예제 #1
/* Find least-squares prediction gain for one signal based on another and quantize it */
int32_t silk_stereo_find_predictor(	/* O    Returns predictor in Q13                    */
					     int32_t * ratio_Q14,	/* O    Ratio of residual and mid energies          */
					     const int16_t x[],	/* I    Basis signal                                */
					     const int16_t y[],	/* I    Target signal                               */
					     int32_t mid_res_amp_Q0[],	/* I/O  Smoothed mid, residual norms                */
					     int length,	/* I    Number of samples                           */
					     int smooth_coef_Q16	/* I    Smoothing coefficient                       */
	int scale, scale1, scale2;
	int32_t nrgx, nrgy, corr, pred_Q13, pred2_Q10;

	/* Find  predictor */
	silk_sum_sqr_shift(&nrgx, &scale1, x, length);
	silk_sum_sqr_shift(&nrgy, &scale2, y, length);
	scale = silk_max_int(scale1, scale2);
	scale = scale + (scale & 1);	/* make even */
	nrgy = silk_RSHIFT32(nrgy, scale - scale2);
	nrgx = silk_RSHIFT32(nrgx, scale - scale1);
	nrgx = silk_max_int(nrgx, 1);
	corr = silk_inner_prod_aligned_scale(x, y, scale, length);
	pred_Q13 = silk_DIV32_varQ(corr, nrgx, 13);
	pred_Q13 = silk_LIMIT(pred_Q13, -(1 << 14), 1 << 14);
	pred2_Q10 = silk_SMULWB(pred_Q13, pred_Q13);

	/* Faster update for signals with large prediction parameters */
	smooth_coef_Q16 =
	    (int) silk_max_int(smooth_coef_Q16, silk_abs(pred2_Q10));

	/* Smoothed mid and residual norms */
	assert(smooth_coef_Q16 < 32768);
	scale = silk_RSHIFT(scale, 1);
	mid_res_amp_Q0[0] =
				    scale) - mid_res_amp_Q0[0],
	/* Residual energy = nrgy - 2 * pred * corr + pred^2 * nrgx */
	nrgy = silk_SUB_LSHIFT32(nrgy, silk_SMULWB(corr, pred_Q13), 3 + 1);
	nrgy = silk_ADD_LSHIFT32(nrgy, silk_SMULWB(nrgx, pred2_Q10), 6);
	mid_res_amp_Q0[1] =
				    scale) - mid_res_amp_Q0[1],

	/* Ratio of smoothed residual and mid norms */
	*ratio_Q14 =
	    silk_DIV32_varQ(mid_res_amp_Q0[1], silk_max(mid_res_amp_Q0[0], 1),
	*ratio_Q14 = silk_LIMIT(*ratio_Q14, 0, 32767);

	return pred_Q13;
예제 #2
void silk_NLSF_decode(
          opus_int16            *pNLSF_Q15,                     /* O    Quantized NLSF vector [ LPC_ORDER ]         */
          opus_int8             *NLSFIndices,                   /* I    Codebook path vector [ LPC_ORDER + 1 ]      */
    const silk_NLSF_CB_struct   *psNLSF_CB                      /* I    Codebook object                             */
    opus_int         i;
    opus_uint8       pred_Q8[  MAX_LPC_ORDER ];
    opus_int16       ec_ix[    MAX_LPC_ORDER ];
    opus_int16       res_Q10[  MAX_LPC_ORDER ];
    opus_int32       NLSF_Q15_tmp;
    const opus_uint8 *pCB_element;
    const opus_int16 *pCB_Wght_Q9;

    /* Unpack entropy table indices and predictor for current CB1 index */
    silk_NLSF_unpack( ec_ix, pred_Q8, psNLSF_CB, NLSFIndices[ 0 ] );

    /* Predictive residual dequantizer */
    silk_NLSF_residual_dequant( res_Q10, &NLSFIndices[ 1 ], pred_Q8, psNLSF_CB->quantStepSize_Q16, psNLSF_CB->order );

    /* Apply inverse square-rooted weights to first stage and add to output */
    pCB_element = &psNLSF_CB->CB1_NLSF_Q8[ NLSFIndices[ 0 ] * psNLSF_CB->order ];
    pCB_Wght_Q9 = &psNLSF_CB->CB1_Wght_Q9[ NLSFIndices[ 0 ] * psNLSF_CB->order ];
    for( i = 0; i < psNLSF_CB->order; i++ ) {
        NLSF_Q15_tmp = silk_ADD_LSHIFT32( silk_DIV32_16( silk_LSHIFT( (opus_int32)res_Q10[ i ], 14 ), pCB_Wght_Q9[ i ] ), (opus_int16)pCB_element[ i ], 7 );
        pNLSF_Q15[ i ] = (opus_int16)silk_LIMIT( NLSF_Q15_tmp, 0, 32767 );

    /* NLSF stabilization */
    silk_NLSF_stabilize( pNLSF_Q15, psNLSF_CB->deltaMin_Q15, psNLSF_CB->order );
예제 #3
/* Autocorrelations for a warped frequency axis */
void silk_warped_autocorrelation_FIX(
          opus_int32                *corr,                                  /* O    Result [order + 1]                                                          */
          opus_int                  *scale,                                 /* O    Scaling of the correlation vector                                           */
    const opus_int16                *input,                                 /* I    Input data to correlate                                                     */
    const opus_int                  warping_Q16,                            /* I    Warping coefficient                                                         */
    const opus_int                  length,                                 /* I    Length of input                                                             */
    const opus_int                  order                                   /* I    Correlation order (even)                                                    */
    opus_int   n, i, lsh;
    opus_int32 tmp1_QS, tmp2_QS;
    opus_int32 state_QS[ MAX_SHAPE_LPC_ORDER + 1 ] = { 0 };
    opus_int64 corr_QC[  MAX_SHAPE_LPC_ORDER + 1 ] = { 0 };

    /* Order must be even */
    silk_assert( ( order & 1 ) == 0 );
    silk_assert( 2 * QS - QC >= 0 );

    /* Loop over samples */
    for( n = 0; n < length; n++ ) {
        tmp1_QS = silk_LSHIFT32( (opus_int32)input[ n ], QS );
        /* Loop over allpass sections */
        for( i = 0; i < order; i += 2 ) {
            /* Output of allpass section */
            tmp2_QS = silk_SMLAWB( state_QS[ i ], state_QS[ i + 1 ] - tmp1_QS, warping_Q16 );
            state_QS[ i ]  = tmp1_QS;
            corr_QC[  i ] += silk_RSHIFT64( silk_SMULL( tmp1_QS, state_QS[ 0 ] ), 2 * QS - QC );
            /* Output of allpass section */
            tmp1_QS = silk_SMLAWB( state_QS[ i + 1 ], state_QS[ i + 2 ] - tmp2_QS, warping_Q16 );
            state_QS[ i + 1 ]  = tmp2_QS;
            corr_QC[  i + 1 ] += silk_RSHIFT64( silk_SMULL( tmp2_QS, state_QS[ 0 ] ), 2 * QS - QC );
        state_QS[ order ] = tmp1_QS;
        corr_QC[  order ] += silk_RSHIFT64( silk_SMULL( tmp1_QS, state_QS[ 0 ] ), 2 * QS - QC );

    lsh = silk_CLZ64( corr_QC[ 0 ] ) - 35;
    lsh = silk_LIMIT( lsh, -12 - QC, 30 - QC );
    *scale = -( QC + lsh );
    silk_assert( *scale >= -30 && *scale <= 12 );
    if( lsh >= 0 ) {
        for( i = 0; i < order + 1; i++ ) {
            corr[ i ] = (opus_int32)silk_CHECK_FIT32( silk_LSHIFT64( corr_QC[ i ], lsh ) );
    } else {
        for( i = 0; i < order + 1; i++ ) {
            corr[ i ] = (opus_int32)silk_CHECK_FIT32( silk_RSHIFT64( corr_QC[ i ], -lsh ) );
    silk_assert( corr_QC[ 0 ] >= 0 ); /* If breaking, decrease QC*/
예제 #4
/* Control SNR of redidual quantizer */
opus_int silk_control_SNR(
        silk_encoder_state *psEncC,                        /* I/O  Pointer to Silk encoder state               */
        opus_int32 TargetRate_bps                  /* I    Target max bitrate (bps)                    */
) {
    opus_int k, ret = SILK_NO_ERROR;
    opus_int32 frac_Q6;
    const opus_int32 *rateTable;

    /* Set bitrate/coding quality */
    TargetRate_bps = silk_LIMIT(TargetRate_bps, MIN_TARGET_RATE_BPS, MAX_TARGET_RATE_BPS);
    if (TargetRate_bps != psEncC->TargetRate_bps) {
        psEncC->TargetRate_bps = TargetRate_bps;

        /* If new TargetRate_bps, translate to SNR_dB value */
        if (psEncC->fs_kHz == 8) {
            rateTable = silk_TargetRate_table_NB;
        } else if (psEncC->fs_kHz == 12) {
            rateTable = silk_TargetRate_table_MB;
        } else {
            rateTable = silk_TargetRate_table_WB;

        /* Reduce bitrate for 10 ms modes in these calculations */
        if (psEncC->nb_subfr == 2) {
            TargetRate_bps -= REDUCE_BITRATE_10_MS_BPS;

