int PCA9685::setPin(uint8_t num, uint16_t val, bool invert) { // Clamp value between 0 and 4095 inclusive. if (val > 4095) { val = 4095; } if (invert) { if (val == 0) { // Special value for signal fully on. return setPWM(num, 4096, 0); } else if (val == 4095) { // Special value for signal fully off. return setPWM(num, 0, 4096); } else { return setPWM(num, 0, 4095 - val); } } else { if (val == 4095) { // Special value for signal fully on. return setPWM(num, 4096, 0); } else if (val == 0) { // Special value for signal fully off. return setPWM(num, 0, 4096); } else { return setPWM(num, 0, val); } } return PX4_ERROR; }
int main(void){ TRISE = TRISE | 0xF0; //adc TRISBbits.TRISB14=1;//rb14 ativo input AD1PCFGbits.PCFG14=0;//rb14 analog AD1CON1bits.SSRC = 7; AD1CON1bits.CLRASAM = 1; AD1CON3bits.SAMC = 16; AD1CON2bits.SMPI = Namostras-1; AD1CHSbits.CH0SA = 14; AD1CON1bits.ON = 1; //configure interup IPC6bits.AD1IP=1; IEC1bits.AD1IE=1; //configure interuo of T1 T1CONbits.TCKPS = 3; // 1:256 prescaler (i.e fin = 625 KHz) PR1 = PBCLK/256/4-1; // Fout = 20MHz / (256 * (78125 + 1)) = 4 Hz TMR1 = 0; // Reset timer T2 count register T1CONbits.TON = 1; // Enable timer T2 (must be the last command of the timer configuration sequence) IFS0bits.T1IF = 0; // Reset timer T2 interrupt flag IPC1bits.T1IP = 2; // Interrupt priority (must be in range [1..6]) IEC0bits.T1IE = 1; // Enable timer T2 interrupts //configure interup of T3 T3CONbits.TCKPS = 2; // 1:4 prescaler PR3 = PBCLK/4/200-1; // Fout = 20MHz / (2 * (62499 + 1)) = 100 Hz TMR3 = 0; // Reset timer T2 count register T3CONbits.TON = 1; // Enable timer T2 (must be the last command of the timer configuration sequence) IFS0bits.T3IF = 0; // Reset timer T2 interrupt flag IPC3bits.T3IP = 1; // Interrupt priority (must be in range [1..6]) IEC0bits.T3IE = 1; // Enable timer T2 interrupts OC1CONbits.OCM = 6; // PWM mode on OCx; fault pin disabled OC1CONbits.OCTSEL=1; // Use timer T2 as the time base for PWM generation setPWM(0); // Ton constant OC1CONbits.ON = 1; // Enable OC1 module IFS1bits.AD1IF = 0; // Reset AD1IF flag EnableInterrupts(); while(1){ char readSwitch = PORTE & 0x00F0; readSwitch = readSwitch >> 4; char op1 = readSwitch & 0x0003; char op2 = (readSwitch >> 2) & 0x0003; printf("OP1 -> %d OP2 -> %d\r ", op1, op2); switch(op1){ case 0: // 00 – funciona como voltímetro (o LED deve ficar OFF) IEC0bits.T1IE = 1; // Enable timer T1 interrupts setPWM(0); //printf("case 0\n"); break; case 1: //01 – congela o valor da tensão (o LED fica ON com o brilho no máximo) IEC0bits.T1IE = 0; // Desenable timer T1 interrupts setPWM(100); //printf("case 1\n"); break; case 2: // 10 - controlo do brilho do LED (dependente dos bits RE7 e RE6) //printf("case 2\n"); setPWM(pwmValues[(int)op2]); value2display=pwmValues[(int)op2]; break; default: break; } } return 0; }
void turnOffLedAll(void) { _ledOff = true; setPWM(0); turnOffLED(LEDFULLLED); }
char execCommand(InPackStruct* cmd) //обработать входящую команду { switch(cmd->command) { case 0x01: //Эхо { char *key= cmd->param; if ((key[0] =='E')&&(key[1] =='C')&&(key[2] =='H')&&(key[3] =='O') ) { char * str ="mobile robot V1.0"; sendAnswer(cmd->command, str, strlen(str)+1); } } break; case 0x02: //Установить текущие координаты { float *(temp) ={(float*)cmd->param}; robotCoord[0]= temp[0]; robotCoord[1]= temp[1]; robotCoord[2]= temp[2]; points[0].center[0]= temp[0]; points[0].center[1]= temp[1]; points[0].center[2]= temp[2]; CreatePath(&points[0], &points[0], &curPath); char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } break; case 0x03: //установить скважность шим { char ch = *cmd->param; float temp =*((float*)(cmd->param + 1)); setPWM( ch - 1, temp); char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command, str, 3); } break; case 0x04: //Установить бит направления { char * ch = cmd->param; set_pin(PWM_DIR[(*ch)-1]); char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } break; case 0x05: //Снять бит направления { char * ch = cmd->param; reset_pin(PWM_DIR[(*ch)-1]); char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } break; case 0x06: //Установить напряжение на двигателе { char ch = *cmd->param; float duty = *((float*)(cmd->param + 1)); uint16_t dir = *((uint16_t*)(cmd->param + 2)); setVoltageMaxon( ch-1, dir, duty); char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } break; case 0x08: //Установить параметры регулятора { float *(temp) ={(float*)cmd->param}; char i; for (i = 0; i<=3; i++) { wheelsPidStruct[i].p_k = temp[0]; wheelsPidStruct[i].i_k = temp[1]; wheelsPidStruct[i].d_k = temp[2]; } char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } break; case 0x09: //Установить требуюему скорость двигателей { float *(temp) ={(float*)cmd->param}; char i; for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { regulatorOut[i] = temp[i]; } char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } break; case 0x0B: //Включить рассчет кинематики { curState.kinemEn=1; char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } break; case 0x0C: //Выключить рассчет кинематики { curState.kinemEn = 0; char * str = "Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } break; case 0x0D: //Задать скорости движения { float *(temp) ={(float*)cmd->param}; char i; for (i = 0; i<=2; i++) { vTargetGlob[i] = temp[i]; } char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } break; case 0x0E: //Включить траекторный регулятор { curState.trackEn=1; char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } break; case 0x0F: //Выключить траекторный регулятор { curState.trackEn=0; char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } break; case 0x10: //Очистить очередь точек { while(lastPoint>0) removePoint(&points[0],&lastPoint); points[0].center[0]= robotCoord[0]; points[0].center[1]= robotCoord[1]; points[0].center[2]= robotCoord[2]; char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } break; case 0x11: //Добавить точку в очередь { float *(temp) ={(float*)(cmd->param)}; char * ch = cmd->param + 