예제 #1
NodeCreationDialog::NodeCreationDialog(const QString& initialFilter,
                                       QWidget* parent)
    : QDialog(parent)
    , _imp( new NodeCreationDialogPrivate() )
    setWindowTitle( tr("Node Creation Tool") );
    setWindowFlags(Qt::Window | Qt::CustomizeWindowHint);
    setObjectName( QString::fromUtf8("nodeCreationDialog") );
    setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, false);
    _imp->layout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
    _imp->layout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);

    CompleterLineEdit::PluginsNamesMap pluginsMap;
    QString initialFilterName;
    std::string stdInitialFilter = initialFilter.toStdString();
    int i = 0;
    for (PluginsMap::iterator it = _imp->items.begin(); it != _imp->items.end(); ++it) {
        if ( it->second.empty() ) {

        if (it->second.size() == 1) {
            std::pair<QString, QString> idNamePair;
            Plugin* p = ( *it->second.begin() );
            if ( !p->getIsUserCreatable() ) {

            idNamePair.second = p->generateUserFriendlyPluginID();

            int indexOfBracket = idNamePair.second.lastIndexOf( QString::fromUtf8("  [") );
            if (indexOfBracket != -1) {
                idNamePair.first = idNamePair.second.left(indexOfBracket);

            int weight = getPluginWeight( p->getPluginID(), p->getMajorVersion() );
            pluginsMap.insert( std::make_pair(weight, idNamePair) );

            if (it->first == stdInitialFilter) {
                initialFilterName = idNamePair.first;
        } else {
            QString bestMajorName;
            for (PluginMajorsOrdered::reverse_iterator it2 = it->second.rbegin(); it2 != it->second.rend(); ++it2) {
                if ( !(*it2)->getIsUserCreatable() ) {
                std::pair<QString, QString> idNamePair;
                if ( it2 == it->second.rbegin() ) {
                    idNamePair.second = (*it2)->generateUserFriendlyPluginID();
                    bestMajorName = idNamePair.second;
                } else {
                    idNamePair.second = (*it2)->generateUserFriendlyPluginIDMajorEncoded();

                int indexOfBracket = idNamePair.second.lastIndexOf( QString::fromUtf8("  [") );
                if (indexOfBracket != -1) {
                    idNamePair.first = idNamePair.second.left(indexOfBracket);


                int weight = getPluginWeight( (*it2)->getPluginID(), (*it2)->getMajorVersion() );
                pluginsMap.insert( std::make_pair(weight, idNamePair) );
            if (it->first == stdInitialFilter) {
                initialFilterName = bestMajorName;

    _imp->textEdit = new CompleterLineEdit(pluginsMap, true, this);
    if ( !initialFilterName.isEmpty() ) {

    QPoint global = QCursor::pos();
    QSize sizeH = sizeHint();
    global.rx() -= sizeH.width() / 2;
    global.ry() -= sizeH.height() / 2;
    move( global.x(), global.y() );

    QTimer::singleShot( 20, _imp->textEdit, SLOT(showCompleter()) );
예제 #2
void ContactListEdit::onCompleterRequest()
예제 #3
void ContactListEdit::onTextChanged()
    /** Remember last changed text range in _activeCursor member. Will be used to replace entered text
        whith contact entry.
    QString text = textUnderCursor(&_activeCursor);

    if(_skipCompletion == false && _completer != nullptr && isReadOnly() == false &&
            text.isEmpty() == false)
        TAutoSkipCompletion asc(this);

        std::string textKey = text.toStdString();

        bts::addressbook::wallet_contact matchedContact;

        bool contactFound = false;
            auto aBook = bts::get_profile()->get_addressbook();

            auto contact = aBook->get_contact_by_display_name(textKey);
            contactFound = contact;
            if(contactFound == false)
                contact = aBook->get_contact_by_dac_id(textKey);

                contactFound = true;
                matchedContact = *contact;
        catch(const fc::exception& e)
            wlog( "${e}", ("e",e.to_detail_string()) );

        bool semanticallyValidKey = false;
            /// Delete previously entered text - will be replaced with image control holding contact info
            /// Update PK-like text with displayed form
            text = QString::fromStdString(matchedContact.get_display_name());
            /// If text already points to some found contact, just add it
            addContactEntry(text, matchedContact, false);
        else if(public_key_address::is_valid(textKey, &semanticallyValidKey) && semanticallyValidKey)
            /// Delete previously entered text - will be replaced with image control holding contact info

            public_key_address converter(textKey);
            fc::ecc::public_key parsedKey = converter.key;

            if(Utils::matchContact(parsedKey, &matchedContact))
                QString displayText = _completerModel->getDisplayText(Contact(matchedContact));
                addContactEntry(displayText, matchedContact, false);