        /* Find bitrate interval in table and interpolate */
        for (k = 1; k < TARGET_RATE_TAB_SZ; k++) {
            if (TargetRate_bps <= rateTable[k]) {
                frac_Q6 = silk_DIV32(silk_LSHIFT(TargetRate_bps - rateTable[k - 1], 6),
                                     rateTable[k] - rateTable[k - 1]);
                psEncC->SNR_dB_Q7 = silk_LSHIFT(silk_SNR_table_Q1[k - 1], 6) + silk_MUL(frac_Q6,
                                                                                        silk_SNR_table_Q1[k] -
                                                                                                k -

        /* Reduce coding quality whenever LBRR is enabled, to free up some bits */
        if (psEncC->LBRR_enabled) {
            psEncC->SNR_dB_Q7 = silk_SMLABB(psEncC->SNR_dB_Q7, 12 - psEncC->LBRR_GainIncreases,
                                            SILK_FIX_CONST(-0.25, 7));

    return ret;
예제 #5
/* Calculation of LTP state scaling */
void silk_LTP_scale_ctrl_FIX(
    silk_encoder_state_FIX          *psEnc,                                 /* I/O  encoder state                                                               */
    silk_encoder_control_FIX        *psEncCtrl,                             /* I/O  encoder control                                                             */
    opus_int                        condCoding                              /* I    The type of conditional coding to use                                       */
    opus_int round_loss;

    if( condCoding == CODE_INDEPENDENTLY ) {
        /* Only scale if first frame in packet */
        round_loss = psEnc->sCmn.PacketLoss_perc + psEnc->sCmn.nFramesPerPacket;
        psEnc->sCmn.indices.LTP_scaleIndex = (opus_int8)silk_LIMIT(
            silk_SMULWB( silk_SMULBB( round_loss, psEncCtrl->LTPredCodGain_Q7 ), SILK_FIX_CONST( 0.1, 9 ) ), 0, 2 );
    } else {
        /* Default is minimum scaling */
        psEnc->sCmn.indices.LTP_scaleIndex = 0;
    psEncCtrl->LTP_scale_Q14 = silk_LTPScales_table_Q14[ psEnc->sCmn.indices.LTP_scaleIndex ];
예제 #6
void silk_NLSF_decode(
    opus_int16            *pNLSF_Q15,                     /* O    Quantized NLSF vector [ LPC_ORDER ]         */
    opus_int8             *NLSFIndices,                   /* I    Codebook path vector [ LPC_ORDER + 1 ]      */
    const silk_NLSF_CB_struct   *psNLSF_CB                      /* I    Codebook object                             */
    opus_int         i;
    opus_uint8       pred_Q8[  MAX_LPC_ORDER ];
    opus_int16       ec_ix[    MAX_LPC_ORDER ];
    opus_int16       res_Q10[  MAX_LPC_ORDER ];
    opus_int16       W_tmp_QW[ MAX_LPC_ORDER ];
    opus_int32       W_tmp_Q9, NLSF_Q15_tmp;
    const opus_uint8 *pCB_element;

    /* Decode first stage */
    pCB_element = &psNLSF_CB->CB1_NLSF_Q8[ NLSFIndices[ 0 ] * psNLSF_CB->order ];
    for( i = 0; i < psNLSF_CB->order; i++ ) {
        pNLSF_Q15[ i ] = silk_LSHIFT( (opus_int16)pCB_element[ i ], 7 );

    /* Unpack entropy table indices and predictor for current CB1 index */
    silk_NLSF_unpack( ec_ix, pred_Q8, psNLSF_CB, NLSFIndices[ 0 ] );

    /* Predictive residual dequantizer */
    silk_NLSF_residual_dequant( res_Q10, &NLSFIndices[ 1 ], pred_Q8, psNLSF_CB->quantStepSize_Q16, psNLSF_CB->order );

    /* Weights from codebook vector */
    silk_NLSF_VQ_weights_laroia( W_tmp_QW, pNLSF_Q15, psNLSF_CB->order );

    /* Apply inverse square-rooted weights and add to output */
    for( i = 0; i < psNLSF_CB->order; i++ ) {
        W_tmp_Q9 = silk_SQRT_APPROX( silk_LSHIFT( (opus_int32)W_tmp_QW[ i ], 18 - NLSF_W_Q ) );
        NLSF_Q15_tmp = silk_ADD32( pNLSF_Q15[ i ], silk_DIV32_16( silk_LSHIFT( (opus_int32)res_Q10[ i ], 14 ), W_tmp_Q9 ) );
        pNLSF_Q15[ i ] = (opus_int16)silk_LIMIT( NLSF_Q15_tmp, 0, 32767 );

    /* NLSF stabilization */
    silk_NLSF_stabilize( pNLSF_Q15, psNLSF_CB->deltaMin_Q15, psNLSF_CB->order );
예제 #7
/* Deactivate by setting psEncC->mode = 0;                  */
void silk_LP_variable_cutoff(
    silk_LP_state               *psLP,                          /* I/O  LP filter state                             */
    opus_int16                  *frame,                         /* I/O  Low-pass filtered output signal             */
    const opus_int              frame_length                    /* I    Frame length                                */
    opus_int32   B_Q28[ TRANSITION_NB ], A_Q28[ TRANSITION_NA ], fac_Q16 = 0;
    opus_int     ind = 0;

    silk_assert( psLP->transition_frame_no >= 0 && psLP->transition_frame_no <= TRANSITION_FRAMES );

    /* Run filter if needed */
    if( psLP->mode != 0 ) {
        /* Calculate index and interpolation factor for interpolation */
        fac_Q16 = silk_LSHIFT( TRANSITION_FRAMES - psLP->transition_frame_no, 16 - 6 );
        fac_Q16 = silk_DIV32_16( silk_LSHIFT( TRANSITION_FRAMES - psLP->transition_frame_no, 16 ), TRANSITION_FRAMES );
        ind      = silk_RSHIFT( fac_Q16, 16 );
        fac_Q16 -= silk_LSHIFT( ind, 16 );

        silk_assert( ind >= 0 );
        silk_assert( ind < TRANSITION_INT_NUM );

        /* Interpolate filter coefficients */
        silk_LP_interpolate_filter_taps( B_Q28, A_Q28, ind, fac_Q16 );

        /* Update transition frame number for next frame */
        psLP->transition_frame_no = silk_LIMIT( psLP->transition_frame_no + psLP->mode, 0, TRANSITION_FRAMES );

        /* ARMA low-pass filtering */
        silk_assert( TRANSITION_NB == 3 && TRANSITION_NA == 2 );
        silk_biquad_alt( frame, B_Q28, A_Q28, psLP->In_LP_State, frame, frame_length, 1);
/* Delayed-decision quantizer for NLSF residuals */
opus_int32 silk_NLSF_del_dec_quant(                             /* O    Returns RD value in Q25                     */
    opus_int8                   indices[],                      /* O    Quantization indices [ order ]              */
    const opus_int16            x_Q10[],                        /* I    Input [ order ]                             */
    const opus_int16            w_Q5[],                         /* I    Weights [ order ]                           */
    const opus_uint8            pred_coef_Q8[],                 /* I    Backward predictor coefs [ order ]          */
    const opus_int16            ec_ix[],                        /* I    Indices to entropy coding tables [ order ]  */
    const opus_uint8            ec_rates_Q5[],                  /* I    Rates []                                    */
    const opus_int              quant_step_size_Q16,            /* I    Quantization step size                      */
    const opus_int16            inv_quant_step_size_Q6,         /* I    Inverse quantization step size              */
    const opus_int32            mu_Q20,                         /* I    R/D tradeoff                                */
    const opus_int16            order                           /* I    Number of input values                      */
    opus_int         i, j, nStates, ind_tmp, ind_min_max, ind_max_min, in_Q10, res_Q10;
    opus_int         pred_Q10, diff_Q10, out0_Q10, out1_Q10, rate0_Q5, rate1_Q5;
    opus_int32       RD_tmp_Q25, min_Q25, min_max_Q25, max_min_Q25, pred_coef_Q16;
    opus_int         ind_sort[         NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES ];
    opus_int8        ind[              NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES ][ MAX_LPC_ORDER ];
    opus_int16       prev_out_Q10[ 2 * NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES ];
    opus_int32       RD_Q25[       2 * NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES ];
    opus_int32       RD_min_Q25[       NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES ];
    opus_int32       RD_max_Q25[       NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES ];
    const opus_uint8 *rates_Q5;

    silk_assert( (NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES & (NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES-1)) == 0 );     /* must be power of two */

    nStates = 1;
    RD_Q25[ 0 ] = 0;
    prev_out_Q10[ 0 ] = 0;
    for( i = order - 1; ; i-- ) {
        rates_Q5 = &ec_rates_Q5[ ec_ix[ i ] ];
        pred_coef_Q16 = silk_LSHIFT( (opus_int32)pred_coef_Q8[ i ], 8 );
        in_Q10 = x_Q10[ i ];
        for( j = 0; j < nStates; j++ ) {
            pred_Q10 = silk_SMULWB( pred_coef_Q16, prev_out_Q10[ j ] );
            res_Q10  = silk_SUB16( in_Q10, pred_Q10 );
            ind_tmp  = silk_SMULWB( inv_quant_step_size_Q6, res_Q10 );
            ind_tmp  = silk_LIMIT( ind_tmp, -NLSF_QUANT_MAX_AMPLITUDE_EXT, NLSF_QUANT_MAX_AMPLITUDE_EXT-1 );
            ind[ j ][ i ] = (opus_int8)ind_tmp;