12; lastPoint++; points[lastPoint].center[0] = temp[0]; points[lastPoint].center[1] = temp[1]; points[lastPoint].center[2] = temp[2]; points[lastPoint].speedVelTipe = speedType[*ch]; points[lastPoint].speedRotTipe = rotType[*ch]; points[lastPoint].endTask = NULL; points[lastPoint].movTask = NULL; char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } break; case 0x12: //Состояние очереди точек { char outdata[15]; float * temp =(float*)(&outdata[3]); char * cntPoint = (&outdata[0]); uint16_t * curPoint = (uint16_t *)(&outdata[1]); *cntPoint= lastPoint; *curPoint = totalPointComplite; temp[0]= points[0].center[0]; temp[1]= points[0].center[1]; temp[2]= points[0].center[2]; //char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,outdata, 15); } break; case 0x13: //отправить текущие координаты { sendAnswer(cmd->command,(char *)robotCoord, sizeof(robotCoord)); } break; case 0x14: //отправить текущую скорость { sendAnswer(cmd->command,(char *)robotSpeed, sizeof(robotCoord)); } break; case 0x15: //Задать скорость движения { float *(temp) = {(float*)(cmd->param)}; char i; for (i = 0; i<=4; i++) normalVelFast[i]= temp[i]; for (i = 0; i<=4; i++) stopVelFast[i]= temp[i]; stopVelFast[2]=-0.2; char * str = "Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } break; case 0x16: //Установить режим ножки { char ch = (*((char *)(cmd->param))) -1; if (ch<10) { pinType[ch] = *((char *)(cmd->param +1)); if (pinType[ch] == ADC_ANALOG_PIN ) conf_pin(GENERAL_PIN[ch], ANALOG, PUSH_PULL, FAST_S, NO_PULL_UP); if (pinType[ch] == ADC_DIG_INPUT ) conf_pin(GENERAL_PIN[ch], INPUT, PUSH_PULL, FAST_S, NO_PULL_UP); if (pinType[ch] == ADC_DIG_OUTPUT ) conf_pin(GENERAL_PIN[ch], GENERAL, PUSH_PULL, FAST_S, NO_PULL_UP); char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } } break; case 0x17: //отправить состояние выбранного входа АЦП { char ch = (*((char *)(cmd->param))) - 1; if (ch < 10) sendAnswer(cmd->command,(char *)&(adcData[ch]), sizeof(uint16_t)); } break; case 0x18: //отправить состояние всех АЦП { sendAnswer(cmd->command,(char *)adcData, sizeof(adcData)); } break; case 0x19: //отправить состояние входа { char ch = (*((char *)(cmd->param))) -1; if (ch<10) { char temp = (pin_val(GENERAL_PIN[ch])!=0); sendAnswer(cmd->command,&temp, sizeof(temp)); } } break; case 0x1A: //отправить состояние всех входов { char temp[10]; char i ; for ( i = 0; i<10; i++) temp[i] = (pin_val(GENERAL_PIN[i])!=0); sendAnswer(cmd->command,(char *)temp, sizeof(temp)); } break; case 0x1B: //установить состояние выхода { char ch = (*((char *)(cmd->param))) -1; if (ch<10) if (*(cmd->param+1)==0) reset_pin(GENERAL_PIN[ch]); else set_pin(GENERAL_PIN[ch]); char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } break; case 0x1C: //отправить текущий режим ножки { char ch = (*((char *)(cmd->param))) -1; if (ch<10) sendAnswer(cmd->command,(char *) &(pinType[ch]), sizeof(uint8_t)); } break; case 0x1D: //установить режим ножки EXTI { char ch = (*((char *)(cmd->param))) -1; if (ch<10) { extiType[ch] = (*((char *)(cmd->param +1))); if (extiType[ch] == EXTI_BOTH ) { conf_pin(EXTI_PIN[ch], INPUT, PUSH_PULL, FAST_S, PULL_UP); add_ext_interrupt(EXTI_PIN[ch], EXTI_BOTH_EDGES); } if (extiType[ch] == EXTI_RISE ) { conf_pin(EXTI_PIN[ch], INPUT, PUSH_PULL, FAST_S, PULL_UP); add_ext_interrupt(EXTI_PIN[ch], EXTI_RISING_EDGE); } if (extiType[ch] == EXTI_FALL ) { conf_pin(EXTI_PIN[ch], INPUT, PUSH_PULL, FAST_S, PULL_UP); add_ext_interrupt(EXTI_PIN[ch], EXTI_FALLING_EDGE) ; } if (extiType[ch] == EXTI_DIG_INPUT ) { conf_pin(EXTI_PIN[ch], INPUT, PUSH_PULL, FAST_S, NO_PULL_UP); clear_ext_interrupt(EXTI_PIN[ch]) ; } if (extiType[ch] == EXTI_DIG_OUTPUT ) { conf_pin(EXTI_PIN[ch], GENERAL, PUSH_PULL, FAST_S, NO_PULL_UP); clear_ext_interrupt(EXTI_PIN[ch]) ; } char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } } break; case 0x1E: //отправить состояние входа { char ch = *((char *)(cmd->param))-1; if ((ch)<10) { char temp = ch; if (pin_val(EXTI_PIN[ch])) temp |=0x80; sendAnswer(cmd->command,&temp, sizeof(temp)); } } break; case 0x1F: //отправить состояние всех входов { char temp[10]; char i ; for ( i = 0; i<10; i++) temp[i] = (pin_val(EXTI_PIN[i])!=0); sendAnswer(cmd->command,(char *)temp, sizeof(temp)); } break; case 0x20: //установить состояние выхода { char ch = *((char *)(cmd->param))-1; if (ch<10) if (*(cmd->param+1)==0) reset_pin(EXTI_PIN[ch]); else set_pin(EXTI_PIN[ch]); char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } break; case 0x21: //отправить текущий режим ножки { char ch = *((char *)(cmd->param))-1; if (ch<10) sendAnswer(cmd->command,(char *) &(extiType[ch]), sizeof(uint8_t)); } break; case 0x22: //установить состояние выхода +12В { char ch = (*((char *)(cmd->param)))-1; if (ch<6) { if (*(cmd->param+1)==0) reset_pin(V12_PIN[ch]); else set_pin(V12_PIN[ch]); } char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } break; case 0x23: //Выключить ПИД регуляторы приводов { curState.pidEnabled=0; char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } break; case 0x24: //Включить ПИД регуляторы приводов { curState.pidEnabled=1; char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } break; case 0x25: //set current coordinate { float *(temp) ={(float*)cmd->param}; robotCoord[0]= temp[0]; robotCoord[1]= temp[1]; robotCoord[2]= temp[2]; addPointInFrontOfQueue(&points[0], &temp[0], (char) 4, &lastPoint); CreatePath(&points[1], &points[0], &curPath); char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } case 0x26: //set dynamixel angle { uint8_t *(ID) ={(uint8_t*)cmd->param}; uint16_t *(angle) ={(uint16_t*)(cmd->param + 1)}; if (setServoMovingSpeed(ID, angle)) { char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } } break; case 0x27: //set CW angle limit { uint8_t *(ID) ={(uint8_t*)cmd->param}; uint16_t *(limit) ={(uint16_t*)(cmd->param + 1)}; if (setServoCWAngleLimit(ID, limit)) { char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } } break; case 0x28: //set CCW angle limit { uint8_t *(ID) ={(uint8_t*)cmd->param}; uint16_t *(limit) ={(uint16_t*)(cmd->param + 