Condor_Auth_Base :: Condor_Auth_Base(ReliSock * sock, int mode) : mySock_ ( sock ), authenticated_ ( false ), mode_ ( mode ), isDaemon_ ( false ), remoteUser_ ( NULL ), remoteDomain_ ( NULL ), remoteHost_ ( NULL ), localDomain_ ( NULL ), fqu_ ( NULL ), authenticatedName_ ( NULL ) { //if (mySock_->isClient()) { //------------------------------------------ // There are two possible cases: // 1. This is a user who is calling authentication // 2. This is a daemon who is calling authentication // // So, we first find out whether this is a daemon or user //------------------------------------------ //if ((strncmp(username, // STR_DEFAULT_CONDOR_USER, // strlen(STR_DEFAULT_CONDOR_USER)) == 0) || // (strncmp(username, root, strlen(root)) == 0)) { // I am a daemon! This is a daemon-daemon authentication // isDaemon_ = true; //dprintf(D_ALWAYS,"This is a daemon with Condor uid:%d; my uid:%d, user uid :%d , // with username %s\n", get_condor_uid(), get_my_uid(), get_user_uid(), username); //} if (get_my_uid() == 0) { isDaemon_ = true; } //} // this will *always* succeed localDomain_ = param( "UID_DOMAIN" ); setRemoteHost(mySock_->peer_addr().to_ip_string().Value()); //setRemoteHost(inet_ntoa(mySock_->peer_addr()->sin_addr)); // This is done for protocols such as fs, anonymous. Kerberos should // override this with the ip address from Kerbeos }
void RemoteManager::addHost(RemoteHost *host) { RDTreeWidgetItem *node = new RDTreeWidgetItem({host->Name(), lit("...")}); node->setItalic(true); node->setIcon(0, Icons::hourglass()); setRemoteHost(node, host); ui->hosts->addTopLevelItem(node); ui->hosts->setSelectedItem(node); ui->refreshOne->setEnabled(false); ui->refreshAll->setEnabled(false); m_Lookups.release(); refreshHost(node); updateLookupsStatus(); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- // getRemoteHost -- retrieve remote host's address //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Condor_Auth_Kerberos :: setRemoteAddress() { krb5_error_code code; krb5_address ** localAddr = NULL; krb5_address ** remoteAddr = NULL; // Get remote host's address first if ((code = krb5_auth_con_getaddrs(krb_context_, auth_context_, localAddr, remoteAddr))) { goto error; } if (remoteAddr) { struct in_addr in; memcpy(&(in.s_addr), (*remoteAddr)[0].contents, sizeof(in_addr)); setRemoteHost(inet_ntoa(in)); } if (localAddr) { krb5_free_addresses(krb_context_, localAddr); } if (remoteAddr) { krb5_free_addresses(krb_context_, remoteAddr); } dprintf(D_SECURITY, "Remote host is %s\n", getRemoteHost()); return; error: dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "KERBEROS: Unable to obtain remote address: %s\n", error_message(code) ); }
void AtDrv::startClient(uint8_t sock, const char *host, uint16_t port, uint8_t protMode) { // if we enable CHECK_TCP_STATE feature, always call reConnect(), or we won't get right // tcp port status, since we disable tcp auto reconnect. #ifndef CHECK_TCP_STATE bool needReConn = false; #else bool needReConn = true; #endif int curMode; char curHostBuf[MAX_HOST_NAME_BUF_SIZE]; uint8_t curProtocol; uint16_t curPort; uint16_t curLocalPort; uint32_t curTimeout; bool curTcpAuto; // clear uart buffer first stopClient(sock); if(!isAtMode()) { if(!switchToAtMode()) { INFO1("Can't switch to at mode"); goto end; } } if(!getMode(sock, &curMode) || curMode != MODE_CLIENT) { needReConn = true; INFO1("curMode != MODE_CLIENT"); if(!setMode(sock, MODE_CLIENT)) { INFO1("Can't set mode"); goto end; } } if(!getRemoteHost(sock, curHostBuf) || (strcmp(curHostBuf, host) != 0)) { needReConn = true; INFO1("curHostBuf != host"); if(!setRemoteHost(sock, host)) { INFO1("Can't set host"); goto end; } } if(!getProtocol(sock, &curProtocol) || curProtocol != protMode) { needReConn = true; INFO1("curProtocol != protMode"); if(!setProtocol(sock, protMode)) { INFO1("Can't set protocol"); goto end; } } if(!getRemotePort(sock, &curPort) || curPort != port) { needReConn = true; INFO1("curPort != port"); if(!setPort(sock, port)) { INFO1("Can't set port"); goto end; } } if(!getTcpAuto(sock, &curTcpAuto) || curTcpAuto != false) { needReConn = true; INFO1("curTcpAuto != false"); if(!setTcpAuto(sock, false)) { INFO1("Can't set tcp auto"); goto end; } } if(!getLocalPort(sock, &curLocalPort) || curLocalPort != localSockPort[sock]) { needReConn = true; INFO1("curLocalPort != port"); if(!setLocalPort(sock, localSockPort[sock])) { INFO1("Can't set port"); goto end; } } if(needReConn) { if(!reConnect()) { INFO1("Can't reconnect"); goto end; } } sockPort[sock] = localSockPort[sock]; sockConnected[sock] = true; end: return; }
