예제 #1
void BasicBoxStacks (DemoEntityManager* const scene)
	// load the skybox

	CreateLevelMesh (scene, "flatPlane.ngd", 1);

	// load the scene from a ngd file format
#if 0
	char fileName[2048];
	//GetWorkingFileName ("boxStacks_1.ngd", fileName);
	//GetWorkingFileName ("boxStacks_3.ngd", fileName);
	//GetWorkingFileName ("boxStacks.ngd", fileName);
	//GetWorkingFileName ("pyramid20x20.ngd", fileName);
	GetWorkingFileName ("pyramid40x40.ngd", fileName);
	scene->LoadScene (fileName);
	int high = 30;
	for (int i = 0; i < 1; i ++) {
		int index = i % (sizeof (selection) / sizeof (selection[0]));

//index = 0;
		dMatrix shapeMatrix (dRollMatrix(0.5f * 3.14159f));
		if (selection[index] == _BOX_PRIMITIVE) {
			shapeMatrix = dGetIdentityMatrix();
//		BuildPyramid (scene, 10.0f, dVector(-10.0f + i * 4.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), dVector (0.5f, 0.25f, 1.62f/2.0f, 0.0), high, selection[index], shapeMatrix);
		BuildPyramid (scene, 10.0f, dVector(  0.0f + i * 4.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), dVector (0.5f, 0.25f, 1.62f/2.0f, 0.0), high, _BOX_PRIMITIVE);
//		BuildPyramid (scene, 10.0f, dVector( 10.0f + i * 4.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), dVector (0.5f, 0.25f, 1.62f/2.0f, 0.0), high, _CYLINDER_PRIMITIVE, dRollMatrix(0.5f * 3.14159f));
//		BuildPyramid (scene, 10.0f, dVector( 20.0f + i * 4.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), dVector (0.5f, 0.25f, 1.62f/2.0f, 0.0), high, _TAPERED_CYLINDER_PRIMITIVE, dRollMatrix(0.5f * 3.14159f));
//		BuildPyramid (scene, 10.0f, dVector( 30.0f + i * 4.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), dVector (0.5f, 0.25f, 1.62f/2.0f, 0.0), high, _REGULAR_CONVEX_HULL_PRIMITIVE, dRollMatrix(0.5f * 3.14159f));

	high = 20;
	for (int i = 0; i < 1; i ++) {
		for (int j = 0; j < 1; j ++) {
//			BuildJenga (scene, 5.0f, dVector(-15.0f + j * 8, 0.0f, 10.0f + i * 8, 0.0f), dVector (0.5f, 0.25f, 1.62f/2.0f, 0.0), high);

	// place camera into position
	dQuaternion rot;
	dVector origin (-40.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
//origin.m_x = -10.0f;
origin.m_x = -20.0f;
origin.m_y = 8.0f;
	scene->SetCameraMatrix(rot, origin);

	//	ExportScene (scene->GetNewton(), "../../../media/test1.ngd");
dCustomPlayerController* dCustomPlayerControllerManager::CreateController(const dMatrix& location, const dMatrix& localAxis, dFloat mass, dFloat radius, dFloat height, dFloat stepHeight)
	NewtonWorld* const world = GetWorld();

	dMatrix shapeMatrix(localAxis);
	shapeMatrix.m_posit = shapeMatrix.m_front.Scale (height * 0.5f);
	shapeMatrix.m_posit.m_w = 1.0f;

	dFloat scale = 3.0f;
	height = dMax(height - 2.0f * radius / scale, dFloat(0.1f));
	NewtonCollision* const bodyCapsule = NewtonCreateCapsule(world, radius / scale, radius / scale, height, 0, &shapeMatrix[0][0]);
	NewtonCollisionSetScale(bodyCapsule, 1.0f, scale, scale);

	// create the kinematic body
	NewtonBody* const body = NewtonCreateKinematicBody(world, bodyCapsule, &location[0][0]);

	// players must have weight, otherwise they are infinitely strong when they collide
	NewtonCollision* const shape = NewtonBodyGetCollision(body);
	NewtonBodySetMassProperties(body, mass, shape);

	// make the body collidable with other dynamics bodies, by default
	NewtonBodySetCollidable(body, 1);

	dCustomPlayerController& controller = m_playerList.Append()->GetInfo();

	controller.m_localFrame = localAxis;
	controller.m_mass = mass;
	controller.m_invMass = 1.0f / mass;
	controller.m_manager = this;
	controller.m_kinematicBody = body;
	controller.m_contactPatch = radius / scale;
	controller.m_stepHeight = dMax (stepHeight, controller.m_contactPatch * 2.0f);

	return &controller;
InstancedRendering::Batch* InstancedRendering::recordShape(ShapeType type, const SkRect& bounds,
                                                           const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
                                                           GrColor color, const SkRect& localRect,
                                                           bool antialias,
                                                           const GrInstancedPipelineInfo& info,
                                                           bool* useHWAA) {
    SkASSERT(State::kRecordingDraws == fState);

    if (info.fIsRenderingToFloat && !fCanRenderToFloat) {
        return nullptr;