1)}; if (setServoCCWAngleLimit(ID, limit)) { char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } } break; case 0x29: //set servo moving speed { uint8_t *(ID) ={(uint8_t*)cmd->param}; uint16_t *(speed) ={(uint16_t*)(cmd->param + 1)}; uint16_t *(direction) ={(uint16_t*)(cmd->param + 3)}; if (setServoMovingSpeed(ID, speed, direction)) { char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } } break; case 0x2A: //add a point to the beginning of Queue { float *(temp) = (float*)(cmd->param); char * ch = cmd->param + 12; addPointInFrontOfQueue(&points[0], &temp[0], &ch, &lastPoint); CreatePath(&points[1], &points[0], &curPath); char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command, str, 3); } break; case 0x2B: //Open Cubes Catcher { openCubesCatcher(); char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command, str, 3); } break; case 0x2C: //Close Cubes Catcher { uint8_t numberOfCubesCatched; closeCubesCatcher(&numberOfCubesCatched); sendAnswer(cmd->command, (char *)&numberOfCubesCatched, sizeof(uint8_t)); } break; case 0x2D: // Open wall { openWall(); char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } break; case 0x2E: // Close wall { closeWall(); char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } break; case 0x2F: // Switch On the vibration { uint8_t temp ={*(uint8_t*)(cmd->param)}; switchOnVibration(temp); char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command, str, 3); } break; case 0x30: // Switch Off the vibration { switchOffVibration(); char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } break; case 0x31: // Set angle of cubes catcher { float *(temp) = (float*)(cmd->param); = *temp; char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } break; case 0x32: // Flag of reached point { sendAnswer(cmd->command, (char *)&traceFlag, sizeof(traceFlag)); } break; case 0x33: // Switch on collision avoidance { curState.collisionAvoidance = 1; char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } break; case 0x34: // Switch off collision avoidance { curState.collisionAvoidance = 0; char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } break; case 0x35: // Get Cubes Catcher angle { sendAnswer(cmd->command, (char *)&cubesCatcherPID.current, sizeof(cubesCatcherPID.current)); } break; case 0x36: // Get IR Distances { float temp[4]; int i = 0; for(; i < 5; i++) { temp[i] = distanceFromIR[i][0]; } sendAnswer(cmd->command,(char *)temp, sizeof(temp)); } break; case 0x37: // Get Sonar Distances { float temp[5]; int i = 0; for(; i < 6; i++) { temp[i] = distanceFromSonars[i][0]; } sendAnswer(cmd->command,(char *)temp, sizeof(temp)); } break; case 0x38: // Stop command { closeWall(); openCubesCatcher(); curState.pidEnabled = 0; switchOffVibration(); char i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { setVoltageMaxon(WHEELS[i], (uint8_t) 1, (float) 0); } char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } break; case 0x39: // Generate new trajectory with correction { float *(temp) ={(float*)cmd->param}; char * ch = cmd->param + 24; robotCoord[0] = temp[0]; robotCoord[1] = temp[1]; robotCoord[2] = temp[2]; lastPoint++; points[lastPoint].center[0] = temp[3]; points[lastPoint].center[1] = temp[4]; points[lastPoint].center[2] = temp[5]; points[lastPoint].speedVelTipe = speedType[*ch]; points[lastPoint].speedRotTipe = rotType[*ch]; points[lastPoint].endTask = NULL; points[lastPoint].movTask = NULL; char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } break; case 0x3A: // Open cubes catcher widely { openCubesCatcherWidely(); char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } break; case 0x3B : // Kick the cone on a purple side { moveCone(); char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } break; case 0x3C: // Close the cone kicker cone on a purple side { closeCone(); char * str ="Ok"; sendAnswer(cmd->command,str, 3); } break; default: break; } return 0; }
int8_t DigitalOutput::showWebinterface(WebServer* server, WebServer::ConnectionType type, char* url) { #ifdef PROVIDE_WEBIF File templateFile; TemplateParser* parser; int16_t matchIdx; char templateFileName[template_digitaloutput_fnsize]; strcpy_P(templateFileName, template_digitaloutput_fname); float dC = -1.0; if (type == WebServer::POST) { int8_t repeat; char name[16], value[16]; do { repeat = server->readPOSTparam(name, 16, value, 16); if (strcmp_P(name, (PGM_P) pgm_read_word(&(template_digitaloutput_inputs[DO_I_ON]))) == 0) { m_OnValue = atoi(value); m_OffValue = 1 - m_OnValue; } else if (strcmp_P(name, (PGM_P) pgm_read_word(&(template_digitaloutput_inputs[DO_I_PIN]))) == 0) { m_Pin = atoi(value); pinMode(m_Pin, OUTPUT); } else if (strcmp_P(name, (PGM_P) pgm_read_word(&(template_digitaloutput_inputs[DO_I_PWM]))) == 0) { dC = atof(value); if (dC < 0.0) dC = 0; else if (dC > 100.0) dC = 100.0; dC /= 100; } } while (repeat); if (dC >= 0) setPWM(dC); server->httpSeeOther(this->m_URL); } else { server->httpSuccess(); parser = __aquaduino->getTemplateParser(); templateFile =, FILE_READ); while ((matchIdx = parser->processTemplateUntilNextMatch(&templateFile, template_digitaloutput, template_digitaloutput_elements, server)) >= 0) { switch (matchIdx) { case DO_ANAME: server->print(getName()); break; case DO_PIN_NAME: server->print((const __FlashStringHelper *) (pgm_input_pin)); break; case DO_PIN_VAL: server->print(m_Pin); break; case DO_PIN_SIZE: server->print(3); break; case DO_PIN_MAXLENGTH: server->print(2); break; case DO_PWM_NAME: server->print((const __FlashStringHelper *) (pgm_input_pwm)); break; case DO_PWM_VAL: if (supportsPWM()) { server->print(getPWM() * 100); } else { server->print(F("No PWM")); } break; case DO_PWM_SIZE: server->print(7); break; case DO_PWM_MAXLENGTH: server->print(6); break; case DO_ON_NAME: server->print((const __FlashStringHelper *) (pgm_input_on)); break; case DO_ON_OPTIONS: parser->selectListOption("LOW", "0", m_OnValue == 0, server); parser->selectListOption("HIGH", "1", m_OnValue == 1, server); break; } } templateFile.close(); } #endif //PROVIDE_WEBIF return true; }