            /* compute outputs for ind_tmp and ind_tmp + 1 */
            out0_Q10 = silk_LSHIFT( ind_tmp, 10 );
            out1_Q10 = silk_ADD16( out0_Q10, 1024 );
            if( ind_tmp > 0 ) {
                out0_Q10 = silk_SUB16( out0_Q10, SILK_FIX_CONST( NLSF_QUANT_LEVEL_ADJ, 10 ) );
                out1_Q10 = silk_SUB16( out1_Q10, SILK_FIX_CONST( NLSF_QUANT_LEVEL_ADJ, 10 ) );
            } else if( ind_tmp == 0 ) {
                out1_Q10 = silk_SUB16( out1_Q10, SILK_FIX_CONST( NLSF_QUANT_LEVEL_ADJ, 10 ) );
            } else if( ind_tmp == -1 ) {
                out0_Q10 = silk_ADD16( out0_Q10, SILK_FIX_CONST( NLSF_QUANT_LEVEL_ADJ, 10 ) );
            } else {
                out0_Q10 = silk_ADD16( out0_Q10, SILK_FIX_CONST( NLSF_QUANT_LEVEL_ADJ, 10 ) );
                out1_Q10 = silk_ADD16( out1_Q10, SILK_FIX_CONST( NLSF_QUANT_LEVEL_ADJ, 10 ) );
            out0_Q10  = silk_SMULWB( out0_Q10, quant_step_size_Q16 );
            out1_Q10  = silk_SMULWB( out1_Q10, quant_step_size_Q16 );
            out0_Q10  = silk_ADD16( out0_Q10, pred_Q10 );
            out1_Q10  = silk_ADD16( out1_Q10, pred_Q10 );
            prev_out_Q10[ j           ] = out0_Q10;
            prev_out_Q10[ j + nStates ] = out1_Q10;

            /* compute RD for ind_tmp and ind_tmp + 1 */
            if( ind_tmp + 1 >= NLSF_QUANT_MAX_AMPLITUDE ) {
                if( ind_tmp + 1 == NLSF_QUANT_MAX_AMPLITUDE ) {
                    rate0_Q5 = rates_Q5[ ind_tmp + NLSF_QUANT_MAX_AMPLITUDE ];
                    rate1_Q5 = 280;
                } else {
                    rate0_Q5 = silk_SMLABB( 280 - 43 * NLSF_QUANT_MAX_AMPLITUDE, 43, ind_tmp );
                    rate1_Q5 = silk_ADD16( rate0_Q5, 43 );
            } else if( ind_tmp <= -NLSF_QUANT_MAX_AMPLITUDE ) {
                if( ind_tmp == -NLSF_QUANT_MAX_AMPLITUDE ) {
                    rate0_Q5 = 280;
                    rate1_Q5 = rates_Q5[ ind_tmp + 1 + NLSF_QUANT_MAX_AMPLITUDE ];
                } else {
                    rate0_Q5 = silk_SMLABB( 280 - 43 * NLSF_QUANT_MAX_AMPLITUDE, -43, ind_tmp );
                    rate1_Q5 = silk_SUB16( rate0_Q5, 43 );
            } else {
                rate0_Q5 = rates_Q5[ ind_tmp +     NLSF_QUANT_MAX_AMPLITUDE ];
                rate1_Q5 = rates_Q5[ ind_tmp + 1 + NLSF_QUANT_MAX_AMPLITUDE ];
            RD_tmp_Q25            = RD_Q25[ j ];
            diff_Q10              = silk_SUB16( in_Q10, out0_Q10 );
            RD_Q25[ j ]           = silk_SMLABB( silk_MLA( RD_tmp_Q25, silk_SMULBB( diff_Q10, diff_Q10 ), w_Q5[ i ] ), mu_Q20, rate0_Q5 );
            diff_Q10              = silk_SUB16( in_Q10, out1_Q10 );
            RD_Q25[ j + nStates ] = silk_SMLABB( silk_MLA( RD_tmp_Q25, silk_SMULBB( diff_Q10, diff_Q10 ), w_Q5[ i ] ), mu_Q20, rate1_Q5 );

        if( nStates < NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES ) {
            /* double number of states and copy */
            for( j = 0; j < nStates; j++ ) {
                ind[ j + nStates ][ i ] = ind[ j ][ i ] + 1;
            nStates = silk_LSHIFT( nStates, 1 );
            for( j = nStates; j < NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES; j++ ) {
                ind[ j ][ i ] = ind[ j - nStates ][ i ];
        } else if( i > 0 ) {
            /* sort lower and upper half of RD_Q25, pairwise */
            for( j = 0; j < NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES; j++ ) {
                if( RD_Q25[ j ] > RD_Q25[ j + NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES ] ) {
                    RD_max_Q25[ j ]                         = RD_Q25[ j ];
                    RD_min_Q25[ j ]                         = RD_Q25[ j + NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES ];
                    RD_Q25[ j ]                             = RD_min_Q25[ j ];
                    RD_Q25[ j + NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES ] = RD_max_Q25[ j ];
                    /* swap prev_out values */
                    out0_Q10 = prev_out_Q10[ j ];
                    prev_out_Q10[ j ] = prev_out_Q10[ j + NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES ];
                    prev_out_Q10[ j + NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES ] = out0_Q10;
                    ind_sort[ j ] = j + NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES;
                } else {
                    RD_min_Q25[ j ] = RD_Q25[ j ];
                    RD_max_Q25[ j ] = RD_Q25[ j + NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES ];
                    ind_sort[ j ] = j;
            /* compare the highest RD values of the winning half with the lowest one in the losing half, and copy if necessary */
            /* afterwards ind_sort[] will contain the indices of the NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES winning RD values */
            while( 1 ) {
                min_max_Q25 = silk_int32_MAX;
                max_min_Q25 = 0;
                ind_min_max = 0;
                ind_max_min = 0;
                for( j = 0; j < NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES; j++ ) {
                    if( min_max_Q25 > RD_max_Q25[ j ] ) {
                        min_max_Q25 = RD_max_Q25[ j ];
                        ind_min_max = j;
                    if( max_min_Q25 < RD_min_Q25[ j ] ) {
                        max_min_Q25 = RD_min_Q25[ j ];
                        ind_max_min = j;
                if( min_max_Q25 >= max_min_Q25 ) {
                /* copy ind_min_max to ind_max_min */
                ind_sort[     ind_max_min ] = ind_sort[     ind_min_max ] ^ NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES;
                RD_Q25[       ind_max_min ] = RD_Q25[       ind_min_max + NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES ];
                prev_out_Q10[ ind_max_min ] = prev_out_Q10[ ind_min_max + NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES ];
                RD_min_Q25[   ind_max_min ] = 0;
                RD_max_Q25[   ind_min_max ] = silk_int32_MAX;
                silk_memcpy( ind[ ind_max_min ], ind[ ind_min_max ], MAX_LPC_ORDER * sizeof( opus_int8 ) );
            /* increment index if it comes from the upper half */
            for( j = 0; j < NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES; j++ ) {
                ind[ j ][ i ] += silk_RSHIFT( ind_sort[ j ], NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES_LOG2 );
        } else {  /* i == 0 */

    /* last sample: find winner, copy indices and return RD value */
    ind_tmp = 0;
    min_Q25 = silk_int32_MAX;
    for( j = 0; j < 2 * NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES; j++ ) {
        if( min_Q25 > RD_Q25[ j ] ) {
            min_Q25 = RD_Q25[ j ];
            ind_tmp = j;
    for( j = 0; j < order; j++ ) {
        indices[ j ] = ind[ ind_tmp & ( NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES - 1 ) ][ j ];
        silk_assert( indices[ j ] >= -NLSF_QUANT_MAX_AMPLITUDE_EXT );
        silk_assert( indices[ j ] <=  NLSF_QUANT_MAX_AMPLITUDE_EXT );
    indices[ 0 ] += silk_RSHIFT( ind_tmp, NLSF_QUANT_DEL_DEC_STATES_LOG2 );
    silk_assert( indices[ 0 ] <= NLSF_QUANT_MAX_AMPLITUDE_EXT );
    silk_assert( min_Q25 >= 0 );
    return min_Q25;
void silk_warped_autocorrelation_FIX_neon(
          opus_int32                *corr,                                  /* O    Result [order + 1]                                                          */
          opus_int                  *scale,                                 /* O    Scaling of the correlation vector                                           */
    const opus_int16                *input,                                 /* I    Input data to correlate                                                     */
    const opus_int                  warping_Q16,                            /* I    Warping coefficient                                                         */
    const opus_int                  length,                                 /* I    Length of input                                                             */
    const opus_int                  order                                   /* I    Correlation order (even)                                                    */
    if( ( MAX_SHAPE_LPC_ORDER > 24 ) || ( order < 6 ) ) {
        silk_warped_autocorrelation_FIX_c( corr, scale, input, warping_Q16, length, order );
    } else {
        opus_int       n, i, lsh;
        opus_int64     corr_QC[ MAX_SHAPE_LPC_ORDER + 1 ] = { 0 }; /* In reverse order */
        opus_int64     corr_QC_orderT;
        int64x2_t      lsh_s64x2;
        const opus_int orderT = ( order + 3 ) & ~3;
        opus_int64     *corr_QCT;
        opus_int32     *input_QS;
        VARDECL( opus_int32, input_QST );
        VARDECL( opus_int32, state );

        /* Order must be even */
        silk_assert( ( order & 1 ) == 0 );
        silk_assert( 2 * QS - QC >= 0 );

