예제 #1
파일: orpgsun.c 프로젝트: likev/CodeOrpgPub

     This function uses the NOVAS software library to compute the position
     of the Sun on the local horizon, but for an input time, instead of the
     current time.
      here - The point on the surface of the earth we are at.
      time_in - The UTC time in seconds that we need to compute
                the Sun's position.
      *SunAz - The returned sun azimuth, in degrees from true north.
      *SunEl - The returned sun elevation, in degrees above the
               local horizon.
void ORPGSUN_NovasComputePosAtTime( site_info here, double *SunAz, 
                                    double *SunEl, time_t time_in ){

    /* The earth and sun body structures.  See NOVAS documentation for 
       more information. */
    body earth, sun;

    /* The right ascension, and declination of the sun */
    double ra, declination;

    /* The terrestrial dynamical time (TDT) julian date */
    double tdt_julian_date;

    /* Zenith distance, measured from the local vertical. */
    double zenith_distance;

    /* The Sun's azimuth is measured from the north */
    double azimuth;

    /* rar -right ascension. decr -declination. In equatorial 
       coordinate system */
    double rar, decr;

    /* The distance to the Sun, units of AU, not returned by this function. */
    double distanceAU;

    /* Call NOVAS subroutine set_body to setup Sun and Earth body structures. */
    set_body( 0, 10, "Sun", &sun );
    set_body( 0, 3, "Earth", &earth );

    /* Get the TDT date for the input time. */
    Get_tdt_julian_date_at_time( &tdt_julian_date, time_in, ORPGSUN_DELTAT );

    /* Call NOVAS routine topo_planet to get the right ascension and 
       declination of the Sun in topographic/equatorial coordinate 
       system. */
    topo_planet( tdt_julian_date, &sun, &earth, ORPGSUN_DELTAT, &here,
                 &ra, &declination, &distanceAU );

    /* Call NOVAS subroutine equ2hor to convert the Sun's position to
       local horizon coordinates. */
    equ2hor( tdt_julian_date, ORPGSUN_DELTAT,
             0.0 /* x_ephemeris */, 
             0.0 /* y_ephemeris */,
             &here, ra, declination, 1 /* normal refraction */,
             &rar, &decr );

    /* Convert zenith_distance reference point so that the Sun's
       elevation is referenced to the local horizon. */
    *SunEl = 90.0 - zenith_distance;

    /* Azimuth needs no conversion, its local horizon reference
       is already true north. */
    *SunAz = azimuth;

} /* End of ORPGSUN_NovasComputePosAtTime() */
예제 #2
 * This function uses the NOVAS software library to compute the position 
 * of the Sun on the local horizon, but for an input time, instead of the current time.
 * --------------------------------------------------------
 * @param here (site_info)  The point on the surface of the earth we are at.
 * @param deltat (double)   The difference between terrestrial dynamical time system 1 time, and universal time.
 * @param *SunAz (double *) The returned sun azimuth, in degrees from true north.
 * @param *SunEl (double *) The returned sun elevation, in degrees above the local horizon.
 * @param time_in (time_t)  The utc time in seconds that we need to compute the Sun's position.
 * --------------------------------------------------------
void rsts_SunNovasComputePosAtTime( site_info here, double deltat, double *SunAz, double *SunEl, time_t time_in )
  /** <b> Local Variables </b> */
  /** <ul> */
  /** <li><b> body earth,sun </b> - The earth and sun body structures. See NOVAS documentation for more information. </li> */
  body earth,sun;
  /** <li><b> double ra,declination </b> - The right ascension, and declination of the sun </li> */
  double ra,declination;
  /** <li><b> double tdt_julian_date </b> - the current terrestrial dynamical time (TDT) julian date </li> */
  double  tdt_julian_date;
  /** <li><b> double zenith_distance </b> - Zenith distance, measured from the local vertical. </li> */
  double zenith_distance;
  /** <li><b> double azimuth </b> - The Sun's azimuth is measured from the north </li> */
  double azimuth;
  /** <li><b> double rar,decr </b> - rar -right ascension. decr -declination. In equatorial coordinate system </li> */
  double rar,decr;
  /** <li><b> double distanceAU </b> - The distance to the Sun, units of AU, not returned by this function. </li> */
  double distanceAU;
  /** </ul> */

