Surface& Surface::operator=(const Surface& rSurf) { _pMaterialNext=0; _pMaterialPrev=0; set_type(rSurf.type()); set_conic(rSurf.conic()); set_radius_curvature(rSurf.radius_curvature()); set_R4(rSurf.R4()); set_R6(rSurf.R6()); set_R8(rSurf.R8()); set_R10(rSurf.R10()); set_comment(rSurf.comment()); set_x(rSurf.x()); set_y(rSurf.y()); set_z(rSurf.z()); set_diameter(rSurf.diameter()); set_auto_diameter(rSurf.get_auto_diameter()); set_inner_diameter(rSurf.inner_diameter()); set_auto_inner_diameter(rSurf.get_auto_inner_diameter()); return *this; }
MuContacts* mu_contacts_new (const gchar *path) { MuContacts *self; g_return_val_if_fail (path, NULL); self = g_new0 (MuContacts, 1); self->_path = g_strdup (path); self->_hash = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, (GDestroyNotify)contact_info_destroy); self->_ccache = load_key_file (path); if (!self->_ccache || !set_comment (self->_ccache)) { mu_contacts_destroy (self); return NULL; } deserialize_cache (self); MU_WRITE_LOG("deserialized contacts from cache %s", path); self->_dirty = FALSE; return self; }
XLNT_FUNCTION void cell::set_value(cell c) { d_->type_ = c.d_->type_; d_->value_numeric_ = c.d_->value_numeric_; d_->value_string_ = c.d_->value_string_; d_->hyperlink_ = c.d_->hyperlink_; d_->has_hyperlink_ = c.d_->has_hyperlink_; d_->formula_ = c.d_->formula_; d_->style_id_ = c.d_->style_id_; set_comment(c.get_comment()); }
nl_convert_eagle_t::tokenizer::tokenizer(nl_convert_eagle_t &convert, plib::putf8_reader &strm) : plib::ptokenizer(strm) , m_convert(convert) { set_identifier_chars("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwvxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ01234567890_.-"); set_number_chars(".0123456789", "0123456789eE-."); //FIXME: processing of numbers set_whitespace(pstring("").cat(' ').cat(9).cat(10).cat(13)); /* FIXME: gnetlist doesn't print comments */ set_comment("/*", "*/", "//"); set_string_char('\''); m_tok_ADD = register_token("ADD"); m_tok_VALUE = register_token("VALUE"); m_tok_SIGNAL = register_token("SIGNAL"); m_tok_SEMICOLON = register_token(";"); /* currently not used, but required for parsing */ register_token(")"); register_token("("); }
nl_convert_rinf_t::tokenizer::tokenizer(nl_convert_rinf_t &convert, plib::putf8_reader &strm) : plib::ptokenizer(strm) , m_convert(convert) { set_identifier_chars(".abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwvxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ01234567890_-"); set_number_chars("0123456789", "0123456789eE-."); //FIXME: processing of numbers set_whitespace(pstring("").cat(' ').cat(9).cat(10).cat(13)); /* FIXME: gnetlist doesn't print comments */ set_comment("","","//"); // FIXME:needs to be confirmed set_string_char('"'); m_tok_HEA = register_token(".HEA"); m_tok_APP = register_token(".APP"); m_tok_TIM = register_token(".TIM"); m_tok_TYP = register_token(".TYP"); m_tok_ADDC = register_token(".ADD_COM"); m_tok_ATTC = register_token(".ATT_COM"); m_tok_NET = register_token(".ADD_TER"); m_tok_TER = register_token(".TER"); m_tok_END = register_token(".END"); }
