예제 #1
void renderDMXFlaresAndFlashes(int player)
	int numColumns = gs.isDoubles || gs.isVersus ? 8 : 8;

	for ( int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++ )
		int frame = 15 - ((gs.player[player].laneFlareTimers[i] / (HIT_FLASH_DISPLAY_TIME / 16)) % 16);
		int x = getColumnOffsetX_DMX(i);

		if ( gs.player[player].laneFlareTimers[i] > 0 )
			int bigSmall = gs.player[player].displayCombo >= 100 ? 1 : 0;
			int color = (gs.player[player].displayCombo/100) % 5;

			// for a 'marvelous' render a flashing firework
			if ( gs.player[player].laneFlareColors[i] == 0 || gs.player[player].laneFlareColors[i] == 3 )
				//color = ((gs.player[player].laneFlareTimers[i] / 20) % 3) + 2;

			// render an offcolor firework explosion for an O.K.!
			if ( gs.player[player].laneFlareColors[i] == 4 )
				bigSmall = 1;
				color = (color+1) % 5; // frame % 5;

			// while holding a hold note, do something entirely different than a firework
			if ( gs.player[player].laneFlareColors[i] != 2 )
				draw_trans_sprite(rm.m_backbuf, m_dmxFireworks[bigSmall][color][frame], x-46, (gs.player[player].isColumnReversed(i) ? DMX_STEP_ZONE_REV_Y-34 : DMX_STEP_ZONE_Y)-46);
				set_alpha_blender(); // the game assumes the graphics are left in this mode
예제 #2
void KaboHaze::animate(Frame *space)
	// IMPORTANT: physics must not be changed, that is, NON-LOCAL variable must not
	// be changed in this subroutine !
	// Reason: the TimeWarp engine can decide to skip animations in case of low
	// frame-rate, thus, leading to a desynch between computers!


	  Aaaaah, lots of work to do for a simple job, namely, create a transparent overlay
	  of the shield onto the host:

	  - Init (see constructor):
	  Take the host-ship picture.
	  Create a (blurred) mask image of it.
	  Draw the shield and
	  Overlay the mask.

	  - Animate:
	  Scale and draw the masked shield,
	  Rotate and
	  Draw transparent onto the screen.


	if (!host)

	//if ( state == 0 )
	//	return;

	// the host can die in-between calculate and animate, therefore I use this; it's
	// not allowed to change state of this presence though; that's done only in
	// calculate().

	// Create a rotated copy of the shield sprite ... but only, if such a thing
	// does not exist, yet ! The purpose of this is, to spread the amount of
	// calculations over different frames, and to limit them to when they're
	// needed.

	int wshield = shield_bmp[0]->w;
	int hshield = shield_bmp[0]->h;

	if ( !shield_bmp[shield_sprite_index] ) {
		shield_bmp[shield_sprite_index] = create_bitmap(wshield, hshield);
								 // important otherwise it contains artefacts
		clear_to_color(shield_bmp[shield_sprite_index], 0);
		rotate_sprite(shield_bmp[shield_sprite_index], shield_bmp[0], 0, 0, iround((1<<24)*(host->angle + 0.5*PI)/PI2) );
		// result is in sprite_bmp[sprite_index]   ( nice conventions, huh !)

	//sprite_index = 0;	// also needed - for collision detection??
	// note, I've turned the collision of, since collide_flag_anyone = 0, but
	// otherwise, the collision detector would use this sprite_index to access
	// a ship sprite that doesnt exist !!

	// next, animate ...

	// first, reserve space for the target image, but ... how big should it be?
	// well, as big as the ship_bmp, but then, zoomed in space:

	int wfinal = int(wshield * space_zoom);
	int hfinal = int(hshield * space_zoom);

	BITMAP *final_bmp;
	final_bmp = create_bitmap(wfinal, hfinal);

	// scale/draw a shield:

	stretch_blit(shield_bmp[shield_sprite_index], final_bmp, 0, 0, wshield, hshield, 0, 0, wfinal, hfinal );
	// result is in final_bmp

	// I need to calculate screen coordinates (using the original bmp size).
	//	double xhost = host->normal_pos().x;
	//	double yhost = host->normal_pos().y;
	Vector2 Vcorner;
	Vcorner = corner(host->normal_pos(), Vector2(wshield, hshield) );

								 //wcorner(xhost, wshield);
	int xplot = iround(Vcorner.x);
								 //hcorner(yhost, hshield);
	int yplot = iround(Vcorner.y);
	// these routines are the standard way to calculate screen coordinates !

