static void recheck_sessions(void) { GHashTableIter iter; gpointer value, key; struct policy_group *group = NULL; GSList *list; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, session_hash); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, &key, &value)) { struct policy_config *policy = value; if (policy->group) continue; group = g_hash_table_lookup(selinux_hash, policy->selinux); if (group) { policy->config->id_type = CONNMAN_SESSION_ID_TYPE_LSM; g_free(policy->config->id); policy->config->id = g_strdup(policy->selinux_context); update_session(policy); continue; } group = g_hash_table_lookup(uid_hash, policy->uid); if (group) { set_policy(policy, group); policy->config->id_type = CONNMAN_SESSION_ID_TYPE_UID; g_free(policy->config->id); policy->config->id = g_strdup(policy->uid); update_session(policy); continue; } for (list = policy->gids; list; list = list->next) { char *gid = list->data; group = g_hash_table_lookup(gid_hash, gid); if (group) { set_policy(policy, group); policy->config->id_type = CONNMAN_SESSION_ID_TYPE_GID; g_free(policy->config->id); policy->config->id = g_strdup(gid); update_session(policy); } } } }
ModuleWindow::ModuleWindow(Module* module, MainWindow* parent, Manager* manager) { m_pModule = module; m_pParent = parent; m_pManager = manager; /* Create a new scrolled window, with scrollbars only if needed */ set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); add(m_TreeView); /* create tree store */ m_refTreeModel = Gtk::TreeStore::create(m_Columns); m_TreeView.set_model(m_refTreeModel); //Add the Model’s column to the View’s columns: Gtk::CellRendererText* cellText = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::CellRendererText()); Gtk::CellRendererPixbuf* cellPix = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::CellRendererPixbuf()); Gtk::TreeViewColumn* col = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::TreeViewColumn("Item")); col->pack_start(*cellPix, false); col->pack_start(*cellText, true); col->add_attribute(*cellText, "text", 1); col->add_attribute(*cellPix, "pixbuf", 0); m_TreeView.append_column(*col); m_TreeView.get_column(0)->set_resizable(true); m_TreeView.append_column("Value", m_Columns.m_col_value); m_TreeView.get_column(1)->set_resizable(true); updateWidget(); show_all_children(); }
/* cache_sim_init */ cache_handle_t* cache_sim_init(const unsigned int total_size, const unsigned int line_size, const unsigned int associativity, const char *policy) { /* safety checks */ if ((0 >= total_size) || (0 >= line_size) || (0 >= associativity)) { return NULL; } /* variables declaration and initialization */ cache_handle_t *cache = NULL; printf("--------------------------------\n"); /* create the cache */ if (NULL == (cache = cache_create(total_size, line_size, associativity))) { return NULL; } /* set the cache replacement policy (or algorithm) */ if (CACHE_SIM_SUCCESS != (set_policy(cache, policy))) { cache_destroy(cache); return NULL; } printf(" Cache initialized successfully \n"); printf("--------------------------------\n"); return cache; }
CIconView::CIconView () : ThreadLoadThumbs() { // connect to the cross-thread signal which tells us to fetch a new thumbnail ThreadLoadThumbs.signal_new_thumb_ready_.connect( sigc::mem_fun( *this, &CIconView::on_new_thumb_ready ) ); //ThreadLoadThumbs.signal_terminating_.connect( sigc::mem_fun( *this, &CIconView::on_terminating ) ); //ThreadLoadThumbs.signal_terminated_.connect( sigc::mem_fun( *this, &CIconView::on_terminated ) ); // when the iconview has loaded completely, select the current image and set the bool ThreadLoadThumbs.signal_done_.connect( sigc::mem_fun( *this, &CIconView::on_done ) ); add( ThumbsIconView ); set_policy( Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC ); // set up the treemodel for the iconview and connect the view to the model refImageList = Gtk::ListStore::create( ImageListColumns ); ThumbsIconView.set_model(refImageList); ThumbsIconView.set_text_column( ImageListColumns.basenames_column ); ThumbsIconView.set_pixbuf_column( ImageListColumns.thumbnails_column ); ThumbsIconView.set_selection_mode(Gtk::SELECTION_MULTIPLE); listTargets.push_back( Gtk::TargetEntry("text/uri-list") ); listTargets.push_back( Gtk::TargetEntry("STRING") ); ThumbsIconView.enable_model_drag_source(listTargets); ThumbsIconView.signal_drag_data_get().connect( sigc::mem_fun( *this, &CIconView::on_drag_data_get )); terminating = false; loaded = false; }
/* ******************************************************************************************************* * Wrapper function to perform an aerospike_key_remove within the C client. * * @param as_object_p The C client's aerospike object. * @param as_key_p The C client's as_key that identifies the record. * @param error_p The as_error to be populated by the function * with the encountered error if any. * @param options_p The user's optional policy options to be used if set, else defaults. * ******************************************************************************************************* */ extern as_status aerospike_record_operations_remove(aerospike* as_object_p, as_key* as_key_p, as_error *error_p, zval* options_p) { as_status status = AEROSPIKE_OK; as_policy_remove remove_policy; if ( (!as_key_p) || (!error_p) || (!as_object_p)) { status = AEROSPIKE_ERR; goto exit; } set_policy(NULL, NULL, NULL, &remove_policy, NULL, NULL, options_p, error_p); if (AEROSPIKE_OK != (status = (error_p->code))) { DEBUG_PHP_EXT_DEBUG("Unable to set policy"); goto exit; } if (AEROSPIKE_OK != (status = aerospike_key_remove(as_object_p, error_p, &remove_policy, as_key_p))) { goto exit; } exit: return(status); }
