예제 #1
main (int argc, char *argv[])
{ short nm,nv,i,j,pt,perm,*p1,*p2,*q1,arg;
  char inf[80],outf[80],err; int x;
/* Defaults: inf=gpname.inmat  outf=gpname.inperm  */
  arg=1; err=0;
  if (argc<=arg) { err=1; goto error;}
  strcpy(inf,argv[1]); strcat(inf,"."); strcpy(outf,inf);
  arg++; if (argc<=arg) strcat(inf,"inmat"); else strcat(inf,argv[arg]);
  arg++; if (argc<=arg) strcat(outf,"inperm"); else strcat(outf,argv[arg]);
  if ((ip=fopen(inf,"r"))==0)
  { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open %s.\n",inf); exit(1); }
  if (prime>mpr) {fprintf(stderr,"prime too big. Increase MPR.\n"); exit(1);}
  if (dim>mdim) {fprintf(stderr,"dim too big. Increase MDIM.\n"); exit(1);}
  if (nmat>mm) {fprintf(stderr,"Too many mats. Increase MM.\n"); exit(1); }
  nm=nmat+1; nv=(nm+2)*dim;
  if (nv>=mv) {fprintf(stderr,"Too many vectors. Increase MV.\n"); exit(1);}
  if (x>msp-marg) {fprintf(stderr,"Out of space. Increase MSP.\n"); exit(1);}
/* Set matrix pointers as in mcp.c */
  for (i=0;i<=nv;i++) vec[i]=mspace-1+i*dim;
  for (i=0;i<=nmat;i++) { mat[i]=vec-1+i*dim; if (i>0) readmat(mat[i]); }
  spm=mat[0]; spv=spm[1]; sp=vec-1+nm*dim; imsp=sp+dim; fptr=vec[nv];
  for (i=1;i<=nmat;i++) {pptr[i]=fptr; fptr+=MPT; }
  if (fptr>=endsp) {fprintf(stderr,"Out of space. Increase MSP.\n"); exit(1);}
  printf("Input dim of orbit space (-1 for orbit of vector):    ");
  if (ordim< -1 || ordim==0 || ordim>dim)
  { printf("Inappropriate dimension.\n"); while (getchar()!='\n');goto reenter;}
  else if (ordim== -1) { ordim=1; orvec=1; } else orvec=0;
  printf("Input generating vectors of orbit space.\n");
  for (i=1;i<=ordim;i++)
  { p1=imsp[i]; for (j=1;j<=dim;j++) scanf("%hd",p1+j); }
  if (orvec==0) normalize();
  encode(); spptr[1]=fptr; fptr=nfptr;
  if (fptr>=endsp) {fprintf(stderr,"Out of space. Increase MSP.\n"); exit(1);}

  for (pt=1;pt<=npt;pt++)
  { decode(pt);
    for (perm=1;perm<=nmat;perm++)
    { for (j=1;j<=ordim;j++) im(sp[j],imsp[j],mat[perm]);
      if (orvec==0) normalize(); encode();
      for (i=1;i<=npt;i++)
      { p1=fptr; p2=nfptr; q1=spptr[i]+1;
        while (++p1<=p2) { if (*p1!= *q1) break; q1++; }
        if (p1>p2) break;
      if (i>npt)
      { npt++; if (npt>mpt) {fprintf(stderr,"Too many points.\n"); exit(1); }
        spptr[npt]=fptr; fptr=nfptr;
        if (fptr>=endsp)
        {fprintf(stderr,"Out of space. Increase MSP.\n"); exit(1);}
if (npt%10==0) printf("npt=%d.\n",npt);
  op=fopen(outf,"w"); fprintf(op,"%4d%4d%4d%4d\n",npt,nmat,0,0);
  for (i=1;i<=nmat;i++)
  if (npt>=1000)
  { for (j=1;j<=npt;j++) fprintf(op,"%5d",pptr[i][j]); fprintf(op,"\n"); }
  { for (j=1;j<=npt;j++) fprintf(op,"%4d",pptr[i][j]); fprintf(op,"\n"); }
  if (err)
  { fprintf(stderr,"Usage:    matperm gpname [inf] [outf]\n");
예제 #2
{ short i,j,k,l,m,n,stconj,np,pm1,ncr,crct,ndc,dcct,
  int quot;
  char  ingp,igth;

