예제 #1
     Do I really need 2 different functions to load the 
     INI and HLP files? They both should reside in the
     current directory or path. But only HLP should
     be in the system HELP directories.
bool load_ini(void)
   bool ok = FALSE;
   USHORT return_code;
   char ini_path[FNAME_LEN];
   char temp_path[FNAME_LEN];
   memset(temp_path, '\0', FNAME_LEN);
   memset(ini_path, '\0', FNAME_LEN);

      ok = setting_load ("ked.ini");       /* try to load from current dir */
      DBG_INI(dout<< " Settings loaded cur dir ="<<ok<<endl);
      if(!ok) {                     /* KED.INI must be on PATH */
        return_code = DosSearchPath(2,(PSZ)"PATH",(PSZ)"KED.INI",ini_path, sizeof(ini_path));
        if (return_code == 0) {
            ok = setting_load((char *)ini_path);
            DBG_INI(dout<< " Settings loaded path ="<<ok<<endl);
        else {
            strcpy(temp_path, exe_dir);
//            DBG_INI(dout<< "settings from exe dir = "<< temp_path<<endl);
            strcpy(ini_path, find_basesubdir(temp_path));
            strcat(ini_path, "KED.INI");
            ok = setting_load(ini_path);
            DBG_INI(dout<<"loaded settings from exe dir = "<<ok<<endl);
return ok;
예제 #2
파일: settings.c 프로젝트: JensenSung/rat
static int
setting_load_int(const char *name, int default_value)
#ifndef WIN32
        char *value;

        if (setting_load(name, &value)) {
                return atoi(value);
        return default_value;
        LONG status;
        char buffer[SETTINGS_BUF_SIZE];
        DWORD ValueType;
        int value, val_len;

        ValueType = REG_DWORD;
        val_len = sizeof(int);
        status = RegQueryValueEx(cfgKey, name, NULL, &ValueType, &(char)value, &val_len);
        if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, status, 0, buffer, SETTINGS_BUF_SIZE, NULL);
                debug_msg("Unable to load setting %s: %s\n", name, buffer);
                return default_value;
        return value;
예제 #3
파일: settings.c 프로젝트: JensenSung/rat
static char *
setting_load_str(const char *name, char *default_value)
#ifndef WIN32
        char *value;
        if (setting_load(name, &value)) {
                return value;
        return default_value;
        LONG status;
        char buffer[SETTINGS_BUF_SIZE];
        DWORD ValueType;
        int val_len;
        char *value;

        ValueType = REG_SZ;
        /* call RegQueryValueEx once first to get size of string */
        status = RegQueryValueEx(cfgKey, name, NULL, &ValueType, NULL, &val_len);
        if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, status, 0, buffer, SETTINGS_BUF_SIZE, NULL);
                debug_msg("Unable to load setting: %s\n", buffer);
                return default_value;
        /* now that we know size we can allocate memory and call RegQueryValueEx again */
        value = (char*)xmalloc(val_len * sizeof(char));
        status = RegQueryValueEx(cfgKey, name, NULL, &ValueType, value, &val_len);
        if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, status, 0, buffer, SETTINGS_BUF_SIZE, NULL);
                debug_msg("Unable to load setting %s: %s\n", name, buffer);
                return default_value;
        return value;
예제 #4
파일: main.c 프로젝트: vbextreme/EasyGCC
INT32 main(INT32 argc, CHAR** argv )
	OPZG o;
	CHAR cmd[2048];
		gcc_cmd(cmd, argc, argv);

	PIPE p;
	pro_bash(cmd, &p, PRO_PIPE_RED_ERR);

	while ( (fgets(cmd,2048,p.finp)) )
		//czed_chkcolor(&o, cmd);

	return 0;
예제 #5
static void process_option (char *s)
switch (*s) {
//   case 's':                                  /* Swap option */
//      switch (s[1]) {
//         default:  resume_mode= 1; break;     /* fast */
//         }
//      break;
//   case 'r':                                  /* display rows */
//      Vid::get_height()= atoi(s+1);
//      break;
//   case 'c':                                  /* display columns */
//      Vid::get_width()= atoi(s+1);
//      break;
//   case 'M':                                  /* video mode */
//      Video::vidparms.w_mode= atoi(s+1);
//      break;
//#ifdef KED_BETA
//   case 'd':
//   case 'D':
//        debug_on = TRUE;
//        break;
   case 'g':               /* load settings file if not already loaded */
      if (settings_loaded) break;
                                              /* else falls through */
   case 'G':                                  /* load a settings file */
      if (setting_load (s+1))
         settings_loaded= TRUE;
   case 'P':                                  /* program name */
      strcpy (progname, s+1);
   case 'e':                                  /* default file extension */
      strncpy (settings.default_ext, s+1, 4);
      redbox_s (20,201,eh_continue,s-1);
예제 #6
파일: flash.c 프로젝트: elpapais/diy-vt100
void flash_init(void)
	/* SMCLK | divided by 12 =  */
	FCTL2 = FWKEY + FSSEL_2 + (FN1|FN3);