  /** <h3> The following is a detailed description of the steps for rsts_SunNovasComputePosAtTime(): </h3> */
  /** Call NOVAS subroutine set_body to setup Sun and Earth body structures. */

  /** Get the TDT date for the input time. */
  rsts_get_tdt_julian_date_at_time( &tdt_julian_date, time_in);

  /** Call NOVOS routine topo_planet to get the right ascension and declination 
   * of the Sun in topographic/equatorial coordinate system. */
  topo_planet( tdt_julian_date,
	       &sun, &earth, deltat,
	       &here ,
	       &ra , &declination , &distanceAU);
  /** Call NOVAS subroutine equ2hor to convert the Sun's position to local horizon coordinates. */
  equ2hor( tdt_julian_date, deltat,
	   0.0 /*x_ephemeris*/, 0.0 /*y_ephemeris*/,
	   &here,ra,declination,1/*normal refraction*/,

 /** Convert zenith_distance reference point so that the Sun's elevation is referenced to the local horizon. */
  *SunEl = 90.0 - zenith_distance; 
  /** Azimuth needs no conversion, its local horizon reference is already true north. */
  *SunAz = azimuth;
  /** Log a message to the test log with the input time, and position of the sun given. */
  /** RSTS_LOG_MSG(LOG_RDA_OTEST,"Sun Pos at TDT JD %f - Az %f  El %f",tdt_julian_date,*SunAz,*SunEl); */
  /** If this is a stand alone unit test, the results of the subroutine are printed 
   * for comparison with the naval observatory's web pages. */
  printf(" El : %f   Az : %f \n", *SunEl, *SunAz);
예제 #3
 void SessionImpl::transmit( const Response& response, const function< void ( const error_code&, size_t ) >& callback ) const
     auto hdrs = m_settings->get_default_headers( );
     if ( m_resource not_eq nullptr )
         const auto m_resource_headers = m_resource->m_pimpl->m_default_headers;
         hdrs.insert( m_resource_headers.begin( ), m_resource_headers.end( ) );
     hdrs.insert( m_headers.begin( ), m_headers.end( ) );
     auto response_headers = response.get_headers( );
     hdrs.insert( response_headers.begin( ), response_headers.end( ) );
     auto payload = make_shared< Response >( );
     payload->set_headers( hdrs );
     payload->set_body( response.get_body( ) );
     payload->set_version( response.get_version( ) );
     payload->set_protocol( response.get_protocol( ) );
     payload->set_status_code( response.get_status_code( ) );
     payload->set_status_message( response.get_status_message( ) );
     if ( payload->get_status_message( ).empty( ) )
         payload->set_status_message( m_settings->get_status_message( payload->get_status_code( ) ) );
     m_request->m_pimpl->m_socket->start_write( Http::to_bytes( payload ), callback );
예제 #4
    TEST_F(TaskTest, CreateAndDelete)
        auto start_time = ews::date_time("2015-01-17T12:00:00Z");
        auto end_time = ews::date_time("2015-01-17T12:30:00Z");
        auto task = ews::task();
        task.set_subject("Something really important to do");
        task.set_body(ews::body("Some descriptive body text"));
        const auto item_id = service().create_item(task);

        auto created_task = service().get_task(item_id);
        // Check properties
        EXPECT_STREQ("Something really important to do",
        EXPECT_EQ(start_time, created_task.get_start_date());
        EXPECT_EQ(end_time, created_task.get_due_date());
        EXPECT_EQ(start_time, created_task.get_reminder_due_by());

                std::move(created_task), // Sink argument
예제 #5
// acl
AclTask::AclTask( const CString& buckname, 
				 const CString& objname, 
				 std::map<CString, char>& acls ) 
	: _buckname(buckname)
	, _objname(objname)
	_type = kAcl;

	char* pow[] = {"read", "write", "read_acp", "write_acp"};