  if ((ip=fopen(inf1,"r"))==0)
  { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open %s.\n",inf1); return(-1); }
  if (npt>mpt)
  { fprintf(stderr,"npt too big. Increase MPT.\n"); return(-1); }
  if (nb>=mb)
  { fprintf(stderr,"nb too big. Increase MB.\n"); return(-1); }
  if (nb*npt*2>svsp)
  { fprintf(stderr,"svsp too small. Increase SVSP.\n"); return(-1); }
  if (exp>=mexp)
  { fprintf(stderr,"exp too big. Increase MEXP.\n"); return(-1); }
  if (l!=2) {fprintf(stderr,"Wrong input format.\n"); return(-1);}
  readbaselo(nb,base,lorb); npt1=npt+1;
  quot=psp/npt1; if (quot>mp) quot=mp; mxp=quot; mxp=2*(mxp/2);
  if (2*exp>mxp)
  { fprintf(stderr,"Out of perm space. Increase PSP (or MP).\n"); return(-1); }
  for (i=0;i<mxp;i++) pptr[i]=perm+i*npt1-1;
  for (i=1;i<=nb;i++) svptr[i]=sv+(i-1)*npt-1;
  for (i=exp;i>=1;i--) fscanf(ip,"%hd",pwt+i);
  if (2*exp+ngads>mxp)
  { fprintf(stderr,"Out of perm space. Increase PSP (or MP).\n"); return(-1); }
  for (i=1;i<=exp;i++) fscanf(ip,"%hd",power+i);
  for (i=1;i<=exp;i++) { j=2*(i-1); ngno[i]=j; igno[j+1]=i; }
  for (i=1;i<=ngads;i++)
  { l=i+k; readvec(pptr[l],1); m=pptr[l][npt1]; ngno[m]=l; }

  stconj=2*exp+ngads-1; itp=tp+npt1;
  if (4*exp+ngads>mxp)
  { fprintf(stderr,"Out of perm space. Increase PSP (or MP).\n"); return(-1); }
  if (subgp)
  { stig=stconj+2*exp;
    for (i=1;i<=nb;i++) sv2ptr[i]=sv+(nb+i-1)*npt-1;
    if (subgp>1)
    {strcpy(inf3,inf0); strcat(inf3,"sg"); sgstr[0]=sgc; strcat(inf3,sgstr);}
    if (rsgp()== -1) return(-1);
  else vsvptr=svptr;

  if ((ip=fopen(inf2,"r"))==0)
  { printf("Cannot open %s.\n",inf2); return(-1); }
  fscanf(ip,"%hd%hd",&i,&ndc); while (getc(ip)!='\n');
  if (i!=npt) {printf("dcr has npt false.\n"); return(-1); }

/* If subgp is true, then we will have to update the dcr file, so we print
   it out on to a temporary file as we go along.
  if (subgp)
  { opy=fopen(outft,"w"); fprintf(opy,"%4d%4d%4d%4d\n",npt,ndc,0,0);}
  op=fopen(outf,"w"); pm1=prime-1; setpinv();