int Cconfigurator::loadConfig(QByteArray path, QByteArray filename) { int size; QSettings conf(path + filename, QSettings::IniFormat); conf.beginGroup("General"); setBaseFile( conf.value("mapFile", "database/mume.pmf").toByteArray() ); setWindowRect( conf.value("windowRect").toRect() ); setAlwaysOnTop( conf.value("alwaysOnTop", true ).toBool() ); setStartupMode( conf.value("startupMode", 1).toInt() ); setLogFileEnabled( conf.value("isLogFileEnabled", false).toBool() ); conf.endGroup(); conf.beginGroup("Networking"); setLocalPort( conf.value("localPort", 4242).toInt() ); setRemoteHost( conf.value("remoteHost", "").toByteArray() ); setRemotePort( conf.value("remotePort", 443).toInt() ); conf.endGroup(); conf.beginGroup("OpenGL"); setTextureVisibility( conf.value("texturesVisibility", 500).toInt() ); setDetailsVisibility( conf.value("detailsVisibility", 300).toInt() ); setVisibleLayers( conf.value("visibleLayers", 5).toInt() ); setShowNotesRenderer( conf.value("showNotes", true).toBool() ); setShowRegionsInfo( conf.value("showRegions", false). toBool() ); setDisplayRegionsRenderer( conf.value("displayRegions", false).toBool() ); setMultisampling( conf.value("multisampling", true).toBool() ); setSelectOAnyLayer( conf.value("selectOnAnyLayer", true).toBool() ); setRendererAngles(conf.value("angleX", 0).toFloat(), conf.value("angleY", 0).toFloat(), conf.value("angleZ", 0).toFloat()); setRendererPosition(conf.value("userX", 0).toFloat(), conf.value("userY", 0).toFloat(), conf.value("userZ", 0).toFloat()); setNoteColor( conf.value("noteColor", "#F28003").toByteArray() ); setDrawPrespam( conf.value("drawPrespam", true).toBool() ); conf.endGroup(); conf.beginGroup("Engine"); setExitsCheck( conf.value("checkExits", false).toBool() ); setTerrainCheck( conf.value("checkTerrain", true).toBool() ); setBriefMode( conf.value("briefmode", true ).toBool() ); setAutomerge( conf.value("autoMerge", true ).toBool() ); setAngrylinker( conf.value("angryLinker", true ).toBool() ); setDuallinker( conf.value("dualLinker", false ).toBool() ); setAutorefresh( conf.value("autoRefresh", true ).toBool() ); setNameQuote( conf.value("roomNameQuote", 10 ).toInt() ); setDescQuote( conf.value("descQuote", 10 ).toInt() ); setRegionsAutoReplace( conf.value("regionsAutoReplace", false ).toBool() ); setRegionsAutoSet( conf.value("regionsAutoSet", false ).toBool() ); setMactionUsesPrespam( conf.value("mactionUsesPrespam", true).toBool() ); setPrespamTTL( conf.value("prespamTTL", 5000).toInt() ); conf.endGroup(); conf.beginGroup("Patterns"); setExitsPattern( conf.value("exitsPattern", "Exits: ").toByteArray() ); spells_pattern = conf.value("spellsEffectPattern", "Affected by:").toByteArray(); setScorePattern( conf.value("scorePattern", "[0-9]*/* hits, */* mana, and */* moves.").toByteArray() ); setShortScorePattern( conf.value("scorePatternShort", "[0-9]*/* hits and */* moves.").toByteArray() ); conf.endGroup(); conf.beginGroup("GroupManager"); setGroupManagerHost( conf.value("remoteHost", "localhost").toByteArray() ); setGroupManagerRemotePort( conf.value("remotePort", 4243 ).toInt() ); setGroupManagerLocalPort( conf.value("localServerPort", 4243 ).toInt() ); setGroupManagerCharName( conf.value("charName", "Charname" ).toByteArray() ); setGroupManagerColor( QColor( conf.value("charColor", "#F28003").toString() ) ); setGroupManagerShowSelf( conf.value("showSelf", false ).toBool() ); setGroupManagerNotifyArmour( conf.value("notifyArm", true ).toBool() ); setGroupManagerNotifySanc( conf.value("notifySanc", true ).toBool() ); setGroupManagerNotifyBash( conf.value("notifyBash", true ).toBool() ); setGroupManagerShowManager( conf.value("showGroupManager", true ).toBool() ); setGroupManagerRect( conf.value("windowRect").toRect() ); conf.endGroup(); size = conf.beginReadArray("Spells"); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { conf.setArrayIndex(i); TSpell spell; spell.up = false; spell.silently_up = false; spell.addon = conf.value("addon", 0).toBool(); = conf.value("name").toByteArray(); spell.up_mes = conf.value("upMessage").toByteArray(); spell.refresh_mes = conf.value("refreshMessage").toByteArray(); spell.down_mes = conf.value("downMessage").toByteArray(); addSpell(spell); } conf.endArray(); conf.beginGroup("Movement tracking"); size = conf.beginReadArray("Cancel Patterns"); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { conf.setArrayIndex(i); moveCancelPatterns.append( conf.value("pattern").toByteArray() ); } conf.endArray(); size = conf.beginReadArray("Force Patterns"); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { conf.setArrayIndex(i); moveForcePatterns.append( conf.value("pattern").toByteArray() ); } conf.endArray(); conf.endGroup(); size = conf.beginReadArray("Debug Settings"); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { conf.setArrayIndex(i); QString s = conf.value("name").toString(); unsigned int z = 0; while (debug_data[z].name != NULL) { if (debug_data[z].name == s) break; z++; } if (debug_data[z].name == NULL) { print_debug(DEBUG_CONFIG, "Warning, %s is a wrong debug descriptor/name!", qPrintable(s)); continue; } debug_data[i].state = conf.value("state", 0 ).toInt(); } conf.endArray(); configFile = filename; configPath = path; setConfigModified(false); return true; }
int Condor_Auth_Kerberos :: authenticate_server_kerberos() { krb5_error_code code; krb5_flags flags = 0; krb5_data request, reply; priv_state priv; krb5_keytab keytab = 0; int message, rc = FALSE; krb5_ticket * ticket = NULL; = 0; = 0; keytabName_ = param(STR_KERBEROS_SERVER_KEYTAB); //------------------------------------------ // Getting keytab info //------------------------------------------ if (keytabName_) { code = krb5_kt_resolve(krb_context_, keytabName_, &keytab); } else { code = krb5_kt_default(krb_context_, &keytab); } if (code) { dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "1: Kerberos server authentication error:%s\n", error_message(code) ); goto error; } //------------------------------------------ // Get te KRB_AP_REQ message //------------------------------------------ if(read_request(&request) == FALSE) { dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "KERBEROS: Server is unable to read request\n" ); goto error; } dprintf( D_SECURITY, "Reading kerberos request object (krb5_rd_req)\n"); dprintf_krb5_principal( D_FULLDEBUG, "KERBEROS: krb_principal_ is '%s'\n", krb_principal_); priv = set_root_priv(); // Get the old privilige if ((code = krb5_rd_req(krb_context_, &auth_context_, &request, //krb_principal_, NULL, keytab, &flags, &ticket))) { set_priv(priv); // Reset dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "2: Kerberos server authentication error:%s\n", error_message(code) ); goto error; } set_priv(priv); // Reset dprintf ( D_FULLDEBUG, "KERBEROS: krb5_rd_req done.\n"); //------------------------------------------ // See if mutual authentication is required //------------------------------------------ if (flags & AP_OPTS_MUTUAL_REQUIRED) { if ((code = krb5_mk_rep(krb_context_, auth_context_, &reply))) { dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "3: Kerberos server authentication error:%s\n", error_message(code) ); goto error; } mySock_->encode(); message = KERBEROS_MUTUAL; if (!mySock_->code(message) || !mySock_->end_of_message()) { goto error; } // send the message if (send_request(&reply) != KERBEROS_GRANT) { goto cleanup; } } //------------------------------------------ // extract client addresses //------------------------------------------ if (ticket->enc_part2->caddrs) { struct in_addr in; memcpy(&(in.s_addr), ticket->enc_part2->caddrs[0]->contents, sizeof(in_addr)); setRemoteHost(inet_ntoa(in)); dprintf(D_SECURITY, "Client address is %s\n", getRemoteHost()); } // First, map the name, this has to take place before receive_tgt_creds! if (!map_kerberos_name(&(ticket->enc_part2->client))) { dprintf(D_SECURITY, "Unable to map Kerberos name\n"); goto error; } // copy the session key if ((code = krb5_copy_keyblock(krb_context_, ticket->enc_part2->session, &sessionKey_))){ dprintf(D_SECURITY, "4: Kerberos server authentication error:%s\n", error_message(code)); goto error; } // Next, see if we need client to forward the credential as well if (receive_tgt_creds(ticket)) { goto cleanup; } //------------------------------------------ // We are now authenticated! //------------------------------------------ dprintf(D_SECURITY, "User %s is now authenticated!\n", getRemoteUser()); rc = TRUE; goto cleanup; error: message = KERBEROS_DENY; mySock_->encode(); if ((!mySock_->code(message)) || (!mySock_->end_of_message())) { dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "KERBEROS: Failed to send response message!\n" ); } cleanup: //------------------------------------------ // Free up some stuff //------------------------------------------ if (ticket) { krb5_free_ticket(krb_context_, ticket); } if (keytab) { krb5_kt_close(krb_context_, keytab); } //------------------------------------------ // Free it for now, in the future, we might // need this for future secure transctions. //------------------------------------------ if ( { free(; } if ( { free(; } return rc; }