void M8_PID::setupPID( byte sensor, float pGain, float iGain, float dGain, float iTermMin, float iTermMax ) { setPGain( sensor, pGain ); setIGain( sensor, iGain ); setDGain( sensor, dGain ); _info[ sensor ]._iTermMin = iTermMin; _info[ sensor ]._iTermMax = iTermMax; _info[ sensor ]._error = 0; _info[ sensor ]._iState = 0; _info[ sensor ]._dState = 0; }
// igain: Integrator gain (dB or no units; def: 1.0) bool Radar::setSlotIGain(Basic::Number* const v) { bool ok = false; if (v != nullptr) { LCreal g = v->getReal(); if (g >= 1.0) { ok = setIGain(g); } else { std::cerr << "RfSystem::setSlotIGain: gain must be greater than or equal to one (i.e., 0db)" << std::endl; } } return ok; }
void CommanderCallBack(super_modified_servo::commanderConfig &config, uint32_t level) { if (config.command == "search") { for (motor_id = 4; motor_id < MaxNumSMS; motor_id++) { start(fd, motor_id); sleep(1); printf("Start Node ID %d\n", motor_id); if (getCommunicationSuccess()) printf("ID is %d\n", motor_id); resetErrors(fd, motor_id); sleep(1); stop(fd, motor_id); printf("Stop Node ID %d\n", motor_id); } } if (config.command == "start") { printf("[INFO] Start\n"); start(fd, motor_id); start_flag = true; } if (config.command == "stop") { printf("[INFO] Stop\n"); stop(fd, motor_id); start_flag = false; } if (config.command == "reset") { printf("[INFO] Reset\n"); stop(fd, motor_id); sleep(1); start(fd, motor_id); } if (config.command == "setID") { printf("[INFO] Set ID: %d\n", new_motor_id); setNodeId(fd, motor_id, new_motor_id); printf("[INFO] Disconnect the servo\n"); } if (config.command == "setBaud") { printf("[INFO] Set baud rate: %d\n", baudRate); setBaudRate(fd, motor_id, baudRate); printf("[INFO] Disconnect the servo\n"); printf("[INFO] Change the bad rate in serialPortOpen function"); } if (config.command == "error_reaction") { printf("[INFO] Error reaction\n"); uint8_t resp[20]; uint8_t errorReaction[20] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x02, 0x02, 0x01}; setErrorReaction(fd, motor_id, errorReaction); sleep(3); if (getCommunicationSuccess() == false) { resetErrors(fd, motor_id);; printf("[ERROR]: %d \n", getWarning()); } getErrorReaction(fd, motor_id, resp); for (int i=0; i<20; i++) printf("D[%d]: %d\n", i, resp[i]); } if (config.command == "setGain") { printf("[INFO] Set Gain: \n"); setPGain(fd, motor_id, kp); setIGain(fd, motor_id, ki); setDGain(fd, motor_id, kd); printf("[INFO] kp %d \n", getPGain(fd, motor_id)); printf("[INFO] ki %d \n", getIGain(fd, motor_id)); printf("[INFO] kd %d \n", getDGain(fd, motor_id)); } if (config.command == "getGain") { printf("[INFO] kp %d \n", getPGain(fd, motor_id)); printf("[INFO] ki %d \n", getIGain(fd, motor_id)); printf("[INFO] kd %d \n", getDGain(fd, motor_id)); } motor_id = config.motor_id; new_motor_id = config.new_motor_id; baudRate = config.baudRate; kp = config.p_gain; ki = config.i_gain; kd = config.d_gain; set_point = config.set_point; }
short processRadioMessages(char *buf, short lenth) { short cmdIndex = -1; char cmd[lenth]; char token2[lenth]; short i = 0; short changeLeve = 0; short parameter = 0; float parameterF = 0.0; float rollSpShift = 0; float pitchSpShift = 0; float yawShiftValue = 0; float throttlePercentage = 0; static unsigned long radio_last_tv3 = 0; #if 0 unsigned long tv=millis(); Serial.println(tv-radio_last_tv3); radio_last_tv3=tv; // Serial.println(buf); #endif resetPacketAccCounter(); memset(cmd, '\0', sizeof(cmd)); for (i = 1; buf[i] != '#'; i++) { cmd[i - 1] = buf[i]; } qToken(cmd, token2,lenth, 0); cmdIndex = atoi(token2); switch (cmdIndex) { case ON_OFF_FLY_SYSTEM_MESSAGE: qToken(cmd, token2,lenth,ON_OFF_FLY); parameter = atoi(token2); if (1 == parameter) { enableFlySystem(); } else { disenableFlySystem(); } break; case PILOT_CONTROL_MESSAGE: // printf("%s\n",buf); qToken(cmd, token2,lenth, THROTTLE_LEVEL); parameter = atoi(token2); qToken(cmd, token2,lenth, ROLL_SP_SHIFT); rollSpShift = atof(token2); qToken(cmd, token2,lenth, PITCH_SP_SHIFT); pitchSpShift = atof(token2); qToken(cmd, token2,lenth, YAW_SP_SHIFT); yawShiftValue = atof(token2); //printf("factor=%d\n",(int)(((float)(parameter-100)/(float)100)*(float)(MAX_POWER_LEVEL-MIN_POWER_LEVEL))); //printf("parameter=%d\n",parameter); throttlePercentage = (float)parameter / 100.f; parameter = getMinPowerLevel() + (int) (throttlePercentage * (float) (getMaxPowerLeve() - getMinPowerLevel())); /*(100~200)*10=1000~2000 us*/ //printf("getMaxPowerLeveRange()- getMinPowerLeveRange()=%f\n",getMaxPowerLeve()- getMinPowerLevel()); //printf("parameter=%d\n",parameter); if (parameter > getMaxPowerLeve() || parameter < getMinPowerLevel()) { printf( "break\n"); break; } if (true == flySystemIsEnable()) { setThrottlePowerLevel(parameter); if (getMinPowerLevel() == parameter) { //printf("STOP\n"); resetPidRecord(&rollAttitudePidSettings); resetPidRecord(&pitchAttitudePidSettings); resetPidRecord(&yawAttitudePidSettings); resetPidRecord(&rollRatePidSettings); resetPidRecord(&pitchRatePidSettings); resetPidRecord(&yawRatePidSettings); setYawCenterPoint(0); setPidSp(&yawAttitudePidSettings, 321.0); } else { if (getPidSp(&yawAttitudePidSettings) == 321.0) { printf( "START Flying\n"); setYawCenterPoint(getYaw()); setPidSp(&yawAttitudePidSettings, 0); } setPidSp(&rollAttitudePidSettings, LIMIT_MIN_MAX_VALUE(rollSpShift, -getAngularLimit(), getAngularLimit())); setPidSp(&pitchAttitudePidSettings, LIMIT_MIN_MAX_VALUE(pitchSpShift, -getAngularLimit(), getAngularLimit())); setYawCenterPoint(getYawCenterPoint() + (yawShiftValue * 1.0)); } } //printf("throttle=%d roll=%f pitch=%f\n",parameter,rollSpShift,pitchSpShift); break; case SYSTEM_SETTING_MESSAGE: printf( "%s " , buf); qToken(cmd, token2,lenth, ANAGULAR_VELOVITY_LIMIT); parameterF = atof(token2); if (parameterF == 0) { parameterF = 1; } setGyroLimit(parameterF); printf( "Angular Velocity Limit: %4.3f\n",getGyroLimit()); /***/ qToken(cmd, token2,lenth, ROLL_CALIBRATION); parameterF = atof(token2); setPidSpShift(&rollAttitudePidSettings, parameterF); printf( "Roll Angular Calibration: %4.3f\n",getPidSpShift(&rollAttitudePidSettings)); /***/ qToken(cmd, token2,lenth, PITCH_CALIBRATION); parameterF = atof(token2); setPidSpShift(&pitchAttitudePidSettings, parameterF); printf( "Pitch Angular Calibration: %4.3f\n",getPidSpShift(&pitchAttitudePidSettings)); break; case PID_SETTING_MESSAGE: printf("%s\n", buf); qToken(cmd, token2,lenth, ATTITUDE_ROLL_P); parameterF = atof(token2); setPGain(&rollAttitudePidSettings, parameterF); printf( "Attitude Roll P Gain=%f\n", getPGain(&rollAttitudePidSettings)); qToken(cmd, token2,lenth, ATTITUDE_ROLL_I); parameterF = atof(token2); setIGain(&rollAttitudePidSettings, parameterF); printf("Attitude Roll I Gain=%f\n", getIGain(&rollAttitudePidSettings)); qToken(cmd, token2,lenth,ATTITUDE_ROLL_I_LIMIT ); parameterF = atof(token2); setILimit(&rollAttitudePidSettings, parameterF); printf( "Attitude Roll I Output Limit=%f\n", getILimit(&rollAttitudePidSettings)); qToken(cmd, token2,lenth,ATTITUDE_ROLL_D ); parameterF = atof(token2); setDGain(&rollAttitudePidSettings, parameterF); printf("Attitude Roll D Gain=%f\n", getDGain(&rollAttitudePidSettings)); qToken(cmd, token2,lenth,ATTITUDE_PITCH_P ); parameterF = atof(token2); setPGain(&pitchAttitudePidSettings, parameterF); printf( "Attitude