예제 #1
void tone(uint8_t _pin, unsigned int frequency, unsigned long duration)
// uint32_t tonePeriod;
uint8_t port;

	// Should have an error check here for pin number out of range.
	//*	there is no standard on the number of pins. Since we want this to work on all versions of the PIC32
	//*	I have set it to 112 for now which is the largest I/O pin count on a pic32
	if ((frequency > 0) && (_pin < (NUM_DIGITAL_PINS)))
		// If a tone is currently playing on a different pin, the function is
		// documented to have no effect. If playing on the same pin, change
		// the frequency. If not currently playing, initialize the timer.
		// This is currently hard coded to use timer1.
		if (tone_pin == 255)
                    // No tone currently playing. Init the timer.
                    T1CON = TACON_PS_256;
                    setIntVector(_TIMER_1_VECTOR, Timer1Handler);
                    setIntPriority(_TIMER_1_VECTOR, _T1_IPL_IPC, _T1_SPL_IPC);
		else if (_pin != tone_pin)
			// Tone currently playing on another pin. ignore this call.

		// Determine which port and bit are requested.
		tone_pin		=	_pin; 
		port			=	digitalPinToPort(_pin);
		tone_pin_port	=	(p32_ioport *)portRegisters(port);
		tone_pin_mask	=	digitalPinToBitMask(_pin);

		// Ensure that the pin is a digital output
		pinMode(_pin, OUTPUT);

		// Duration 0 means to play forever until stopped. Other values
		// mean to play for that many milliseconds.
		if (duration > 0)
			timer1_toggle_count	=	(2 * frequency * duration) / 1000;
			timer1_toggle_count	=	-1;

		TMR1		= 0;
		PR1			= ((__PIC32_pbClk / 256) / 2 / frequency);
예제 #2
void RTCCClass::begin() 
    setIntVector(_RTCC_VECTOR, __RTCCInterrupt);
    setIntPriority(_RTCC_VECTOR, 3, 0);

/*Ensure the secondary oscillator is enabled and ready, i.e. OSCCON<1>=1, OSCCON<22>=1,
and RTCC write is enabled i.e. RTCWREN (RTCCON<3>) =1;*/
    RTCCONbits.RTCWREN = 1;
    RTCCONbits.ON = 1;
    OSCCONSET = 0x00400002;
	_validity = RTCC_VAL_NOT; // 0: very unsure!
예제 #3
const NWADP * GetMRF24GAdaptor(MACADDR *pUseThisMac, HRRHEAP hAdpHeap, IPSTATUS * pStatus)
    // get our pins set up
    WF_HIBERNATE_IO     = 0;

    WF_RESET_IO         = 0;
    WF_RESET_TRIS       = 0;

    // Enable the WiFi
    WF_CS_IO            = 1;
    WF_CS_TRIS          = 0;

    WF_INT_TRIS         = 1;

    // register our interrupt vectors
    setIntVector(WF_INT_VEC, _WFInterrupt);
    setIntPriority(WF_INT_VEC, 3, 0);

    if (hAdpHeap == NULL)
        AssignStatusSafely(pStatus, ipsNoHeapGiven);

    AssignStatusSafely(pStatus, ipsSuccess);
    wfmrf24.priv.initStatus = ForceIPStatus((InitMask | WF_INIT_ERROR_SPI_NOT_CONNECTED));
    wfmrf24.priv.connectionStatus = ForceIPStatus((InitMask | WF_EVENT_INITIALIZATION));
    wfmrf24.priv.cScanResults = -1;
    wfmrf24.adpMRF24G.hAdpHeap = hAdpHeap;
    wfmrf24.priv.pIpStackBeingTx = NULL;
    memset(&wfmrf24.priv.ffptRead, 0, sizeof(FFPT));
    memset(&wfmrf24.priv.ffptWrite, 0, sizeof(FFPT));