	Json::Value json_root;
	std::map<CString, char>::iterator it = acls.begin();
	for (; it != acls.end(); ++ it)
		std::string name = CString2string(it->first);
		char acl = it->second;
		for (int i = 0; i < ACL_COUNT; ++ i)
			if (acl & 0x1)
			acl >>= 1;

	Json::FastWriter json_writer;
	std::string body_str = json_writer.write(json_root);
예제 #6
파일: sky_box.cpp 프로젝트: QuLogic/jot-lib

   // for debugging
//   set_color(Color::blue);

   // build the skybox mesh:
   LMESHptr sky_mesh = make_shared<LMESH>();
   Patch* p = nullptr;


   p-> set_do_lod(false);


  // sky_mesh->update_subdivision(3);


   //flip normals
   const double RADIUS =1000;

   Wvec d = Wpt::Origin()-sky_mesh->get_bb().center();

   // TODO : make it use skybox texture for the reference image
   //        and proxy surface for the main draw
   //Skybox renders in default style now
   //skybox texture only draws the gradient
   //Translation bug fixed for the 10th time he he

   //the skybox GEOM contains a bode with the sphere geometry

   //world creation 
   if (_sky_instance)
      err_msg("SKY_BOX::SKY_BOX: warning: instance exists");
   _sky_instance = this;

   WORLD::create(_sky_instance, false);
   WORLD::undisplay(_sky_instance, false);//otherwise it starts up visible
   if (Config::get_var_bool("SHOW_SKYBOX",false))
예제 #7
	void final_error(int c_, const char *m_) {
		if (!finalized) {
			set_body(NULL, 0);
			set_status(c_, m_);
예제 #8
	CharLook::CharLook(const LookEntry& entry)


		for (auto& equip : entry.equips)
void do_tbb_threads( int max_threads, flogged_ets a[] ) {
    std::vector< tbb::tbb_thread * > threads;

    for (int p = 0; p < max_threads; ++p) { 
        threads.push_back( new tbb::tbb_thread ( set_body( a ) ) ); 

    for (int p = 0; p < max_threads; ++p) {

    for(int p = 0; p < max_threads; ++p) {
        delete threads[p];
예제 #10
new_ssa_cfg(Cfg *cfg, OptUnit *unit, unsigned flags)
    claim(cfg->get_parent() == NULL || cfg->get_parent() == unit,
	  "CFG's parent is not the given optimization unit");

    // Must orphan the CFG before reparenting it.  Do this by detaching it
    // from the unit.  Otherwise, when the unit body is updated later
    // (i.e., set to the new SSA form), the parent of its old body (the
    // CFG) gets set to NULL.
    set_body(unit, NULL);
    SsaCfg *ssa = create_ssa_cfg(the_suif_env, cfg, unit, false, false, false,
				 false, false, false, false, false, false);

    ssa->core.set_underlying_ptr(new SsaCore(ssa));

    return ssa;
예제 #11
void Webserver::onHttp(connection_hdl handle){
  auto con = socketServer.get_con_from_hdl(handle);

  std::string path = con->get_resource().substr(1);
  if(path.length() == 0){
    // Default file to serve
    path = "index.html";
  auto resourcePath = webUtils::pathToResource(path);
  std::ifstream fin(resourcePath, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
  std::ostringstream oss;
  oss << fin.rdbuf();
  std::string fileContent =  oss.str();

예제 #12
/* Returns an instance of message_t allocated via new */
message_t *create_message(fish_message_type_t type,
                          const wchar_t *key_in,
                          const wchar_t *val_in)
    message_t *msg = new message_t;
    msg->count = 0;

    char *key=0;

