void Game::setPhase(int aphase) { phase = aphase; for (MAPIntHouseTimer_it i = houseMap.begin(), end = houseMap.end(); i != end; ++i) { i->second->setPhase(aphase); } switch (phase) { case PHASE_WES: { setStep(0); break; } case PHASE_PLN: { setStep(1); break; } case PHASE_ACT: { setStep(1); break; } } }
void Wind::keyPressed( int key ) { switch (key){ case 'c': setContrast1( contrast_1 * 1.05f ); break; case 'C': setContrast1( contrast_1 / 1.05f ); break; case 'r': setContrast2( contrast_2 * 1.05f ); break; case 'R': setContrast2( contrast_2 / 1.05f ); break; case 'd': draw_debug = !draw_debug; break; /* case 'h': which_hsv_channel = 0; break; case 's': which_hsv_channel = 1; break; case 'v': which_hsv_channel = 2; break; case 'g': which_hsv_channel = 3; break;*/ case 's': setStride( stride+1 ); break; case 'S': setStride( stride-1 ); break; case 'o': setOffset( offset+1 ); break; case 'O': setOffset( offset-1 ); break; case 't': setStep( step+0.25f ); break; case 'T': setStep( step-0.25f ); break; default: break; } }
void Game::nextStep() { if ( phase == PHASE_PLN ) { setStep(3); } else { setStep(step + 1); } }
void putKeyindexLazyFn(uint8_t xCmd, uint8_t xKeyidx, uint8_t xCol, uint8_t xRow, uint8_t xIsDown){ if(xCmd == CMD_TOGGLE_LAZY_FN){ setStep(STEP_INPUT_COMMAND); toggleLazyFn(); printLazyFnState(); printEnter(); }else if(xCmd == CMD_EXIT_LAZY_FN){ setStep(STEP_EXIT); stopKeyMapping(); }else if(xCmd == CMD_BACK_LAZY_FN){ setStep(STEP_BACK); } }
void putKeyindexBeyondFn(uint8_t xCmd, uint8_t xKeyidx, uint8_t xCol, uint8_t xRow, uint8_t xIsDown){ if(xCmd == CMD_TOGGLE_BEYOND_FN_LED){ setStep(STEP_INPUT_COMMAND); toggleBeyondFnLedEnabled(); printBeyondFnLedState(); printEnter(); }else if(xCmd == CMD_EXIT_BEYOND_FN_LED){ setStep(STEP_EXIT); stopKeyMapping(); }else if(xCmd == CMD_BACK_BEYOND_FN_LED){ setStep(STEP_BACK); } }
void putKeyindexSmartKey(uint8_t xCmd, uint8_t xKeyidx, uint8_t xCol, uint8_t xRow, uint8_t xIsDown){ if(xCmd == CMD_TOGGLE_SMART_KEY){ setStep(STEP_INPUT_COMMAND); toggleSmartKeyEnabled(); printSmartKeyState(); printEnter(); }else if(xCmd == CMD_EXIT_SMART_KEY){ setStep(STEP_EXIT); stopKeyMapping(); }else if(xCmd == CMD_BACK_SMART_KEY){ setStep(STEP_BACK); } }
int QwtCounter::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QWidget::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: buttonReleased((*reinterpret_cast< double(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 1: valueChanged((*reinterpret_cast< double(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 2: btnReleased(); break; case 3: btnClicked(); break; case 4: textChanged(); break; } _id -= 5; } #ifndef QT_NO_PROPERTIES else if (_c == QMetaObject::ReadProperty) { void *_v = _a[0]; switch (_id) { case 0: *reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v) = numButtons(); break; case 1: *reinterpret_cast< double*>(_v) = step(); break; case 2: *reinterpret_cast< double*>(_v) = minVal(); break; case 3: *reinterpret_cast< double*>(_v) = maxVal(); break; case 4: *reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v) = stepButton1(); break; case 5: *reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v) = stepButton2(); break; case 6: *reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v) = stepButton3(); break; case 7: *reinterpret_cast< double*>(_v) = value(); break; case 8: *reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v) = editable(); break; } _id -= 9; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::WriteProperty) { void *_v = _a[0]; switch (_id) { case 0: setNumButtons(*reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v)); break; case 1: setStep(*reinterpret_cast< double*>(_v)); break; case 2: setMinValue(*reinterpret_cast< double*>(_v)); break; case 3: setMaxValue(*reinterpret_cast< double*>(_v)); break; case 