        ALLOC( input_QST, length + 2 * MAX_SHAPE_LPC_ORDER, opus_int32 );

        input_QS = input_QST;
        /* input_QS has zero paddings in the beginning and end. */
        vst1q_s32( input_QS, vdupq_n_s32( 0 ) );
        input_QS += 4;
        vst1q_s32( input_QS, vdupq_n_s32( 0 ) );
        input_QS += 4;
        vst1q_s32( input_QS, vdupq_n_s32( 0 ) );
        input_QS += 4;
        vst1q_s32( input_QS, vdupq_n_s32( 0 ) );
        input_QS += 4;
        vst1q_s32( input_QS, vdupq_n_s32( 0 ) );
        input_QS += 4;
        vst1q_s32( input_QS, vdupq_n_s32( 0 ) );
        input_QS += 4;

        /* Loop over samples */
        for( n = 0; n < length - 7; n += 8, input_QS += 8 ) {
            const int16x8_t t0_s16x4 = vld1q_s16( input + n );
            vst1q_s32( input_QS + 0, vshll_n_s16( vget_low_s16( t0_s16x4 ), QS ) );
            vst1q_s32( input_QS + 4, vshll_n_s16( vget_high_s16( t0_s16x4 ), QS ) );
        for( ; n < length; n++, input_QS++ ) {
            input_QS[ 0 ] = silk_LSHIFT32( (opus_int32)input[ n ], QS );
        vst1q_s32( input_QS, vdupq_n_s32( 0 ) );
        input_QS += 4;
        vst1q_s32( input_QS, vdupq_n_s32( 0 ) );
        input_QS += 4;
        vst1q_s32( input_QS, vdupq_n_s32( 0 ) );
        input_QS += 4;
        vst1q_s32( input_QS, vdupq_n_s32( 0 ) );
        input_QS += 4;
        vst1q_s32( input_QS, vdupq_n_s32( 0 ) );
        input_QS += 4;
        vst1q_s32( input_QS, vdupq_n_s32( 0 ) );
        input_QS = input_QST + MAX_SHAPE_LPC_ORDER - orderT;

        /* The following loop runs ( length + order ) times, with ( order ) extra epilogues.                  */
        /* The zero paddings in input_QS guarantee corr_QC's correctness even with the extra epilogues.       */
        /* The values of state_QS will be polluted by the extra epilogues, however they are temporary values. */

        /* Keep the C code here to help understand the intrinsics optimization. */
            opus_int32 state_QS[ 2 ][ MAX_SHAPE_LPC_ORDER + 1 ] = { 0 };
            opus_int32 *state_QST[ 3 ];
            state_QST[ 0 ] = state_QS[ 0 ];
            state_QST[ 1 ] = state_QS[ 1 ];
            for( n = 0; n < length + order; n++, input_QS++ ) {
                state_QST[ 0 ][ orderT ] = input_QS[ orderT ];
                for( i = 0; i < orderT; i++ ) {
                    corr_QC[ i ] += silk_RSHIFT64( silk_SMULL( state_QST[ 0 ][ i ], input_QS[ i ] ), 2 * QS - QC );
                    state_QST[ 1 ][ i ] = silk_SMLAWB( state_QST[ 1 ][ i + 1 ], state_QST[ 0 ][ i ] - state_QST[ 0 ][ i + 1 ], warping_Q16 );
                state_QST[ 2 ] = state_QST[ 0 ];
                state_QST[ 0 ] = state_QST[ 1 ];
                state_QST[ 1 ] = state_QST[ 2 ];

            const int32x4_t warping_Q16_s32x4 = vdupq_n_s32( warping_Q16 << 15 );
            const opus_int32 *in = input_QS + orderT;
            opus_int o = orderT;
            int32x4_t state_QS_s32x4[ 3 ][ 2 ];

            ALLOC( state, length + orderT, opus_int32 );
            state_QS_s32x4[ 2 ][ 1 ] = vdupq_n_s32( 0 );

            /* Calculate 8 taps of all inputs in each loop. */
            do {
                state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 0 ] = state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 1 ] =
                state_QS_s32x4[ 1 ][ 0 ] = state_QS_s32x4[ 1 ][ 1 ] = vdupq_n_s32( 0 );
                n = 0;
                do {
                    calc_corr( input_QS + n, corr_QC, o - 8, state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 0 ] );
                    calc_corr( input_QS + n, corr_QC, o - 4, state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 1 ] );
                    state_QS_s32x4[ 2 ][ 1 ] = vld1q_s32( in + n );
                    vst1q_lane_s32( state + n, state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 0 ], 0 );
                    state_QS_s32x4[ 2 ][ 0 ] = vextq_s32( state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 0 ], state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 1 ], 1 );
                    state_QS_s32x4[ 2 ][ 1 ] = vextq_s32( state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 1 ], state_QS_s32x4[ 2 ][ 1 ], 1 );
                    state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 0 ] = calc_state( state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 0 ], state_QS_s32x4[ 2 ][ 0 ], state_QS_s32x4[ 1 ][ 0 ], warping_Q16_s32x4 );
                    state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 1 ] = calc_state( state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 1 ], state_QS_s32x4[ 2 ][ 1 ], state_QS_s32x4[ 1 ][ 1 ], warping_Q16_s32x4 );
                    state_QS_s32x4[ 1 ][ 0 ] = state_QS_s32x4[ 2 ][ 0 ];
                    state_QS_s32x4[ 1 ][ 1 ] = state_QS_s32x4[ 2 ][ 1 ];
                } while( ++n < ( length + order ) );
                in = state;
                o -= 8;
            } while( o > 4 );

            if( o ) {
                /* Calculate the last 4 taps of all inputs. */
                opus_int32 *stateT = state;
                silk_assert( o == 4 );
                state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 0 ] = state_QS_s32x4[ 1 ][ 0 ] = vdupq_n_s32( 0 );
                n = length + order;
                do {
                    calc_corr( input_QS, corr_QC, 0, state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 0 ] );
                    state_QS_s32x4[ 2 ][ 0 ] = vld1q_s32( stateT );
                    vst1q_lane_s32( stateT, state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 0 ], 0 );
                    state_QS_s32x4[ 2 ][ 0 ] = vextq_s32( state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 0 ], state_QS_s32x4[ 2 ][ 0 ], 1 );
                    state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 0 ] = calc_state( state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 0 ], state_QS_s32x4[ 2 ][ 0 ], state_QS_s32x4[ 1 ][ 0 ], warping_Q16_s32x4 );
                    state_QS_s32x4[ 1 ][ 0 ] = state_QS_s32x4[ 2 ][ 0 ];
                } while( --n );

            const opus_int16 *inputT = input;
            int32x4_t t_s32x4;
            int64x1_t t_s64x1;
            int64x2_t t_s64x2 = vdupq_n_s64( 0 );
            for( n = 0; n <= length - 8; n += 8 ) {
                int16x8_t input_s16x8 = vld1q_s16( inputT );
                t_s32x4 = vmull_s16( vget_low_s16( input_s16x8 ), vget_low_s16( input_s16x8 ) );
                t_s32x4 = vmlal_s16( t_s32x4, vget_high_s16( input_s16x8 ), vget_high_s16( input_s16x8 ) );
                t_s64x2 = vaddw_s32( t_s64x2, vget_low_s32( t_s32x4 ) );
                t_s64x2 = vaddw_s32( t_s64x2, vget_high_s32( t_s32x4 ) );
                inputT += 8;
            t_s64x1 = vadd_s64( vget_low_s64( t_s64x2 ), vget_high_s64( t_s64x2 ) );
            corr_QC_orderT = vget_lane_s64( t_s64x1, 0 );
            for( ; n < length; n++ ) {
                corr_QC_orderT += silk_SMULL( input[ n ], input[ n ] );
            corr_QC_orderT = silk_LSHIFT64( corr_QC_orderT, QC );
            corr_QC[ orderT ] = corr_QC_orderT;

        corr_QCT = corr_QC + orderT - order;
        lsh = silk_CLZ64( corr_QC_orderT ) - 35;
        lsh = silk_LIMIT( lsh, -12 - QC, 30 - QC );
        *scale = -( QC + lsh );
        silk_assert( *scale >= -30 && *scale <= 12 );
        lsh_s64x2 = vdupq_n_s64( lsh );
        for( i = 0; i <= order - 3; i += 4 ) {
            int32x4_t corr_s32x4;
            int64x2_t corr_QC0_s64x2, corr_QC1_s64x2;
            corr_QC0_s64x2 = vld1q_s64( corr_QCT + i );
            corr_QC1_s64x2 = vld1q_s64( corr_QCT + i + 2 );
            corr_QC0_s64x2 = vshlq_s64( corr_QC0_s64x2, lsh_s64x2 );
            corr_QC1_s64x2 = vshlq_s64( corr_QC1_s64x2, lsh_s64x2 );
            corr_s32x4     = vcombine_s32( vmovn_s64( corr_QC1_s64x2 ), vmovn_s64( corr_QC0_s64x2 ) );
            corr_s32x4     = vrev64q_s32( corr_s32x4 );
            vst1q_s32( corr + order - i - 3, corr_s32x4 );
        if( lsh >= 0 ) {
            for( ; i < order + 1; i++ ) {
                corr[ order - i ] = (opus_int32)silk_CHECK_FIT32( silk_LSHIFT64( corr_QCT[ i ], lsh ) );
        } else {
            for( ; i < order + 1; i++ ) {
                corr[ order - i ] = (opus_int32)silk_CHECK_FIT32( silk_RSHIFT64( corr_QCT[ i ], -lsh ) );
        silk_assert( corr_QCT[ order ] >= 0 ); /* If breaking, decrease QC*/