    //  debug( 4, L"Crete message of type %d", type );

    if (key_in)
        if (wcsvarname(key_in))
            debug(0, L"Illegal variable name: '%ls'", key_in);
            return 0;

        key = wcs2utf(key_in);
        if (!key)
                  L"Could not convert %ls to narrow character string",
            return 0;

    switch (type)
        case SET:
        case SET_EXPORT:
            if (!val_in)

            wcstring esc = full_escape(val_in);
            char *val = wcs2utf(esc.c_str());
            set_body(msg, (type==SET?SET_MBS:SET_EXPORT_MBS), " ", key, ":", val, "\n", NULL);


        case ERASE:
            set_body(msg, ERASE_MBS, " ", key, "\n", NULL);

        case BARRIER:
            set_body(msg, BARRIER_MBS, "\n", NULL);

        case BARRIER_REPLY:
            set_body(msg, BARRIER_REPLY_MBS, "\n", NULL);

            debug(0, L"create_message: Unknown message type");


    //  debug( 4, L"Message body is '%s'", msg->body );

    return msg;
예제 #13
	basic_spaceship::basic_spaceship(phys_agent_specification const& spec, phys_system* system):
		simple_rigid_body(spec, system),
		m_t_cfg(new thruster_config< WorldDimensionality::dim2D >(thruster_presets::square_complete())),
		m_half_width = spec.spec_acc["size"].as< double >() * 0.5;
		m_mass = spec.spec_acc["mass"].as< double >();
		m_rotational_inertia = spec.spec_acc["rotational_inertia"].as< double >();
		m_thruster_strength = spec.spec_acc["thruster_strength"].as< double >();
		m_sensor_range = spec.spec_acc["sensor_range"].as< double >();

		auto world = system->get_world();

		b2BodyDef bd;
		bd.type = b2_dynamicBody;
		bd.position.Set(0.0f, 0.0f);
		bd.angle = 0.0f;
		auto body = world->CreateBody(&bd);

		b2PolygonShape shape;
		shape.SetAsBox(m_half_width, m_half_width);

		b2FixtureDef fd;
		fd.shape = &shape;
		fd.density = 1.0f;

		// Override mass and rotational inertia
		// TODO: should be optional parameters, and if unspecified, left as auto b2d defaults
		b2MassData md;
		md.center = b2Vec2(0, 0);
		md.mass = m_mass;
		md.I = m_rotational_inertia;


/*		phys_sensor_defn sdef(SensorType::Fan);
		sdef.body = body;
		sdef.pos = b2Vec2(0, 0);
		sdef.orientation = 0;
		sdef.range = m_sensor_range;
		sdef.type_specific = fan_sensor_data{ b2_pi / 3 };
		m_front_sensor = create_sensor(sdef);
		sdef.orientation = b2_pi;
		m_rear_sensor = create_sensor(sdef);
		sdef.orientation = b2_pi / 2;
		m_left_sensor = create_sensor(sdef);
		sdef.orientation = -b2_pi / 2;
		m_right_sensor = create_sensor(sdef);

		phys_sensor_defn sdef(SensorType::Directional);
		sdef.body = body;
		sdef.pos = b2Vec2(0, 0);
		sdef.orientation = 0;
		sdef.range = m_sensor_range;
		sdef.type_specific = directional_sensor_data{};
		m_front_sensor = create_sensor(sdef);
		sdef.orientation = b2_pi;
		m_rear_sensor = create_sensor(sdef);
		sdef.orientation = b2_pi / 2;
		m_left_sensor = create_sensor(sdef);
		sdef.orientation = -b2_pi / 2;
		m_right_sensor = create_sensor(sdef);

		m_collisions = 0;
		m_damage = 0.0;
static apr_status_t upload_filter(ap_filter_t *f, apr_bucket_brigade *bbout,
	ap_input_mode_t mode, apr_read_type_e block, apr_off_t nbytes) {

  char* buf = 0 ;
  char* p = buf ;
  char* e ;
  int ret = APR_SUCCESS ;
  apr_size_t bytes = 0 ;
  apr_bucket* b ;
  apr_bucket_brigade* bbin ;
  upload_ctx* ctx = (upload_ctx*) f->ctx ;
  if ( ctx->parse_state == p_done ) {
    // send an EOS
    APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(bbout, apr_bucket_eos_create(bbout->bucket_alloc) ) ;
    return APR_SUCCESS ;