void setupCw2MotorPoewrLevel(unsigned short CW2) { motorPowerLevel_CW2 = CW2; setPWM(SOFT_PWM_CW2, motorPowerLevel_CW2); }
/*! \param led channel to set PWM value for \param value 0-4095 value for PWM */ void PCA9685::setPWM(uint8_t led, int value) { setPWM(led, 0, value); }
/** Set channel's pulse length in microseconds * @param Channel number (0-15) * @param Length in microseconds * @see PCA9685_RA_LED0_ON_L */ void PCA9685::setPWMuS(uint8_t channel, float length_uS) { setPWM(channel, round((length_uS * 4096.f) / (1000000.f / frequency))); }
static void speedOut() { //speedout if (!MotorEnable) return; if (OutputLeft == 0) { setPWM(PWM_1, 0); setPWM(PWM_2, 0); } else if (OutputLeft > 0) { setPWM(PWM_1, 0); setPWM(PWM_2, OutputLeft + MotorOffestL); } else if (OutputLeft < 0) { setPWM(PWM_1, 0); setPWM(PWM_2, MotorOffestL - OutputLeft); } if (OutputRight == 0) { setPWM(PWM_3, 0); setPWM(PWM_4, 0); } else if (OutputRight > 0) { setPWM(PWM_3, OutputRight + MotorOffestR); setPWM(PWM_4, 0); } else if (OutputRight < 0) { setPWM(PWM_3, 0); setPWM(PWM_4, MotorOffestR - OutputRight); } }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MAIN STARTS HERE ----------------------------------------------------------- int main() { // BEGIN Initialise(); // Function to do initial setup while(1) // Infinite loop { PORTD = 0xff; // This is just to indicate that PIC is running // this can be change for better use of debugging if (F.I2C == 1) // I2C message was received { // Perform some I2C operation // If read, reset Data and PID information // Perform operation for Target Target = i2cTarget; // Receive velocity from CPU setDirection(MOTOR_DIRECTION); // Set direction of the motor to the direction // sent from CPU OdometryCounts = 0; // Reset the variables for PID and odometry if (i2cTarget == 0) // This to ensure a sharp stop { AccumulatedError = 0; setPWM(0); } // Clear Flag F.I2C = 0; } if (F.DIR == 1) { // Update counts before updating direction encUpdate(&EncoderCounts); //This will put the value of TMR1 into counts and then clear TMR0 updateData(EncoderCounts); // This will add counts to OdometryCounts (which is the total distanced traveled so far.) // Update direction DirectionRead = PORTBbits.RB5; // Clear Flag F.DIR = 0; } // PID Loop occurs at regular time intervals if (F.T0 == 1) { // Update to most recent encoder counts encUpdate(&EncoderCounts); updateData(EncoderCounts); /****** I'm keeping this in here just incase I change my mind and want to implement *** * it later on. PID is perfectly function right now // if ((DirectionRead != MOTOR_DIRECTION)&& (Target != 0)) // { // intSecondComplement(&EncoderCounts); // PORTBbits.RB3 = DirectionRead; // } /**************************************************************************************/ /*************** Calculate stuff for PID **********************************************/ Error = Target - EncoderCounts; AccumulatedError = AccumulatedError + Error; DeltaError = Error - PreviousError; PreviousError = Error; // Set bounds for the accumulated error /// if (AccumulatedError > 10000) AccumulatedError = 10000; else if (AccumulatedError < -10000) AccumulatedError = -10000; // Performing the actual PID PID = (Error * KP) + (AccumulatedError * KI) + (DeltaError * KD ); // Performing PID calculation //Note: Even through the variable types are // different, the result should be the correct // value of with the type of int if (Error != 0) // If no error { CurrentPwm = PID + PWM_OFFSET; if (CurrentPwm >= 255) // PWM should be between 0 - 255 CurrentPwm = 255; else if (CurrentPwm < 0) CurrentPwm = 0; setPWM(CurrentPwm); // set new PWM } F.T0 = 0; // reset TMR0 flag } // end PID Loop } // end while(1) return 1; // standard ending for an "int main" } // END MAIN ---------------------------------------------------------------
/** Set channel's pulse length * @param Channel number (0-15) * @param Length (0-4095) * @see PCA9685_RA_LED0_ON_L */ void PCA9685::setPWM(uint8_t channel, uint16_t length) { setPWM(channel, 0, length); }
void openOrClosePWM(uchar open){ PWM_CONTROL_FLAG = open; TMR2IE = open; //关闭timer2中断 setPWM(open); }
void PCA9685::setDgt(uint8_t led, bool value) { if (value) setPWM(led, 1, 0); else setPWM(led, 1, 1); }
void LED::updatePWM() { setPWM(CHANNEL_0, 0, channel_0); setPWM(CHANNEL_1, 0, channel_1); setPWM(CHANNEL_2, 0, channel_2); setPWM(CHANNEL_3, 0, channel_3); setPWM(CHANNEL_4, 0, channel_4); setPWM(CHANNEL_5, 0, channel_5); setPWM(CHANNEL_6, 0, channel_6); setPWM(CHANNEL_7, 0, channel_7); setPWM(CHANNEL_8, 0, channel_8); setPWM(CHANNEL_9, 0, channel_9); setPWM(CHANNEL_10, 0, channel_10); setPWM(CHANNEL_11, 0, channel_11); setPWM(CHANNEL_12, 0, channel_12); setPWM(CHANNEL_13, 0, channel_13); setPWM(CHANNEL_14, 0, channel_14); setPWM(CHANNEL_15, 0, channel_15); /* led.setPWM(0, 0, 256); led.setPWM(1, 0, 512); led.setPWM(2, 0, 768); led.setPWM(3, 0, 1024); led.setPWM(4, 0, 1280); led.setPWM(5, 0, 1536); led.setPWM(6, 0, 1792); led.setPWM(7, 0, 2048); led.setPWM(8, 0, 2304); led.setPWM(9, 0, 2560); led.setPWM(10, 0, 2816); led.setPWM(11, 0, 3072); led.setPWM(12, 0, 3328); led.setPWM(13, 0, 3584); led.setPWM(14, 0, 3840); led.setPWM(15, 0, 4096); */ }
void setPWM(const unsigned char channel, const unsigned int pulse) { static unsigned int pulses[6]; pulses[channel]=pulse; setPWM(1 << channel,pulses); }