        opus_int32 corr_c[ MAX_SHAPE_LPC_ORDER + 1 ];
        opus_int   scale_c;
        silk_warped_autocorrelation_FIX_c( corr_c, &scale_c, input, warping_Q16, length, order );
        silk_assert( !memcmp( corr_c, corr, sizeof( corr_c[ 0 ] ) * ( order + 1 ) ) );
        silk_assert( scale_c == *scale );
예제 #10
파일: enc_API.c 프로젝트: kode54/Cog
/* encControl->payloadSize_ms is set to                                                                         */
opus_int silk_Encode(                                   /* O    Returns error code                              */
    void                            *encState,          /* I/O  State                                           */
    silk_EncControlStruct           *encControl,        /* I    Control status                                  */
    const opus_int16                *samplesIn,         /* I    Speech sample input vector                      */
    opus_int                        nSamplesIn,         /* I    Number of samples in input vector               */
    ec_enc                          *psRangeEnc,        /* I/O  Compressor data structure                       */
    opus_int32                      *nBytesOut,         /* I/O  Number of bytes in payload (input: Max bytes)   */
    const opus_int                  prefillFlag         /* I    Flag to indicate prefilling buffers no coding   */
    opus_int   n, i, nBits, flags, tmp_payloadSize_ms = 0, tmp_complexity = 0, ret = 0;
    opus_int   nSamplesToBuffer, nSamplesToBufferMax, nBlocksOf10ms;
    opus_int   nSamplesFromInput = 0, nSamplesFromInputMax;
    opus_int   speech_act_thr_for_switch_Q8;
    opus_int32 TargetRate_bps, MStargetRates_bps[ 2 ], channelRate_bps, LBRR_symbol, sum;
    silk_encoder *psEnc = ( silk_encoder * )encState;
    VARDECL( opus_int16, buf );
    opus_int transition, curr_block, tot_blocks;

    if (encControl->reducedDependency)
       psEnc->state_Fxx[0].sCmn.first_frame_after_reset = 1;
       psEnc->state_Fxx[1].sCmn.first_frame_after_reset = 1;
    psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.nFramesEncoded = psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.nFramesEncoded = 0;

    /* Check values in encoder control structure */
    if( ( ret = check_control_input( encControl ) ) != 0 ) {
        silk_assert( 0 );
        return ret;

    encControl->switchReady = 0;

    if( encControl->nChannelsInternal > psEnc->nChannelsInternal ) {
        /* Mono -> Stereo transition: init state of second channel and stereo state */
        ret += silk_init_encoder( &psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ], psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.arch );
        silk_memset( psEnc->sStereo.pred_prev_Q13, 0, sizeof( psEnc->sStereo.pred_prev_Q13 ) );
        silk_memset( psEnc->sStereo.sSide, 0, sizeof( psEnc->sStereo.sSide ) );
        psEnc->sStereo.mid_side_amp_Q0[ 0 ] = 0;
        psEnc->sStereo.mid_side_amp_Q0[ 1 ] = 1;
        psEnc->sStereo.mid_side_amp_Q0[ 2 ] = 0;
        psEnc->sStereo.mid_side_amp_Q0[ 3 ] = 1;
        psEnc->sStereo.width_prev_Q14 = 0;
        psEnc->sStereo.smth_width_Q14 = SILK_FIX_CONST( 1, 14 );
        if( psEnc->nChannelsAPI == 2 ) {
            silk_memcpy( &psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.resampler_state, &psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.resampler_state, sizeof( silk_resampler_state_struct ) );
            silk_memcpy( &psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.In_HP_State,     &psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.In_HP_State,     sizeof( psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.In_HP_State ) );

    transition = (encControl->payloadSize_ms != psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.PacketSize_ms) || (psEnc->nChannelsInternal != encControl->nChannelsInternal);

    psEnc->nChannelsAPI = encControl->nChannelsAPI;
    psEnc->nChannelsInternal = encControl->nChannelsInternal;

    nBlocksOf10ms = silk_DIV32( 100 * nSamplesIn, encControl->API_sampleRate );
    tot_blocks = ( nBlocksOf10ms > 1 ) ? nBlocksOf10ms >> 1 : 1;
    curr_block = 0;
    if( prefillFlag ) {
        /* Only accept input length of 10 ms */
        if( nBlocksOf10ms != 1 ) {
            silk_assert( 0 );
        /* Reset Encoder */
        for( n = 0; n < encControl->nChannelsInternal; n++ ) {
            ret = silk_init_encoder( &psEnc->state_Fxx[ n ], psEnc->state_Fxx[ n ].sCmn.arch );
            silk_assert( !ret );
        tmp_payloadSize_ms = encControl->payloadSize_ms;
        encControl->payloadSize_ms = 10;
        tmp_complexity = encControl->complexity;
        encControl->complexity = 0;
        for( n = 0; n < encControl->nChannelsInternal; n++ ) {
            psEnc->state_Fxx[ n ].sCmn.controlled_since_last_payload = 0;
            psEnc->state_Fxx[ n ].sCmn.prefillFlag = 1;
    } else {
        /* Only accept input lengths that are a multiple of 10 ms */
        if( nBlocksOf10ms * encControl->API_sampleRate != 100 * nSamplesIn || nSamplesIn < 0 ) {
            silk_assert( 0 );
        /* Make sure no more than one packet can be produced */
        if( 1000 * (opus_int32)nSamplesIn > encControl->payloadSize_ms * encControl->API_sampleRate ) {
            silk_assert( 0 );

    TargetRate_bps = silk_RSHIFT32( encControl->bitRate, encControl->nChannelsInternal - 1 );
    for( n = 0; n < encControl->nChannelsInternal; n++ ) {
        /* Force the side channel to the same rate as the mid */
        opus_int force_fs_kHz = (n==1) ? psEnc->state_Fxx[0].sCmn.fs_kHz : 0;
        if( ( ret = silk_control_encoder( &psEnc->state_Fxx[ n ], encControl, TargetRate_bps, psEnc->allowBandwidthSwitch, n, force_fs_kHz ) ) != 0 ) {
            silk_assert( 0 );
            return ret;
        if( psEnc->state_Fxx[n].sCmn.first_frame_after_reset || transition ) {
            for( i = 0; i < psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.nFramesPerPacket; i++ ) {
                psEnc->state_Fxx[ n ].sCmn.LBRR_flags[ i ] = 0;
        psEnc->state_Fxx[ n ].sCmn.inDTX = psEnc->state_Fxx[ n ].sCmn.useDTX;
    silk_assert( encControl->nChannelsInternal == 1 || psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.fs_kHz == psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.fs_kHz );

    /* Input buffering/resampling and encoding */
    nSamplesToBufferMax =
        10 * nBlocksOf10ms * psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.fs_kHz;
    nSamplesFromInputMax =
        silk_DIV32_16( nSamplesToBufferMax *
                           psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.API_fs_Hz,
                       psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.fs_kHz * 1000 );
    ALLOC( buf, nSamplesFromInputMax, opus_int16 );
    while( 1 ) {
        nSamplesToBuffer  = psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.frame_length - psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.inputBufIx;
        nSamplesToBuffer  = silk_min( nSamplesToBuffer, nSamplesToBufferMax );
        nSamplesFromInput = silk_DIV32_16( nSamplesToBuffer * psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.API_fs_Hz, psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.fs_kHz * 1000 );
        /* Resample and write to buffer */
        if( encControl->nChannelsAPI == 2 && encControl->nChannelsInternal == 2 ) {
            opus_int id = psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.nFramesEncoded;
            for( n = 0; n < nSamplesFromInput; n++ ) {
                buf[ n ] = samplesIn[ 2 * n ];
            /* Making sure to start both resamplers from the same state when switching from mono to stereo */
            if( psEnc->nPrevChannelsInternal == 1 && id==0 ) {
               silk_memcpy( &psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.resampler_state, &psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.resampler_state, sizeof(psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.resampler_state));

            ret += silk_resampler( &psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.resampler_state,
                &psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.inputBuf[ psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.inputBufIx + 2 ], buf, nSamplesFromInput );
            psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.inputBufIx += nSamplesToBuffer;

            nSamplesToBuffer  = psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.frame_length - psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.inputBufIx;
            nSamplesToBuffer  = silk_min( nSamplesToBuffer, 10 * nBlocksOf10ms * psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.fs_kHz );
            for( n = 0; n < nSamplesFromInput; n++ ) {
                buf[ n ] = samplesIn[ 2 * n + 1 ];
            ret += silk_resampler( &psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.resampler_state,
                &psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.inputBuf[ psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.inputBufIx + 2 ], buf, nSamplesFromInput );

            psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.inputBufIx += nSamplesToBuffer;
        } else if( encControl->nChannelsAPI == 2 && encControl->nChannelsInternal == 1 ) {
            /* Combine left and right channels before resampling */
            for( n = 0; n < nSamplesFromInput; n++ ) {
                sum = samplesIn[ 2 * n ] + samplesIn[ 2 * n + 1 ];
                buf[ n ] = (opus_int16)silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( sum,  1 );
            ret += silk_resampler( &psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.resampler_state,
                &psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.inputBuf[ psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.inputBufIx + 2 ], buf, nSamplesFromInput );
            /* On the first mono frame, average the results for the two resampler states  */
            if( psEnc->nPrevChannelsInternal == 2 && psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.nFramesEncoded == 0 ) {
               ret += silk_resampler( &psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.resampler_state,
                   &psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.inputBuf[ psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.inputBufIx + 2 ], buf, nSamplesFromInput );
               for( n = 0; n < psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.frame_length; n++ ) {
                  psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.inputBuf[ psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.inputBufIx+n+2 ] =
                        silk_RSHIFT(psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.inputBuf[ psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.inputBufIx+n+2 ]
                                  + psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.inputBuf[ psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.inputBufIx+n+2 ], 1);
            psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.inputBufIx += nSamplesToBuffer;
        } else {
            silk_assert( encControl->nChannelsAPI == 1 && encControl->nChannelsInternal == 1 );
            silk_memcpy(buf, samplesIn, nSamplesFromInput*sizeof(opus_int16));
            ret += silk_resampler( &psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.resampler_state,
                &psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.inputBuf[ psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.inputBufIx + 2 ], buf, nSamplesFromInput );
            psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.inputBufIx += nSamplesToBuffer;

        samplesIn  += nSamplesFromInput * encControl->nChannelsAPI;
        nSamplesIn -= nSamplesFromInput;