bool Surface::set_type(string sType) { assert(sType!=""); if ( (sType!="reflect") && (sType!="stop") && (sType!="image") && (sType!="image_infinite") && (sType!="transmit") && (sType!="void") && (sType!="perfect_lens") && (sType!="perfect_mirror") ) { //test if glass exist bool bExist=GlassManager::singleton().exist(sType); if(!bExist) set_comment("Glass "+sType+" doesn't exist in catalog!"); GlassManager::singleton().destroy(_pMaterial); _pMaterial=GlassManager::singleton().create(sType); } else _pMaterial=0; _sType=sType; _bIsPerfect = ((sType=="perfect_lens") || (sType=="perfect_mirror")); return true; }
BOOL CKInputDlg::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); TCHAR* date_format=_T("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd"); init_var(); m_ngay.SetFormat(date_format); m_ngayKT.SetFormat(date_format); create_flags(); //an cac ctrl ko dung va set label cho các edit hideCtrl(); set_comment(); //set total row va tao col cho list view create_list_cols(); m_resList.SetExtendedStyle(m_resList.GetExtendedStyle() | LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT | LVS_EX_GRIDLINES); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control }
/* * M30262F8FG(OAKS16 MINI)のベクトルを設定する */ static void set_M30262F8FG(FILE* pfo, int no, int m) { int i; set_comment(pfo, int_vec); fputs("\t.section\tvector", pfo); fputs(lf, pfo); set_org(pfo, "VECTOR_ADR"); fputs(";", pfo); fputs(lf, pfo); set_vector(pfo, INT_STATE, 0); set_org(pfo, "(VECTOR_ADR+44)"); fputs(lf, pfo); for(i = 11 ; i < 15 ; i++) set_vector(pfo, INT_STATE, i); set_org(pfo, "(VECTOR_ADR+68)"); fputs(lf, pfo); if(m < MAX_INT) m = MAX_INT; for(i = 17 ; i < m ; i++) set_vector(pfo, INT_STATE, i); }
/* * Inititialise input stacks, and quote/comment characters. */ void input_init (void) { current_file = "NONE"; current_line = 0; obstack_init (&token_stack); obstack_init (&input_stack); obstack_init (&wrapup_stack); current_input = &input_stack; obstack_1grow (&token_stack, '\0'); token_bottom = obstack_finish (&token_stack); isp = NULL; wsp = NULL; next = NULL; start_of_input_line = FALSE; set_quotes (NULL, NULL); set_comment (NULL, NULL); }
/* * set_M30620FCAFP(OAKS16)用のベクトルを設定する */ static void set_M30620FCAFP(FILE* pfo, int no, int m) { #ifdef OAKS16_JSP13 struct VEC *v; int x; #endif /* OAKS16_JSP13 */ int i; #ifdef OAKS16_JSP13 if(no == 2){ set_global(pfo, in_portid); set_global(pfo, out_portid); fputs(lf, pfo); fputs(func01, pfo); fputs(lf, pfo); fputs("_", pfo); fputs(in_portid, pfo); fputs(":", pfo); fputs(lf, pfo); fputs(func02, pfo); fputs(lf, pfo); fputs("_", pfo); fputs(out_portid, pfo); fputs(":", pfo); fputs(lf, pfo); fputs(func02, pfo); fputs(lf, pfo); fputs(lf, pfo); v = &vec_table[0][0]; for(i = x = 0 ; i < num_vec[0] ; i++, v++){ if(v->no >= 17 && v->no < 21){ x = 1; break; } } if(x){ fputs(func03, pfo); fputs(lf, pfo); v = &vec_table[0][0]; for(i = x = 0 ; i < num_vec[0] ; i++, v++){ if(v->no == 17 || v->no == 19){ fputs(out_handler, pfo); fputs("1:", pfo); fputs(lf, pfo); fputs("\tmov.w\t#1, _", pfo); fputs(out_portid, pfo); fputs(lf, pfo); fputs("\tjmp\t_", pfo); fputs(v->no_label, pfo); fputs(lf, pfo); fputs(out_handler, pfo); fputs("2:", pfo); fputs(lf, pfo); fputs("\tmov.w\t#2, _", pfo); fputs(out_portid, pfo); fputs(lf, pfo); fputs("\tjmp\t_", pfo); fputs(v->no_label, pfo); fputs(lf, pfo); break; } } v = &vec_table[0][0]; for(i = x = 0 ; i < num_vec[0] ; i++, v++){ if(v->no == 18 || v->no == 20){ fputs(in_handler, pfo); fputs("1:", pfo); fputs(lf, pfo); fputs("\tmov.w\t#1, _", pfo); fputs(in_portid, pfo); fputs(lf, pfo); fputs("\tjmp\t_", pfo); fputs(v->no_label, pfo); fputs(lf, pfo); fputs(in_handler, pfo); fputs("2:", pfo); fputs(lf, pfo); fputs("\tmov.w\t#2, _", pfo); fputs(in_portid, pfo); fputs(lf, pfo); fputs("\tjmp\t_", pfo); fputs(v->no_label, pfo); fputs(lf, pfo); break; } } } } #endif /* OAKS16_JSP13 */ set_comment(pfo, int_vec); fputs("\t.section\tvvector", pfo); fputs(lf, pfo); set_org(pfo, "VECTOR_ADR"); for(i = 0 ; i < MAX_INT ; i++){ if(no == 2){ if(i >= 17 && i < 21) set_vector2(pfo, INT_STATE, i); else set_vector(pfo, INT_STATE, i); } else set_vector(pfo, INT_STATE, i); } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { FILE* pfi; FILE* pfo; FILE* pfw; char buf[BUF_SIZE]; struct VEC *v; int i, j, k; bool cnv, dec; char* s; char* p; char* q; char c; strcpy(input_file, default_input_file); strcpy(output_file, default_output_file); strcpy(unused_vec[0], default_unused_int); strcpy(unused_vec[1], default_unused_int); strcpy(fvector,default_fvector); for(i = 1 ; i < argc ; i++){ s = argv[i]; if(*s++ == '-'){ c = *s++; skip_space(&s); switch(c){ case 'I': // インクルードファイルの設定 case 'i': if(num_include < MAX_INCLUDE){ strcpy(include_file[num_include], s); num_include++; } break; case 'F': // フィックスベクタの定義 case 'f': strcpy(fvector, s); break; case 'O': // アウトプットファイルの設定 case 'o': strcpy(output_file, s); break; case 'R': // インプットファイルの設定 case 'r': strcpy(input_file, s); break; case 'M': // ボードモード case 'm': board_mode = atoi(s); break; default: printf("m16cvec -R<input_file> -O<output_file> -I<include_file> -M<mode> -F<fixvector>\n"); break; } } } printf("version = %s\n", version); printf("input file = %s\n", input_file); printf("output file = %s\n", output_file); printf("Fix Vector = %s\n", fvector); printf("board mode = %d : ", board_mode); if(board_mode == 1) printf("M30262F8FG(OAKS16 MINI)\n"); else printf("M30620FCAFP(OAKS16)\n"); if((pfi = fopen(input_file, "r")) == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "can't open input file !"); exit(1); } if((pfo = fopen(output_file, "w")) == NULL){ fclose(pfi); fprintf(stderr, "can't open output file !"); exit(1); } for(i = 0 ; i < num_include ; i++){ printf("include file = %s\n", include_file[i]); } for(;;){ if((fgets(buf, BUF_SIZE, pfi)) == NULL) break; s = buf; switch(vec_state){ case INT_STATE: case EXC_STATE: if(test_string(&s, ";")) vec_state = NORMAL_STATE; else if(test_string(&s, "{")){ v = &vec_table[vec_state][num_vec[vec_state]]; p = &v->no_name[0]; if(skip_space(&s)) continue; dec = true; while(*s != ','){ if(*s == 0) continue; if(*s == '(' || *s == ')' || *s <= ' '){ s++; continue; } if(*s < '0' || *s > '9') dec = false; *p++ = *s++; } s++; *p++ = 0; if(dec) v->no = atoi(v->no_name); else{ v->no = -1; num_nodec++; } p = &v->no_label[0]; if(skip_char(&s, ',')) continue; test_string(&s, "INT_ENTRY("); test_string(&s, "EXC_ENTRY("); test_string(&s, "CFG_INT_ENTRY("); test_string(&s, "CFG_EXC_ENTRY("); test_string(&s, "(FP)"); if(skip_space(&s)) continue; while(*s != ')' && *s != ',' && *s > ' '){ *p++ = *s++; } *p++ = 0; num_vec[vec_state]++; } else continue; break; default: if(!test_string(&s, "const")) continue; if(test_string(&s, "INHINIB")) vec_state = INT_STATE; else if(test_string(&s, "EXCINIB")) vec_state = EXC_STATE; break; } } do{ cnv = false; for(i = 0 ; i < num_include ; i++){ if((pfw = fopen(include_file[i], "r")) != NULL){ for(;;){ if((fgets(buf, BUF_SIZE, pfw)) == NULL) break; s = buf; if(!test_string(&s, "#define")) continue; if(skip_space(&s)) continue; for(k = 0 ; k < 2 ; k++){ for(j = 0 ; j < num_vec[k] ; j++){ v = &vec_table[k][j]; if(v->no < 0){ p = s; dec = true; if(test_string(&p, v->no_name)){ q = &v->no_name[0]; if(!skip_space(&p)){ while(*p > ' '){ if(*p == '(' || *p == ')'){ p++; continue; } if(*p < '0' || *p > '9') dec = false; *q++ = *p++; } } *q++ = 0; } else dec = false; if(dec){ v->no = atoi(v->no_name); num_nodec--; } } } } } fclose(pfw); } else printf("open error %s !!\n", include_file[i]); } }while(cnv); for(i = 0 ; i < num_vec[EXC_STATE] ; i++){ v = &vec_table[EXC_STATE][i]; if(v->no >= 32 && v->no < MAX_INT){ vec_table[INT_STATE][num_vec[INT_STATE]] = vec_table[EXC_STATE][i]; num_vec[INT_STATE]++; for(j = i ; j < (num_vec[EXC_STATE]-1) ; j++) vec_table[EXC_STATE][j] = vec_table[EXC_STATE][j+1]; num_vec[EXC_STATE]--; } } for(j = 0 ; j < num_vec[INT_STATE] ; j++){ v = &vec_table[INT_STATE][j]; if(v->no >= MAX_INT) strcpy(unused_vec[INT_STATE], v->no_label); else if(max_int < v->no) max_int = v->no; printf("int %d:%d,%s,%s\n", j, v->no, v->no_name, v->no_label); } for(j = 0 ; j < num_vec[EXC_STATE] ; j++){ v = &vec_table[EXC_STATE][j]; if((v->no >= MAX_EXC && v->no < 32) || v->no >= MAX_INT) strcpy(unused_vec[EXC_STATE], v->no_label); printf("exc %d:%d,%s,%s\n", j, v->no, v->no_name, v->no_label); } if(num_nodec > 0) printf("%dのエクセプション番号を特定できません!\n", num_nodec); else{ fputs(lf, pfo); for(i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++){ for(j = 0 ; j < num_vec[i] ; j++) set_global(pfo, vec_table[i][j].no_label); } if(!strcmp(default_unused_int, unused_vec[0])) set_global(pfo, unused_vec[0]); else if(!strcmp(default_unused_int, unused_vec[1])) set_global(pfo, unused_vec[1]); switch(board_mode){ case 1: // M30262F8FG(OAKS16 MINI) set_M30262F8FG(pfo, board_mode, max_int); break; default: // M30620FCAFP(OAKS16) set_M30620FCAFP(pfo, board_mode, max_int); break; } set_comment(pfo, exc_vec); fputs("\t.section\tfvector", pfo); fputs(lf, pfo); set_org(pfo, fvector); for(i = 0 ; i < (MAX_EXC-1) ; i++) set_vector(pfo, EXC_STATE, i); fputs("\t.lword\t_hardware_start\t\t\t; RESET", pfo); fputs(lf, pfo); } fclose(pfi); fclose(pfo); return 0; }
Comment::Comment(std::string cmt, address_t addr) { set_address(addr); set_comment(cmt); }
bool netlist_parser::parse(const char *buf, const pstring nlname) { m_buf = buf; reset(buf); set_identifier_chars("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwvxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ01234567890_.-"); set_number_chars("01234567890eE-."); //FIXME: processing of numbers char ws[5]; ws[0] = ' '; ws[1] = 9; ws[2] = 10; ws[3] = 13; ws[4] = 0; set_whitespace(ws); set_comment("/*", "*/", "//"); m_tok_param_left = register_token("("); m_tok_param_right = register_token(")"); m_tok_comma = register_token(","); m_tok_ALIAS = register_token("ALIAS"); m_tok_NET_C = register_token("NET_C"); m_tok_PARAM = register_token("PARAM"); m_tok_NET_MODEL = register_token("NET_MODEL"); m_tok_INCLUDE = register_token("INCLUDE"); m_tok_SUBMODEL = register_token("SUBMODEL"); m_tok_NETLIST_START = register_token("NETLIST_START"); m_tok_NETLIST_END = register_token("NETLIST_END"); bool in_nl = false; while (true) { token_t token = get_token(); if (token.is_type(ENDOFFILE)) { return false; //error("EOF while searching for <%s>", nlname.cstr()); } if ( { require_token(m_tok_param_left); if (!in_nl) error("Unexpected NETLIST_END"); else { in_nl = false; } require_token(m_tok_param_right); } else if ( { if (in_nl) error("Unexpected NETLIST_START"); require_token(m_tok_param_left); token_t name = get_token(); require_token(m_tok_param_right); if (name.str() == nlname || nlname == "") { parse_netlist(name.str()); return true; } else in_nl = true; } } }
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { tm_cmd_t ipc_cmd; char i; int fd, opt_idx, c, max_pnl=PNL_NUM; char *short_opts = "p:sa:n:e:f:chvC:T:b:i:"; pid_t pid; if(argc == 1) tm_test_usage(); memset((char*)&ipc_cmd, 0, sizeof(tm_cmd_t)); while ((c = getopt_long(argc, (char* const*)argv, short_opts, long_opts, &opt_idx)) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'C': memcpy(client_name, optarg, strlen(optarg)); break; case 'T': memcpy(target_name, optarg, strlen(optarg)); break; case 'b': ttm.arg.bind.set=1; memcpy(bind_buf, optarg, strlen(optarg)); break; case 'a': ttm.arg.ap.set = 1; memcpy(ap_buf, optarg, strlen(optarg)); break; case 'n': ttm.set_pnl_num = 1; ttm.pnl_num = optarg[0] - '0'; break; case 'e': ttm.arg.evt.set = 1; memcpy(evt_buf, optarg, strlen(optarg)); break; case 'f': ttm.arg.fb.set = 1; memcpy(fb_buf, optarg, strlen(optarg)); break; case 'i': ttm.arg.pnl_evt.set = 1; memcpy(pnl_evt_buf, optarg, strlen(optarg)); break; case 'c': ttm.calibrate = 1; break; case 'p': ttm.pnl_arg = optarg[0] - '0'; break; case 's': ttm.split = 1; break; case 'h': tm_test_usage(); break; case 'v': tm_test_version(); break; default: break; } } parse_options(); #if TEST_DEBUG show_args_for_debug(); #endif if(ttm.calibrate) { tm_calibrate(); return 0; } if(ttm.set_pnl_num) max_pnl = ttm.pnl_num; if(ttm.pnl_arg < 0 || ttm.pnl_arg > max_pnl) { printf("set panel error\n"); tm_test_usage(); } if(!ttm.arg.ap.set) { printf("no set ap\n"); return 0; } signal(SIGSEGV, sig); signal(SIGINT, sig); signal(SIGTERM, sig); ttm.mode = ttm.arg.ap.num - 1; set_ttm(); set_button_num(ttm.arg.ap.num + 3); set_comment(); // set fb position for (i = 0; i < max_pnl; i++) { printf("panel %d pan : %s\n",i,ttm.fb[(int)i].pan); printf("panel %d fb : %s\n",i,ttm.fb[(int)i].dev); printf("panel %d evt : %s\n",i,ttm.evt[(int)i].dev); if((fd=open(ttm.fb[(int)i].pan, O_RDWR))>=0) { if (write(fd, "0,0", 3)<0) { dbg_log("write pan error, pan : %s",ttm.fb[(int)i].pan); } close(fd); } else { printf("open pan error\n"); } #if 1 pid = fork(); if (pid == -1) { printf("fork %d error \n", i); } else if (pid == 0) { ts_test(&ttm.fb[(int)i], &ttm.evt[(int)i]); _exit(0); } #endif } if(open_ipc()) return 0; // ipc_cmd.general.hdr=0xd0; // ipc_cmd.len=1; // ttm.wait_ver=1; // send_ipc(&ipc_cmd); // // while(ttm.wait_ver) // sleep(1); // set ap display for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if(ttm.mode == MONO_AP) { ipc_cmd.stretch.hdr=0xa1; ipc_cmd.stretch.panel=i;[0]; ipc_cmd.len=3; send_ipc(&ipc_cmd); } else { ipc_cmd.clear.hdr=0xa2; ipc_cmd.clear.panel=i; ipc_cmd.len=2; send_ipc(&ipc_cmd); for(int j=0; j<ttm.arg.ap.num; j++) { ipc_cmd.append.hdr=0xa0; ipc_cmd.append.panel=i;[j]; set_pnl_append_cmd(&ipc_cmd.append, j); set_ap_append_cmd(&ipc_cmd.append, j); ipc_cmd.len=11; send_ipc(&ipc_cmd); } } } if(g_ipc.server) { lst_close_channel(g_ipc.server); g_ipc.server = NULL; } return 0; }