/* ****************************************************************************************************** Get the code of registered UDF module. * * @param aerospike_obj_p The C client's aerospike object. * @param error_p The C client's as_error to be set to the encountered error. * @param module_p The name of the UDF module to get from the * server. * @param module_len Length of UDF module name. * @param udf_code_p Code of the UDF to be populated by this * function. * @param language The Aerospike::UDF_TYPE_* constant. * @param options_p The optional policy. * * @return AEROSPIKE_OK if success. Otherwise AEROSPIKE_x. ****************************************************************************************************** */ extern as_status aerospike_get_registered_udf_module_code(Aerospike_object* aerospike_obj_p, as_error* error_p, char* module_p, zval* udf_code_p, long language, zval* options_p) { uint32_t init_udf_file = 0; as_udf_file udf_file; as_policy_info info_policy; TSRMLS_FETCH_FROM_CTX(aerospike_obj_p->ts); set_policy(&aerospike_obj_p->as_ref_p->as_p->config, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &info_policy, NULL, NULL, NULL, options_p, error_p TSRMLS_CC); if (AEROSPIKE_OK != (error_p->code)) { DEBUG_PHP_EXT_DEBUG("Unable to set policy"); goto exit; } as_udf_file_init(&udf_file); init_udf_file = 1; if (AEROSPIKE_OK != aerospike_udf_get(aerospike_obj_p->as_ref_p->as_p, error_p, &info_policy, module_p, language, &udf_file)) { DEBUG_PHP_EXT_ERROR("%s", error_p->message); goto exit; } ZVAL_STRINGL(udf_code_p, (char*) udf_file.content.bytes, udf_file.content.size, 1); exit: if (init_udf_file) { as_udf_file_destroy(&udf_file); } return error_p->code; }
static void finish_create(struct policy_config *policy, connman_session_config_func_t cb, void *user_data) { struct policy_group *group = NULL; GSList *list; if (policy->selinux) group = g_hash_table_lookup(selinux_hash, policy->selinux); if (group) { set_policy(policy, group); policy->config->id_type = CONNMAN_SESSION_ID_TYPE_LSM; policy->config->id = g_strdup(policy->selinux_context); goto done; } if (policy->uid) group = g_hash_table_lookup(uid_hash, policy->uid); if (group) { set_policy(policy, group); policy->config->id_type = CONNMAN_SESSION_ID_TYPE_UID; policy->config->id = g_strdup(policy->uid); goto done; } for (list = policy->gids; list; list = list->next) { char *gid = list->data; group = g_hash_table_lookup(gid_hash, gid); if (!group) continue; set_policy(policy, group); policy->config->id_type = CONNMAN_SESSION_ID_TYPE_GID; policy->config->id = g_strdup(gid); break; } done: g_hash_table_replace(session_hash, policy->session, policy); (*cb)(policy->session, policy->config, user_data, 0); }
MessageText::MessageText() { set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); add(m_TextView); insert_text(); show_all_children(); }
MachineListScrolledWindow::MachineListScrolledWindow(Gtk::Window &parent) : mpMachineListViewWithPopup(Gtk::manage(new MachineListViewWithPopup(parent))), m_width(0), m_height(0) { set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); add(*mpMachineListViewWithPopup); signal_size_allocate().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MachineListScrolledWindow::OnSizeAllocate)); }
/* ****************************************************************************************************** Applies a UDF to a record at the Aerospike DB. * * @param aerospike_obj_p The C client's aerospike object. * @param as_key_p The C client's as_key that identifies the * record on which UDF will be applied. * @param error_p The C client's as_error to be set to the encountered error. * @param module_p The name of the UDF module registered * against the Aerospike DB. * @param function_p The name of the function to be applied to * the record. * @param args_pp An array of arguments for the UDF. * @param return_value_p It will contain result value of calling the * UDF. * @param options_p The optional policy. * * @return AEROSPIKE_OK if success. Otherwise AEROSPIKE_x. ****************************************************************************************************** */ extern as_status aerospike_udf_apply(Aerospike_object* aerospike_obj_p, as_key* as_key_p, as_error* error_p, char* module_p, char* function_p, zval** args_pp, zval* return_value_p, zval* options_p) { as_arraylist args_list; as_arraylist* args_list_p = NULL; as_static_pool udf_pool = {0}; as_val* udf_result_p = NULL; foreach_callback_udata udf_result_callback_udata; uint32_t serializer_policy = -1; as_policy_write write_policy; set_policy(NULL, &write_policy, NULL, NULL, NULL, &serializer_policy, options_p, error_p); if (AEROSPIKE_OK != (error_p->code)) { DEBUG_PHP_EXT_DEBUG("Unable to set policy"); goto exit; } if ((*args_pp)) { as_arraylist_inita(&args_list, zend_hash_num_elements(Z_ARRVAL_PP(args_pp))); args_list_p = &args_list; AS_LIST_PUT(NULL, args_pp, args_list_p, &udf_pool, serializer_policy, error_p); } if (AEROSPIKE_OK != (aerospike_key_apply(aerospike_obj_p->as_ref_p->as_p, error_p, &write_policy, as_key_p, module_p, function_p, args_list_p, &udf_result_p))) { DEBUG_PHP_EXT_DEBUG(error_p->message); goto exit; } if (return_value_p) { udf_result_callback_udata.udata_p = return_value_p; udf_result_callback_udata.error_p = error_p; AS_DEFAULT_GET(NULL, udf_result_p, &udf_result_callback_udata); } exit: if (udf_result_p) { as_val_destroy(udf_result_p); } if (args_list_p) { as_arraylist_destroy(args_list_p); } /* clean up the as_* objects that were initialised */ aerospike_helper_free_static_pool(&udf_pool); return error_p->code; }