4: setStepButton1(*reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v)); break; case 5: setStepButton2(*reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v)); break; case 6: setStepButton3(*reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v)); break; case 7: setValue(*reinterpret_cast< double*>(_v)); break; case 8: setEditable(*reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v)); break; } _id -= 9; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::ResetProperty) { _id -= 9; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyDesignable) { _id -= 9; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyScriptable) { _id -= 9; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyStored) { _id -= 9; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyEditable) { _id -= 9; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyUser) { _id -= 9; } #endif // QT_NO_PROPERTIES return _id; }
ContentSlider::ContentSlider(QWidget *parent /*= 0*/) :QWidget(parent), slider_min_size_(21) { view_size_ = content_size_ = 0; setStep(20); }
/*! \brief Specify range and step size \param vmin lower boundary of the interval \param vmax higher boundary of the interval \param vstep step width \param pageSize page size in steps \warning \li A change of the range changes the value if it lies outside the new range. The current value will *not* be adjusted to the new step raster. \li vmax < vmin is allowed. \li If the step size is left out or set to zero, it will be set to 1/100 of the interval length. \li If the step size has an absurd value, it will be corrected to a better one. */ void QwtDoubleRange::setRange(double vmin, double vmax, double vstep, int pageSize) { bool rchg = ((d_maxValue != vmax) || (d_minValue != vmin)); if (rchg) { d_minValue = vmin; d_maxValue = vmax; } // // look if the step width has an acceptable // value or otherwise change it. // setStep(vstep); // // limit page size // d_pageSize = qwtLim(pageSize,0, int(qwtAbs((d_maxValue - d_minValue) / d_step))); // // If the value lies out of the range, it // will be changed. Note that it will not be adjusted to // the new step width. setNewValue(d_value, false); // call notifier after the step width has been // adjusted. if (rchg) rangeChange(); }
void Blinkink::setcolor(QColor arg) { if (m_color != arg) { m_color = arg; setStep(1); emit colorChanged(arg); } }
ControlPotmeter::ControlPotmeter(ConfigKey key, double dMinValue, double dMaxValue) : ControlObject(key), m_controls(key) { setRange(dMinValue, dMaxValue); setStep(m_dValueRange / 10.f); setSmallStep(m_dValueRange / 100.f); }
void Controller::nextStep() { int delta = lastTime.elapsed(); int steps = delta / MSEC_INTERVAL; step = (step + steps) % 360; lastTime.restart(); setStep(step); }
void PooferSequencer::startSequence(const char* sequence, bool preview) { this->numSteps = strlen(sequence) / numPoofers; this->sequence = sequence; this->preview = preview; this->active = true; setStep(0); }
void HotStepper::setNextStep(){ if(_remaining > 0 && !_paused){ _remaining--; setStep(nextStep()); }else{ release(); } }
///////////////**********[ CFileCreater ]**********/////////////// CFileCreater::CFileCreater() :m_strDirectoryPath(_T("")),m_iFileNumber(0),m_strAddFileName(_T("")),m_strFilePath(_T("")) { setStep(0); m_pBufferData = NULL; m_dwBufferSize = 0; m_pAddData = NULL; m_dwAddSize = 0; }
void Controller::init() { model->invertButton(true); timer.stop(); model->init(); step = 0; setStep(0); update(); }
void PooferSequencer::timerExpired() { if (hasMoreSteps()) { setStep(curStep + 1); } else if (sequenceCompleteCallback) { sequenceCompleteCallback(); active = false; } }
/*** Constructor ***/ For::For() { setFrom(0); setTo(0); setStep(0); setFor(0); setWhileCondition(0); setUntilCondition(0); setStatements(0); }