    AntialiasMode antialiasMode;
    if (!this->selectAntialiasMode(viewMatrix, antialias, info, useHWAA, &antialiasMode)) {
        return nullptr;

    Batch* batch = this->createBatch();
    batch->fInfo.fAntialiasMode = antialiasMode;
    batch->fInfo.fShapeTypes = GetShapeFlag(type);
    batch->fInfo.fCannotDiscard = !info.fCanDiscard;

    Instance& instance = batch->getSingleInstance();
    instance.fInfo = (int)type << kShapeType_InfoBit;

    Batch::HasAABloat aaBloat = (antialiasMode == AntialiasMode::kCoverage)
                                ? Batch::HasAABloat::kYes
                                : Batch::HasAABloat::kNo;
    Batch::IsZeroArea zeroArea = (bounds.isEmpty()) ? Batch::IsZeroArea::kYes
                                                    : Batch::IsZeroArea::kNo;

    // The instanced shape renderer draws rectangles of [-1, -1, +1, +1], so we find the matrix that
    // will map this rectangle to the same device coordinates as "viewMatrix * bounds".
    float sx = 0.5f * bounds.width();
    float sy = 0.5f * bounds.height();
    float tx = sx + bounds.fLeft;
    float ty = sy + bounds.fTop;
    if (!viewMatrix.hasPerspective()) {
        float* m = instance.fShapeMatrix2x3;
        m[0] = viewMatrix.getScaleX() * sx;
        m[1] = viewMatrix.getSkewX() * sy;
        m[2] = viewMatrix.getTranslateX() +
               viewMatrix.getScaleX() * tx + viewMatrix.getSkewX() * ty;

        m[3] = viewMatrix.getSkewY() * sx;
        m[4] = viewMatrix.getScaleY() * sy;
        m[5] = viewMatrix.getTranslateY() +
               viewMatrix.getSkewY() * tx + viewMatrix.getScaleY() * ty;

        // Since 'm' is a 2x3 matrix that maps the rect [-1, +1] into the shape's device-space quad,
        // it's quite simple to find the bounding rectangle:
        float devBoundsHalfWidth = fabsf(m[0]) + fabsf(m[1]);
        float devBoundsHalfHeight = fabsf(m[3]) + fabsf(m[4]);
        SkRect batchBounds;
        batchBounds.fLeft = m[2] - devBoundsHalfWidth;
        batchBounds.fRight = m[2] + devBoundsHalfWidth;
        batchBounds.fTop = m[5] - devBoundsHalfHeight;
        batchBounds.fBottom = m[5] + devBoundsHalfHeight;
        batch->setBounds(batchBounds, aaBloat, zeroArea);

        // TODO: Is this worth the CPU overhead?
        batch->fInfo.fNonSquare =
            fabsf(devBoundsHalfHeight - devBoundsHalfWidth) > 0.5f || // Early out.
            fabs(m[0] * m[3] + m[1] * m[4]) > 1e-3f || // Skew?
            fabs(m[0] * m[0] + m[1] * m[1] - m[3] * m[3] - m[4] * m[4]) > 1e-2f; // Diff. lengths?
    } else {
        SkMatrix shapeMatrix(viewMatrix);
        shapeMatrix.preTranslate(tx, ty);
        shapeMatrix.preScale(sx, sy);
        instance.fInfo |= kPerspective_InfoFlag;

        float* m = instance.fShapeMatrix2x3;
        m[0] = SkScalarToFloat(shapeMatrix.getScaleX());
        m[1] = SkScalarToFloat(shapeMatrix.getSkewX());
        m[2] = SkScalarToFloat(shapeMatrix.getTranslateX());
        m[3] = SkScalarToFloat(shapeMatrix.getSkewY());
        m[4] = SkScalarToFloat(shapeMatrix.getScaleY());
        m[5] = SkScalarToFloat(shapeMatrix.getTranslateY());