  for (dcct=1;dcct<=ndc;dcct++)
  { if (subgp>1 && igth==0)
    { strcpy(inf3,inf0); strcat(inf3,"sg"); sgstr[0]=sgc;
      strcat(inf3,sgstr); ipkp=ip;
      if (rsgp()== -1) return(-1);
      ip=ipkp; vsvptr=sv2ptr; igth=1;
    else if (subgp) vsvptr=sv2ptr;
    readvec(dcrep,0); invert(dcrep,dcrepinv);
    fscanf(ip,"%hd",&lo); intexp=0; olo=lo;
    while (lo%prime==0) {intexp++; lo/=prime; }
    if (lo!=1) printf("Warning. lo was not a power of p.\n");
    intexp=exp-intexp; printf("dcct,intexp=%d,%d.\n",dcct,intexp);
/* intexp is the exponent of Q = P ^ gPg(-1), for the current dcrep g */
    if (intexp==0 || (intexp==1 && mult))
    { if (subgp)
      { if (npt>=1000) for (n=1;n<=npt;n++) fprintf(opy,"%5d",dcrep[n]);
        else for (n=1;n<=npt;n++) fprintf(opy,"%4d",dcrep[n]);
        fprintf(opy,"   %4d\n",olo);
      if (mult==0) fprintf(op,"%4d\n",0);
/* Now we compute the gens g(-1)h(i)g, where h(i) are the PCP gens of P */
    for (i=1;i<=exp;i++)
    { p1=pptr[ngno[i]]; p2=pptr[stconj+i];
      for (n=1;n<=npt;n++) p2[n]=dcrep[p1[dcrepinv[n]]];
    stint=stconj+exp; pint=pptr[stint]; intexsk=0;
    for (i=1;i<=exp;i++) intno[i]=0;
    lpt=1; stpt=1; pm1=prime-1;
/* Now we search through the elements of g(-1)Pg, testing for membership of
   P, until we have found the intexp gens of g(-1)Qg.
    for (i=1;i<=exp;i++)
    { olen=1; cp[1]=stconj+i;
      for (j=1;j<=exp;j++) co[j]=0;
      { *cp=olen; ingp=1;
        for (k=1;k<=nb;k++)
        { pt=image(base[k]); ptr=vsvptr[k];
          if (ptr[pt]==0) {ingp=0; ad=stpt; break;}
          if (k<nb) addsv(pt,ptr);
        if (ingp) break;
        while (co[ad]==pm1) {olen-=pm1; co[ad]=0; ad=fpt[ad]; }
        if (ad==i) { lpt=i; fpt[i]=i+1; break; }
        olen++; co[ad]++; cp[olen]=stconj+ad;
      if (ingp)
      { intexsk++; pint+=npt1; *cp=olen;
        for (n=1;n<=npt;n++) pint[n]=image(n);
        pint[npt1]=intexsk; intno[i]=stconj+2*intexsk-1;
        if (intexsk==intexp) break;
        if (stpt==i) {lpt=i+1; stpt=lpt; } else fpt[lpt]=i+1;
/* Search is complete */
    if (intexsk<intexp) {fprintf(stderr,"Intersection error.\n"); return(-1); }
    printf("Found intersection.\n");

/* If subgp, then we will now modify g, until H ^ gHg- contains Q */
    if (subgp) for (m=subgp;m>=1;m--)
    { if (m==subgp) for (i=1;i<=npt;i++) {tp[i]=i; itp[i]=i;}
      if (subgp>1)
      { strcpy(inf4,inf0); strcat(inf4,"cr"); strcat(inf4,sgstr);
        if (m>1)
        { sgstr[0]--; strcpy(inf3,inf0); strcat(inf3,"sg"); strcat(inf3,sgstr);
          if (rsgp()== -1) return(-1);
          ip=ipkp; igth=0; vsvptr=sv2ptr;
        else vsvptr=svptr;
      else vsvptr=svptr;
      if ((ipcr=fopen(inf4,"r"))==0)
      { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open %s.\n",inf4); return(-1); }
      fscanf(ipcr,"%hd%hd",&n,&ncr); while (getc(ipcr)!='\n');
      if (n!=npt) { fprintf(stderr,"inf4 has npt wrong.\n"); return(-1); }
      for (crct=0;crct<=ncr;crct++)
      { if (crct==0) for (n=1;n<=npt;n++) crep[n]=n;
        else for (n=1;n<=npt;n++) fscanf(ipcr,"%hd",crep+n);
        for (i=1;i<=intexp;i++)
        { p1=pptr[stint+i]; *cp=0;
          for (j=1;j<=nb;j++)
          { pt=image(crep[tp[p1[itp[crepinv[base[j]]]]]]); ptr=vsvptr[j];
            if (ptr[pt]==0) goto nextcr;
            if (j<nb) addsv(pt,ptr);
        ingp=1; printf("Got intersection in subgp %d. crct=%d.\n",m-1,crct);
        for (n=1;n<=npt;n++) tp[n]=crep[tp[n]]; invert(tp,itp);
        fclose(ipcr); break;
      if (ingp==0)
      { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot get intersection in subgp %d.\n",m-1);