Pitch P Gain=%f\n", getPGain(&pitchAttitudePidSettings)); qToken(cmd, token2,lenth, ATTITUDE_PITCH_I); parameterF = atof(token2); setIGain(&pitchAttitudePidSettings, parameterF); printf( "Attitude Pitch I Gain=%f\n", getIGain(&pitchAttitudePidSettings)); qToken(cmd, token2,lenth, ATTITUDE_PITCH_I_LIMIT); parameterF = atof(token2); setILimit(&pitchAttitudePidSettings, parameterF); printf( "Attitude Pitch I Output Limit=%f\n", getILimit(&pitchAttitudePidSettings)); qToken(cmd, token2,lenth, ATTITUDE_PITCH_D); parameterF = atof(token2); setDGain(&pitchAttitudePidSettings, parameterF); printf( "Attitude Pitch D Gain=%f\n", getDGain(&pitchAttitudePidSettings)); qToken(cmd, token2,lenth,ATTITUDE_YAW_P ); parameterF = atof(token2); setPGain(&yawAttitudePidSettings, parameterF); printf( "Attitude Yaw P Gain=%f\n", getPGain(&yawAttitudePidSettings)); qToken(cmd, token2,lenth, ATTITUDE_YAW_I); parameterF = atof(token2); setIGain(&yawAttitudePidSettings, parameterF); printf( "Attitude Yaw I Gain=%f\n", getIGain(&yawAttitudePidSettings)); qToken(cmd, token2,lenth, ATTITUDE_YAW_I_LIMIT); parameterF = atof(token2); setILimit(&yawAttitudePidSettings, parameterF); printf( "Attitude Yaw I Output Limit=%f\n", getILimit(&yawAttitudePidSettings)); qToken(cmd, token2,lenth, ATTITUDE_YAW_D); parameterF = atof(token2); setDGain(&yawAttitudePidSettings, parameterF); printf( "Attitude Yaw D Gain=%f\n", getDGain(&yawAttitudePidSettings)); qToken(cmd, token2,lenth, RATE_ROLL_P); parameterF = atof(token2); setPGain(&rollRatePidSettings, parameterF); printf( "Rate Roll P Gain=%f\n", getPGain(&rollRatePidSettings)); qToken(cmd, token2,lenth, RATE_ROLL_I); parameterF = atof(token2); setIGain(&rollRatePidSettings, parameterF); printf( "Rate Roll I Gain=%f\n", getIGain(&rollRatePidSettings)); qToken(cmd, token2,lenth, RATE_ROLL_I_LIMIT); parameterF = atof(token2); setILimit(&rollRatePidSettings, parameterF); printf( "Rate Roll I Output Limit=%f\n", getILimit(&rollRatePidSettings)); qToken(cmd, token2,lenth,RATE_ROLL_D); parameterF = atof(token2); setDGain(&rollRatePidSettings, parameterF); printf( "Rate Roll D Gain=%f\n", getDGain(&rollRatePidSettings)); qToken(cmd, token2,lenth,RATE_PITCH_P ); parameterF = atof(token2); setPGain(&pitchRatePidSettings, parameterF); printf( "Rate Pitch P Gain=%f\n", getPGain(&pitchRatePidSettings)); qToken(cmd, token2,lenth,RATE_PITCH_I ); parameterF = atof(token2); setIGain(&pitchRatePidSettings, parameterF); printf( "Rate Pitch I Gain=%f\n", getIGain(&pitchRatePidSettings)); qToken(cmd, token2,lenth,RATE_PITCH_I_LIMIT ); parameterF = atof(token2); setILimit(&pitchRatePidSettings, parameterF); printf( "Rate Pitch I Output Limit=%f\n", getILimit(&pitchRatePidSettings)); qToken(cmd, token2,lenth, RATE_PITCH_D); parameterF = atof(token2); setDGain(&pitchRatePidSettings, parameterF); printf( "Rate Pitch D Gain=%f\n", getDGain(&pitchRatePidSettings)); qToken(cmd, token2,lenth,RATE_YAW_P ); parameterF = atof(token2); setPGain(&yawRatePidSettings, parameterF); printf( "Rate Yaw P Gain=%f\n", getPGain(&yawRatePidSettings)); qToken(cmd, token2,lenth, RATE_YAW_I); parameterF = atof(token2); setIGain(&yawRatePidSettings, parameterF); printf( "Rate Yaw I Gain=%f\n", getIGain(&yawRatePidSettings)); qToken(cmd, token2,lenth,RATE_YAW_I_LIMIT ); parameterF = atof(token2); setILimit(&yawRatePidSettings, parameterF); printf("Rate Yaw I Output Limit=%f\n", getILimit(&yawRatePidSettings)); qToken(cmd, token2,lenth, RATE_YAW_D); parameterF = atof(token2); setDGain(&yawRatePidSettings, parameterF); printf( "Rate Yaw D Gain=%f\n", getDGain(&yawRatePidSettings)); break; default: printf("unknow message\n"); } }