void MagicLightCircle::setup(int resolution) { radius = 200; totMagicPoints = resolution; reverseLogic = true; for(int a = 0; a < resolution; a++) { addNewMagicPoint(); } int cont = 0; int startPosOffset = 20; for(int a = 0; a < totMagicPoints; a++) { int pos = a; int index = pos; int outputPort = pos; if(outputPort >= resolution) outputPort = resolution - resolution; if(a == 23) outputPort = 27; if(outputPort > 11) outputPort += 3; if(a == 16) outputPort = 14; magicPoints[a]->setOutputPort(outputPort); } setupPixelMapping(); setupDMX(); setupOSC(); setupAudio(); timerNoPoints = 0; }
///***************************************************************** /// /// SETUP /// ///***************************************************************** void testApp::setup(){ // ofSetLogLevel(OF_LOG_NOTICE); bLiveVideo = true; bShowGui = false; selOutput = OUTPUT_IMAGE; bRecording = false; bMovieAudio = false; bFullScreen = false; saveFrame = false; threshold = 50; // if we set BG subtraction as default (no. 2) there is a segmentation fault because the background image is not set for the first frame algorithm = 1; cropping = '6'; bZoomTarget = false; cols = 1; rows = 1; lastTime = ofGetElapsedTimeMillis(); currFrameNum = 0; videoFPS = 0; imgLogos.loadImage("faldon-logos.bmp"); imgLogos.resize(ofGetWidth(), round(imgLogos.height*((float)ofGetWidth()/(float)imgLogos.width))); //ofEnableAlphaBlending(); ofSetVerticalSync(true); ofSetFrameRate(30); string devfile = "/dev/video"+ofToString(VIDEO_DEVICE_ID); settings.setup(devfile); vidGrabber.setVerbose(true); vidGrabber.setDeviceID(VIDEO_DEVICE_ID); vidGrabber.setDesiredFrameRate(30); if (bLiveVideo) setupLiveVideo(); else loadMovie(); setupGui(); #ifdef OFX_FENSTER outWinListener.setup(); outWinListener.setImage(&blendImg); #endif //recorder.setupRecordWindow(0,0,1024,576,24,"capture.mp4",ofxGstVideoRecorder::H264,30); //recorder.setupRecordWindow((DRAW_SPACE*2+320),(DRAW_SPACE*2+240+out_H_gap),analysisW*2,analysisH,24,"bg_sub_vs_bg&fd_01.mp4",ofxGstVideoRecorder::H264,30); setupOSC(); blendMode = OF_BLENDMODE_ADD;//OF_BLENDMODE_ALPHA; alphaValues[0] = alphaValues[1] = alphaValues[2] = alphaValues[3] = 64; loadCameras(); }
void ofApp::setup() { // Set framerate to 60 FPS ofSetFrameRate(60); // ARDUINO SETUP setupArduino(); // CLIENT SERVER SETUP setupOSC(); // ASTEROIDS GAME SETUP // we decided to remove the sounds for this delivery because audio was not suported in the classrooms (54.008 and 54.009) loadAsteroids(); noPlayers = 2; SpaceShip* player; player = new SpaceShip(1); players.push_back(player); players[0]->setImage("ship_green.png"); player = new SpaceShip(2); players.push_back(player); players[1]->setImage("ship_blue.png"); ofBackground(0); // Set background to black debug = false; //shot.setSpeed(4.0f); //shot.setVolume(0.3f); ofxLabel line; // no idea what is this line for // GUI SETUP // the gui shows the remaining lifes and the score of each player but since we use // the game logic of the other team, the lifes do not decrease when the player dies // now, the game finishes when a player reaches 5000 points gui.setup(); gui.add(Player1Lifes.setup("Player1 Lifes", "3")); gui.add(Player2Lifes.setup("Player2 Lifes", "3")); gui.add(Player1Score.setup("Player1 Score", "0")); gui.add(Player2Score.setup("Player2 Score", "0")); serialConnection.writeByte('h'); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::setup(){ //setup initial ip addresses iPadIP = ""; iPhoneIP = ""; osxIP = ""; //set framerate ofSetFrameRate(24); //set count count = 0; //set debug and sendosc debug = false; sendOSC = false; //setup ui and our first video setupUI(); setupVideo(); //setup osc setupOSC(); //hide cursor CGDisplayHideCursor(NULL); //set gotjson gotJSON = false; //set ss ss << "No video information received yet" << endl; //load json loadJSON(); ofRegisterURLNotification(this); videosDownloaded = 0; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::guiEvent(ofxUIEventArgs &e) { string name = e.widget->getName(); int kind = e.widget->getKind(); cout << "got event from: " << name << endl; if(name == "iPhone IP") { ofxUITextInput *textinput = (ofxUITextInput *) e.widget; if(textinput->getTriggerType() == OFX_UI_TEXTINPUT_ON_ENTER) { iPhoneIP = textinput->getTextString(); cout << "ON ENTER: "; // ofUnregisterKeyEvents((testApp*)this); } else if(textinput->getTriggerType() == OFX_UI_TEXTINPUT_ON_FOCUS) { cout << "ON FOCUS: "; } else if(textinput->getTriggerType() == OFX_UI_TEXTINPUT_ON_UNFOCUS) { cout << "ON BLUR: "; // ofRegisterKeyEvents(this); } string output = textinput->getTextString(); cout << output << endl; } if(name == "OS X IP") { ofxUITextInput *textinput = (ofxUITextInput *) e.widget; if(textinput->getTriggerType() == OFX_UI_TEXTINPUT_ON_ENTER) { osxIP = textinput->getTextString(); cout << "ON ENTER: "; // ofUnregisterKeyEvents((testApp*)this); } else if(textinput->getTriggerType() == OFX_UI_TEXTINPUT_ON_FOCUS) { cout << "ON FOCUS: "; } else if(textinput->getTriggerType() == OFX_UI_TEXTINPUT_ON_UNFOCUS) { cout << "ON BLUR: "; // ofRegisterKeyEvents(this); } string