								 // local
	double power_scaled = power / 10.0;
	if ( power_scaled > 1.0 )
		power_scaled = 1.0;		 // max brightness.

	// change the brightness of the shield:
	int brightness = int(255 * power_scaled);

	set_add_blender(0, 0, 0, brightness);

	draw_trans_sprite(space->surface, final_bmp, xplot, yplot);
	space->add_box(xplot, yplot, wshield, hshield);

	// also, draw a (few) flashes, at twice the brightness:

	brightness = 255;

	for ( int i = 0; i < int(power); ++i ) {
		int dx, dy;

		dx = wshield;
		dy = hshield;

		int icheck = 0;
		for (;;) {
			if (icheck > 100)
				break;			 // too bad !!

			dy = rand() % hshield;
			if (edge_left[dy] == -1)

			if ( !(rand() % 2) ) //graphics
				dx = edge_left[dy];
				dx = edge_right[dy];

		dx -= wshield / 2;
		dy -= hshield / 2;

		double a = host->angle + 0.5*PI;
								 // rotated around the center
		int dx2 = iround(wshield/2 + dx * cos(a) - dy * sin(a));
		int dy2 = iround(hshield/2 + dy * cos(a) + dx * sin(a));

		dx = iround( dx2 * space_zoom);
		dy = iround( dy2 * space_zoom);

		int x = xplot + dx;
		int y = yplot + dy;

		tw_putpixel(space->surface, x, y, tw_makecol(brightness,brightness,0) );

		space->add_pixel(x, y);


	// release the temporary bitmap:
int main() {

    BITMAP *mysha = NULL, *buffer = NULL;
    int old_time = 0, old_time2 = 0;
    int i;
    int count = 0;
    int use_alleg = FALSE;
    int depth = 16;



    depth = get_config_int("examples", "depth", 16);

    if (set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT, 640, 480, 0, 0)) {
        if (set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT, 640, 480, 0, 0)) {
            if (set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT, 640, 480, 0, 0)) {
                if (set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT, 640, 480, 0, 0)) {
                    allegro_message("Unable to set 640x480 screen mode!\n");
                    return -1;

    mysha = load_bitmap("mysha.pcx", NULL);

    if (!mysha) {
        set_gfx_mode(GFX_TEXT, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        allegro_message("Unable to load mysha.pcx. Copy it from the allegro examples directory.\n");
        return -2;

    TRACE("Got here!\n");

    for (i = 0; i < NUM_PARTICLES; i++)
        particle[i] = NULL;

    TRACE("Still here!\n");

    for (i = 0; i < NUM_PARTICLES; i++) {
        int j;
        int r, g, b;

        TRACE("Going for particle: %i\n", i);

        particle[i] = malloc(sizeof(PARTICLE));
        if (!particle[i]) {
            TRACE("Out of memory while creating particle!\n");
            goto Error;

        TRACE("Clearing particle\n");

        memset(particle[i], 0, sizeof(PARTICLE));

        TRACE("Creating bitmap\n");

        particle[i]->bmp = create_bitmap(PARTICLE_SIZE, PARTICLE_SIZE);
        if (!particle[i]->bmp) {
            TRACE("Out of memory while creating particle bitmap!\n");
            goto Error;

        TRACE("Clearing bitmap\n");


        TRACE("Setting up coordinates\n");

        particle[i]->x = rand() % SCREEN_W;
        particle[i]->y = rand() % SCREEN_H;
        particle[i]->vx = rand() % 10 - 5;
        particle[i]->vy = rand() % 10 - 5;
        particle[i]->a = rand() & 255;
        particle[i]->a_dir = 1;

