예제 #1
mpeg1_2_video_packetizer_c(generic_reader_c *p_reader,
                           track_info_c &p_ti,
                           int version,
                           double fps,
                           int width,
                           int height,
                           int dwidth,
                           int dheight,
                           bool framed)
  : video_packetizer_c(p_reader, p_ti, "V_MPEG1", fps, width, height)
  , m_framed(framed)
  , m_aspect_ratio_extracted(true)

  set_codec_id((boost::format("V_MPEG%1%") % version).str());
  if (!display_dimensions_or_aspect_ratio_set()) {
    if ((0 < dwidth) && (0 < dheight))
      set_video_display_dimensions(dwidth, dheight, PARAMETER_SOURCE_BITSTREAM);
      m_aspect_ratio_extracted = false;

  m_timecode_factory_application_mode = TFA_SHORT_QUEUEING;

  // m_parser.SeparateSequenceHeaders();
예제 #2
theora_video_packetizer_c::extract_aspect_ratio() {
  if (display_dimensions_or_aspect_ratio_set() || (NULL == m_ti.m_private_data) || (0 == m_ti.m_private_size))

  memory_cptr private_data         = memory_cptr(new memory_c(m_ti.m_private_data, m_ti.m_private_size, false));
  std::vector<memory_cptr> packets = unlace_memory_xiph(private_data);

  for (auto &packet : packets) {
    if ((0 == packet->get_size()) || (THEORA_HEADERTYPE_IDENTIFICATION != packet->get_buffer()[0]))

    try {
      theora_identification_header_t theora;
      theora_parse_identification_header(packet->get_buffer(), packet->get_size(), theora);

      if ((0 == theora.display_width) || (0 == theora.display_height))

      set_video_display_dimensions(theora.display_width, theora.display_height, PARAMETER_SOURCE_BITSTREAM);

      mxinfo_tid(m_ti.m_fname, m_ti.m_id,
                 boost::format(Y("Extracted the aspect ratio information from the Theora video headers and set the display dimensions to %1%/%2%.\n"))
                 % theora.display_width % theora.display_height);
    } catch (...) {

예제 #3
mpeg1_2_video_packetizer_c(generic_reader_c *p_reader,
                           track_info_c &p_ti,
                           int version,
                           double fps,
                           int width,
                           int height,
                           int dwidth,
                           int dheight,
                           bool framed)
  : generic_video_packetizer_c{p_reader, p_ti, "V_MPEG1", fps, width, height}
  , m_framed{framed}
  , m_aspect_ratio_extracted{true}
  , m_num_removed_stuffing_bytes{}
  , m_debug_stuffing_removal{"mpeg1_2|mpeg1_2_stuffing_removal"}

  set_codec_id((boost::format("V_MPEG%1%") % version).str());
  if (!display_dimensions_or_aspect_ratio_set()) {
    if ((0 < dwidth) && (0 < dheight))
      set_video_display_dimensions(dwidth, dheight, OPTION_SOURCE_BITSTREAM);
      m_aspect_ratio_extracted = false;

  m_timestamp_factory_application_mode = TFA_SHORT_QUEUEING;

  // m_parser.SeparateSequenceHeaders();
예제 #4
mpeg1_2_video_packetizer_c::extract_aspect_ratio(const unsigned char *buffer,
                                                 int size) {
  float ar;

  if (display_dimensions_or_aspect_ratio_set())

  if (!mpeg1_2::extract_ar(buffer, size, ar))

  set_video_display_dimensions((0 >= ar) || (1 == ar) ? m_width : (int)(m_height * ar), m_height, PARAMETER_SOURCE_BITSTREAM);

  m_aspect_ratio_extracted = true;
예제 #5
mpeg4_p10_video_packetizer_c::extract_aspect_ratio() {
  auto result = mpeg4::p10::extract_par(m_ti.m_private_data);


  if (!result.is_valid() || display_dimensions_or_aspect_ratio_set())