void MSSOTLTrafficLightLogic::setToATargetPhase() { for (int step = 0; step < (int)getPhases().size(); step++) { if (getPhase(step).isTarget()) { setStep(step); lastChain = step; return; } } MsgHandler::getErrorInstance()->inform("No phase of type target found for traffic light logic " + myID + " The logic could malfunction. Check phases declaration."); }
/*! Sets the timeline object used to control the rate of animation to the \a timeLine specified. \sa timeLine() */ void QGraphicsItemAnimation::setTimeLine(QTimeLine *timeLine) { if (d->timeLine == timeLine) return; if (d->timeLine) delete d->timeLine; if (!timeLine) return; d->timeLine = timeLine; connect(timeLine, SIGNAL(valueChanged(qreal)), this, SLOT(setStep(qreal))); }
CleanAsyncRequest::CleanAsyncRequest(BasePlugin *plugin, gloox::Stanza *from, const QString& dest) :AsyncRequest(-1, plugin, from, 300) { sent_ = 0; myDest_ = dest; setCount( myDest_.toInt() ); setStep( 1500 ); stanza_ = new gloox::Stanza(from); timer_ = new QTimer(this); connect(timer_, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(sltTimerTimeout())); }
void Blinkink::setblink(bool arg) { if (m_blink != arg) { m_blink = arg; if(arg) _animation.start(); else { _animation.stop(); setStep(1); } emit blinkChanged(arg); } }
void LeapMotionPlugin::init() { loadSettings(); auto preferences = DependencyManager::get<Preferences>(); static const QString LEAPMOTION_PLUGIN { "Leap Motion" }; { auto getter = [this]()->bool { return _enabled; }; auto setter = [this](bool value) { _enabled = value; saveSettings(); if (!_enabled) { auto userInputMapper = DependencyManager::get<controller::UserInputMapper>(); userInputMapper->withLock([&, this]() { _inputDevice->clearState(); }); } }; auto preference = new CheckPreference(LEAPMOTION_PLUGIN, "Enabled", getter, setter); preferences->addPreference(preference); } { auto getter = [this]()->QString { return _sensorLocation; }; auto setter = [this](QString value) { _sensorLocation = value; saveSettings(); applySensorLocation(); }; auto preference = new ComboBoxPreference(LEAPMOTION_PLUGIN, "Sensor location", getter, setter); QStringList list = { SENSOR_ON_DESKTOP, SENSOR_ON_HMD }; preference->setItems(list); preferences->addPreference(preference); } { auto getter = [this]()->float { return _desktopHeightOffset; }; auto setter = [this](float value) { _desktopHeightOffset = value; saveSettings(); applyDesktopHeightOffset(); }; auto preference = new SpinnerPreference(LEAPMOTION_PLUGIN, "Desktop height for horizontal forearms", getter, setter); float MIN_VALUE = 0.0f; float MAX_VALUE = 1.0f; float DECIMALS = 2.0f; float STEP = 0.01f; preference->setMin(MIN_VALUE); preference->setMax(MAX_VALUE); preference->setDecimals(DECIMALS); preference->setStep(STEP); preferences->addPreference(preference); } }
std::shared_ptr<ScrollBar> SimpleScrollableAreaSkin::createScrollBar( const std::shared_ptr<FloatValue>& controlledValue, Direction::Enum direction) const { if (!m_scrollBarEnabled[direction]) return nullptr; auto skin = std::make_shared<CommonScrollBarSkin>( createScrollBarBox(direction, m_scrollBarWidth), createDragBarBox(direction, m_scrollBarWidth), direction); skin->setAlwaysShow(false); skin->setStep(m_scrollStep); auto scrollBarBackground = std::make_shared<StaticFilledRect>( std::make_shared<RelativeBox>(RelativeValue(), RelativeValue())); scrollBarBackground->setColor(m_backgroundColor); skin->addElement(scrollBarBackground); auto decButtonSkin = std::make_shared<ArrowButtonSkin>(std::make_shared<SquareBox>()); fillSkin(decButtonSkin.get()); decButtonSkin->setArrowType(direction == Direction::Horizontal ? ArrowButtonSkin::Left : ArrowButtonSkin::Down); decButtonSkin->setArrowColor(m_arrowColor); decButtonSkin->setArrowPadding(m_arrowPadding); skin->setDecButtonSkin(decButtonSkin); auto incButtonSkin = std::make_shared<ArrowButtonSkin>(std::make_shared<SquareBox>()); fillSkin(incButtonSkin.get()); incButtonSkin->setArrowType(direction == Direction::Horizontal ? ArrowButtonSkin::Right : ArrowButtonSkin::Up); incButtonSkin->setArrowColor(m_arrowColor); incButtonSkin->setArrowPadding(m_arrowPadding); skin->setIncButtonSkin(incButtonSkin); auto dragBar = std::make_shared<SimpleRectangleButtonSkin>( std::make_shared<RelativeBox>(RelativeValue(), RelativeValue())); fillSkin(dragBar.get()); skin->setDragBarSkin(dragBar); auto scrollBar = std::make_shared<ScrollBar>(skin, createScrollBarOffset(direction)); scrollBar->setControlledValue(controlledValue); return scrollBar; }
void ProgressCtrl::inspectRead(Inspect *inspect) { int iLo, iHi, iInc; Parent::inspectRead(inspect); inspect->read(IDITG_PC_RANGELO, (Int32 &)iLo); inspect->read(IDITG_PC_RANGEHI, (Int32 &)iHi); inspect->read(IDITG_PC_INCREMENT, (Int32 &)iInc); if (iLo != iRangeLo || iHi != iRangeHi) { setRange(iLo, iHi); } if (iInc != iIncrement) { setStep(iInc); } }
ImplicitList::ImplicitList(InternalType* _poStart, InternalType* _poStep, InternalType* _poEnd) { m_iSize = -1; m_eOutType = ScilabGeneric; m_bComputed = false; m_poStart = NULL; m_poStep = NULL; m_poEnd = NULL; m_pDblStart = NULL; m_pDblStep = NULL; m_pDblEnd = NULL; setStart(_poStart); setStep(_poStep); setEnd(_poEnd); compute(); #ifndef NDEBUG Inspector::addItem(this); #endif }
void SymbolicList::evalDollar(GVN & gvn, const GVN::Value * dollarVal) { if (GVN::Value * const dollar = gvn.getExistingValue(symbol::Symbol(L"$"))) { if (GVN::Value * v = evalDollar(gvn, getStart(), dollar, dollarVal)) { setStart(v); } if (GVN::Value * v = evalDollar(gvn, getStep(), dollar, dollarVal)) { setStep(v); } if (GVN::Value * v = evalDollar(gvn, getEnd(), dollar, dollarVal)) { setEnd(v); } } }
void AutomatableModel::setRange( const float min, const float max, const float step ) { if( ( m_maxValue != max ) || ( m_minValue != min ) ) { m_minValue = min; m_maxValue = max; if( m_minValue > m_maxValue ) { qSwap<float>( m_minValue, m_maxValue ); } m_range = m_maxValue - m_minValue; setStep( step ); // re-adjust value setValue( value<float>() ); emit propertiesChanged(); } }
void EvaluatorModel::init(const ModelInfo::Params & params) { AbstractModel::init(params); setSize(params["width"].toInt(), params["height"].toInt()); setStep(params["stepX"].toReal(), params["stepY"].toReal()); setColor(params["color"].value<QColor>()); ModelInfo::VerticesVPtr vertices = new ModelInfo::VerticesV; GLfloat scalingFactor = (GLfloat) (1.0f / scene()->scalingFactor()); GLfloat xLeft = - _width * _stepX * scalingFactor; GLfloat yTop = - _height * _stepY * scalingFactor; GLfloat xCur = xLeft; GLfloat yCur = yTop; GLfloat stepX = _stepX * scalingFactor; GLfloat stepY = _stepY * scalingFactor; for (int i = 0; i <= 2 * _height; ++ i) { vertices->push_back(ModelInfo::VertexV(xLeft, yCur, 0.0f)); vertices->push_back(ModelInfo::VertexV(- xLeft, yCur, 0.0f)); yCur += stepY; } for (int i = 0; i <= 2 * _width; ++ i) { vertices->push_back(ModelInfo::VertexV(xCur, yTop, 0.0f)); vertices->push_back(ModelInfo::VertexV(xCur, - yTop, 0.0f)); xCur += stepX; } ModelInfo::BuffersV buffers; buffers.vertices = ModelInfo::VerticesVPointer(vertices); AbstractModel::fillBuffers<ModelInfo::BuffersV>(buffers); }
void Pattern::cloneSteps() { int oldLength = m_steps; m_steps += MidiTime::stepsPerTact(); ensureBeatNotes(); for(int i = 0; i < MidiTime::stepsPerTact(); ++i ) { Note *toCopy = noteAtStep( i ); if( toCopy ) { setStep( oldLength + i, true ); Note *newNote = noteAtStep( oldLength + i ); newNote->setKey( toCopy->key() ); newNote->setLength( toCopy->length() ); newNote->setPanning( toCopy->getPanning() ); newNote->setVolume( toCopy->getVolume() ); } } ensureBeatNotes(); emit dataChanged(); updateBBTrack(); }