예제 #1
// wii_orientation_handler -- controls sliders 0 and 1 in range [0, 1]
//    using wii orientation messages from OSC
static int wii_orientation_handler(const char *path, const char *types, 
                                   lo_arg **argv, int argc, void *data, 
                                   void *user_data)
    set_slider(0, min(1.0F, max(0.0F, (argv[0]->f / 180.0F) + 0.5F)));
    set_slider(1, min(1.0F, max(0.0F, (argv[1]->f / 180.0F) + 0.5F)));
    return 0;
예제 #2
static void update_sliders (void * unused, GtkWidget * window)
    GtkWidget * preamp = g_object_get_data ((GObject *) window, "preamp");
    set_slider (preamp, aud_get_double (NULL, "equalizer_preamp"));

    double values[AUD_EQUALIZER_NBANDS];
    aud_eq_get_bands (values);

    for (int i = 0; i < AUD_EQUALIZER_NBANDS; i ++)
        SPRINTF (slider_id, "slider%d", i);
        GtkWidget * slider = g_object_get_data ((GObject *) window, slider_id);
        set_slider (slider, values[i]);
예제 #3
Snes9xPreferences::load_ntsc_settings (void)
    set_slider ("ntsc_artifacts", config->ntsc_setup.artifacts);
    set_slider ("ntsc_bleed", config->ntsc_setup.bleed);
    set_slider ("ntsc_brightness", config->ntsc_setup.brightness);
    set_slider ("ntsc_contrast", config->ntsc_setup.contrast);
    set_slider ("ntsc_fringing", config->ntsc_setup.fringing);
    set_slider ("ntsc_gamma", config->ntsc_setup.gamma);
    set_slider ("ntsc_hue", config->ntsc_setup.hue);
    set_check  ("ntsc_merge_fields", config->ntsc_setup.merge_fields);
    set_slider ("ntsc_resolution", config->ntsc_setup.resolution);
    set_slider ("ntsc_saturation", config->ntsc_setup.saturation);
    set_slider ("ntsc_sharpness", config->ntsc_setup.sharpness);

예제 #4
static int slider_handler(const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, 
			  int argc, void *data, void *user_data)
    // printf("%s <- %d, %g\n", path, argv[0]->i, argv[1]->f);
    // fflush(stdout);
    set_slider(argv[0]->i, argv[1]->f);
    return 0;
예제 #5
 * scrollHelp - refresh the displayed help after a scrolling operation
static int scrollHelp( SAREA *use, int lastline, bool changecurr )
    int         useline;
    int         scroll;
    int         start;
    int         end;

    scroll = currLine - lastline;
    vscroll_fields( &helpTab, *use, scroll );
    vvscroll( &helpScreen, *use, scroll );
    currentAttr = AT( ATTR_NORMAL );
    if( abs(scroll) >= use->height ) {
        start = currLine;
        end = start + use->height;
    } else if( scroll < 0 ) {
        start = currLine;
        end = start - scroll;
    } else {
        start = currLine + use->height - scroll;
        end = start + scroll;
    seek_line( start );
    for( ;; ++start ) {
        save_line( start, HelpTell( helpFileHdl ) );
        if( !mygetline() || strncmp( helpInBuf, "::::", 4 ) == 0  ) {
            maxLine = start;
        useline = start - currLine;
        if( useline >= use->height || start >= end ) {
        /* if it is the first time in,
           then the old currfield is right
        processLine( helpInBuf, helpOutBuf, useline + use->row, changecurr );
        putline( helpOutBuf, useline + use->row );
    end = currLine + use->height;
    if( maxLine != 0 && end > maxLine ) {
        end = maxLine;
    hotSpots[1].startcol = ( helpScreen.area.width - hotSpots[1].length ) / 2;
    addSearchButton( helpSearchHdl != NULL );
    uiposnhotspots( &helpScreen, hotSpotFields );
    uiprinthotspots( &helpScreen, hotSpotFields );
    set_slider( currLine );
    return( currLine );
예제 #6
static gboolean time_counter_cb (void)
    if (slider_is_moving)
        return TRUE;

    slider_seek_time = -1;  // delayed reset to avoid seeking twice

    gint time = aud_drct_get_time ();
    gint length = aud_drct_get_length ();

    if (length > 0)
        set_slider (time);

    set_time_label (time, length);

    return TRUE;
예제 #7
static void do_seek (gint time)
    gint length = aud_drct_get_length ();
    time = CLAMP (time, 0, length);

    set_slider (time);
    set_time_label (time, length);
    aud_drct_seek (time);