  auto par = static_cast<double>(result.numerator) / static_cast<double>(result.denominator);

  set_video_display_dimensions(1 <= par ? std::llround(m_width * par) : m_width,
                               1 <= par ? m_height                    : std::llround(m_height / par),

  mxinfo_tid(m_ti.m_fname, m_ti.m_id,
             boost::format(Y("Extracted the aspect ratio information from the MPEG-4 layer 10 (AVC) video data and set the display dimensions to %1%/%2%.\n"))
             % m_ti.m_display_width % m_ti.m_display_height);
generic_packetizer_c::generic_packetizer_c(generic_reader_c *reader,
                                           track_info_c &ti)
  : m_num_packets{}
  , m_next_packet_wo_assigned_timecode{}
  , m_free_refs{-1}
  , m_next_free_refs{-1}
  , m_enqueued_bytes{}
  , m_safety_last_timecode{}
  , m_safety_last_duration{}
  , m_track_entry{}
  , m_hserialno{-1}
  , m_htrack_type{-1}
  , m_htrack_min_cache{}
  , m_htrack_max_cache{-1}
  , m_htrack_default_duration{-1}
  , m_default_duration_forced{true}
  , m_default_track_warning_printed{}
  , m_huid{}
  , m_htrack_max_add_block_ids{-1}
  , m_haudio_sampling_freq{-1.0}
  , m_haudio_output_sampling_freq{-1.0}
  , m_haudio_channels{-1}
  , m_haudio_bit_depth{-1}
  , m_hvideo_interlaced_flag{-1}
  , m_hvideo_pixel_width{-1}
  , m_hvideo_pixel_height{-1}
  , m_hvideo_display_width{-1}
  , m_hvideo_display_height{-1}
  , m_timestamp_factory_application_mode{TFA_AUTOMATIC}
  , m_last_cue_timecode{-1}
  , m_has_been_flushed{}
  , m_prevent_lacing{}
  , m_connected_successor{}
  , m_ti{ti}
  , m_reader{reader}
  , m_connected_to{}
  , m_correction_timecode_offset{}
  , m_append_timecode_offset{}
  , m_max_timecode_seen{}
  , m_relaxed_timecode_checking{}
  // Let's see if the user specified timecode sync for this track.
  if (mtx::includes(m_ti.m_timecode_syncs, m_ti.m_id))
    m_ti.m_tcsync = m_ti.m_timecode_syncs[m_ti.m_id];
  else if (mtx::includes(m_ti.m_timecode_syncs, -1))
    m_ti.m_tcsync = m_ti.m_timecode_syncs[-1];
  if (0 == m_ti.m_tcsync.numerator)
    m_ti.m_tcsync.numerator = 1;
  if (0 == m_ti.m_tcsync.denominator)
    m_ti.m_tcsync.denominator = 1;

  // Let's see if the user specified "reset timecodes" for this track.
  m_ti.m_reset_timecodes = mtx::includes(m_ti.m_reset_timecodes_specs, m_ti.m_id) || mtx::includes(m_ti.m_reset_timecodes_specs, -1);

  // Let's see if the user has specified which cues he wants for this track.
  if (mtx::includes(m_ti.m_cue_creations, m_ti.m_id))
    m_ti.m_cues = m_ti.m_cue_creations[m_ti.m_id];
  else if (mtx::includes(m_ti.m_cue_creations, -1))
    m_ti.m_cues = m_ti.m_cue_creations[-1];

  // Let's see if the user has given a default track flag for this track.
  if (mtx::includes(m_ti.m_default_track_flags, m_ti.m_id))
    m_ti.m_default_track = m_ti.m_default_track_flags[m_ti.m_id];
  else if (mtx::includes(m_ti.m_default_track_flags, -1))
    m_ti.m_default_track = m_ti.m_default_track_flags[-1];