int main(void) { int rc; rc = set_policy("SCHED_FIFO", SCHED_FIFO); if (rc) goto done; rc = set_policy("SCHED_RR", SCHED_RR); if (rc) goto done; rc = set_policy("SCHED_OTHER", SCHED_OTHER); if (rc) goto done; printf("Test PASSED\n"); done: return rc; }
TilesetImage::TilesetImage() : ScrolledWindow() { // Always show the scrollbars to prevet changing the size of // the draw area on larger images set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_ALWAYS, Gtk::POLICY_ALWAYS); create_layout(); setup_event_handlers(); show_all_children(); }
/* ****************************************************************************************************** Lists the UDF modules registered with the server. * * @param aerospike_obj_p The C client's aerospike object. * @param error_p The C client's as_error to be set to the encountered error. * @param array_of_modules_p An array of registered UDF modules * against the Aerospike DB to be populated by * this function. * @param language Optionally filters a subset of modules * matching the given type. * @options_p The optional parameters to the * Aerospike::listRegistered(). * * @return AEROSPIKE_OK if success. Otherwise AEROSPIKE_x. ****************************************************************************************************** */ extern as_status aerospike_list_registered_udf_modules(Aerospike_object* aerospike_obj_p, as_error* error_p, zval* array_of_modules_p, long language, zval* options_p) { as_udf_files udf_files; uint32_t init_udf_files = 0; uint32_t i=0; as_policy_info info_policy; if ((language != -1) && ((language & AS_UDF_TYPE) != AS_UDF_TYPE)) { PHP_EXT_SET_AS_ERR(error_p, AEROSPIKE_ERR_PARAM, "Invalid Value for language"); DEBUG_PHP_EXT_ERROR("Invalid value for language"); goto exit; } set_policy(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &info_policy, NULL, options_p, error_p); if (AEROSPIKE_OK != (error_p->code)) { DEBUG_PHP_EXT_DEBUG("Unable to set policy"); goto exit; } as_udf_files_init(&udf_files, 0); init_udf_files = 1; if (AEROSPIKE_OK != aerospike_udf_list(aerospike_obj_p->as_ref_p->as_p, error_p, &info_policy, &udf_files)) { DEBUG_PHP_EXT_ERROR(error_p->message); goto exit; } for (i = 0; i < udf_files.size; i++) { if ((language != -1) && ((udf_files.entries[i].type) != (language - AS_UDF_TYPE))) { continue; } zval* module_p = NULL; MAKE_STD_ZVAL(module_p); array_init(module_p); add_assoc_stringl(module_p, UDF_MODULE_NAME, udf_files.entries[i].name, strlen(udf_files.entries[i].name), 1); add_assoc_long(module_p, UDF_MODULE_TYPE, (udf_files.entries[i].type + AS_UDF_TYPE)); add_next_index_zval(array_of_modules_p, module_p); } exit: if (init_udf_files) { as_udf_files_destroy(&udf_files); } return error_p->code; }
AboutDialog::AboutDialog () : OK("OK"), canvas() { set_title ("About EOGI"); set_usize (400, 200); // don't allow resizing set_policy ( false, false, false ); get_vbox()->add( &canvas ); get_action_area()->add( &OK ); connect_to_method ( OK.clicked, this, &AboutDialog::ok_clicked );;; }
/* ******************************************************************************************************* * Wrapper function to remove bin(s) from a record. * * @param as_object_p The C client's aerospike object. * @param as_key_p The C client's as_key that identifies the record. * @param bins_p The PHP array of bins to be removed from the record. * @param error_p The as_error to be populated by the function * with the encountered error if any. * @param options_p The user's optional policy options to be used if set, else defaults. * ******************************************************************************************************* */ extern as_status aerospike_record_operations_remove_bin(aerospike* as_object_p, as_key* as_key_p, zval* bins_p, as_error* error_p, zval* options_p) { as_status status = AEROSPIKE_OK; as_record rec; HashTable *bins_array_p = Z_ARRVAL_P(bins_p); HashPosition pointer; zval **bin_names; as_policy_write write_policy; as_record_inita(&rec, zend_hash_num_elements(bins_array_p)); if ((!as_object_p) || (!error_p) || (!as_key_p) || (!bins_array_p)) { status = AEROSPIKE_ERR; goto exit; } set_policy(NULL, &write_policy, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, options_p, error_p); if (AEROSPIKE_OK != (status = (error_p->code))) { DEBUG_PHP_EXT_DEBUG("Unable to set policy"); goto exit; } foreach_hashtable(bins_array_p, pointer, bin_names) { if (IS_STRING == Z_TYPE_PP(bin_names)) { if (!(as_record_set_nil(&rec, Z_STRVAL_PP(bin_names)))) { status = AEROSPIKE_ERR; goto exit; } } else { status = AEROSPIKE_ERR; goto exit; } } if (AEROSPIKE_OK != (status = aerospike_key_put(as_object_p, error_p, NULL, as_key_p, &rec))) { goto exit; } exit: as_record_destroy(&rec); return(status); }
scrolledLogWindow::scrolledLogWindow(const Glib::ustring & title) { /* Create a new scrolled window, with scrollbars only if needed */ set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); add(m_TreeView); /* create list store */ m_refListStore = Gtk::ListStore::create(m_Columns); m_TreeView.set_model(m_refListStore); //Add the unique column with title m_TreeView.append_column(title, m_Columns.m_col_text); std::ostringstream text; text << "welcome to the yield curve analyser..."; Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *(m_refListStore->append()); row[m_Columns.m_col_text] = text.str(); show_all_children(); }