    // Trick: Unschedule and then schedule the update function.  This gives the
    // player 1/4 second to perform the seek before we update the display again,
    // in an attempt to reduce flickering.
    if (update_song_timeout_source)
        g_source_remove (update_song_timeout_source);
        update_song_timeout_source = g_timeout_add (250, (GSourceFunc) time_counter_cb, NULL);
예제 #8
Snes9xPreferences::move_settings_to_dialog (void)
    set_check ("full_screen_on_open",       config->full_screen_on_open);
    set_check ("show_frame_rate",           Settings.DisplayFrameRate);
    set_check ("change_display_resolution", config->change_display_resolution);
    set_check ("scale_to_fit",              config->scale_to_fit);
    set_check ("overscan",                  config->overscan);
    set_check ("multithreading",            config->multithreading);
    set_combo ("hires_effect",              config->hires_effect);
    set_check ("maintain_aspect_ratio",     config->maintain_aspect_ratio);
    set_combo ("aspect_ratio",              config->aspect_ratio);
    if (config->sram_directory[0] == '\0')
        set_entry_text ("sram_directory", SAME_GAME);
        set_entry_text ("sram_directory", config->sram_directory);
    if (config->savestate_directory[0] == '\0')
        set_entry_text ("savestate_directory", SAME_GAME);
        set_entry_text ("savestate_directory", config->savestate_directory);
    if (config->patch_directory[0] == '\0')
        set_entry_text ("patch_directory", SAME_GAME);
        set_entry_text ("patch_directory", config->patch_directory);
    if (config->cheat_directory[0] == '\0')
        set_entry_text ("cheat_directory", SAME_GAME);
        set_entry_text ("cheat_directory", config->cheat_directory);
    if (config->export_directory[0] == '\0')
        set_entry_text ("export_directory", SAME_GAME);
        set_entry_text ("export_directory", config->export_directory);

    set_combo ("resolution_combo",          config->xrr_index);
    set_combo ("scale_method_combo",        config->scale_method);
    set_entry_value ("save_sram_after_sec", Settings.AutoSaveDelay);
    set_check ("block_invalid_vram_access", Settings.BlockInvalidVRAMAccessMaster);
    set_check ("upanddown",                 Settings.UpAndDown);
    set_combo ("default_esc_behavior",      config->default_esc_behavior);
    set_check ("prevent_screensaver",       config->prevent_screensaver);
    set_check ("force_inverted_byte_order", config->force_inverted_byte_order);
    set_check ("stereo_check",              Settings.Stereo);
    set_combo ("playback_combo",            7 - config->sound_playback_rate);
    set_combo ("hw_accel",                  combo_value (config->hw_accel));
    set_check ("pause_emulation_on_switch", config->pause_emulation_on_switch);
    set_spin  ("num_threads",               config->num_threads);
    set_check ("mute_sound_check",          config->mute_sound);
    set_check ("mute_sound_turbo_check",    config->mute_sound_turbo);
    set_spin  ("sound_buffer_size",         config->sound_buffer_size);
    set_slider ("sound_input_rate",         config->sound_input_rate);
    set_check ("sync_sound",                Settings.SoundSync);
    set_spin  ("rewind_buffer_size",        config->rewind_buffer_size);
    set_spin  ("rewind_granularity",        config->rewind_granularity);

    int num_sound_drivers = 0;
#ifdef USE_OSS
#ifdef USE_ALSA

    if (config->sound_driver >= num_sound_drivers)
        config->sound_driver = 0;

    set_combo ("sound_driver",              config->sound_driver);

    if (config->scale_method == FILTER_NTSC)
        gtk_widget_show (get_widget ("ntsc_frame"));
        gtk_widget_hide (get_widget ("ntsc_frame"));

    if (config->scale_method == FILTER_SCANLINES)
        gtk_widget_show (get_widget ("scanline_filter_frame"));
        gtk_widget_hide (get_widget ("scanline_filter_frame"));

    load_ntsc_settings ();
    set_combo ("ntsc_scanline_intensity",   config->ntsc_scanline_intensity);
    set_combo ("scanline_filter_intensity", config->scanline_filter_intensity);