    // save away our MAC
    if (pUseThisMac != NULL)
        memcpy(&wfmrf24.adpMRF24G.mac, pUseThisMac, sizeof(MACADDR));
        memcpy(&wfmrf24.adpMRF24G.mac, &MACNONE, sizeof(MACADDR));

예제 #4
void LowPower_::snooze(unsigned long ms) {
    uint32_t f_pb = getPeripheralClock();

    if (switchToLPRC()) {
        f_pb = 31250;

    float baseclock = f_pb;
    uint8_t ps = 0;

    float f = 1.0 / (ms / 1000.0);

    if (baseclock / f > 0xFFFFFFFF) {
        baseclock = f_pb / 2;
        ps = 1;

    if (baseclock / f > 0xFFFFFFFF) {
        baseclock = f_pb / 4;
        ps = 2;

    if (baseclock / f > 0xFFFFFFFF) {
        baseclock = f_pb / 8;
        ps = 3;

    if (baseclock / f > 0xFFFFFFFF) {
        baseclock = f_pb / 8;
        ps = 3;

    if (baseclock / f > 0xFFFFFFFF) {
        baseclock = f_pb / 16;
        ps = 4;

    if (baseclock / f > 0xFFFFFFFF) {
        baseclock = f_pb / 32;
        ps = 5;

    if (baseclock / f > 0xFFFFFFFF) {
        baseclock = f_pb / 64;
        ps = 6;

    if (baseclock / f > 0xFFFFFFFF) {
        baseclock = f_pb / 256;
        ps = 7;

    uint32_t tcon4 = T4CON;
    uint32_t tpr4 = PR4;
    uint32_t tmr4 = TMR4;

    uint32_t tcon5 = T5CON;
    uint32_t tpr5 = PR5;
    uint32_t tmr5 = TMR5;

    int ipl;
    int spl;

    T4CON = 0;
    T5CON = 0;

    T4CONbits.TCKPS = ps;
    T4CONbits.T32 = 1;

    uint32_t pr = baseclock / f;

    PR4 = pr & 0xFFFF;
    PR5 = pr >> 16;

    isrFunc origIsr = setIntVector(_TIMER_5_VECTOR, _timerWakeup);
    getIntPriority(_TIMER_5_VECTOR, &ipl, &spl);
    setIntPriority(_TIMER_5_VECTOR, 5, 0);
    int en = setIntEnable(_TIMER_5_IRQ);
    TMR4 = 0;
    TMR5 = 0;
    // If we're going to do this we need to ensure the two timers are enabled!

    int cten = clearIntEnable(_CORE_TIMER_IRQ);
    T4CONbits.TON = 1;
    restoreIntEnable(_CORE_TIMER_IRQ, cten);

    T4CONbits.TON = 0;
    setIntPriority(_TIMER_5_VECTOR, ipl, spl);
    setIntVector(_TIMER_5_VECTOR, origIsr);
    restoreIntEnable(_TIMER_5_IRQ, en);

    T5CON = tcon5;
    PR5 = tpr5;
    TMR5 = tmr5;
    T4CON = tcon4;
    PR4 = tpr4;
    TMR4 = tmr4;
예제 #5
void VGA::initializeDevice() {
    _vgaDevice = this;
    if (_hsync_pin == 0 || _vsync_pin == 0) {

    memset((void *)_buffer0, 0, ((Width/8)+1) * Height);

    memset((void *)_buffer1, 0, ((Width/8)+1) * Height);
    bufferNumber = 0;
    activeBuffer = _buffer0;
    vgaBuffer = _buffer1;
    bufferNumber = 0;
    activeBuffer = _buffer0;
    vgaBuffer = _buffer0;

    _hsync_port->tris.clr = _hsync_pin;
    _vsync_port->tris.clr = _vsync_pin;

    // First we need to set up a timer that will trigger at the different times.
    T2CONbits.TCKPS = 0; // No prescaler
    PR2 = 0xFFFF;

    setIntVector(_TIMER_2_VECTOR, vgaProcess);
    setIntPriority(_TIMER_2_VECTOR, 6, 0);