                QString txt = tr("Known public key has been replaced with matching contact...");
                /// Don't pass here parent widget to avoid switching active window when tooltip appears
                QToolTip::showText(QCursor::pos(), txt, nullptr, QRect(), 3000);
                QString tooltip = tr("Valid, but <b>unknown</b> public key, cannot be matched to any contact "
                                     "present in address book...");
                addContactEntry(text, matchedContact, true, &tooltip);
            QTextCharFormat fmt;
            fmt.setToolTip(tr("Unknown contact - can be <b>ignored</b> while sending message"));


예제 #4
PickKnobDialog::PickKnobDialog(DockablePanel* panel,
                               QWidget* parent)
    : QDialog(parent)
    , _imp( new PickKnobDialogPrivate(panel) )
    NodeSettingsPanel* nodePanel = dynamic_cast<NodeSettingsPanel*>(panel);

    if (!nodePanel) {
        throw std::logic_error("PickKnobDialog::PickKnobDialog()");
    NodeGuiPtr nodeGui = nodePanel->getNodeGui();
    NodePtr node = nodeGui->getNode();
    NodeGroupPtr isGroup = node->isEffectNodeGroup();
    NodeCollectionPtr collec = node->getGroup();
    NodeGroupPtr isCollecGroup = toNodeGroup(collec);
    NodesList collectNodes = collec->getNodes();
    for (NodesList::iterator it = collectNodes.begin(); it != collectNodes.end(); ++it) {
        if ((*it)->isActivated() && (*it)->getNodeGui() && ( (*it)->getKnobs().size() > 0 ) ) {
    if (isCollecGroup) {
        _imp->allNodes.push_back( isCollecGroup->getNode() );
    if (isGroup) {
        NodesList groupnodes = isGroup->getNodes();
        for (NodesList::iterator it = groupnodes.begin(); it != groupnodes.end(); ++it) {
            if ( (*it)->getNodeGui() &&
                (*it)->isActivated() &&
                ( (*it)->getKnobs().size() > 0 ) ) {
    QStringList nodeNames;
    for (NodesList::iterator it = _imp->allNodes.begin(); it != _imp->allNodes.end(); ++it) {
        QString name = QString::fromUtf8( (*it)->getLabel().c_str() );

    _imp->mainLayout = new QGridLayout(this);
    _imp->selectNodeLabel = new Label( tr("Node:") );
    _imp->nodeSelectionCombo = new CompleterLineEdit(nodeNames, nodeNames, false, this);
    _imp->nodeSelectionCombo->setToolTip( NATRON_NAMESPACE::convertFromPlainText(tr("Input the name of a node in the current project."), NATRON_NAMESPACE::WhiteSpaceNormal) );

    _imp->knobSelectionCombo = new ComboBox(this);
    QObject::connect( _imp->knobSelectionCombo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onKnobComboIndexChanged(int)) );
    QString useAliasTt = NATRON_NAMESPACE::convertFromPlainText(tr("If checked, an alias of the selected parameter will be created, coyping entirely its state. "
                                                           "Only the script-name, label and tooltip will be editable.\n"
                                                           "For choice parameters this will also "
                                                           "dynamically refresh the menu entries when the original parameter's menu is changed.\n"
                                                           "When unchecked, a simple expression will be set linking the two parameters, but things such as dynamic menus "
                                                           "will be disabled."), NATRON_NAMESPACE::WhiteSpaceNormal);
    _imp->useAliasLabel = new Label(tr("Make Alias:"), this);
    _imp->useAliasCheckBox = new QCheckBox(this);

    QObject::connect( _imp->nodeSelectionCombo, SIGNAL(itemCompletionChosen()), this, SLOT(onNodeComboEditingFinished()) );

    _imp->destPageLabel = new Label(tr("Page:"), this);
    QString pagett = NATRON_NAMESPACE::convertFromPlainText(tr("Select the page into which the parameter will be created."), NATRON_NAMESPACE::WhiteSpaceNormal);
    _imp->destPageCombo = new ComboBox(this);
    QObject::connect( _imp->destPageCombo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onPageComboIndexChanged(int)) );
    const KnobsVec& knobs = node->getKnobs();
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < knobs.size(); ++i) {
        if ( knobs[i]->isUserKnob() ) {
            KnobPagePtr isPage = toKnobPage(knobs[i]);
            if (isPage) {
                _imp->destPageCombo->addItem( QString::fromUtf8( isPage->getName().c_str() ) );
            } else {
                KnobGroupPtr isGrp = toKnobGroup(knobs[i]);
                if (isGrp) {
    if (_imp->destPageCombo->count() == 0) {

    _imp->groupLabel = new Label(tr("Group:"), this);
    QString grouptt = NATRON_NAMESPACE::convertFromPlainText(tr("Select the group into which the parameter will be created."), NATRON_NAMESPACE::WhiteSpaceNormal);
    _imp->groupCombo = new ComboBox(this);