void TwigMotor::release(unsigned char motor_addr){ this->address = motor_addr; setPWM(0); setChannel(0b00000000); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MAIN STARTS HERE ----------------------------------------------------------- int main() { // BEGIN Initialise(); // Function to do initial setup while(1) // Infinite loop { if (F.I2C == 1) // I2C message was received { // Perform some I2C operation // If read, reset Data and PID information // Perform operation for Target Target = i2cTarget; // Receive velocity from CPU setDirection(MOTOR_DIRECTION); // Set direction of the motor to the direction // sent from CPU OdometryCounts = 0; // Reset the variables for PID and odometry if (i2cTarget == 0) // This to ensure a sharp stop { setPWM(0); TargetZeroFlag = 1; } // Clear Flag F.I2C = 0; } if (F.DIR == 1) { // Update counts before updating direction updateOdometry(); // Update direction DirectionRead = PORTBbits.RB5; // Clear Flag F.DIR = 0; } // PID Loop occurs at regular time intervals if (F.T0 == 1) { // Update to most recent encoder counts updateEncoder(); // If we recieve a stop command then just skip the first PID loop // This gives the motor enough time to react to the stop command // Without it, the motor will jitter a little bit after a stop command // is sent. if (TargetZeroFlag == 1) { AccumulatedError = 0; EncoderCounts = 0; TargetZeroFlag = 0; } /*************** Calculate stuff for PID **********************************************/ Error = Target - EncoderCounts; AccumulatedError = AccumulatedError + Error; DeltaError = Error - PreviousError; PreviousError = Error; // Set bounds for the accumulated error /// if (AccumulatedError > 10000) AccumulatedError = 10000; else if (AccumulatedError < -10000) AccumulatedError = -10000; // Performing the actual PID PID = (Error * KP) + (AccumulatedError * KI) + (DeltaError * KD ); // Performing PID calculation //Note: Even through the variable types are // different, the result should be the correct // value of with the type of int if (Error != 0) // If no error { CurrentPwm = PID + PWM_OFFSET; if (CurrentPwm >= 255) // PWM should be between 0 - 255 CurrentPwm = 255; else if (CurrentPwm < 0) CurrentPwm = 0; setPWM(CurrentPwm); // set new PWM } F.T0 = 0; // reset TMR0 flag } // end PID Loop } // end while(1) return 1; // standard ending for an "int main" } // END MAIN ---------------------------------------------------------------
void Motor::enableMotor() { setPWM(0.0); digitalWrite(MOTOR_DRIVER_ENABLE, HIGH); motorEnabled = true; }
int main(void) { const static unsigned char pwmValues[]={3, 15, 40, 90}; /* ADC */ TRISBbits.TRISB14 = 1; // RB14 digital output disconnected AD1PCFGbits.PCFG14 = 0; // RB14 configured as analog input (AN4) AD1CON1bits.SSRC = 7; // Conversion trigger selection bits: in this // modeaninternalcounterendssamplingand AD1CON1bits.CLRASAM = 1; // Stop conversions when the 1st A/D converter AD1CON1bits.ON = 1; AD1CON3bits.SAMC = 16; // Sample time is 16 TAD (TAD = 100 ns) AD1CHSbits.CH0SA = 14; AD1CON2bits.SMPI = 7; // uma conversao consecutiva IPC6bits.AD1IP = 3; // valor aleatório entre 1 e 6, 0 é inativo e 7 prioridade máxima. Como só há uma interrupção pode ser qualquer valor entre 1 e 6 IEC1bits.AD1IE = 1; // autorizar interrupções pelo módulo A/D IFS1bits.AD1IF = 0; // Quando a conversao estiver concluida, este valor deve ser 1 /* TIMER 3 */ T3CONbits.TCKPS = 2; PR3 = 49999; // Fout = 20MHz / (32 * (39061,5 + 1)) = 2 Hz TMR3 = 0; // Reset timer T3 count register T3CONbits.TON = 1; // Enable timer T3 (must be the last command of the // timer configuration sequence) // configuraçao das interrupts tabela 7.1 IPC3bits.T3IP = 4; // Configurar a prioridade relativa IFS0bits.T3IF = 0; // Reset do Instruction Flag IEC0bits.T3IE = 1; // Autorizar a interrupção /* UART1 */ configUart(115200,'N',1); OC1CONbits.OCM = 6; // ativação do modo PWM OC1CONbits.OCTSEL = 1; // 1 ou 0 - ver página 16.8 OC1CONbits.ON = 1; // ativação do módulo EnableInterrupts(); // Autorização globalmente o sistema de interrupções AD1CON1bits.ASAM = 1; while(1){ int portval = (PORTE >> 4) & 0x3; switch (portval) { case 0: IEC0bits.T1IE = 1; setPWM(0); break; case 1: IEC0bits.T1IE = 1; setPWM(100); break; case 2: IEC0bits.T1IE = 0; int dc = (PORTE >> 6) & 0x3; setPWM(pwmValues[dc]); break; } IEC0bits.T1IE = 0; }; return 0; }
void Motor::disableMotor() { digitalWrite(MOTOR_DRIVER_ENABLE, LOW); setPWM(0.0); motorEnabled = false; }
void setupCw1MotorPoewrLevel(unsigned short CW1) { motorPowerLevel_CW1 = CW1; setPWM(SOFT_PWM_CW1, motorPowerLevel_CW1); }
Oscillator::Oscillator(void) { m_tempo = 120.0f; m_sync = true; m_waveform = k_sine; m_startphase = 0.0; m_phase=m_startphase; m_pitch = 0.0f; m_detune = 0.0f; m_semi = 0.0f; m_pw = 0.0f; m_pwm = 0.0f; m_pw_mod = 0.0f; m_pitch_mod = 0.0f; //noise generation m_gaussian_noise_constant_a = 0x67452301; m_gaussian_noise_constant_c = static_cast<int>(0xefcdab89); m_sampleandhold_period=1; m_sampleandhold_counter=0; m_sample = 0.0f; m_fintmax = static_cast<float>(std::numeric_limits<int>::max()); isActive=false; setOscMode(k_oscmode_oscillator); setDetune(0.5f); setSemi(0.5f); setVolume(1.0f); setPW(0.5f); setPWM(0.0f); setPitch(440.0f); /* populate bpm denominators 4 full notes = BPM / 960 => speed 0 Dotted 2 full notes = BPM / 720 Triplets for 4 full notes = BPM / 640 2 full notes = BPM / 480 Dotted full note = BPM / 360 Triplets for 2 full notes = BPM / 320 Full note = BPM / 240 Dotted-half note = BPM / 180 Triplet-full note = BPM / 160 Half note = BPM / 120 Dotted-quarter note = BPM / 90 Triplet-half note = BPM / 80 Quarter note = BPM / 60 Dotted-eighth note = BPM / 45 Triplet-quarter note = BPM / 40 Eighth note = BPM / 30 Dotted-sixteenth note = BPM / 22.5 Triplet-eighth note = BPM / 20 Sixteenth note = BPM / 15 Dotted-32th note = BPM / 11.25 Triplet-sixteenth note = BPM / 10 32th note = BPM / 7.5 Dotted-64th note = BPM / 5.5125 Triplet-32th note = BPM / 5 64th note = BPM / 3.75 Dotted-128th note = BPM / 2.75625 Triplet-64th note = BPM / 2.5 128th note = BPM / 1.875 Triplet-128th note = BPM / 1.25 => speed g_num_bpm_synced_lfo_speeds-1 */ //TODO: less hardcoding m_bpm_denominators[0]=960.0f; m_bpm_denominators[1]=720.0f; m_bpm_denominators[2]=640.0f; m_bpm_denominators[3]=480.0f; m_bpm_denominators[4]=360.0f; m_bpm_denominators[5]=320.0f; m_bpm_denominators[6]=240.0f; m_bpm_denominators[7]=180.0f; m_bpm_denominators[8]=160.0f; m_bpm_denominators[9]=120.0f; m_bpm_denominators[10]=90.0f; m_bpm_denominators[11]=80.0f; m_bpm_denominators[12]=60.0f; m_bpm_denominators[13]=45.0f; m_bpm_denominators[14]=40.0f; m_bpm_denominators[15]=30.0f; m_bpm_denominators[16]=22.5f; m_bpm_denominators[17]=20.0f; m_bpm_denominators[18]=15.0f; m_bpm_denominators[19]=11.25f; m_bpm_denominators[20]=10.0f; m_bpm_denominators[21]=7.5f; m_bpm_denominators[22]=5.5125f; m_bpm_denominators[23]=5.0f; m_bpm_denominators[24]=3.750f; m_bpm_denominators[25]=2.75625f; m_bpm_denominators[26]=2.5f; m_bpm_denominators[27]=1.875f; m_bpm_denominators[28]=1.25f; }