output = textinput->getTextString(); cout << output << endl; } if(name == "iPad IP") { ofxUITextInput *textinput = (ofxUITextInput *) e.widget; if(textinput->getTriggerType() == OFX_UI_TEXTINPUT_ON_ENTER) { iPadIP = textinput->getTextString(); cout << "ON ENTER: "; // ofUnregisterKeyEvents((testApp*)this); } else if(textinput->getTriggerType() == OFX_UI_TEXTINPUT_ON_FOCUS) { cout << "ON FOCUS: "; } else if(textinput->getTriggerType() == OFX_UI_TEXTINPUT_ON_UNFOCUS) { cout << "ON BLUR: "; // ofRegisterKeyEvents(this); } string output = textinput->getTextString(); cout << output << endl; } else if(name == "Sync Video") { ofxUIToggle *toggle = (ofxUIToggle *) e.widget; setupOSC(); sendOSC = toggle->getValue(); } else if(name == "Download videos") { ofxUIButton *button = (ofxUIButton *) e.widget; //setupOSC(); //sendOSC = toggle->getValue(); if(button->getValue() == 1){ downloadVideos(); } //cout << name << "\t value: " << button->getValue() << endl; } else if(name == "Update JSON") { ofxUIButton *button = (ofxUIButton *) e.widget; //setupOSC(); //sendOSC = toggle->getValue(); if(button->getValue() == 1){ getJSON(); } //cout << name << "\t value: " << button->getValue() << endl; } else if(name == "SELECT A VIDEO") { ofxUIDropDownList *ddlist = (ofxUIDropDownList *) e.widget; vector<ofxUIWidget *> &selected = ddlist->getSelected(); for(int i = 0; i < selected.size(); i++) { cout << "SELECTED: " << selected[i]->getName() << endl; changeVideo(selected[i]->getName()); } } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void gamuzaMain::setup(){ flagSystemLoaded = false; // first line of gamuza setup ////////////////////////////////////////////// // load settings from xml loadGamuzaSettings(); // automation isFullscreen = false; if(autoPilot){ gamuzaFullscreen(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // init general openframeworks settings ofSetEscapeQuitsApp(false); ofSetFrameRate(200); ofEnableSmoothing(); ofSetLogLevel(OF_LOG_VERBOSE); ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // OSC data sending @ host_number(IP),host_port gamuzaSetup.lock(); setupOSC(); gamuzaSetup.unlock(); ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // AUDIO if(audioActivated){ gamuzaSetup.lock(); setupAudio(); gamuzaSetup.unlock(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // MIDI gamuzaSetup.lock(); setupMidi(); gamuzaSetup.unlock(); ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // OPENNI if(openniActivated){ gamuzaSetup.lock(); sensorKinect.setupDevice(workingW,workingH,useKinectInfrared,sensorKinectLedState); gamuzaSetup.unlock(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // FBO second screen output texture gamuzaSetup.lock(); setupFBO(); gamuzaSetup.unlock(); ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // ARDUINO if(arduinoActivated){ gamuzaSetup.lock(); setupArduino(); gamuzaSetup.unlock(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // GUI // include setup of webcams & audio inputs gamuzaSetup.lock(); setupSettingPanel(); setupGui(); gamuzaSetup.unlock(); ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // SYSTEM currentSavedFrame = 0; gaFrameCounter = 0; ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // set log level to error only ofSetLogLevel(OF_LOG_ERROR); sendPrivateMessage(GAMUZA_CONSOLE_LOG, " "); ////////////////////////////////////////////// }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void gamuzaMain::setup(){ flagSystemLoaded = false; // first line of gamuza setup ////////////////////////////////////////////// // load settings from xml loadGamuzaSettings(); if(START_WITH_FULLSCREEN){ isFullscreen = true; }else{ isFullscreen = false; } // automation if(autoPilot){ gamuzaFullscreen(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // init general openframeworks settings ofSetFrameRate(FPS); ofEnableSmoothing(); ofSetLogLevel(OF_LOG_VERBOSE); ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // AUDIO if(audioActivated){ gamuzaSetup.lock(); setupAudio(); gamuzaSetup.unlock(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // OPENNI if(openniActivated){ gamuzaSetup.lock(); sensorKinect.setupDevice(workingW,workingH,useKinectInfrared,sensorKinectLedState); gamuzaSetup.unlock(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // FBO second screen output texture gamuzaSetup.lock(); setupFBO(); gamuzaSetup.unlock(); ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // OSC data sending @ host_number(IP),host_port if(oscActivated){ gamuzaSetup.lock(); setupOSC(); gamuzaSetup.unlock(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // ARDUINO if(arduinoActivated){ gamuzaSetup.lock(); setupArduino(); gamuzaSetup.unlock(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // GUI // include setup of webcams & audio inputs gamuzaSetup.lock(); setupGui(); gamuzaSetup.unlock(); ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // SYSTEM currentSavedFrame = 0; ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // set log level to error only ofSetLogLevel(OF_LOG_ERROR); ////////////////////////////////////////////// }