    // Now congfigure SPI4 for display data transmission.
    SPI4CON = 0;
    SPI4CONbits.MSTEN = 1;
    SPI4CONbits.STXISEL = 0b11; // Interrupt when one byte in buffer
    SPI4BRG = 0; // This will set how big each pixel is.
    SPI4BRG = 1; // This will set how big each pixel is.
    SPI4CONbits.ON = 1;

    // And now a DMA channel for transferring the data
    DCH0SSA = ((unsigned int)vgaBuffer) & 0x1FFFFFFF;
    DCH0DSA = ((unsigned int)&SPI4BUF) & 0x1FFFFFFF;
    DCH0SSIZ = (Width / 8) + 1;
    DCH0DSIZ = 1;
    DCH0CSIZ = 1;
    DCH0ECONbits.SIRQEN = 1;
    DCH0CONbits.CHAEN = 0;
    DCH0CONbits.CHEN = 0;
    DCH0CONbits.CHPRI = 3;

    vgaVsyncPort = _vsync_port;
    vgaHsyncPort = _hsync_port;
    vgaVsyncMask = _vsync_pin;
    vgaHsyncMask = _hsync_pin;
    vgaWidth = (Width/8) + 1;
    vgaHeight = Height;
    vgaBufSize = vgaWidth * vgaHeight;

//    setIntPriority(_CORE_TIMER_VECTOR, 5, 0);


    DMACONbits.ON = 1;
    T2CONbits.ON = 1; // Turn on the timer
예제 #6
DTWI::DTWI(p32_i2c * ptwiC, uint8_t irqBusC, uint8_t vecC, uint8_t iplC, uint8_t splC, uint8_t pinSCLC, uint8_t pinSDAC)
    int             bnIRQ   = (irqBusC % 32);                           // IE and IF bit locations
    uint32_t        bmI2C   = 0;

    // make sure we don't assert a stop condition
    fStop       = false;
    fMasterMode = false;    // slave mode is sort of always on

    // clear IO buffers
    iReadNext   = 0;
    iReadLast   = 0;
    iWriteNext  = 0;
    iWriteLast  = 0;
    addr        = addrGenCall;
    iSession      = 0;

    // passed in values
    ptwi            = ptwiC;
    ptwi->ixCon.reg = 0;            // make sure the I2C device is OFF

    irqBus          = irqBusC;
    vec             = vecC;
    ipl             = iplC;
    spl             = splC;
    pinSCL          = pinSCLC;
    pinSDA          = pinSDAC;

    // set priority and sub priority
    setIntPriority(vec, ipl, spl);

    // MZ has 2 more vectors to worry about
#if defined(__PIC32MZXX__)

    // the MZ part works off of offset tables
    // We are given the BUS VEC, and we must fill in the 
    // the SLAVE and MASTER VECs as well
    setIntVector(vec+1, getIntVector(vec));
    setIntVector(vec+2, getIntVector(vec));

    // and set the priorities for the other 2 vectors.
    setIntPriority(vec+1, ipl, spl);
    setIntPriority(vec+2, ipl, spl);

    // calculated values
    pregIfs = (((p32_regset *)&IFS0) + (irqBus / 32)); 
    pregIec = (((p32_regset *)&IEC0) + (irqBus / 32));

    bitB = (I2C_BUS_COLLISION_EVENT) << bnIRQ;
    bitMASK = 0;

    bmI2C = bitB | (bitB << shiftSlave) | (bitB << shiftMaster);

    // Disable the interrupt because we don't want to call this until after the begin()
	pregIec->clr = bmI2C;

    // Clear the interrupt flags
	pregIfs->clr = bmI2C;

    // init the state machine state
    curState  = I2C_IDLE; 

    // put a default of 100KHz
    // use F_CPU because __PIC32_pbClk is not set up yet
    // as constructor run before MPIDE Init; however, this would be the correct
    // value at this point as noone has the chance to change the clock freq
    // later we can use __PIC32_pbClk; which is used in masterStart
    ptwi->ixBrg.reg = (F_CPU/FQ100KHz/2) - (((F_CPU / 10000000) * 26) / 25) - 2;

    // put the slave general call address
    ptwi->ixAdd.reg = addrGenCall;

    ptwi->ixCon.reg   = 0;      // turn everything OFF
    ptwi->ixStat.reg  = 0;      // clear the status bits as well
예제 #7
void HardwareSerial::begin(unsigned long baudRate, uint8_t address) {
	/* Initialize the receive buffer.