// Set pwm duty in us order void Adafruit_PWMServoDriver::setDuty(uint8_t num, uint16_t duty) { float pulselength = 10000; // 10,000 us per second duty = 4094 * duty / pulselength; setPWM(num, 0, duty); }
GPIO_Result GPIOPwmPin::startPWM(bool isTone, int durationMs) { return setPWM(pwmFreq, pwmDuty, isTone, durationMs); }
void main(void) { int i=0; // Declare your local variables here unsigned char devices; devices = w1_init(); // Crystal Oscillator division factor: 1 #pragma optsize- CLKPR=0x80; CLKPR=0x00; #ifdef _OPTIMIZE_SIZE_ #pragma optsize+ #endif // Input/Output Ports initialization // Port B initialization // Func7=Out Func6=Out Func5=Out Func4=Out Func3=Out Func2=Out Func1=Out Func0=Out // State7=0 State6=0 State5=0 State4=0 State3=0 State2=0 State1=0 State0=0 PORTB=0x00; DDRB=0xFF; // Port C initialization // Func6=In Func5=In Func4=In Func3=In Func2=In Func1=In Func0=In // State6=T State5=T State4=T State3=T State2=T State1=T State0=T PORTC=0x01; DDRC=0x01; // Port D initialization // Func7=In Func6=In Func5=In Func4=In Func3=In Func2=In Func1=In Func0=In // State7=T State6=T State5=T State4=T State3=T State2=T State1=T State0=T PORTD=0b00000000; DDRD=0b01000000; // Timer/Counter 0 initialization // Clock source: System Clock // Clock value: Timer 0 Stopped // Mode: Normal top=0xFF // OC0A output: Disconnected // OC0B output: Disconnected TCCR0A=0x00; TCCR0B=0x00; TCNT0=0x00; OCR0A=0x00; OCR0B=0x00; // Timer/Counter 1 initialization // Clock source: System Clock // Clock value: Timer1 Stopped // Mode: Normal top=0xFFFF // OC1A output: Discon. // OC1B output: Discon. // Noise Canceler: Off // Input Capture on Falling Edge // Timer1 Overflow Interrupt: Off // Input Capture Interrupt: Off // Compare A Match Interrupt: Off // Compare B Match Interrupt: Off TCCR1A=0x00; TCCR1B=0x00; TCNT1H=0x00; TCNT1L=0x00; ICR1H=0x00; ICR1L=0x00; OCR1AH=0x00; OCR1AL=0x00; OCR1BH=0x00; OCR1BL=0x00; // Timer/Counter 2 initialization // Clock source: System Clock // Clock value: Timer2 Stopped // Mode: Normal top=0xFF // OC2A output: Disconnected // OC2B output: Disconnected ASSR=0x00; TCCR2A=0x00; TCCR2B=0x00; TCNT2=0x00; OCR2A=0x00; OCR2B=0x00; // External Interrupt(s) initialization // INT0: Off // INT1: Off // Interrupt on any change on pins PCINT0-7: Off // Interrupt on any change on pins PCINT8-14: Off // Interrupt on any change on pins PCINT16-23: Off EICRA=0x00; EIMSK=0x00; PCICR=0x00; // Timer/Counter 0 Interrupt(s) initialization TIMSK0=0x00; // Timer/Counter 1 Interrupt(s) initialization TIMSK1=0x00; // Timer/Counter 2 Interrupt(s) initialization TIMSK2=0x00; // USART initialization // Communication Parameters: 8 Data, 1 Stop, No Parity // USART Receiver: On // USART Transmitter: On // USART0 Mode: Asynchronous // USART Baud Rate: 9600 UCSR0A=0x00; UCSR0B=0x18; UCSR0C=0x06; UBRR0H=0x00; UBRR0L=0x33; // Analog Comparator initialization // Analog Comparator: Off // Analog Comparator Input Capture by Timer/Counter 1: Off ACSR=0x80; ADCSRB=0x00; DIDR1=0x00; // ADC initialization // ADC disabled ADCSRA=0x00; // SPI initialization // SPI disabled SPCR=0x00; // TWI initialization // TWI disabled TWCR=0x00; //printf("%u", devices); TCCR0A=0b10100011; //выбираем неинверсный режим шим дл¤ обоих светодиодов TCCR0B=0b00000001; for(i=0;i<256;i++) //увеличиваем ¤ркость первого диода, и уменьшаем ¤ркость второго каждые 10 мс { OCR0A=i; delay_ms(100); } while (1) { writetemp(); setPWM(temp); PORTB=0x00; delay_ms(3000); PORTB=0x01; delay_ms(3000); } /* devices=w1_search( DS18B20_SEARCH_ROM_CMD, RomCode ); if( devices ) { //printf("DS18B20 = "); printf(devices); // lcd_gotoxy( 0,1 ); lcd_puts( LcdBuffDevices ); lcd_gotoxy( 0,0 ); lcd_puts( str1 ); ds18b20_init( &RomCode[0][0], 30, 60, DS18B20_12BIT_RES ); // ds18b20_init( &RomCode[1][0], 30, 60, DS18B20_12BIT_RES ); // printf((int)DS18B20_12BIT_RES); while (1) { data=UDR0; printf("t1 %.2f \xefC", ds18b20_temperature( &RomCode[0][0] ) ); if(data=='1') { PORTB=0xFF; putchar('1'); printf("Hello, world!"); } if(data=='0') { PORTB=0x00; putchar('0'); } delay_ms(1000); } } else { printf("No devices");} */ }
void main() { char buf[11]; int button; // Initialize board to defaults brdInit(); // Setup interrupt on channel 0 and attach button_press ISR handler // IER mask not yet known, so set it to zero for now bp_handle = addISRIn(0, 0, &button_press); // Setup interrupt on channel 3 and attach rollover ISR handler ro_handle = addISROut(3, BL_IER_ROLL_I, &rollover); if (bp_handle < 0 || ro_handle < 0) { // Error: need to increase the number of interrupts allowed. (RSB_MAX_ISR) printf("Error: need to increase number of interrupts allowed. " \ "(RSB_MAX_ISR)"); exit(-ENOSPC); } // Setup external interrupt on falling edge for channel 0 setExtInterrupt(0, BL_IRQ_FALL, bp_handle); // Setup PWM on channel 3 with 5 Hz frequency setPWM(3, 5.0, 50.0, 0, 0); // Initialize event flags, counter and time stamp rollover_event = 0; button_event = 0; button = 0; rollover_count = 0; time_stamp = 0; // Enable both ISR's enableISR(bp_handle, 1); enableISR(ro_handle, 1); // Write initial STDIO window strings DispStr(1, 2, "Interrupt Service Sample"); DispStr(1, 4, "Rollover Count: 0"); // Foreground event processing loop while (1) { // Look for counter rollover event if (rollover_event) { // Update count on the STDIO window sprintf(buf, "%10lu", rollover_count); DispStr(17, 4, buf); rollover_event = 0; } // Look for button press event if (button_event) { // See if button message is not currently displayed if (!button) { DispStr(1, 7, "Button Pressed"); button = 1; } button_event = 0; } // Look for button message timeout if (button && ((MS_TIMER - time_stamp) > 1000)) { // Clear message on screen and message flag DispStr(1, 7, " "); button = 0; } } }
