void MyImageWidget::drawTarget(int x, int y) { setTargetX(x); setTargetY(y); update(); }
void QchScreenShot::resetTargetX() { setTargetX(0); }
int CzCamera::LoadFromXoml(IzXomlResource* parent, bool load_children, CzXmlNode* node) { // Process attributes for (CzXmlNode::_AttribIterator it = node->attribs_begin(); it != node->attribs_end(); it++) { unsigned int name_hash = (*it)->getName().getHash(); if (name_hash == CzHashes::Name_Hash) setName((*it)->getValue().c_str()); else if (name_hash == CzHashes::Tag_Hash) setTag((*it)->getValue().c_str()); else if (name_hash == CzHashes::Position_Hash) { if (!(*it)->getValueAsPoint(Position)) CzDebug::Log(CZ_DEBUG_CHANNEL_WARNING, "Camera - Invalid value for Camera::Position", DebugInfo.c_str()); } else if (name_hash == CzHashes::Angle_Hash) Angle = (*it)->getValueAsFloat(); else if (name_hash == CzHashes::Scale_Hash) Scale = (*it)->getValueAsFloat(); else if (name_hash == CzHashes::TargetX_Hash) setTargetX((*it)->getValue().c_str()); else if (name_hash == CzHashes::TargetY_Hash) setTargetY((*it)->getValue().c_str()); else if (name_hash == CzHashes::VelocityDamping_Hash) { if (!(*it)->getValueAsPoint(VelocityDamping)) CzDebug::Log(CZ_DEBUG_CHANNEL_WARNING, "Camera - Invalid value for Camera::VelocityDamping", DebugInfo.c_str()); } else if (name_hash == CzHashes::FollowSpeed_Hash) { if (!(*it)->getValueAsPoint(FollowSpeed)) CzDebug::Log(CZ_DEBUG_CHANNEL_WARNING, "Camera - Invalid value for Camera::FollowSpeed", DebugInfo.c_str()); } else if (name_hash == CzHashes::TouchPanX_Hash) setTouchPanX((*it)->getValueAsBool()); else if (name_hash == CzHashes::TouchPanY_Hash) setTouchPanY((*it)->getValueAsBool()); else if (name_hash == CzHashes::IgnoreActors_Hash) setIgnoreActors((*it)->getValueAsBool()); } // If we are declared inside a scene then shape is local to the scene CzScene* scene = NULL; if (parent != NULL && parent->getClassTypeHash() == CzHashes::Actor_Hash) scene = ((CzActor*)parent)->getScene(); else if (parent != NULL && parent->getClassTypeHash() == CzHashes::Scene_Hash) scene = (CzScene*)parent; Scene = scene; bool ret = false; if (scene != NULL) ret = scene->getResourceManager()->addResource(this); else ret = CZ_GLOBAL_RESOURCES->getResourceManager()->addResource(this); if (!ret) return 0; Update(0); return 1; }