    _imp->buttons = new DialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::StandardButtons(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel),
                                         Qt::Horizontal, this);
    QObject::connect( _imp->buttons, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(accept()) );
    QObject::connect( _imp->buttons, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(reject()) );

    _imp->mainLayout->addWidget(_imp->selectNodeLabel, 0, 0, 1, 1);
    _imp->mainLayout->addWidget(_imp->nodeSelectionCombo, 0, 1, 1, 1);
    _imp->mainLayout->addWidget(_imp->knobSelectionCombo, 0, 2, 1, 1);
    _imp->mainLayout->addWidget(_imp->useAliasLabel, 1, 0, 1, 1);
    _imp->mainLayout->addWidget(_imp->useAliasCheckBox, 1, 1, 1, 1);
    _imp->mainLayout->addWidget(_imp->destPageLabel, 2, 0, 1, 1);
    _imp->mainLayout->addWidget(_imp->destPageCombo, 2, 1, 1, 1);
    _imp->mainLayout->addWidget(_imp->groupLabel, 2, 2, 1, 1);
    _imp->mainLayout->addWidget(_imp->groupCombo, 2, 3, 1, 1);
    _imp->mainLayout->addWidget(_imp->buttons, 3, 0, 1, 3);

    QTimer::singleShot( 25, _imp->nodeSelectionCombo, SLOT(showCompleter()) );
예제 #5
NodeCreationDialog::NodeCreationDialog(const QString& _defaultPluginID,
                                       QWidget* parent)
    : QDialog(parent)
    , _imp( new NodeCreationDialogPrivate() )
    setWindowTitle( tr("Node Creation Tool") );
    setWindowFlags(Qt::Dialog | Qt::FramelessWindowHint);
    setObjectName( QString::fromUtf8("nodeCreationDialog") );
    setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true);
    _imp->layout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
    _imp->layout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);

    CompleterLineEdit::PluginsNamesMap pluginsMap;
    QString initialFilter;
    std::string defaultPluginID = _defaultPluginID.toStdString();

    const PluginsMap& plugins = appPTR->getPluginsList();

    for (PluginsMap::const_iterator it = plugins.begin(); it != plugins.end(); ++it) {

        for (PluginVersionsOrdered::const_reverse_iterator itver = it->second.rbegin(); itver != it->second.rend(); ++itver) {
            if ( !(*itver)->getIsUserCreatable() ) {

            CompleterLineEdit::PluginDesc desc;
            QString pluginID = QString::fromUtf8((*itver)->getPluginID().c_str());

                desc.plugin = *itver;

                // This is the highest major version of the plug-in
                if ( itver == it->second.rbegin() ) {
                    desc.comboLabel = QString::fromUtf8((*itver)->generateUserFriendlyPluginID().c_str());
                    desc.lineEditLabel = QString::fromUtf8((*itver)->getLabelWithoutSuffix().c_str());
                    if (it->first == defaultPluginID) {
                        initialFilter = desc.lineEditLabel;
                } else {
                    desc.comboLabel = QString::fromUtf8((*itver)->generateUserFriendlyPluginIDMajorEncoded().c_str());
                    desc.lineEditLabel = QString::fromUtf8((*itver)->getLabelVersionMajorEncoded().c_str());


                int weight = getPluginWeight(pluginID, QString(), (*itver)->getMajorVersion() );
                pluginsMap.insert( std::make_pair(weight, desc) );

            // Add also an entry for each preset
            const std::vector<PluginPresetDescriptor>& presets = (*itver)->getPresetFiles();
            for (std::vector<PluginPresetDescriptor>::const_iterator it3 = presets.begin(); it3 != presets.end(); ++it3) {
                CompleterLineEdit::PluginDesc presetDesc = desc;
                presetDesc.presetName = it3->presetLabel;

                QString presetSuffix = QLatin1String(" (") + presetDesc.presetName + QLatin1String(")");
                presetDesc.comboLabel += presetSuffix;
                presetDesc.lineEditLabel += presetSuffix;

                int weight = getPluginWeight(pluginID, it3->presetLabel, (*itver)->getMajorVersion() );
                pluginsMap.insert( std::make_pair(weight, presetDesc) );



    _imp->textEdit = new CompleterLineEdit(pluginsMap, true, this);
    if ( !initialFilter.isEmpty() ) {

    QPoint global = QCursor::pos();
    QSize sizeH = sizeHint();
    global.rx() -= sizeH.width() / 2;
    global.ry() -= sizeH.height() / 2;
    move( global.x(), global.y() );

    QTimer::singleShot( 20, _imp->textEdit, SLOT(showCompleter()) );