/* ****************************************************************************************************** Remove a UDF module from the aerospike DB. * * @param aerospike_obj_p The C client's aerospike object. * @param error_p The C client's as_error to be set to the encountered error. * @param module_p The name of the UDF module to remove from the Aerospike DB. * @param module_len The module name length. * @param options_p The optional policy. * * @return AEROSPIKE_OK if success. Otherwise AEROSPIKE_x. ****************************************************************************************************** */ extern as_status aerospike_udf_deregister(Aerospike_object* aerospike_obj_p, as_error* error_p, char* module_p, zval* options_p) { as_policy_info info_policy; set_policy(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &info_policy, NULL, options_p, error_p); if (AEROSPIKE_OK != (error_p->code)) { DEBUG_PHP_EXT_DEBUG("Unable to set policy"); goto exit; } if (AEROSPIKE_OK != aerospike_udf_remove(aerospike_obj_p->as_ref_p->as_p, error_p, NULL, module_p)) { DEBUG_PHP_EXT_ERROR(error_p->message); goto exit; } exit: return error_p->code; }
/* ****************************************************************************************************** Get the code of registered UDF module. * * @param aerospike_obj_p The C client's aerospike object. * @param error_p The C client's as_error to be set to the encountered error. * @param module_p The name of the UDF module to get from the * server. * @param module_len Length of UDF module name. * @param udf_code_p Code of the UDF to be populated by this * function. * @param language The Aerospike::UDF_TYPE_* constant. * @param options_p The optional policy. * * @return AEROSPIKE_OK if success. Otherwise AEROSPIKE_x. ****************************************************************************************************** */ extern as_status aerospike_get_registered_udf_module_code(Aerospike_object* aerospike_obj_p, as_error* error_p, char* module_p, zval* udf_code_p, long language, zval* options_p) { uint32_t init_udf_file = 0; as_udf_file udf_file; as_policy_info info_policy; if ((language & AS_UDF_TYPE) != AS_UDF_TYPE) { PHP_EXT_SET_AS_ERR(error_p, AEROSPIKE_ERR_PARAM, "Invalid Value for language"); DEBUG_PHP_EXT_ERROR("Invalid value for language"); goto exit; } set_policy(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &info_policy, NULL, options_p, error_p); if (AEROSPIKE_OK != (error_p->code)) { DEBUG_PHP_EXT_DEBUG("Unable to set policy"); goto exit; } as_udf_file_init(&udf_file); init_udf_file = 1; if (AEROSPIKE_OK != aerospike_udf_get(aerospike_obj_p->as_ref_p->as_p, error_p, &info_policy, module_p, (language - AS_UDF_TYPE), &udf_file)) { DEBUG_PHP_EXT_ERROR(error_p->message); goto exit; } ZVAL_STRINGL(udf_code_p, udf_file.content.bytes, udf_file.content.size, 1); exit: if (init_udf_file) { as_udf_file_destroy(&udf_file); } return error_p->code; }
/* ******************************************************************************************************* * Wrapper function to perform an aerospike_key_exists within the C client. * * @param as_object_p The C client's aerospike object. * @param as_key_p The C client's as_key that identifies the record. * @param error_p The as_error to be populated by the function * with the encountered error if any. * @param metadata_p The return metadata for the exists/getMetadata API to be * populated by this function. * @param options_p The user's optional policy options to be used if set, else defaults. * ******************************************************************************************************* */ extern as_status aerospike_record_operations_exists(aerospike* as_object_p, as_key* as_key_p, as_error *error_p, zval* metadata_p, zval* options_p) { as_status status = AEROSPIKE_OK; as_policy_read read_policy; as_record* record_p = NULL; if ( (!as_key_p) || (!error_p) || (!as_object_p) || (!metadata_p)) { status = AEROSPIKE_ERR; goto exit; } set_policy(&read_policy, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, options_p, error_p); if (AEROSPIKE_OK != (status = (error_p->code))) { DEBUG_PHP_EXT_DEBUG("Unable to set policy"); goto exit; } if (AEROSPIKE_OK != (status = aerospike_key_exists(as_object_p, error_p, &read_policy, as_key_p, &record_p))) { goto exit; } add_assoc_long(metadata_p, "generation", record_p->gen); add_assoc_long(metadata_p, "ttl", record_p->ttl); exit: if (record_p) { as_record_destroy(record_p); } return(status); }
PreferencesDialogImpl::PreferencesDialogImpl() : Gtk::Dialog() { m_editorEntry = NULL; m_ctagsEntry = NULL; // dialog properties set_title("Preferences"); set_position(GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER); set_modal(true); set_border_width(10); set_policy(false, false, true); // create the Default button Gtk::Button* defaultButton = manage(new Gtk::Button("Default")); defaultButton->clicked.connect(SigC::slot(this, &PreferencesDialogImpl::defaultButtonCB)); defaultButton->set_usize(80, -1); defaultButton->set_flags(GTK_CAN_DEFAULT); defaultButton->show(); // create the Apply button Gtk::Button* applyButton = manage(new Gtk::Button("Apply")); applyButton->clicked.connect(SigC::slot(this, &PreferencesDialogImpl::applyButtonCB)); applyButton->set_usize(80, -1); applyButton->set_flags(GTK_CAN_DEFAULT); applyButton->show(); // create the OK button and make it default Gtk::Button* okButton = manage(new Gtk::Button("OK")); okButton->clicked.connect(SigC::slot(this, &PreferencesDialogImpl::okButtonCB)); okButton->set_usize(80, -1); okButton->set_flags(GTK_CAN_DEFAULT); okButton->grab_default(); okButton->show(); // create the Cancel button Gtk::Button* cancelButton = manage(new