static void fadeLED(void) { if (_fullLEDMode == 1) { if (pwmDir == 0) setPWM((uint8_t) (getBrightness(pwmCounter / PWM_SPEED))); else if (pwmDir == 2) setPWM((uint8_t) (getBrightness(PWM_MAX - pwmCounter / PWM_SPEED))); else if (pwmDir == 1 || pwmDir == 3) pwmCounter++; // pwmDir 0~3 : idle if (pwmCounter >= PWM_MAX * PWM_SPEED) { pwmCounter = 0; pwmDir = (pwmDir + 1) % 4; } pwmCounter++; } else if (_fullLEDMode == 3) { // 일정시간 유지 if (downLevelStay > 0) { downLevelStay--; } else { // 시간이 흐르면 레벨을 감소 시킨다. if (downLevelLife > 0) { pwmCounter++; if (pwmCounter >= PWM_SPEED) { pwmCounter = 0; downLevelLife--; downLevel = downLevelMax - (PWM_MAX - downLevelLife) / (PWM_MAX / downLevelMax); } } else { downLevel = 0; pwmCounter = 0; } } setPWM((uint8_t) (getBrightness(downLevelLife))); } else if (_fullLEDMode == 4) { // 일정시간 유지 if (downLevelStay > 0) { downLevelStay--; } else { // 시간이 흐르면 레벨을 증가 시킨다. if (downLevelLife < PWM_MAX) { pwmCounter++; if (pwmCounter >= PWM_SPEED) { pwmCounter = 0; downLevelLife++; downLevel = downLevelMax - (PWM_MAX - downLevelLife) / (PWM_MAX / downLevelMax); } } else { downLevel = downLevelMax; pwmCounter = 0; } } setPWM((uint8_t) (getBrightness(downLevelLife))); } else { pwmCounter = 0; pwmDir = 3; } }
/**************************************************************************** Function: int main(void) Summary: main function Description: main function Precondition: None Parameters: None Return Values: int - exit code for main function Remarks: None ***************************************************************************/ int main(void) { DWORD size = 0; BOOL responseNeeded; BYTE mode = 0; BYTE wasMode = 0; BYTE pushButtonValues = 0xFF; BYTE potPercentage = 0xFF; BOOL buttonsNeedUpdate = FALSE; BOOL potNeedsUpdate = FALSE; BOOL motorON = FALSE; BOOL readyToRead = TRUE; BOOL writeInProgress = FALSE; BYTE tempValue = 0xFF; BYTE errorCode; ACCESSORY_APP_PACKET* command_packet = NULL; CLKDIV = 0; /* set for default clock operations Fcyc = 4MHz */ AD1PCFGL = 0xffff; AD1PCFGH = 0x0003; BOOL connected_to_app = FALSE; BOOL need_to_disconnect_from_app = FALSE; #if defined(__PIC32MX__) InitPIC32(); #endif #if defined(__dsPIC33EP512MU810__) || defined (__PIC24EP512GU810__) // Configure the device PLL to obtain 60 MIPS operation. The crystal // frequency is 8MHz. Divide 8MHz by 2, multiply by 60 and divide by // 2. This results in Fosc of 120MHz. The CPU clock frequency is // Fcy = Fosc/2 = 60MHz. Wait for the Primary PLL to lock and then // configure the auxilliary PLL to provide 48MHz needed for USB // Operation. PLLFBD = 38; /* M = 60 */ CLKDIVbits.PLLPOST = 0; /* N1 = 2 */ CLKDIVbits.PLLPRE = 0; /* N2 = 2 */ OSCTUN = 0; /* Initiate Clock Switch to Primary * Oscillator with PLL (NOSC= 0x3)*/ __builtin_write_OSCCONH(0x03); __builtin_write_OSCCONL(0x01); while (OSCCONbits.COSC != 0x3); // Configuring the auxiliary PLL, since the primary // oscillator provides the source clock to the auxiliary // PLL, the auxiliary oscillator is disabled. Note that // the AUX PLL is enabled. The input 8MHz clock is divided // by 2, multiplied by 24 and then divided by 2. Wait till // the AUX PLL locks. ACLKCON3 = 0x24C1; ACLKDIV3 = 0x7; ACLKCON3bits.ENAPLL = 1; while(ACLKCON3bits.APLLCK != 1); TRISBbits.TRISB5 = 0; LATBbits.LATB5 = 1; #endif USBInitialize(0); AndroidAppStart(&myDeviceInfo); responseNeeded = FALSE; mInitPOT(); InitializeTimer2For_PWM(); PwmInit(); //InitMOTOR(); DEBUG_Init(0); InitAllLEDs(); while(1) { //Keep the USB stack running USBTasks(); //If the device isn't attached yet, if(device_attached == FALSE || mode == 1) { buttonsNeedUpdate = TRUE; potNeedsUpdate = TRUE; need_to_disconnect_from_app = FALSE; connected_to_app = FALSE; size = 0; /**/ BYTE curPush = GetPushbuttons(); if ((curPush == 0x8) || (mode == 1)) { LED0_On(); mode = 1; if (wasMode == 0) { pot2LEDs(); PwmInit(); } tempValue = ReadPOT(); wasMode = 1; //If it is different than the last time we read the pot, then we need // to send it to the Android device if(tempValue != potPercentage) { potNeedsUpdate = TRUE; //setRPM(tempValue); setPWM(); } } if ((curPush == 0x4) || (mode == 0)) { mode = 0; //LED0_Off(); if (wasMode == 1) { SetLEDs(0b00000000); wasMode = 0; setRPM(0); } //Reset the accessory state variables InitAllLEDs(); //Continue to the top of the while loop to start the check over again. continue; } /* //Reset the accessory state variables InitAllLEDs(); //Continue to the top of the while loop to start the check over again. continue; }*/ //} } //If the accessory is ready, then this is where we run all of the demo code if(readyToRead == TRUE && mode == 0) { errorCode = AndroidAppRead(device_handle, (BYTE*)&read_buffer, (DWORD)sizeof(read_buffer)); //If the device is attached, then lets wait for a command from the application if( errorCode != USB_SUCCESS) { //Error DEBUG_PrintString("Error trying to start read"); } else { readyToRead = FALSE; } } size = 0; if(AndroidAppIsReadComplete(device_handle, &errorCode, &size) == TRUE) { //We've received a command over the USB from the Android device. if(errorCode == USB_SUCCESS) { //Maybe process the data here. Maybe process it somewhere else. command_packet = (ACCESSORY_APP_PACKET*)&read_buffer[0]; } else { //Error DEBUG_PrintString("Error trying to complete read request"); } } while(size > 0) { if(connected_to_app == FALSE) { if(command_packet->command == COMMAND_APP_CONNECT) { connected_to_app = TRUE; need_to_disconnect_from_app = FALSE; } } else { switch(command_packet->command) { case COMMAND_SET_LEDS: SetLEDs(command_packet->data); break; case COMMAND_APP_DISCONNECT: need_to_disconnect_from_app = TRUE; break; case COMMAND_SET_PWM: setRPM(command_packet->data); break; default: //Error, unknown command DEBUG_PrintString("Error: unknown command received"); break; } } //All commands in this example are two bytes, so remove that from the queue size -= 2; //And move the pointer