    set_combo ("frameskip_combo",
               Settings.SkipFrames == AUTO_FRAMERATE ?
                   0 : Settings.SkipFrames + 1);
    set_check ("bilinear_filter",           config->bilinear_filter);

    set_check ("sync_to_vblank",            config->sync_to_vblank);
    set_check ("sync_every_frame",          config->sync_every_frame);
    set_check ("use_pbos",                  config->use_pbos);
    set_combo ("pixel_format",              config->pbo_format);
    set_check ("npot_textures",             config->npot_textures);
    set_check ("use_shaders",               config->use_shaders);
    set_entry_text ("fragment_shader",      config->fragment_shader);

    set_spin ("joystick_threshold",         config->joystick_threshold);
    gtk_widget_set_sensitive (get_widget ("joystick_box"), FALSE);

    /* Control bindings */
    memcpy (pad, config->pad, (sizeof (JoypadBinding)) * NUM_JOYPADS);
    memcpy (shortcut, config->shortcut, (sizeof (Binding)) * NUM_EMU_LINKS);
    bindings_to_dialog (0);

    set_combo ("joypad_to_swap_with", 0);

예제 #9
파일: winstuff.c 프로젝트: dot-Sean/audio
void input_thread_run(void *args)
    int c;
    /* this gets called, possible later, in io_init() in userio.c, but
     * that doesn't seem to prevent this thread from being killed by
     * CTRL-C, so call it here to be safe.
    SetConsoleCtrlHandler(ctrl_c_handler, TRUE);
    /* printf("input_thread_run\n"); */

    while (!buffer_eof) {
        int head;
        c = getchar();
        if (c == EOF && abort_flag) {
            // when user types ^C, an EOF is generated for some reason.
            // Ignore it...
            if (abort_flag == ABORT_LEVEL) c = ABORT_CHAR;
            else c = BREAK_CHAR;
        } else if (c == ABORT_CHAR) {
            abort_flag = ABORT_LEVEL;
        } else if (!abort_flag && c == BREAK_CHAR) {
            // notice that a break will be ignored until XLISP
            // handles the ABORT_LEVEL
            abort_flag = BREAK_LEVEL;
        } else if (c == BREAK_CHAR) {
            ; // ignore this because abort_flag is set to ABORT_LEVEL
        } else if (c == '\005' || c == '\006') { // control-e or control-f
            ; // ignore these. IDE will send control-f to turn off echo, but
            // under Windows, echo is already turned off. We filter control-f
            // here to avoid generating an error message. Maybe the IDE should
            // not send control-f in the first place, but the IDE is cross-platform
            // and does not know it's running under Windows, whereas this file
            // is platform dependent.
        } else if (c == '\016') { // begin hidden message
#define MSGBUF_MAX 64
            char msgbuf[MSGBUF_MAX];
            int msgbufx = 0;
            char type_char = getchar(); // read message type character
            printf("begin hidden message: %c\n", type_char);
            if (type_char == EOF) buffer_eof = TRUE;
            else {
                // message is terminated by '\021'
                while ((c = getchar()) != '\021' &&
                        c != EOF &&
                        msgbufx < MSGBUF_MAX - 1) {
                    msgbuf[msgbufx++] = c;
                msgbuf[msgbufx++] = 0;
                printf("message: %s\n", msgbuf);
                if (c == EOF) buffer_eof = TRUE;
                else if (msgbufx < MSGBUF_MAX) {
                    if (type_char == 'S') {  // slider change message
                        // message format is index<space>value
                        int index;
                        float value;
                        if (sscanf(msgbuf, "%d %g", &index, &value) == 2) {
                            set_slider(index, value);
                            printf("set_slider %d %g\n", index, value);
        } else if (c == EOF) {
            buffer_eof = TRUE;
        } else {
            // insert character into the FIFO
            head = (input_buffer_head + 1) & input_buffer_mask;
            while (head == input_buffer_tail) Sleep(100);
            input_buffer[input_buffer_head] = c;
            if (to_input_buffer) putc(c, to_input_buffer);
            input_buffer_head = head;
        if (c == '\n' || abort_flag || buffer_eof) {
            // wake up Nyquist if it is waiting for input
    // printf("Input thread exiting\n");