Gtk::Button("Cancel")); cancelButton->clicked.connect(SigC::slot(this, &PreferencesDialogImpl::cancelButtonCB)); cancelButton->set_usize(80, -1); cancelButton->set_flags(GTK_CAN_DEFAULT); cancelButton->show(); // add the buttons to the hbox Gtk::HBox* hbox = get_action_area(); hbox->set_spacing(10); hbox->pack_start(*defaultButton, false, false); hbox->pack_start(*applyButton, false, false); hbox->pack_start(*okButton, false, false); hbox->pack_start(*cancelButton, false, false); // editor stuff Gtk::HBox* editorBox = manage(new Gtk::HBox()); Gtk::Label* editorLabel = manage(new Gtk::Label("Editor Command: ")); editorLabel->show(); editorBox->pack_start(*editorLabel, false, false); m_editorEntry = manage(new Gtk::Entry()); m_editorEntry->set_text(g_configMap[Config::EDITOR[0]]); m_editorEntry->show(); editorBox->pack_end(*m_editorEntry); editorBox->show(); // ctags stuff Gtk::HBox* ctagsBox = manage(new Gtk::HBox()); Gtk::Label* ctagsLabel = manage(new Gtk::Label("Ctags Command: ")); ctagsLabel->show(); ctagsBox->pack_start(*ctagsLabel, false, false); m_ctagsEntry = manage(new Gtk::Entry()); m_ctagsEntry->set_text(g_configMap[Config::CTAGS[0]]); m_ctagsEntry->show(); ctagsBox->pack_end(*m_ctagsEntry); ctagsBox->show(); // add everything to the vbox Gtk::VBox* vbox = get_vbox(); vbox->set_spacing(5); vbox->pack_start(*editorBox, false, false); vbox->pack_start(*ctagsBox, false, false); show(); Gtk::Main::run(); }
/* ****************************************************************************************************** Registers a UDF module. * * @param aerospike_obj_p The C client's aerospike object. * @param error_p The C client's as_error to be set to the encountered error. * @param path_p The path to the module on the client side * @param language The Aerospike::UDF_TYPE_* constant. * @param options_p The optional policy. * * @return AEROSPIKE_OK if success. Otherwise AEROSPIKE_x. ****************************************************************************************************** */ extern as_status aerospike_udf_register(Aerospike_object* aerospike_obj_p, as_error* error_p, char* path_p, char* module_p, long language, zval* options_p) { FILE* file_p = NULL; uint32_t size = 0; uint32_t content_size; uint8_t* bytes_p = NULL; uint8_t* buff_p = NULL; uint32_t read; as_bytes udf_content; as_bytes* udf_content_p = NULL; as_policy_info info_policy; TSRMLS_FETCH_FROM_CTX(aerospike_obj_p->ts); set_policy(&aerospike_obj_p->as_ref_p->as_p->config, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &info_policy, NULL, NULL, NULL, options_p, error_p TSRMLS_CC); if (AEROSPIKE_OK != (error_p->code)) { DEBUG_PHP_EXT_DEBUG("Unable to set policy"); goto exit; } file_p = fopen(path_p, "r"); if (!file_p) { PHP_EXT_SET_AS_ERR(error_p, AEROSPIKE_ERR_UDF_NOT_FOUND, "Cannot open script file"); DEBUG_PHP_EXT_DEBUG("Cannot open script file"); goto exit; } fseek(file_p, 0L, SEEK_END); content_size = ftell(file_p); fseek(file_p, 0L, SEEK_SET); /* * Using emalloc here to maintain consistency of PHP extension. * malloc can also be used for C-SDK. * if emalloc is used, pass parameter 4 of function as_bytes_init_wrap as * "false" and handle the freeing up of the same here. */ if (NULL == (bytes_p = (uint8_t *) emalloc(content_size + 1))) { PHP_EXT_SET_AS_ERR(error_p, AEROSPIKE_ERR, "Memory allocation failed for contents of UDF"); DEBUG_PHP_EXT_DEBUG("Memory allocation failed for contents of UDF"); goto exit; } buff_p = bytes_p; read = (int) fread(buff_p, 1, LUA_FILE_BUFFER_FRAME, file_p); while (read) { size += read; buff_p += read; read = (int) fread(buff_p, 1, LUA_FILE_BUFFER_FRAME, file_p); } as_bytes_init_wrap(&udf_content, bytes_p, size, false); udf_content_p = &udf_content; /* * Register the UDF file in the database cluster. */ if (AEROSPIKE_OK != aerospike_udf_put(aerospike_obj_p->as_ref_p->as_p, error_p, &info_policy, module_p, language, udf_content_p)) { DEBUG_PHP_EXT_DEBUG("%s", error_p->message); goto exit; } else if (AEROSPIKE_OK != aerospike_udf_put_wait(aerospike_obj_p->as_ref_p->as_p, error_p, &info_policy, module_p, 0)) { DEBUG_PHP_EXT_DEBUG("%s", error_p->message); goto exit; } exit: if (file_p) { fclose(file_p); } if (bytes_p) { efree(bytes_p); } if (udf_content_p) { as_bytes_destroy(udf_content_p); } return error_p->code; }
TDialogInit::TDialogInit(unsigned _max, unsigned *_generaciones, unsigned *_tamPop, unsigned *_numGenes, unsigned *_bitXgen, unsigned *_rangeVal, float *_rate, float *_select, unsigned *_OkCancel) : OK("OK"), Cancel("Cancel"), frameG("Number of Generations"), cajaG(false, 5), frameP("Initial Pop. Size"), cajaP(false, 5), frameNG("Num. Genes"), cajaNG(false, 5), frameBG("Bits x Gen"), cajaBG(false, 5), frameR("Rate to kill"), cajaR(false, 5), frameS("\% to reproduce"), cajaS(false, 5), devG(_generaciones), devP(_tamPop), devNG(_numGenes), devBG(_bitXgen), devR(_rate), devS(_select), OkCancel(_OkCancel), max(_max) { set_title ("Initial Parameters"); set_policy ( false, false, false ); set_border_width(3); cajaG.set_border_width (7); cajaP.set_border_width (7); cajaNG.set_border_width (7); cajaBG.set_border_width (7); cajaR.set_border_width (7); cajaS.set_border_width (7); // value, lower, upper, step incr, page incr, page size //number of generations. AdjG = new Gtk_Adjustment ( (*devG), 0,max, 1,10, 0 ); ScaleG = new Gtk_HScale(*AdjG); ScaleG->set_digits(0); // make scales use integers ScalesBoxG = new Gtk_VBox(false, 0); ScalesBoxG->pack_end (*ScaleG); ScaleG->show(); ScalesBoxG->show(); //pop. size AdjP = new Gtk_Adjustment ( (*devP), 0,max, 1,10, 0 ); ScaleP = new Gtk_HScale(*AdjP); ScaleP->set_digits(0); ScalesBoxP = new Gtk_VBox(false, 