  // Let's see if the user has given a fix avc fps flag for this track.
  if (mtx::includes(m_ti.m_fix_bitstream_frame_rate_flags, m_ti.m_id))
    m_ti.m_fix_bitstream_frame_rate = m_ti.m_fix_bitstream_frame_rate_flags[m_ti.m_id];
  else if (mtx::includes(m_ti.m_fix_bitstream_frame_rate_flags, -1))
    m_ti.m_fix_bitstream_frame_rate = m_ti.m_fix_bitstream_frame_rate_flags[-1];

  // Let's see if the user has given a forced track flag for this track.
  if (mtx::includes(m_ti.m_forced_track_flags, m_ti.m_id))
    m_ti.m_forced_track = m_ti.m_forced_track_flags[m_ti.m_id];
  else if (mtx::includes(m_ti.m_forced_track_flags, -1))
    m_ti.m_forced_track = m_ti.m_forced_track_flags[-1];

  // Let's see if the user has given a enabled track flag for this track.
  if (mtx::includes(m_ti.m_enabled_track_flags, m_ti.m_id))
    m_ti.m_enabled_track = m_ti.m_enabled_track_flags[m_ti.m_id];
  else if (mtx::includes(m_ti.m_enabled_track_flags, -1))
    m_ti.m_enabled_track = m_ti.m_enabled_track_flags[-1];

  // Let's see if the user has specified a language for this track.
  if (mtx::includes(m_ti.m_languages, m_ti.m_id))
    m_ti.m_language = m_ti.m_languages[m_ti.m_id];
  else if (mtx::includes(m_ti.m_languages, -1))
    m_ti.m_language = m_ti.m_languages[-1];

  // Let's see if the user has specified a sub charset for this track.
  if (mtx::includes(m_ti.m_sub_charsets, m_ti.m_id))
    m_ti.m_sub_charset = m_ti.m_sub_charsets[m_ti.m_id];
  else if (mtx::includes(m_ti.m_sub_charsets, -1))
    m_ti.m_sub_charset = m_ti.m_sub_charsets[-1];

  // Let's see if the user has specified a sub charset for this track.
  if (mtx::includes(m_ti.m_all_tags, m_ti.m_id))
    m_ti.m_tags_file_name = m_ti.m_all_tags[m_ti.m_id];
  else if (mtx::includes(m_ti.m_all_tags, -1))
    m_ti.m_tags_file_name = m_ti.m_all_tags[-1];
  if (!m_ti.m_tags_file_name.empty())
    m_ti.m_tags = mtx::xml::ebml_tags_converter_c::parse_file(m_ti.m_tags_file_name, false);

  // Let's see if the user has specified how this track should be compressed.
  if (mtx::includes(m_ti.m_compression_list, m_ti.m_id))
    m_ti.m_compression = m_ti.m_compression_list[m_ti.m_id];
  else if (mtx::includes(m_ti.m_compression_list, -1))
    m_ti.m_compression = m_ti.m_compression_list[-1];

  // Let's see if the user has specified a name for this track.
  if (mtx::includes(m_ti.m_track_names, m_ti.m_id))
    m_ti.m_track_name = m_ti.m_track_names[m_ti.m_id];
  else if (mtx::includes(m_ti.m_track_names, -1))
    m_ti.m_track_name = m_ti.m_track_names[-1];

  // Let's see if the user has specified external timecodes for this track.
  if (mtx::includes(m_ti.m_all_ext_timecodes, m_ti.m_id))
    m_ti.m_ext_timecodes = m_ti.m_all_ext_timecodes[m_ti.m_id];
  else if (mtx::includes(m_ti.m_all_ext_timecodes, -1))
    m_ti.m_ext_timecodes = m_ti.m_all_ext_timecodes[-1];

