void GERBER_PLOTTER::Arc( const wxPoint& aCenter, double aStAngle, double aEndAngle,
                          int aRadius, FILL_T aFill, int aWidth )
    SetCurrentLineWidth( aWidth );

    wxPoint start, end;
    start.x = aCenter.x + KiROUND( cosdecideg( aRadius, aStAngle ) );
    start.y = aCenter.y - KiROUND( sindecideg( aRadius, aStAngle ) );
    MoveTo( start );
    end.x = aCenter.x + KiROUND( cosdecideg( aRadius, aEndAngle ) );
    end.y = aCenter.y - KiROUND( sindecideg( aRadius, aEndAngle ) );
    DPOINT devEnd = userToDeviceCoordinates( end );
    DPOINT devCenter = userToDeviceCoordinates( aCenter ) - userToDeviceCoordinates( start );

    fprintf( outputFile, "G75*\n" ); // Multiquadrant mode

    if( aStAngle < aEndAngle )
        fprintf( outputFile, "G03" );
        fprintf( outputFile, "G02" );

    fprintf( outputFile, "X%dY%dI%dJ%dD01*\n",
             KiROUND( devEnd.x ), KiROUND( devEnd.y ),
             KiROUND( devCenter.x ), KiROUND( devCenter.y ) );
    fprintf( outputFile, "G01*\n" ); // Back to linear interp.
예제 #2
void PLOTTER::Arc( const wxPoint& centre, double StAngle, double EndAngle, int radius,
                   FILL_T fill, int width )
    wxPoint   start, end;
    const int delta = 50;   // increment (in 0.1 degrees) to draw circles

    if( StAngle > EndAngle )
        std::swap( StAngle, EndAngle );

    SetCurrentLineWidth( width );
    /* Please NOTE the different sign due to Y-axis flip */
    start.x = centre.x + KiROUND( cosdecideg( radius, -StAngle ) );
    start.y = centre.y + KiROUND( sindecideg( radius, -StAngle ) );
    MoveTo( start );
    for( int ii = StAngle + delta; ii < EndAngle; ii += delta )
        end.x = centre.x + KiROUND( cosdecideg( radius, -ii ) );
        end.y = centre.y + KiROUND( sindecideg( radius, -ii ) );
        LineTo( end );

    end.x = centre.x + KiROUND( cosdecideg( radius, -EndAngle ) );
    end.y = centre.y + KiROUND( sindecideg( radius, -EndAngle ) );
    FinishTo( end );
/* Plot an arc:
 * Center = center coord
 * Stangl, endAngle = angle of beginning and end
 * Radius = radius of the arc
 * Command
 * PU PY x, y; PD start_arc_X AA, start_arc_Y, angle, NbSegm; PU;
 * Or PU PY x, y; PD start_arc_X AA, start_arc_Y, angle, PU;
void HPGL_PLOTTER::Arc( const wxPoint& centre, double StAngle, double EndAngle, int radius,
                        FILL_T fill, int width )
    wxASSERT( outputFile );
    double angle;

    if( radius <= 0 )

    DPOINT centre_dev = userToDeviceCoordinates( centre );

    if( m_plotMirror )
        angle = StAngle - EndAngle;
        angle = EndAngle - StAngle;

    NORMALIZE_ANGLE_180( angle );
    angle /= 10;

    // Calculate arc start point:
    wxPoint cmap;
    cmap.x  = centre.x + KiROUND( cosdecideg( radius, StAngle ) );
    cmap.y  = centre.y - KiROUND( sindecideg( radius, StAngle ) );
    DPOINT  cmap_dev = userToDeviceCoordinates( cmap );

    fprintf( outputFile,
             "PU;PA %.0f,%.0f;PD;AA %.0f,%.0f,",
             cmap_dev.x, cmap_dev.y,
             centre_dev.x, centre_dev.y );
    fprintf( outputFile, "%.0f", angle );
    fprintf( outputFile, ";PU;\n" );
예제 #4
 * The PDF engine can't directly plot arcs, it uses the base emulation.
 * So no filled arcs (not a great loss... )
void PDF_PLOTTER::Arc( const wxPoint& centre, double StAngle, double EndAngle, int radius,
                      FILL_T fill, int width )
    wxASSERT( workFile );
    if( radius <= 0 )

    /* Arcs are not so easily approximated by beziers (in the general case),
       so we approximate them in the old way */
    wxPoint   start, end;
    const int delta = 50;   // increment (in 0.1 degrees) to draw circles

    if( StAngle > EndAngle )
        EXCHG( StAngle, EndAngle );

    SetCurrentLineWidth( width );

    // Usual trig arc plotting routine...
    start.x = centre.x + KiROUND( cosdecideg( radius, -StAngle ) );
    start.y = centre.y + KiROUND( sindecideg( radius, -StAngle ) );
    DPOINT pos_dev = userToDeviceCoordinates( start );
    fprintf( workFile, "%g %g m ", pos_dev.x, pos_dev.y );
    for( int ii = StAngle + delta; ii < EndAngle; ii += delta )
        end.x = centre.x + KiROUND( cosdecideg( radius, -ii ) );
        end.y = centre.y + KiROUND( sindecideg( radius, -ii ) );
        pos_dev = userToDeviceCoordinates( end );
        fprintf( workFile, "%g %g l ", pos_dev.x, pos_dev.y );

    end.x = centre.x + KiROUND( cosdecideg( radius, -EndAngle ) );
    end.y = centre.y + KiROUND( sindecideg( radius, -EndAngle ) );
    pos_dev = userToDeviceCoordinates( end );
    fprintf( workFile, "%g %g l ", pos_dev.x, pos_dev.y );

    // The arc is drawn... if not filled we stroke it, otherwise we finish
    // closing the pie at the center
    if( fill == NO_FILL )
        fputs( "S\n", workFile );
        pos_dev = userToDeviceCoordinates( centre );
        fprintf( workFile, "%g %g l b\n", pos_dev.x, pos_dev.y );
예제 #5
/* Fills all cells of the routing matrix contained in the circle
 * half-width = lg, center = ux0, uy0, ux1,uy1 is a point on the circle.
 * coord are in PCB units.
void TraceCircle( int ux0, int uy0, int ux1, int uy1, int lg, LAYER_NUM layer,
                  int color, int op_logic )
    int radius, nb_segm;
    int x0, y0,             // Starting point of the current segment trace.
        x1, y1;             // End point.
    int ii;
    int angle;

    radius = KiROUND( Distance( ux0, uy0, ux1, uy1 ) );

    x0 = x1 = radius;
    y0 = y1 = 0;

    if( lg < 1 )
        lg = 1;

    nb_segm = ( 2 * radius ) / lg;

    if( nb_segm < 5 )
        nb_segm = 5;

    if( nb_segm > 100 )
        nb_segm = 100;

    for( ii = 1; ii < nb_segm; ii++ )
        angle = (3600 * ii) / nb_segm;
        x1    = KiROUND( cosdecideg( radius, angle ) );
        y1    = KiROUND( sindecideg( radius, angle ) );
        DrawSegmentQcq( x0 + ux0, y0 + uy0, x1 + ux0, y1 + uy0, lg, layer, color, op_logic );
        x0 = x1;
        y0 = y1;

    DrawSegmentQcq( x1 + ux0, y1 + uy0, ux0 + radius, uy0, lg, layer, color, op_logic );