0); ScalesBoxP->pack_end (*ScaleP); ScaleP->show(); ScalesBoxP->show(); //number of genes AdjNG = new Gtk_Adjustment ( (*devNG), 1,100, 1,10, 0 ); ScaleNG = new Gtk_HScale(*AdjNG); ScaleNG->set_digits(0); // make scales use integers ScalesBoxNG = new Gtk_VBox(false, 0); ScalesBoxNG->pack_end (*ScaleNG); ScaleNG->show(); ScalesBoxNG->show(); //bits x gen AdjBG = new Gtk_Adjustment ( (*devBG), 1,100, 1,10, 0 ); ScaleBG = new Gtk_HScale(*AdjBG); ScaleBG->set_digits(0); // make scales use integers ScalesBoxBG = new Gtk_VBox(false, 0); ScalesBoxBG->pack_end (*ScaleBG); ScaleBG->show(); ScalesBoxBG->show(); //rate for the coach AdjR = new Gtk_Adjustment ( (*devR), 0.0,1.0, 0.1,0.2, 0 ); ScaleR = new Gtk_HScale(*AdjR); ScaleR->set_digits(1); ScalesBoxR = new Gtk_VBox(false, 0); ScalesBoxR->pack_end (*ScaleR); ScaleR->show(); ScalesBoxR->show(); //select for the chaperon AdjS = new Gtk_Adjustment ( (*devS), 0.0,100.0, 1.0,10.0, 0 ); ScaleS = new Gtk_HScale(*AdjS); ScaleS->set_digits(1); ScalesBoxS = new Gtk_VBox(false, 0); ScalesBoxS->pack_end (*ScaleS); ScaleS->show(); ScalesBoxS->show(); // More assembly... Gtk_HBox * aa = get_action_area(); aa->add(&OK); aa->add(&Cancel);;; Gtk_VBox * v = get_vbox(); v->add(&frameG); v->add(&frameP); v->add(&frameNG); v->add(&frameBG); v->add(&frameR); v->add(&frameS); frameG.add(&cajaG); frameP.add(&cajaP); frameNG.add(&cajaNG); frameBG.add(&cajaBG); frameR.add(&cajaR); frameS.add(&cajaS); cajaG.pack_start(*ScalesBoxG); cajaP.pack_start(*ScalesBoxP); cajaNG.pack_start(*ScalesBoxNG); cajaBG.pack_start(*ScalesBoxBG); cajaR.pack_start(*ScalesBoxR); cajaS.pack_start(*ScalesBoxS);;;;;;;;;;;;; connect_to_method( OK.clicked,this,&TDialogInit::ok_clicked ); connect_to_method( Cancel.clicked,this,&TDialogInit::cancel_clicked ); } void TDialogInit::ok_clicked() { *devG=(unsigned) AdjG->get_value(); *devP=(unsigned) AdjP->get_value(); // *devNG=(unsigned) AdjNG->get_value(); // *devBG=(unsigned) AdjBG->get_value(); *devR=(float) AdjR->get_value(); *devS=(float) AdjS->get_value(); *OkCancel = 1; closed(); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int do_get = 0; int do_set = 0; char *pvalue = NULL; pid_t pid=0; int priority=0; int policy = -1; int index; int c; printf("sched_pp (V1.0) (c) M.Behr, 2013\n"); opterr = 0; while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "gs:p:P:")) != -1) switch (c) { case 'g': do_get = 1; break; case 's': do_set = 1; priority = atol(optarg); break; case 'p': pvalue = optarg; pid=atol(pvalue); break; case 'P': if (!strcmp(optarg, "SCHED_FIFO")) policy = SCHED_FIFO; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "SCHED_RR")) policy = SCHED_RR; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "SCHED_OTHER")) policy = SCHED_OTHER; else{ fprintf(stderr, "Unknown policy <%s>.\n", optarg); return 2; } break; case '?': if (optopt == 'p' || optopt == 's' || optopt == 'P') fprintf (stderr, "Option -%c requires an argument.\n", optopt); else if (isprint (optopt)) fprintf (stderr, "Unknown option `-%c'.\n", optopt); else fprintf (stderr, "Unknown option character `\\x%x'.\n", optopt); return 1; default: abort (); } for (index = optind; index < argc; index++) printf ("Non-option argument %s\n", argv[index]); if (!do_get && !do_set){ printf("Usage:\nsched_pp -p <pid> [-g] [-s <priority>] [-P<policy=SCHED_FIFO|SCHED_RR|SCHED_OTHER>]\n"); } if (do_get){ print_params(pid, 0); } if (do_set){ int cur_policy; /* print before */ print_params(pid, &cur_policy); if (policy != -1){ printf("trying to change pid %d to policy %d and priority %d:\n", pid, policy, priority); if (policy != SCHED_OTHER) set_policy(pid, policy, priority); else{ set_policy(pid, policy, 0); /* SCHED_OTHER only allows 0 for that priority */ set_priority(pid, policy, priority); } }else{ printf("trying to change pid %d to priority %d:\n Params now:\n", pid, priority); set_priority(pid, cur_policy, priority); } /* print afterwards */ print_params(pid, 0); } return 0; }
Dock::Dock() { set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_ALWAYS); add(m_vbox); }
/** Constructor. @param ig, InterfaGovocitos. @param pd, PanelDibujado. */ PanelPropiedades::PanelPropiedades(InterfazGovocitos &ig, PanelDibujado &pd) { panelDibuj = &pd; interfazPrincipal = &ig; micras = 1; //Iniciamos el panel derecho y a continuacion lo añadimos al scrollPanDer iniciadorPanelDer(); set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_NEVER,Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); add(*panDer); //Establece la seleccion de tipos y clases a "" selecionaClase.set_active(0); selecionaEstado.set_active(0); selecionaClase.set_sensitive(false); selecionaEstado.set_sensitive(false); cierraPanel->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PanelPropiedades::cierraPaneLateral)); EliminaCelula->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*panelDibuj, &PanelDibujado::eliminaCelula)); EliminaCelula2->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*panelDibuj, &PanelDibujado::eliminaCelula)); UnePuntos->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*panelDibuj, &PanelDibujado::unePuntosPintado)); activaCapaRejR->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PanelPropiedades::activaRejilla)); activaBordeRejR->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PanelPropiedades::activaBordeRejilla)); SelecCel->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PanelPropiedades::setSensiblePanel)); SelecCel2->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PanelPropiedades::setSensiblePanel)); AnhadirCel->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PanelPropiedades::setSensiblePanel)); ModifCel->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PanelPropiedades::setSensiblePanel)); AnhadirCelPT->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PanelPropiedades::setSensiblePanel)); AnhadirCelManoAL->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PanelPropiedades::setSensiblePanel)); Drawcircle->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PanelPropiedades::setSensiblePanel)); calcDiamet->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PanelPropiedades::activaVistaDatos), 