/* Now we reconjugate the gens of g(-1)Qg by g(-1) to get gens of Q */
    for (i=1;i<=intexp;i++)
    { p1=pptr[stconj+2*i-1]; p2=pptr[stint+i];
      for (n=1;n<=npt;n++) p1[n]=dcrepinv[p2[dcrep[n]]]; p1[npt1]=p2[npt1];
/* If subgp, then update dcr */
    if (subgp)
    { if (npt>=1000) for (n=1;n<=npt;n++)
      { dcrep[n]=tp[dcrep[n]]; fprintf(opy,"%5d",dcrep[n]); }
      else for (n=1;n<=npt;n++)
      { dcrep[n]=tp[dcrep[n]]; fprintf(opy,"%4d",dcrep[n]); }
      fprintf(opy,"   %4d\n",olo); invert(dcrep,dcrepinv);
    norm= intexp==exp;
/* If norm, then we do not need to compute the PCP for Q */
    if (norm)
    { fprintf(op,"%4d\n",intexp);
      if (mult==0)
      { for (i=exp;i>=1;i--) { wt[i]=pwt[i]; fprintf(op,"%4d",wt[i]); }
      goto outconj;

/* Now we compute the PCP for Q. This is similar to the algorithm in pcrun */
    for (i=1;i<=intexp;i++) { wt[i]=1; d1[i]=0; d2[i]=0; }
    if (mult) nwt=2;
    for (i=intexp;i>=2;i--)
    { p1=pptr[stconj+2*i-1]; ip1=p1+npt1;
      for (j=intexp;j>i;j--)
      { if (mult==0) nwt=wt[i]+wt[j];
        p2=pptr[stconj+2*j-1]; ip2=p2+npt1;
        for (n=1;n<=npt;n++) {pt=p2[p1[ip2[ip1[n]]]]; tp[n]=pt; itp[pt]=n; }
        if ((n=expint(intexp+1-i,intexp+1-j,nwt))>0) goto restart;
        if (n== -1) return(-1);
    if (mult==0) for (i=intexp;i>=2;i--)
    { nwt=wt[i]+1; p1=pptr[stconj+2*i-1]; ip1=p1+npt1;
      for (n=1;n<=npt;n++)
      { pt=n; for (m=1;m<=prime;m++) pt=p1[pt]; tp[n]=pt; itp[pt]=n; }
      if ((n=expint(intexp+1-i,intexp+1-i,nwt))>0) goto restart;
      if (n== -1) return(-1);
    if (mult==0)
    { for (i=intexp;i>=1;i--) fprintf(op,"%3d",wt[i]); fprintf(op,"\n"); }
/* We output the PCP gens of Q followed by those of g(-1)Qg */
    for (i=intexp;i>=1;i--)
    { p1=pptr[stconj+2*i-1]; p2=tp; ptr=p1+2*npt1;
      while (p1<ptr) *(++p2)= *(++p1);
      express(tp,rel,0); l= *rel;
      for (n=0;n<=l;n++) fprintf(op,"%4d",rel[n]); fprintf(op,"\n");
    for (i=intexp;i>=1;i--)
    { p1= pptr[stconj+2*i-1];
      for (n=1;n<=npt;n++) {pt=dcrep[p1[dcrepinv[n]]]; tp[n]=pt; itp[pt]=n; }
      express(tp,rel,0); l= *rel;
      for (n=0;n<=l;n++) fprintf(op,"%4d",rel[n]); fprintf(op,"\n");
    if (norm) continue;
    if (mult==0)
    { for (i=intexp;i>=1;i--) fprintf(op,"%3d",d1[i]); fprintf(op,"\n");
      for (i=intexp;i>=1;i--) fprintf(op,"%3d",d2[i]); fprintf(op,"\n");
    for (i=intexp;i>=2;i--)
    { p1=pptr[stconj+2*i-1]; ip1=p1+npt1;
      for (j=intexp;j>i;j--)
      { p2=pptr[stconj+2*j-1]; ip2=p2+npt1;
        for (n=1;n<=npt;n++) {pt=p2[p1[ip2[ip1[n]]]]; tp[n]=pt; itp[pt]=n; }
    if (mult==0) for (i=intexp;i>=2;i--)
    { p1=pptr[stconj+2*i-1]; ip1=p1+npt1;
      for (n=1;n<=npt;n++)
      { pt=n; for (m=1;m<=prime;m++) pt=p1[pt]; tp[n]=pt; itp[pt]=n; }
  if (subgp)
  { fclose(opy); fclose(op); fclose(ip);
    ip=fopen(outft,"r"); op=fopen(inf2,"w");
    while ((i=getc(ip))!= -1) putc(i,op); fclose(ip); unlink(outft);