  // Let's see if the user has specified an aspect ratio or display dimensions
  // for this track.
  int i = LOOKUP_TRACK_ID(m_ti.m_display_properties);
  if (-2 != i) {
    display_properties_t &dprop = m_ti.m_display_properties[i];
    if (0 > dprop.aspect_ratio) {
      set_video_display_dimensions(dprop.width, dprop.height, OPTION_SOURCE_COMMAND_LINE);
    } else {
      set_video_aspect_ratio(dprop.aspect_ratio, dprop.ar_factor, OPTION_SOURCE_COMMAND_LINE);
      m_ti.m_aspect_ratio_given = true;

  if (m_ti.m_aspect_ratio_given && m_ti.m_display_dimensions_given) {
    if (m_ti.m_aspect_ratio_is_factor)
      mxerror_tid(m_ti.m_fname, m_ti.m_id, boost::format(Y("Both the aspect ratio factor and '--display-dimensions' were given.\n")));
      mxerror_tid(m_ti.m_fname, m_ti.m_id, boost::format(Y("Both the aspect ratio and '--display-dimensions' were given.\n")));

  // Let's see if the user has specified a FourCC for this track.
  if (mtx::includes(m_ti.m_all_fourccs, m_ti.m_id))
    m_ti.m_fourcc = m_ti.m_all_fourccs[m_ti.m_id];
  else if (mtx::includes(m_ti.m_all_fourccs, -1))
    m_ti.m_fourcc = m_ti.m_all_fourccs[-1];

  // Let's see if the user has specified a FourCC for this track.
  i = LOOKUP_TRACK_ID(m_ti.m_pixel_crop_list);
  if (-2 != i)
    set_video_pixel_cropping(m_ti.m_pixel_crop_list[i], OPTION_SOURCE_COMMAND_LINE);

  // Let's see if the user has specified a stereo mode for this track.
  i = LOOKUP_TRACK_ID(m_ti.m_stereo_mode_list);
  if (-2 != i)
    set_video_stereo_mode(m_ti.m_stereo_mode_list[m_ti.m_id], OPTION_SOURCE_COMMAND_LINE);

  // Let's see if the user has specified a default duration for this track.
  if (mtx::includes(m_ti.m_default_durations, m_ti.m_id))
    m_htrack_default_duration = m_ti.m_default_durations[m_ti.m_id];
  else if (mtx::includes(m_ti.m_default_durations, -1))
    m_htrack_default_duration = m_ti.m_default_durations[-1];
    m_default_duration_forced = false;

  // Let's see if the user has set a max_block_add_id
  if (mtx::includes(m_ti.m_max_blockadd_ids, m_ti.m_id))
    m_htrack_max_add_block_ids = m_ti.m_max_blockadd_ids[m_ti.m_id];
  else if (mtx::includes(m_ti.m_max_blockadd_ids, -1))
    m_htrack_max_add_block_ids = m_ti.m_max_blockadd_ids[-1];

  // Let's see if the user has specified a NALU size length for this track.
  if (mtx::includes(m_ti.m_nalu_size_lengths, m_ti.m_id))
    m_ti.m_nalu_size_length = m_ti.m_nalu_size_lengths[m_ti.m_id];
  else if (mtx::includes(m_ti.m_nalu_size_lengths, -1))
    m_ti.m_nalu_size_length = m_ti.m_nalu_size_lengths[-1];

  // Let's see if the user has specified a compression scheme for this track.
  if (COMPRESSION_UNSPECIFIED != m_ti.m_compression)
    m_hcompression = m_ti.m_compression;

  // Set default header values to 'unset'.
  if (!m_reader->m_appending) {
    m_hserialno                             = create_track_number();
    g_packetizers_by_track_num[m_hserialno] = this;

  m_timestamp_factory = timestamp_factory_c::create(m_ti.m_ext_timecodes, m_ti.m_fname, m_ti.m_id);

  // If no external timecode file but a default duration has been
  // given then create a simple timecode factory that generates the
  // timecodes for the given FPS.
  if (!m_timestamp_factory && (-1 != m_htrack_default_duration))
    m_timestamp_factory = timestamp_factory_c::create_fps_factory(m_htrack_default_duration, m_ti.m_tcsync);