bool BrowserNode::tool_cmd(ToolCom * com, const char * args) { switch ((unsigned char) args[-1]) { case applyCmd: { QLOG_FATAL() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "If this got called then we have a logic flaw going on and BrowserNode needs to have Q_OBJECT in it to properly catch ToolCom::Run execution result"; Q_ASSERT_X(0, "applyCmd happened", "very bad"); int runResult = ToolCom::run(args, this, FALSE, FALSE); com->write_unsigned(runResult); break; } case createCmd: // invalid creation com->write_id(0); break; case parentCmd: if (this != BrowserView::get_project()) ((BrowserNode *) parent())->write_id(com); else com->write_id(0); break; case childrenCmd: { unsigned v = com->api_format(); unsigned n = 0; Q3ListViewItem * child; for (child = firstChild(); child != 0; child = child->nextSibling()) if (!((BrowserNode *) child)->deletedp() && ((BrowserNode *) child)->api_compatible(v)) n += 1; com->write_unsigned(n); for (child = firstChild(); child != 0; child = child->nextSibling()) if (!((BrowserNode *) child)->deletedp() && ((BrowserNode *) child)->api_compatible(v)) ((BrowserNode *) child)->write_id(com); } break; case getDefCmd: case getUmlDefCmd: case getCppDefCmd: case getJavaDefCmd: case getPhpDefCmd: case getPythonDefCmd: case getIdlDefCmd: get_data()->send_uml_def(com, this, comment); break; case isWritableCmd: com->write_bool(!is_read_only); break; case supportFileCmd: // goes up to the package return ((BrowserNode *) parent())->tool_cmd(com, args); case isOpenCmd: com->write_bool(isOpen()); break; case referencedByCmd: { BrowserNodeList targetof; referenced_by(targetof); // remove duplicats targetof.sort_it(); BrowserNode * bn; targetof.first(); while ((bn = targetof.current()) != 0) if (bn == targetof.remove(); com->write_unsigned(targetof.count()); for (bn = targetof.first(); bn != 0; bn = bn->write_id(com); } break; case setCoupleValueCmd: if (is_read_only && !root_permission()) com->write_ack(FALSE); else { set_value(args, args + strlen(args) + 1); package_modified(); get_data()->modified(); com->write_ack(TRUE); } break; case setDescriptionCmd: if (is_read_only && !root_permission()) com->write_ack(FALSE); else { set_comment(args); package_modified(); com->write_ack(TRUE); } break; case setNameCmd: if (is_read_only && !root_permission()) com->write_ack(FALSE); else { if (name != args) { if (((BrowserNode *) parent())->wrong_child_name(args, get_type(), allow_spaces(), allow_empty())) { com->write_ack(FALSE); return TRUE; } else { set_name(args); update_stereotype(); package_modified(); get_data()->modified(); } } com->write_ack(TRUE); } break; case setOpenCmd: BrowserView::select(this); setOpen(*args); com->write_ack(TRUE); break; case setMarkedCmd: if (*args) { if (this == BrowserView::get_project()) com->write_ack(FALSE); else { if (!is_marked) toggle_mark(); com->write_ack(TRUE); } } else { if (is_marked) toggle_mark(); com->write_ack(TRUE); } break; case moveAfterCmd: if (is_read_only && !root_permission()) com->write_ack(FALSE); else { BrowserNode * p = (BrowserNode *) parent(); BrowserNode * after = (BrowserNode *) com->get_id(args); if (after == 0) { if (p == 0) com->write_ack(FALSE); else { p->takeItem(this); p->insertItem(this); com->write_ack(TRUE); p->package_modified(); } } else if ((after->parent() != p) || (after == this)) { com->write_ack(FALSE); } else { moveItem(after); com->write_ack(TRUE); p->package_modified(); } } break; case moveInCmd: // plug-out upgrade, limited checks if (is_read_only && !root_permission()) com->write_ack(FALSE); else { BrowserNode * newparent = (BrowserNode *) com->get_id(args); BrowserNode * oldparent = (BrowserNode *) parent(); if ((newparent == oldparent) || (newparent == this)) { com->write_ack(FALSE); } else { oldparent->takeItem(this); newparent->insertItem(this); com->write_ack(TRUE); oldparent->package_modified(); newparent->package_modified(); } } break; case old_deleteCmd: case deleteCmd: if (is_read_only && !root_permission()) com->write_ack(FALSE); else { delete_it(); ((BrowserNode *) parent())->get_data()->modified(); package_modified(); com->write_ack(TRUE); } break; case applyStereotypeCmd: if (is_read_only && !root_permission()) com->write_ack(FALSE); else { ProfiledStereotypes::applyStereotype(this); // call package_modified() if needed com->write_ack(TRUE); } break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
Destructor& Destructor::operator<<(const CommentSPtr& comment) { return set_comment(comment); }
bool parser_t::parse(const char *buf, const pstring nlname) { ppreprocessor prepro; pstring processed = prepro.process(buf); m_buf = processed.cstr(); reset(m_buf); set_identifier_chars("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwvxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ01234567890_.-"); set_number_chars(".0123456789", "0123456789eE-."); //FIXME: processing of numbers char ws[5]; ws[0] = ' '; ws[1] = 9; ws[2] = 10; ws[3] = 13; ws[4] = 0; set_whitespace(ws); set_comment("/*", "*/", "//"); m_tok_param_left = register_token("("); m_tok_param_right = register_token(")"); m_tok_comma = register_token(","); m_tok_ALIAS = register_token("ALIAS"); m_tok_DIPPINS = register_token("DIPPINS"); m_tok_NET_C = register_token("NET_C"); m_tok_FRONTIER = register_token("OPTIMIZE_FRONTIER"); m_tok_PARAM = register_token("PARAM"); m_tok_NET_MODEL = register_token("NET_MODEL"); m_tok_INCLUDE = register_token("INCLUDE"); m_tok_LOCAL_SOURCE = register_token("LOCAL_SOURCE"); m_tok_LOCAL_LIB_ENTRY = register_token("LOCAL_LIB_ENTRY"); m_tok_SUBMODEL = register_token("SUBMODEL"); m_tok_NETLIST_START = register_token("NETLIST_START"); m_tok_NETLIST_END = register_token("NETLIST_END"); m_tok_TRUTHTABLE_START = register_token("TRUTHTABLE_START"); m_tok_TRUTHTABLE_END = register_token("TRUTHTABLE_END"); m_tok_TT_HEAD = register_token("TT_HEAD"); m_tok_TT_LINE = register_token("TT_LINE"); m_tok_TT_FAMILY = register_token("TT_FAMILY"); bool in_nl = false; while (true) { token_t token = get_token(); if (token.is_type(ENDOFFILE)) { return false; //error("EOF while searching for <%s>", nlname.cstr()); } if ( { require_token(m_tok_param_left); if (!in_nl) error("Unexpected NETLIST_END"); else { in_nl = false; } require_token(m_tok_param_right); } else if ( { if (in_nl) error("Unexpected NETLIST_START"); require_token(m_tok_param_left); token_t name = get_token(); require_token(m_tok_param_right); if (name.str() == nlname || nlname == "") { parse_netlist(name.str()); return true; } else in_nl = true; } } }