        /* Default */
        psEnc->allowBandwidthSwitch = 0;

        /* Silk encoder */
        if( psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.inputBufIx >= psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.frame_length ) {
            /* Enough data in input buffer, so encode */
            silk_assert( psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.inputBufIx == psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.frame_length );
            silk_assert( encControl->nChannelsInternal == 1 || psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.inputBufIx == psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.frame_length );

            /* Deal with LBRR data */
            if( psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.nFramesEncoded == 0 && !prefillFlag ) {
                /* Create space at start of payload for VAD and FEC flags */
                opus_uint8 iCDF[ 2 ] = { 0, 0 };
                iCDF[ 0 ] = 256 - silk_RSHIFT( 256, ( psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.nFramesPerPacket + 1 ) * encControl->nChannelsInternal );
                ec_enc_icdf( psRangeEnc, 0, iCDF, 8 );

                /* Encode any LBRR data from previous packet */
                /* Encode LBRR flags */
                for( n = 0; n < encControl->nChannelsInternal; n++ ) {
                    LBRR_symbol = 0;
                    for( i = 0; i < psEnc->state_Fxx[ n ].sCmn.nFramesPerPacket; i++ ) {
                        LBRR_symbol |= silk_LSHIFT( psEnc->state_Fxx[ n ].sCmn.LBRR_flags[ i ], i );
                    psEnc->state_Fxx[ n ].sCmn.LBRR_flag = LBRR_symbol > 0 ? 1 : 0;
                    if( LBRR_symbol && psEnc->state_Fxx[ n ].sCmn.nFramesPerPacket > 1 ) {
                        ec_enc_icdf( psRangeEnc, LBRR_symbol - 1, silk_LBRR_flags_iCDF_ptr[ psEnc->state_Fxx[ n ].sCmn.nFramesPerPacket - 2 ], 8 );

                /* Code LBRR indices and excitation signals */
                for( i = 0; i < psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.nFramesPerPacket; i++ ) {
                    for( n = 0; n < encControl->nChannelsInternal; n++ ) {
                        if( psEnc->state_Fxx[ n ].sCmn.LBRR_flags[ i ] ) {
                            opus_int condCoding;

                            if( encControl->nChannelsInternal == 2 && n == 0 ) {
                                silk_stereo_encode_pred( psRangeEnc, psEnc->sStereo.predIx[ i ] );
                                /* For LBRR data there's no need to code the mid-only flag if the side-channel LBRR flag is set */
                                if( psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.LBRR_flags[ i ] == 0 ) {
                                    silk_stereo_encode_mid_only( psRangeEnc, psEnc->sStereo.mid_only_flags[ i ] );
                            /* Use conditional coding if previous frame available */
                            if( i > 0 && psEnc->state_Fxx[ n ].sCmn.LBRR_flags[ i - 1 ] ) {
                                condCoding = CODE_CONDITIONALLY;
                            } else {
                                condCoding = CODE_INDEPENDENTLY;
                            silk_encode_indices( &psEnc->state_Fxx[ n ].sCmn, psRangeEnc, i, 1, condCoding );
                            silk_encode_pulses( psRangeEnc, psEnc->state_Fxx[ n ].sCmn.indices_LBRR[i].signalType, psEnc->state_Fxx[ n ].sCmn.indices_LBRR[i].quantOffsetType,
                                psEnc->state_Fxx[ n ].sCmn.pulses_LBRR[ i ], psEnc->state_Fxx[ n ].sCmn.frame_length );

                /* Reset LBRR flags */
                for( n = 0; n < encControl->nChannelsInternal; n++ ) {
                    silk_memset( psEnc->state_Fxx[ n ].sCmn.LBRR_flags, 0, sizeof( psEnc->state_Fxx[ n ].sCmn.LBRR_flags ) );

                psEnc->nBitsUsedLBRR = ec_tell( psRangeEnc );

            silk_HP_variable_cutoff( psEnc->state_Fxx );

            /* Total target bits for packet */
            nBits = silk_DIV32_16( silk_MUL( encControl->bitRate, encControl->payloadSize_ms ), 1000 );
            /* Subtract bits used for LBRR */
            if( !prefillFlag ) {
                nBits -= psEnc->nBitsUsedLBRR;
            /* Divide by number of uncoded frames left in packet */
            nBits = silk_DIV32_16( nBits, psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.nFramesPerPacket );
            /* Convert to bits/second */
            if( encControl->payloadSize_ms == 10 ) {
                TargetRate_bps = silk_SMULBB( nBits, 100 );
            } else {
                TargetRate_bps = silk_SMULBB( nBits, 50 );
            /* Subtract fraction of bits in excess of target in previous frames and packets */
            TargetRate_bps -= silk_DIV32_16( silk_MUL( psEnc->nBitsExceeded, 1000 ), BITRESERVOIR_DECAY_TIME_MS );
            if( !prefillFlag && psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.nFramesEncoded > 0 ) {
                /* Compare actual vs target bits so far in this packet */
                opus_int32 bitsBalance = ec_tell( psRangeEnc ) - psEnc->nBitsUsedLBRR - nBits * psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.nFramesEncoded;
                TargetRate_bps -= silk_DIV32_16( silk_MUL( bitsBalance, 1000 ), BITRESERVOIR_DECAY_TIME_MS );
            /* Never exceed input bitrate */
            TargetRate_bps = silk_LIMIT( TargetRate_bps, encControl->bitRate, 5000 );

            /* Convert Left/Right to Mid/Side */
            if( encControl->nChannelsInternal == 2 ) {
                silk_stereo_LR_to_MS( &psEnc->sStereo, &psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.inputBuf[ 2 ], &psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.inputBuf[ 2 ],
                    psEnc->sStereo.predIx[ psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.nFramesEncoded ], &psEnc->sStereo.mid_only_flags[ psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.nFramesEncoded ],
                    MStargetRates_bps, TargetRate_bps, psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.speech_activity_Q8, encControl->toMono,
                    psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.fs_kHz, psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.frame_length );
                if( psEnc->sStereo.mid_only_flags[ psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.nFramesEncoded ] == 0 ) {
                    /* Reset side channel encoder memory for first frame with side coding */
                    if( psEnc->prev_decode_only_middle == 1 ) {
                        silk_memset( &psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sShape,               0, sizeof( psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sShape ) );
                        silk_memset( &psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sPrefilt,             0, sizeof( psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sPrefilt ) );
                        silk_memset( &psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.sNSQ,            0, sizeof( psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.sNSQ ) );
                        silk_memset( psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.prev_NLSFq_Q15,   0, sizeof( psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.prev_NLSFq_Q15 ) );
                        silk_memset( &psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.sLP.In_LP_State, 0, sizeof( psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.sLP.In_LP_State ) );
                        psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.prevLag                 = 100;
                        psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.sNSQ.lagPrev            = 100;
                        psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sShape.LastGainIndex         = 10;
                        psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.prevSignalType          = TYPE_NO_VOICE_ACTIVITY;
                        psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.sNSQ.prev_gain_Q16      = 65536;
                        psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.first_frame_after_reset = 1;
                    silk_encode_do_VAD_Fxx( &psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ] );
                } else {
                    psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.VAD_flags[ psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.nFramesEncoded ] = 0;
                if( !prefillFlag ) {
                    silk_stereo_encode_pred( psRangeEnc, psEnc->sStereo.predIx[ psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.nFramesEncoded ] );
                    if( psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.VAD_flags[ psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.nFramesEncoded ] == 0 ) {
                        silk_stereo_encode_mid_only( psRangeEnc, psEnc->sStereo.mid_only_flags[ psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.nFramesEncoded ] );
            } else {
                /* Buffering */
                silk_memcpy( psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.inputBuf, psEnc->sStereo.sMid, 2 * sizeof( opus_int16 ) );
                silk_memcpy( psEnc->sStereo.sMid, &psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.inputBuf[ psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.frame_length ], 2 * sizeof( opus_int16 ) );
            silk_encode_do_VAD_Fxx( &psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ] );

            /* Encode */
            for( n = 0; n < encControl->nChannelsInternal; n++ ) {
                opus_int maxBits, useCBR;