to the next packet (this works because // all command packets are 2 bytes. If variable packet size // then need to handle moving the pointer by the size of the // command type that arrived. command_packet++; if(need_to_disconnect_from_app == TRUE) { break; } } if(size == 0) { readyToRead = TRUE; } //Get the current pushbutton settings tempValue = GetPushbuttons(); //If the current button settings are different than the last time // we read the button values, then we need to send an update to the // attached Android device if(tempValue != pushButtonValues) { buttonsNeedUpdate = TRUE; pushButtonValues = tempValue; } //Get the current potentiometer setting tempValue = ReadPOT(); //If it is different than the last time we read the pot, then we need // to send it to the Android device if(tempValue != potPercentage) { potNeedsUpdate = TRUE; potPercentage = tempValue; } //If there is a write already in progress, we need to check its status if( writeInProgress == TRUE ) { if(AndroidAppIsWriteComplete(device_handle, &errorCode, &size) == TRUE) { writeInProgress = FALSE; if(need_to_disconnect_from_app == TRUE) { connected_to_app = FALSE; need_to_disconnect_from_app = FALSE; } if(errorCode != USB_SUCCESS) { //Error DEBUG_PrintString("Error trying to complete write"); } } } if((need_to_disconnect_from_app == TRUE) && (writeInProgress == FALSE)) { outgoing_packet.command = COMMAND_APP_DISCONNECT; = 0; writeInProgress = TRUE; errorCode = AndroidAppWrite(device_handle,(BYTE*)&outgoing_packet, 2); if( errorCode != USB_SUCCESS ) { DEBUG_PrintString("Error trying to send button update"); } } if(connected_to_app == FALSE) { //If the app hasn't told us to start sending data, let's not do anything else. continue; } //If we need up update the button status on the Android device and we aren't // already busy in a write, then we can send the new button data. if((buttonsNeedUpdate == TRUE) && (writeInProgress == FALSE)) { outgoing_packet.command = COMMAND_UPDATE_PUSHBUTTONS; = pushButtonValues; errorCode = AndroidAppWrite(device_handle,(BYTE*)&outgoing_packet, 2); if( errorCode != USB_SUCCESS ) { DEBUG_PrintString("Error trying to send button update"); } buttonsNeedUpdate = FALSE; writeInProgress = TRUE; } //If we need up update the pot status on the Android device and we aren't // already busy in a write, then we can send the new pot data. if((potNeedsUpdate == TRUE) && (writeInProgress == FALSE)) { outgoing_packet.command = COMMAND_UPDATE_POT; = potPercentage; errorCode = AndroidAppWrite(device_handle,(BYTE*)&outgoing_packet, 2); if( errorCode != USB_SUCCESS ) { DEBUG_PrintString("Error trying to send pot update"); } potNeedsUpdate = FALSE; writeInProgress = TRUE; } } //while(1) main loop }
void stopMotor(Command motor) { setPWM(motor, 0); // Set low }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { FILE* fp = NULL; int sockfd, newsockfd, portno; socklen_t clilen; char buffer[256]; struct sockaddr_in serv_addr, cli_addr; int n; if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR, no port provided\n"); exit(1); } portno = atoi(argv[1]); if (portno <= 0) return record(argv[2]); if (argc > 2) { fp = fopen(argv[2], "wb"); if (fp == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "\nFile for command log has not been open.\n"); } sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sockfd < 0) error("ERROR opening socket"); bzero((char *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)); serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; serv_addr.sin_port = htons(portno); if (bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0) error("ERROR on binding"); int flag = 1; int result = setsockopt(sockfd, /* socket affected */ IPPROTO_TCP, /* set option at TCP level */ TCP_NODELAY, /* name of option */ (char *) &flag, /* the cast is historical craft */ sizeof(int)); /* length of option value */ if (result < 0) error("ERROR on setting TCP_NODELAY option"); listen(sockfd,5); clilen = sizeof(cli_addr); newsockfd = accept(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &cli_addr, &clilen); if (newsockfd < 0) error("ERROR on accept"); bzero(buffer,256); int fd = serialPort::open_port(PORT_NAME); if (fd == -1) return 1; serialPort::configure_port(fd); setPWM(fd, B_NTR, A_NTR); struct timeval tv; while (true) { n = read(newsockfd, buffer, sizeof(WORD)); if (n < 0) { if (fp != NULL) fclose(fp); error("ERROR reading from socket"); } if (buffer[0] & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_START) { if (fp != NULL) fclose(fp); puts("Received START. Exiting."); break; } printf("Here is the message: %04x\n", (buffer[1] << 8) | buffer[0]); gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); if ( buffer[0] & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_DOWN) { printf("DOWN Key pressed\n"); renewB(&tv, false); printf("Now B is %d\n", channelB); } if ( buffer[0] & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_UP) { printf("UP Key pressed\n"); renewB(&tv, true); printf("Now B is %d\n", channelB); } if ( buffer[0] & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_LEFT) { printf("LEFT Key pressed\n"); renewA(&tv, false); printf("Now A is %d\n", channelA); } if ( buffer[0] & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_RIGHT) { printf("RIGHT Key pressed\n"); renewA(&tv, true); printf("Now A is %d\n", channelA); } if ( buffer[0] & ROBOT_STRAIGHT) { printf("STRAIGHT is received\n"); channelA = A_NTR; printf("Now A is %d\n", channelA); } if ( buffer[0] & ROBOT_CONTINUE) { printf("CONTINUE is received\n"); } setPWM(fd, channelB, channelA); if (fp != NULL) { fwrite(&(tv.tv_sec), sizeof(tv.tv_sec), 1, fp); fwrite(&(tv.tv_usec), sizeof(tv.tv_usec), 1, fp); fwrite(buffer, sizeof(WORD), 1, fp); double distance; getDistanceFromSonar(fd, distance); fwrite(&distance, sizeof(double), 1, fp); } } n = write(newsockfd,"I got your message", 18); if (n < 0) error("ERROR writing to socket"); close(newsockfd); close(sockfd); // set defaults setPWM(fd, B_NTR, A_NTR); serialPort::close_port(fd); return 0; }