  /* should be more efficient to do this in-place without resorting
   * to a new brigade
  bbin = apr_brigade_create(f->r->pool, f->r->connection->bucket_alloc) ;

  if ( ret = ap_get_brigade(f->next, bbin, mode, block, nbytes) ,
	ret != APR_SUCCESS )
     return ret ;

  for ( b = APR_BRIGADE_FIRST(bbin) ;
	b = APR_BUCKET_NEXT(b) ) {
    const char* ptr = buf ;
    if ( APR_BUCKET_IS_EOS(b) ) {
      ctx->parse_state = p_done ;
	 apr_bucket_eos_create(bbout->bucket_alloc) ) ;
      apr_brigade_destroy(bbin) ;
      return APR_SUCCESS ;
    } else if ( apr_bucket_read(b, &ptr, &bytes, APR_BLOCK_READ)
		== APR_SUCCESS ) {
      const char* p = ptr ;
      while ( e = strchr(p, '\n'), ( e && ( e < (ptr+bytes) ) ) ) {
	const char* ptmp = p ;
	*e = 0 ;
	if ( ctx->leftover ) {
		// this'll be grossly inefficient if we get lots of
		// little buckets (we don't in my setup:-)
	  ptmp = apr_pstrcat(f->r->pool, ctx->leftover, p, NULL) ;
	  ctx->leftover = 0 ;
	switch ( ctx->parse_state ) {
	  case p_none:
	    if ( is_boundary(ctx, ptmp) == boundary_part )
	      ctx->parse_state = p_head ;
	    break ;
	  case p_head:
	    if ( (! *ptmp) || ( *ptmp == '\r') )
	      ctx->parse_state = p_field ;
	      set_header(ctx, ptmp) ;
	    break ;
	  case p_field:
	    switch ( is_boundary(ctx, ptmp) ) {
	      case boundary_part:
		end_body(ctx) ;
		ctx->parse_state = p_head ;
		break ;
	      case boundary_end:
		end_body(ctx) ;
		ctx->parse_state = p_end ;
		break ;
	      case boundary_none:
		if ( ctx->is_file ) {
		  apr_brigade_puts(bbout, ap_filter_flush, f, ptmp) ;
		  apr_brigade_putc(bbout, ap_filter_flush, f, '\n') ;
		} else
		  set_body(ctx, ptmp) ;
		break ;
	    break ;
	  case p_end:
	//	apr_bucket_eos_create(bbout->bucket_alloc) ) ;
	    ctx->parse_state = p_done ;
	  case p_done:
	    break ;
	if ( e - ptr >= bytes )
	  break ;
	p = e + 1 ;
      if ( ( ctx->parse_state != p_end ) && ( ctx->parse_state != p_done ) ) {
	size_t bleft = bytes - (p-ptr) ;
	ctx->leftover = apr_pstrndup(f->r->pool, p, bleft ) ;
#ifdef DEBUG
  ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK,APLOG_DEBUG,0, f->r, "leftover %d bytes\n\t%s\n\t%s\n", bleft, ctx->leftover, p) ;
  apr_brigade_destroy(bbin) ;
  return ret ;
예제 #15
	void set_body_gba(GByteArray *gba) {
		gsize len = gba->len;
		guint8 *data = g_byte_array_free(gba, FALSE);
		set_body(data, len);
예제 #16
	void set_body_gstr(GString *gstr) {
		gsize len = gstr->len;
		guint8 *data = (guint8*) g_string_free(gstr, FALSE);
		set_body(data, len);