                /* Handling rate constraints */
                maxBits = encControl->maxBits;
                if( tot_blocks == 2 && curr_block == 0 ) {
                    maxBits = maxBits * 3 / 5;
                } else if( tot_blocks == 3 ) {
                    if( curr_block == 0 ) {
                        maxBits = maxBits * 2 / 5;
                    } else if( curr_block == 1 ) {
                        maxBits = maxBits * 3 / 4;
                useCBR = encControl->useCBR && curr_block == tot_blocks - 1;

                if( encControl->nChannelsInternal == 1 ) {
                    channelRate_bps = TargetRate_bps;
                } else {
                    channelRate_bps = MStargetRates_bps[ n ];
                    if( n == 0 && MStargetRates_bps[ 1 ] > 0 ) {
                        useCBR = 0;
                        /* Give mid up to 1/2 of the max bits for that frame */
                        maxBits -= encControl->maxBits / ( tot_blocks * 2 );

                if( channelRate_bps > 0 ) {
                    opus_int condCoding;

                    silk_control_SNR( &psEnc->state_Fxx[ n ].sCmn, channelRate_bps );

                    /* Use independent coding if no previous frame available */
                    if( psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.nFramesEncoded - n <= 0 ) {
                        condCoding = CODE_INDEPENDENTLY;
                    } else if( n > 0 && psEnc->prev_decode_only_middle ) {
                        /* If we skipped a side frame in this packet, we don't
                           need LTP scaling; the LTP state is well-defined. */
                        condCoding = CODE_INDEPENDENTLY_NO_LTP_SCALING;
                    } else {
                        condCoding = CODE_CONDITIONALLY;
                    if( ( ret = silk_encode_frame_Fxx( &psEnc->state_Fxx[ n ], nBytesOut, psRangeEnc, condCoding, maxBits, useCBR ) ) != 0 ) {
                        silk_assert( 0 );
                psEnc->state_Fxx[ n ].sCmn.controlled_since_last_payload = 0;
                psEnc->state_Fxx[ n ].sCmn.inputBufIx = 0;
                psEnc->state_Fxx[ n ].sCmn.nFramesEncoded++;
            psEnc->prev_decode_only_middle = psEnc->sStereo.mid_only_flags[ psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.nFramesEncoded - 1 ];

            /* Insert VAD and FEC flags at beginning of bitstream */
            if( *nBytesOut > 0 && psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.nFramesEncoded == psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.nFramesPerPacket) {
                flags = 0;
                for( n = 0; n < encControl->nChannelsInternal; n++ ) {
                    for( i = 0; i < psEnc->state_Fxx[ n ].sCmn.nFramesPerPacket; i++ ) {
                        flags  = silk_LSHIFT( flags, 1 );
                        flags |= psEnc->state_Fxx[ n ].sCmn.VAD_flags[ i ];
                    flags  = silk_LSHIFT( flags, 1 );
                    flags |= psEnc->state_Fxx[ n ].sCmn.LBRR_flag;
                if( !prefillFlag ) {
                    ec_enc_patch_initial_bits( psRangeEnc, flags, ( psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.nFramesPerPacket + 1 ) * encControl->nChannelsInternal );

                /* Return zero bytes if all channels DTXed */
                if( psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.inDTX && ( encControl->nChannelsInternal == 1 || psEnc->state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.inDTX ) ) {
                    *nBytesOut = 0;

                psEnc->nBitsExceeded += *nBytesOut * 8;
                psEnc->nBitsExceeded -= silk_DIV32_16( silk_MUL( encControl->bitRate, encControl->payloadSize_ms ), 1000 );
                psEnc->nBitsExceeded  = silk_LIMIT( psEnc->nBitsExceeded, 0, 10000 );

                /* Update flag indicating if bandwidth switching is allowed */
                speech_act_thr_for_switch_Q8 = (opus_int) silk_SMLAWB( SILK_FIX_CONST( SPEECH_ACTIVITY_DTX_THRES, 8 ),
                    SILK_FIX_CONST( ( 1 - SPEECH_ACTIVITY_DTX_THRES ) / MAX_BANDWIDTH_SWITCH_DELAY_MS, 16 + 8 ), psEnc->timeSinceSwitchAllowed_ms );
                if( psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.speech_activity_Q8 < speech_act_thr_for_switch_Q8 ) {
                    psEnc->allowBandwidthSwitch = 1;
                    psEnc->timeSinceSwitchAllowed_ms = 0;
                } else {
                    psEnc->allowBandwidthSwitch = 0;
                    psEnc->timeSinceSwitchAllowed_ms += encControl->payloadSize_ms;

            if( nSamplesIn == 0 ) {
        } else {

    psEnc->nPrevChannelsInternal = encControl->nChannelsInternal;

    encControl->allowBandwidthSwitch = psEnc->allowBandwidthSwitch;
    encControl->inWBmodeWithoutVariableLP = psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.fs_kHz == 16 && psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.sLP.mode == 0;
    encControl->internalSampleRate = silk_SMULBB( psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.fs_kHz, 1000 );
    encControl->stereoWidth_Q14 = encControl->toMono ? 0 : psEnc->sStereo.smth_width_Q14;
    if( prefillFlag ) {
        encControl->payloadSize_ms = tmp_payloadSize_ms;
        encControl->complexity = tmp_complexity;
        for( n = 0; n < encControl->nChannelsInternal; n++ ) {
            psEnc->state_Fxx[ n ].sCmn.controlled_since_last_payload = 0;
            psEnc->state_Fxx[ n ].sCmn.prefillFlag = 0;

    return ret;
예제 #11
/* Convert Left/Right stereo signal to adaptive Mid/Side representation */
void silk_stereo_LR_to_MS(
    stereo_enc_state            *state,                         /* I/O  State                                       */
    opus_int16                  x1[],                           /* I/O  Left input signal, becomes mid signal       */
    opus_int16                  x2[],                           /* I/O  Right input signal, becomes side signal     */
    opus_int8                   ix[ 2 ][ 3 ],                   /* O    Quantization indices                        */
    opus_int8                   *mid_only_flag,                 /* O    Flag: only mid signal coded                 */
    opus_int32                  mid_side_rates_bps[],           /* O    Bitrates for mid and side signals           */
    opus_int32                  total_rate_bps,                 /* I    Total bitrate                               */
    opus_int                    prev_speech_act_Q8,             /* I    Speech activity level in previous frame     */
    opus_int                    toMono,                         /* I    Last frame before a stereo->mono transition */
    opus_int                    fs_kHz,                         /* I    Sample rate (kHz)                           */
    opus_int                    frame_length                    /* I    Number of samples                           */
    opus_int   n, is10msFrame, denom_Q16, delta0_Q13, delta1_Q13;
    opus_int32 sum, diff, smooth_coef_Q16, pred_Q13[ 2 ], pred0_Q13, pred1_Q13;
    opus_int32 LP_ratio_Q14, HP_ratio_Q14, frac_Q16, frac_3_Q16, min_mid_rate_bps, width_Q14, w_Q24, deltaw_Q24;
    VARDECL( opus_int16, side );
    VARDECL( opus_int16, LP_mid );
    VARDECL( opus_int16, HP_mid );
    VARDECL( opus_int16, LP_side );
    VARDECL( opus_int16, HP_side );
    opus_int16 *mid = &x1[ -2 ];

    ALLOC( side, frame_length + 2, opus_int16 );
    /* Convert to basic mid/side signals */
    for( n = 0; n < frame_length + 2; n++ ) {
        sum  = x1[ n - 2 ] + (opus_int32)x2[ n - 2 ];
        diff = x1[ n - 2 ] - (opus_int32)x2[ n - 2 ];
        mid[  n ] = (opus_int16)silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( sum, 1 );
        side[ n ] = (opus_int16)silk_SAT16( silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( diff, 1 ) );

    /* Buffering */
    silk_memcpy( mid,  state->sMid,  2 * sizeof( opus_int16 ) );
    silk_memcpy( side, state->sSide, 2 * sizeof( opus_int16 ) );
    silk_memcpy( state->sMid,  &mid[  frame_length ], 2 * sizeof( opus_int16 ) );
    silk_memcpy( state->sSide, &side[ frame_length ], 2 * sizeof( opus_int16 ) );

    /* LP and HP filter mid signal */
    ALLOC( LP_mid, frame_length, opus_int16 );
    ALLOC( HP_mid, frame_length, opus_int16 );
    for( n = 0; n < frame_length; n++ ) {
        sum = silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( silk_ADD_LSHIFT( mid[ n ] + mid[ n + 2 ], mid[ n + 1 ], 1 ), 2 );
        LP_mid[ n ] = sum;
        HP_mid[ n ] = mid[ n + 1 ] - sum;

    /* LP and HP filter side signal */
    ALLOC( LP_side, frame_length, opus_int16 );
    ALLOC( HP_side, frame_length, opus_int16 );
    for( n = 0; n < frame_length; n++ ) {
        sum = silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( silk_ADD_LSHIFT( side[ n ] + side[ n + 2 ], side[ n + 1 ], 1 ), 2 );
        LP_side[ n ] = sum;
        HP_side[ n ] = side[ n + 1 ] - sum;

    /* Find energies and predictors */
    is10msFrame = frame_length == 10 * fs_kHz;
    smooth_coef_Q16 = is10msFrame ?
    smooth_coef_Q16 = silk_SMULWB( silk_SMULBB( prev_speech_act_Q8, prev_speech_act_Q8 ), smooth_coef_Q16 );

    pred_Q13[ 0 ] = silk_stereo_find_predictor( &LP_ratio_Q14, LP_mid, LP_side, &state->mid_side_amp_Q0[ 0 ], frame_length, smooth_coef_Q16 );
    pred_Q13[ 1 ] = silk_stereo_find_predictor( &HP_ratio_Q14, HP_mid, HP_side, &state->mid_side_amp_Q0[ 2 ], frame_length, smooth_coef_Q16 );
    /* Ratio of the norms of residual and mid signals */
    frac_Q16 = silk_SMLABB( HP_ratio_Q14, LP_ratio_Q14, 3 );
    frac_Q16 = silk_min( frac_Q16, SILK_FIX_CONST( 1, 16 ) );

