strings
  mDataDefinedNames.insert( QgsComposerObject::SourceUrl, QString( "dataDefinedSourceUrl" ) );

  if ( mComposition && mComposition->atlasMode() == QgsComposition::PreviewAtlas )
    //a html item added while atlas preview is enabled needs to have the expression context set,
    //otherwise fields in the html aren't correctly evaluated until atlas preview feature changes (#9457)
    setExpressionContext( mComposition->atlasComposition().currentFeature(), mComposition->atlasComposition().coverageLayer() );

  //connect to atlas feature changes
  //to update the expression context
  connect( &mComposition->atlasComposition(), SIGNAL( featureChanged( QgsFeature* ) ), this, SLOT( refreshExpressionContext() ) );

예제 #5
QgsLayoutItemHtml::QgsLayoutItemHtml( QgsLayout *layout )
  : QgsLayoutMultiFrame( layout )
  mHtmlUnitsToLayoutUnits = htmlUnitsToLayoutUnits();
  mWebPage = qgis::make_unique< QgsWebPage >();
  mWebPage->setIdentifier( tr( "Layout HTML item" ) );
  mWebPage->mainFrame()->setScrollBarPolicy( Qt::Horizontal, Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff );
  mWebPage->mainFrame()->setScrollBarPolicy( Qt::Vertical, Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff );

  //This makes the background transparent. Found on http://blog.qt.digia.com/blog/2009/06/30/transparent-qwebview-or-qwebpage/
  QPalette palette = mWebPage->palette();
  palette.setBrush( QPalette::Base, Qt::transparent );
  mWebPage->setPalette( palette );

  mWebPage->setNetworkAccessManager( QgsNetworkAccessManager::instance() );

#if 0 //TODO
  if ( mLayout )
    connect( mLayout, &QgsComposition::itemRemoved, this, &QgsComposerMultiFrame::handleFrameRemoval );

  if ( mComposition && mComposition->atlasMode() == QgsComposition::PreviewAtlas )
    //a html item added while atlas preview is enabled needs to have the expression context set,
    //otherwise fields in the html aren't correctly evaluated until atlas preview feature changes (#9457)
    setExpressionContext( mComposition->atlasComposition().feature(), mComposition->atlasComposition().coverageLayer() );

  //connect to atlas feature changes
  //to update the expression context
  connect( &mComposition->atlasComposition(), &QgsAtlasComposition::featureChanged, this, &QgsLayoutItemHtml::refreshExpressionContext );

  mFetcher = new QgsNetworkContentFetcher();