        TRACE("Setting up colors\n");
        hsv_to_rgb(rand() % 360, 1, 1, &r, &g, &b);

        TRACE("Drawing circles\n");

        for (j = 1; j < PARTICLE_SIZE/2-1; j++) {
            circle(particle[i]->bmp, PARTICLE_SIZE/2-1, PARTICLE_SIZE/2, j, makecol(r*2/(j+1), g*2/(j+1), b*2/(j+1)));
            circle(particle[i]->bmp, PARTICLE_SIZE/2, PARTICLE_SIZE/2, j, makecol(r*2/(j+1), g*2/(j+1), b*2/(j+1)));


    buffer = create_bitmap(SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H);

    if (!buffer) {
        TRACE("Out of memory while creating back buffer!\n");
        goto Error;



    install_int(the_timer, 1);
    old_time = chrono;


    do {
        int chrono2;

        /* Tile mysha over the screen */
        blit(mysha, buffer, 0, 0, 0, 0, mysha->w, mysha->h);
        blit(mysha, buffer, 0, 0, 320, 0, mysha->w, mysha->h);
        blit(mysha, buffer, 0, 0, 0, 200, mysha->w, mysha->h);
        blit(mysha, buffer, 0, 0, 320, 200, mysha->w, mysha->h);
        blit(mysha, buffer, 0, 0, 0, 400, mysha->w, mysha->h);
        blit(mysha, buffer, 0, 0, 320, 400, mysha->w, mysha->h);

        if (use_alleg) {
            for (i = 0; i < NUM_PARTICLES; i++) {
                set_add_blender(0, 0, 0, particle[i]->a);
                draw_trans_sprite(buffer, particle[i]->bmp, particle[i]->x - particle[i]->bmp->w/2, particle[i]->y - particle[i]->bmp->h/2);
        else {
            for (i = 0; i < NUM_PARTICLES; i++)
                fblend_add(particle[i]->bmp, buffer, particle[i]->x - particle[i]->bmp->w/2, particle[i]->y - particle[i]->bmp->h/2, particle[i]->a);

        if (key[KEY_SPACE]) {
            use_alleg = !use_alleg;
            key[KEY_SPACE] = 0;
            chrono = 0;
            count = 0;
            old_time = 0;
            old_time2 = 0;

        textprintf(screen, font, 0, 0, makecol(255, 255, 255), "%s  %.2f fps (%.3f avg)", use_alleg ? "Using Allegro" : "Using new", (chrono - old_time2) == 0 ? 1000.0 : 1000 / ((double)chrono - old_time2), count * 1000.0 / chrono);
        textprintf(buffer, font, 0, 0, makecol(255, 255, 255), "%s  %.2f fps (%.3f avg)", use_alleg ? "Using Allegro" : "Using new", (chrono - old_time2) == 0 ? 1000.0 : 1000 / ((double)chrono - old_time2), count * 1000.0 / chrono);

        old_time2 = chrono;


        /* Draw the buffer */
        blit(buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H);


        chrono2 = chrono / 40;
        for (i = old_time/40; i < chrono2; i++) {
            int j;
            for (j = 0; j < NUM_PARTICLES; j++) {
                particle[j]->x += particle[j]->vx;
                particle[j]->y += particle[j]->vy;

                if (particle[j]->x <= 0 || particle[j]->x >= SCREEN_W)
                    particle[j]->vx = -particle[j]->vx;
                if (particle[j]->y <= 0 || particle[j]->y >= SCREEN_H)
                    particle[j]->vy = -particle[j]->vy;

                if (particle[j]->a <= 0 || particle[j]->a >= 256)
                    particle[j]->a_dir = -particle[j]->a_dir;

                particle[j]->a += particle[j]->a_dir;
        old_time = chrono;

    } while (!key[KEY_ESC]);


    TRACE("Shutting down.\n");

    if (mysha)
    if (buffer)

    for (i = 0; i < NUM_PARTICLES; i++) {
        if (particle[i]) {
            if (particle[i]->bmp)

    set_gfx_mode(GFX_TEXT, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    return 0;