        // Send the perspective column as a param.
        batch->appendParamsTexel(shapeMatrix[SkMatrix::kMPersp0], shapeMatrix[SkMatrix::kMPersp1],
        batch->fInfo.fHasPerspective = true;

        batch->setBounds(bounds, aaBloat, zeroArea);
        batch->fInfo.fNonSquare = true;

    instance.fColor = color;

    const float* rectAsFloats = localRect.asScalars(); // Ensure SkScalar == float.
    memcpy(&instance.fLocalRect, rectAsFloats, 4 * sizeof(float));

    batch->fPixelLoad = batch->bounds().height() * batch->bounds().width();
    return batch;
예제 #4
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MStatus polyModifierCmd::connectNodes( MObject modifierNode )
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	Description:
//		This method connects up the modifier nodes, while accounting for DG factors
//		such as construction history and tweaks. The method has a series of steps which
//		it runs through to process nodes under varying circumstances:
//		1) Gather meshNode connection data (ie. attributes and plugs)
//		2) Gather upstreamNode data - This is history-dependent. If the node has history,
//									  an actual upstreamNode exists and that is used to
//									  drive the input of our modifierNode.
//									  Otherwise, if the node ds not have history, the
//									  meshNode is duplicated, set as an intermediate object
//									  and regarded as our new upstreamNode which will drive
//									  the input of our modifierNode. The case with history
//									  already has this duplicate meshNode at the top, driving
//									  all other history nodes and serving as a reference
//									  to the "original state" of the node before any
//									  modifications.
//		3) Gather modifierNode connection data
//		4) Process tweak data (if it exists) - This is history-dependent. If there is
//											   history, the tweak data is extracted and deleted
//											   from the meshNode and encapsulated inside a
//											   polyTweak node. The polyTweak node is then
//											   inserted ahead of the modifier node.
//											   If there is no history, the same is done as
//											   in the history case, except the tweaks are
//											   deleted from the duplicate meshNode in addition
//											   to the actual meshNode.
//		5) Connect the nodes
//		6) Collapse/Bake nodes into the actual meshNode if the meshNode had no previous
//		   construction history and construction history recording is turned off.
//		   (ie. (!fHasHistory && !fHasRecordHistory) == true )
	MStatus status;

	// Declare our internal processing data structure (see polyModifierCmd.h for definition)
	modifyPolyData data;	//->jetzt als ElementVariable

	// Get the mesh node, plugs and attributes
	status = processMeshNode( data );
	MCheckStatus( status, "processMeshNode" );

	// Get upstream node, plugs and attributes
	status = processUpstreamNode( data );
	MCheckStatus( status, "processUpstreamNode" );

	// Get the modifierNode attributes
	status = processModifierNode( modifierNode,
						 data );
	MCheckStatus( status, "processModifierNode" );

	// Process tweaks on the meshNode
	status = processTweaks( data );
	MCheckStatus( status, "processTweaks" );


	if( fHasTweaks )

		status = fDGModifier.connect( data.upstreamNodeShape,
							 data.tweakNodeDestAttr );
		MCheckStatus( status, "upstream-tweak connect failed" );

		status = fDGModifier.connect( data.tweakNode,
							 data.modifierNodeDestAttr );
		MCheckStatus( status, "tweak-modifier connect failed" );
		//hier muessen die Plugs verwendet werden, weil die Attribute eventuell multis sind
		MPlug destPlug(modifierNode,data.modifierNodeDestAttr );
		INVIS(cout<<data.upstreamNodeSrcPlug.name().asChar()<<" --> "<<destPlug.name().asChar()<<endl);

		status = fDGModifier.connect( data.upstreamNodeSrcPlug,
		MCheckStatus( status, "upstream-modifier connect failed" );

	// outMesh mit inputMesh verbinden
	fDGModifier.connect(MPlug(modifierNode,data.modifierNodeSrcAttr), data.meshNodeDestPlug);
	// Ausserdem das MatrixAttribut des Meshes mit dem meshMatrix Attr der Node verbinden
	MFnDependencyNode depFn( modifierNode );
	MPlug	meshMatrix( modifierNode, depFn.attribute("meshMatrix") );

	MPlug	shapeMatrix( data.meshNodeTransform, depFn.attribute("worldMatrix") );

	fDGModifier.connect(shapeMatrix.elementByLogicalIndex( 0 ), meshMatrix );


	// Jetzt die ModifierNode mit der VisNode connecten
	status = fDGModifier.connect( modifierNode,
						 data.meshNodeDestAttr );

//	MCheckStatus( status, "modifier-mesh connect failed" );

	status = fDGModifier.doIt();
	MCheckStatus( status, "modifier-mesh DOIT failed" );

		//AnimCurve erstellen(dies ist nur hier moeglich, da die Node erst nach dem DoIt wirklich existiert (scheinbar)
		MFnAnimCurve	aCurve;

		MFnDependencyNode myDepNodeFn(modifierNode);


	return status;