#if defined(__PIC32_PPS__)

    // set the pins to digital, just in case they 
    // are analog pins. The serial controller will not
    // set these to digital.
    pinMode(pinTx, INPUT); // let serial controller set as output, keep tri-stated for now.
    pinMode(pinRx, INPUT);

	/* Map the UART TX to the appropriate pin.
    mapPps(pinTx, ppsTx);

	/* Map the UART RX to the appropriate pin.
    mapPps(pinRx, ppsRx);

// the only UART on a non-PPS MX that conflicts with an analog
// pin is UART5 on MX 5,6,& 7 64 pin parts only.
#elif __PIC32_PINS__ == 64 && (defined(__PIC32MX5XX__) || defined(__PIC32MX6XX__)  || defined(__PIC32MX7XX__))

    // see if this is UART5
    if(uart == ((p32_uart *) _UART5_BASE_ADDRESS))
        // RB8 is AN8 & U5RX
        // RB14 is AN14 & U5TX
        // set as digital pins
        AD1PCFGbits.PCFG8 = 1;
        AD1PCFGbits.PCFG14 = 1;

    setIntVector(vec, isr);

	/* Set the interrupt privilege level and sub-privilege level
	setIntPriority(vec, ipl, spl);

        // MZ has 2 more vectors to worry about
#if defined(__PIC32MZXX__)

        // the MZ part works off of offset tables
        // we must fill in the tx and rx VECs to point
        // to the ERR VEC so all 3 VECs use the same ISR
        setIntVector(vec+1, isr);
        setIntVector(vec+2, isr);

        // and set the priorities for the other 2 vectors.
        setIntPriority(vec+1, ipl, spl);
        setIntPriority(vec+2, ipl, spl);

    /* Clear the interrupt flags, and set the interrupt enables for the
    ** interrupts used by this UART.
    ifs->clr = bit_rx + bit_tx + bit_err;	//clear all interrupt flags

    iec->clr = bit_rx + bit_tx + bit_err;	//disable all interrupts
    iec->set = bit_rx;						//enable rx interrupts

    /* Initialize the UART itself.
    **	http://www.chipkit.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=213&p=948#p948
    ** Use high baud rate divisor for bauds over LOW_HIGH_BAUD_SPLIT
    uart->uxMode.reg = 0;
    uart->uxSta.reg = 0;
    if (baudRate < LOW_HIGH_BAUD_SPLIT) {
        // calculate actual BAUD generate value.
        uart->uxBrg.reg = ((__PIC32_pbClk / 16 / baudRate) - 1);  
        // set to 9 data bits, no parity
        uart->uxMode.set = 0b11 << _UARTMODE_PDSEL;                             
    } else {
        // calculate actual BAUD generate value.
        uart->uxBrg.reg = ((__PIC32_pbClk / 4 / baudRate) - 1);
        // set to 9 data bits, no parity
        uart->uxMode.set =  (1 << _UARTMODE_BRGH) + (0b11 << _UARTMODE_PDSEL); 
    // set address of RS485 slave, enable transmitter and receiver and auto address detection
    uart->uxSta.set = (1 << _UARTSTA_ADM_EN) + (address << _UARTSTA_ADDR) + (1 << _UARTSTA_UTXEN) + (1 << _UARTSTA_URXEN);  
    enableAddressDetection(); // enable auto address detection
    uart->uxMode.set = 1 << _UARTMODE_ON; // enable UART module