    /* Determine bitrate distribution between mid and side, and possibly reduce stereo width */
    total_rate_bps -= is10msFrame ? 1200 : 600;      /* Subtract approximate bitrate for coding stereo parameters */
    if( total_rate_bps < 1 ) {
        total_rate_bps = 1;
    min_mid_rate_bps = silk_SMLABB( 2000, fs_kHz, 900 );
    silk_assert( min_mid_rate_bps < 32767 );
    /* Default bitrate distribution: 8 parts for Mid and (5+3*frac) parts for Side. so: mid_rate = ( 8 / ( 13 + 3 * frac ) ) * total_ rate */
    frac_3_Q16 = silk_MUL( 3, frac_Q16 );
    mid_side_rates_bps[ 0 ] = silk_DIV32_varQ( total_rate_bps, SILK_FIX_CONST( 8 + 5, 16 ) + frac_3_Q16, 16+3 );
    /* If Mid bitrate below minimum, reduce stereo width */
    if( mid_side_rates_bps[ 0 ] < min_mid_rate_bps ) {
        mid_side_rates_bps[ 0 ] = min_mid_rate_bps;
        mid_side_rates_bps[ 1 ] = total_rate_bps - mid_side_rates_bps[ 0 ];
        /* width = 4 * ( 2 * side_rate - min_rate ) / ( ( 1 + 3 * frac ) * min_rate ) */
        width_Q14 = silk_DIV32_varQ( silk_LSHIFT( mid_side_rates_bps[ 1 ], 1 ) - min_mid_rate_bps,
            silk_SMULWB( SILK_FIX_CONST( 1, 16 ) + frac_3_Q16, min_mid_rate_bps ), 14+2 );
        width_Q14 = silk_LIMIT( width_Q14, 0, SILK_FIX_CONST( 1, 14 ) );
    } else {
        mid_side_rates_bps[ 1 ] = total_rate_bps - mid_side_rates_bps[ 0 ];
        width_Q14 = SILK_FIX_CONST( 1, 14 );

    /* Smoother */
    state->smth_width_Q14 = (opus_int16)silk_SMLAWB( state->smth_width_Q14, width_Q14 - state->smth_width_Q14, smooth_coef_Q16 );

    /* At very low bitrates or for inputs that are nearly amplitude panned, switch to panned-mono coding */
    *mid_only_flag = 0;
    if( toMono ) {
        /* Last frame before stereo->mono transition; collapse stereo width */
        width_Q14 = 0;
        pred_Q13[ 0 ] = 0;
        pred_Q13[ 1 ] = 0;
        silk_stereo_quant_pred( pred_Q13, ix );
    } else if( state->width_prev_Q14 == 0 &&
        ( 8 * total_rate_bps < 13 * min_mid_rate_bps || silk_SMULWB( frac_Q16, state->smth_width_Q14 ) < SILK_FIX_CONST( 0.05, 14 ) ) )
        /* Code as panned-mono; previous frame already had zero width */
        /* Scale down and quantize predictors */
        pred_Q13[ 0 ] = silk_RSHIFT( silk_SMULBB( state->smth_width_Q14, pred_Q13[ 0 ] ), 14 );
        pred_Q13[ 1 ] = silk_RSHIFT( silk_SMULBB( state->smth_width_Q14, pred_Q13[ 1 ] ), 14 );
        silk_stereo_quant_pred( pred_Q13, ix );
        /* Collapse stereo width */
        width_Q14 = 0;
        pred_Q13[ 0 ] = 0;
        pred_Q13[ 1 ] = 0;
        mid_side_rates_bps[ 0 ] = total_rate_bps;
        mid_side_rates_bps[ 1 ] = 0;
        *mid_only_flag = 1;
    } else if( state->width_prev_Q14 != 0 &&
        ( 8 * total_rate_bps < 11 * min_mid_rate_bps || silk_SMULWB( frac_Q16, state->smth_width_Q14 ) < SILK_FIX_CONST( 0.02, 14 ) ) )
        /* Transition to zero-width stereo */
        /* Scale down and quantize predictors */
        pred_Q13[ 0 ] = silk_RSHIFT( silk_SMULBB( state->smth_width_Q14, pred_Q13[ 0 ] ), 14 );
        pred_Q13[ 1 ] = silk_RSHIFT( silk_SMULBB( state->smth_width_Q14, pred_Q13[ 1 ] ), 14 );
        silk_stereo_quant_pred( pred_Q13, ix );
        /* Collapse stereo width */
        width_Q14 = 0;
        pred_Q13[ 0 ] = 0;
        pred_Q13[ 1 ] = 0;
    } else if( state->smth_width_Q14 > SILK_FIX_CONST( 0.95, 14 ) ) {
        /* Full-width stereo coding */
        silk_stereo_quant_pred( pred_Q13, ix );
        width_Q14 = SILK_FIX_CONST( 1, 14 );
    } else {
        /* Reduced-width stereo coding; scale down and quantize predictors */
        pred_Q13[ 0 ] = silk_RSHIFT( silk_SMULBB( state->smth_width_Q14, pred_Q13[ 0 ] ), 14 );
        pred_Q13[ 1 ] = silk_RSHIFT( silk_SMULBB( state->smth_width_Q14, pred_Q13[ 1 ] ), 14 );
        silk_stereo_quant_pred( pred_Q13, ix );
        width_Q14 = state->smth_width_Q14;

    /* Make sure to keep on encoding until the tapered output has been transmitted */
    if( *mid_only_flag == 1 ) {
        state->silent_side_len += frame_length - STEREO_INTERP_LEN_MS * fs_kHz;
        if( state->silent_side_len < LA_SHAPE_MS * fs_kHz ) {
            *mid_only_flag = 0;
        } else {
            /* Limit to avoid wrapping around */
            state->silent_side_len = 10000;
    } else {
        state->silent_side_len = 0;

    if( *mid_only_flag == 0 && mid_side_rates_bps[ 1 ] < 1 ) {
        mid_side_rates_bps[ 1 ] = 1;
        mid_side_rates_bps[ 0 ] = silk_max_int( 1, total_rate_bps - mid_side_rates_bps[ 1 ]);

    /* Interpolate predictors and subtract prediction from side channel */
    pred0_Q13  = -state->pred_prev_Q13[ 0 ];
    pred1_Q13  = -state->pred_prev_Q13[ 1 ];
    w_Q24      =  silk_LSHIFT( state->width_prev_Q14, 10 );
    denom_Q16  = silk_DIV32_16( (opus_int32)1 << 16, STEREO_INTERP_LEN_MS * fs_kHz );
    delta0_Q13 = -silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( silk_SMULBB( pred_Q13[ 0 ] - state->pred_prev_Q13[ 0 ], denom_Q16 ), 16 );
    delta1_Q13 = -silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( silk_SMULBB( pred_Q13[ 1 ] - state->pred_prev_Q13[ 1 ], denom_Q16 ), 16 );
    deltaw_Q24 =  silk_LSHIFT( silk_SMULWB( width_Q14 - state->width_prev_Q14, denom_Q16 ), 10 );
    for( n = 0; n < STEREO_INTERP_LEN_MS * fs_kHz; n++ ) {
        pred0_Q13 += delta0_Q13;
        pred1_Q13 += delta1_Q13;
        w_Q24   += deltaw_Q24;
        sum = silk_LSHIFT( silk_ADD_LSHIFT( mid[ n ] + mid[ n + 2 ], mid[ n + 1 ], 1 ), 9 );    /* Q11 */
        sum = silk_SMLAWB( silk_SMULWB( w_Q24, side[ n + 1 ] ), sum, pred0_Q13 );               /* Q8  */
        sum = silk_SMLAWB( sum, silk_LSHIFT( (opus_int32)mid[ n + 1 ], 11 ), pred1_Q13 );       /* Q8  */
        x2[ n - 1 ] = (opus_int16)silk_SAT16( silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( sum, 8 ) );

    pred0_Q13 = -pred_Q13[ 0 ];
    pred1_Q13 = -pred_Q13[ 1 ];
    w_Q24     =  silk_LSHIFT( width_Q14, 10 );
    for( n = STEREO_INTERP_LEN_MS * fs_kHz; n < frame_length; n++ ) {
        sum = silk_LSHIFT( silk_ADD_LSHIFT( mid[ n ] + mid[ n + 2 ], mid[ n + 1 ], 1 ), 9 );    /* Q11 */
        sum = silk_SMLAWB( silk_SMULWB( w_Q24, side[ n + 1 ] ), sum, pred0_Q13 );               /* Q8  */
        sum = silk_SMLAWB( sum, silk_LSHIFT( (opus_int32)mid[ n + 1 ], 11 ), pred1_Q13 );       /* Q8  */
        x2[ n - 1 ] = (opus_int16)silk_SAT16( silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( sum, 8 ) );
    state->pred_prev_Q13[ 0 ] = (opus_int16)pred_Q13[ 0 ];
    state->pred_prev_Q13[ 1 ] = (opus_int16)pred_Q13[ 1 ];
    state->width_prev_Q14     = (opus_int16)width_Q14;