1)); calcDiamet2->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PanelPropiedades::activaVistaDatos), 1)); calcEstadist->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PanelPropiedades::activaVistaDatos), 3)); calcTodosDiam->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PanelPropiedades::activaVistaDatos), 2)); calcTodosDiam2->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PanelPropiedades::activaVistaDatos), 2)); selecionaClase.signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PanelPropiedades::estableceClase)); selecionaEstado.signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PanelPropiedades::estableceEstado)); confRej->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PanelPropiedades::configurarRejilla)); rejillaDefec->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PanelPropiedades::setSensiblePanel)); rejillaPersonal->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PanelPropiedades::setSensiblePanel)); activCapaCelE->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PanelPropiedades::activaCapaCelulas)); activCapaCelR->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PanelPropiedades::activaCapaCelulas)); activCapaCelE2->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PanelPropiedades::activaCapaCelulas)); printDataG->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*interfazPrincipal, &InterfazGovocitos::exportCsvDatosCell)); selectAllG->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*interfazPrincipal, &InterfazGovocitos::seleccionaTodasCelulas)); selectAllG2->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*interfazPrincipal, &InterfazGovocitos::seleccionaTodasCelulas)); printDataG1->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*interfazPrincipal, &InterfazGovocitos::exportCsvStadisticalData)); printDataG2->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*interfazPrincipal, &InterfazGovocitos::exportCsvDatosCell)); //Modo panel deteccion no supervisada printDataGNSup->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*interfazPrincipal, &InterfazGovocitos::finalDetecNoSupervisada)); EliminaCelulaNSup->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*panelDibuj, &PanelDibujado::eliminaCelula)); ModifCelNSup->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PanelPropiedades::setSensiblePanel)); AnhadirCelManoALNSup->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PanelPropiedades::setSensiblePanel)); AnhadirCelPTNSup->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PanelPropiedades::setSensiblePanel)); SelecCelNSup->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PanelPropiedades::setSensiblePanel)); UnePuntosNSup->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*panelDibuj, &PanelDibujado::unePuntosPintado)); show_all(); }
/* ******************************************************************************************************* * Wrapper function to perform an aerospike_key_oeprate within the C client. * * @param as_object_p The C client's aerospike object. * @param as_key_p The C client's as_key that identifies the record. * @param options_p The user's optional policy options to be used if set, else defaults. * @param error_p The as_error to be populated by the function * with the encountered error if any. * @param bin_name_p The bin name to perform operation upon. * @param str The string to be appended in case of operation: append. * @param offset The offset to be incremented by in case of operation: increment. * @param initial_value The initial value to be set if record is absent * in case of operation: increment. * @param time_to_live The ttl for the record in case of operation: touch. * @param operation The operation type. * ******************************************************************************************************* */ extern as_status aerospike_record_operations_ops(aerospike* as_object_p, as_key* as_key_p, zval* options_p, as_error* error_p, int8_t* bin_name_p, int8_t* str, u_int64_t offset, u_int64_t initial_value, u_int64_t time_to_live, u_int64_t operation) { as_status status = AEROSPIKE_OK; as_policy_operate operate_policy; uint32_t serializer_policy; as_record* get_rec = NULL; as_operations ops; as_val* value_p = NULL; as_integer initial_int_val; int16_t initialize_int = 0; const char *select[] = {bin_name_p, NULL}; as_operations_inita(&ops, 1); as_policy_operate_init(&operate_policy); if ((!as_object_p) || (!error_p) || (!as_key_p)) { status = AEROSPIKE_ERR; goto exit; } set_policy(NULL, NULL, &operate_policy, NULL, NULL, &serializer_policy, options_p, error_p); if (AEROSPIKE_OK != (status = (error_p->code))) { DEBUG_PHP_EXT_DEBUG("Unable to set policy"); goto exit; } switch(operation) { case AS_OPERATOR_APPEND: as_operations_add_append_str(&ops, bin_name_p, str); break; case AS_OPERATOR_PREPEND: as_operations_add_prepend_str(&ops, bin_name_p, str); break; case AS_OPERATOR_INCR: if (AEROSPIKE_OK != (status = aerospike_key_select(as_object_p, error_p, NULL, as_key_p, select, &get_rec))) { goto exit; } else { if (NULL != (value_p = (as_val *) as_record_get (get_rec, bin_name_p))) { if (AS_NIL == value_p->type) { as_integer_init(&initial_int_val, initial_value); initialize_int = 1; if (!as_operations_add_write(&ops, bin_name_p, (as_bin_value*) &initial_int_val)) { status = AEROSPIKE_ERR; goto exit; } } else { as_operations_add_incr(&ops, bin_name_p, offset); } } else { status = AEROSPIKE_ERR; goto exit; } } break; case AS_OPERATOR_TOUCH: ops.ttl = time_to_live; as_operations_add_touch(&ops); break; default: status = AEROSPIKE_ERR; goto exit; break; } if (AEROSPIKE_OK != (status = aerospike_key_operate(as_object_p, error_p, &operate_policy, as_key_p, &ops, &get_rec))) { goto exit; } exit: as_operations_destroy(&ops); if (get_rec) { as_record_destroy(get_rec); } if (initialize_int) { as_integer_destroy(&initial_int_val); } return status; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { int n = 0; int i; const int MAX = atoi(argv[1]); const int CORES = atoi(argv[2]); int ncpus=0; int apps[1024]; /**/ extern char *optarg; extern int optind, opterr, optopt; int ret = 0, cont = 1; unsigned int cpu = 0; //unsigned int cpu_defined = 0; unsigned long min_available_freq = 0; unsigned long max_available_freq = 0; unsigned long current_freq = 0; unsigned long initial_freq = 0; struct cpufreq_available_frequencies *freqs; int retr =0; setlinebuf(stdout); ncpus=get_cpus(); if(!CORES){ CORES == ncpus; } if (CORES > ncpus){ printf("Wrong number of inital cores"); exit(2); } ret= get_hardware_limits(cpu); min_available_freq = min; max_available_freq = max; ret= set_policy(CORES); freqs = cpufreq_get_available_frequencies(0); /*if (freqs==null){ goto out; }*/ current = get_available_freqs_size(freqs); unsigned long* available_freqs = (unsigned long *) malloc(current*sizeof(unsigned long)); ret = store_available_freqs( freqs, available_freqs, current); int current_counter = get_init_frequency(available_freqs, cpu); /*if (ret!=0){ goto out; }*/ current_freq = cpufreq_get_freq_kernel(cpu); if(getenv("HEARTBEAT_ENABLED_DIR") == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: need to define environment variable HEARTBEAT_ENABLED_DIR (see README)\n"); return 1; } heart_data_t* records = (heart_data_t*) malloc(MAX*sizeof(heart_data_t)); int last_tag = -1; while(n == 0) { n = get_heartbeat_apps(apps); } printf("apps[0] = %d\n", apps[0]); // For this test we only allow one heartbeat enabled app // assert(n==1); if (n>1) { printf("too many apps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n"); exit(2); } /* sleep(5);*/ #if 1 int rc = heart_rate_monitor_init(&heart, apps[0]); if (rc != 0) printf("Error attaching memory\n"); printf("buffer depth is %lld\n", (long long int) heart.state->buffer_depth); i = 0; printf(" rate interval is %f - %f\n", hrm_get_min_rate(&heart), hrm_get_max_rate(&heart)); printf("beat\trate\tfreq\tcores\ttact\twait\n"); int64_t window_size = hrm_get_window_size(&heart); int wait_for = (int) window_size; int current_beat = 0; int current_beat_prev= 0; int nprocs = 1; unsigned int set_freq = min; // return 1; while(current_beat < MAX) { int rc = -1; heartbeat_record_t record; char command[256]; while (rc != 0 || record.window_rate == 0.0000 ){ rc = hrm_get_current(&heart, &record); current_beat = record.beat; } if(current_beat_prev == current_beat) continue; /* printf(" rc: %d, current_beat:%d \n", rc,current_beat);*/ /*Situation where doesn't happen nothing*/ if( current_beat < wait_for){ current_beat_prev= current_beat; /* printf("I am in situation wait_for\n");*/ current_freq = cpufreq_get_freq_kernel(0); print_status(&record, wait_for, current_freq, '.', CORES); continue; } /* printf("Current beat is %d, wait_for = %d, %f\n", current_beat, wait_for, record.window_rate);*/ /*Situation where frequency is up-scaled*/ if(record.window_rate < hrm_get_min_rate(&heart)) { wait_for = current_beat + window_size; if (current_counter > 0){ int cpu; current_counter--; set_freq = get_speed(available_freqs[current_counter]); for (cpu=0; cpu <=CORES; cpu++) { /* sprintf(command, "cpufreq-set -c %d -f %luMHZ", cpu,set_freq);*/ /* printf("Executing %s\n", command);*/ /* system(command);*/ cpufreq_set_frequency(cpu, available_freqs[current_counter]); } current_freq = cpufreq_get_freq_kernel(0); print_status(&record, wait_for, current_freq, '+', CORES); } else { current_freq = cpufreq_get_freq_kernel(0); print_status(&record, wait_for, current_freq, 'M', CORES); } } /*Situation where frequency is downscaled*/ else if(record.window_rate > hrm_get_max_rate(&heart)) { wait_for = current_beat + window_size; if (current_counter < current){ current_counter++; set_freq = get_speed(available_freqs[current_counter]); for (cpu=0; cpu <=CORES; cpu++) { /* sprintf(command, " cpufreq-set -c %d -f %uMHZ", cpu,set_freq);*/ /* printf("Executing %s\n", command);*/ /*system(command);*/ cpufreq_set_frequency(cpu, available_freqs[current_counter]); } current_freq = cpufreq_get_freq_kernel(0); print_status(&record, wait_for, current_freq, '-', CORES); } else { current_freq = cpufreq_get_freq_kernel(0); print_status(&record, wait_for, current_freq, 'm', CORES); } } else { wait_for = current_beat+1; print_status(&record, wait_for, current_freq, '=', CORES); } current_beat_prev= current_beat; records[i].tag = current_beat; records[i].rate = record.window_rate; i++; } //printf("System: Global heart rate: %f, Current heart rate: %f\n", heart.global_heartrate, heart.window_heartrate); /* for(i = 0; i < MAX; i++) { printf("%d, %f\n", records[i].tag, records[i].rate); }*/ heart_rate_monitor_finish(&heart); #endif return 0; }