int main() { read_pars("input"); read_ensemble_pars(base_path,T,ibeta,nmass,mass,iml_un,nlights,data_list_file); TH=L=T/2; init_latpars(); int ncombo=nmass*nmass; //load all the corrs double *buf=new double[4*ncombo*T*(njack+1)]; FILE *fin=open_file(combine("%s/%s",base_path,corr_name).c_str(),"r"); int stat=fread(buf,sizeof(double),4*ncombo*(njack+1)*T,fin); if(stat!=4*ncombo*(njack+1)*T) { cerr<<"Error loading data!"<<endl; exit(1); } jvec M(ncombo,njack); jvec Z2(ncombo,njack); //define minuit staff TMinuit minu(2); minu.SetPrintLevel(-1); minu.SetFCN(chi2); corr_fit=new double[TH+1]; corr_err=new double[TH+1]; //fit each combo int ic=0; for(int ims=0;ims<nmass;ims++) for(int imc=ims;imc<nmass;imc++) { //take into account corr jvec corr1(T,njack),corr2(T,njack),corr; int ic1=0+2*(ims+nmass*(0+2*imc)); int ic2=1+2*(ims+nmass*(1+2*imc)); cout<<ims<<" "<<imc<<" "<<ic1<<" "<<ic2<<endl; corr1.put(buf+ic1*T*(njack+1)); corr2.put(buf+ic2*T*(njack+1)); corr=(corr1+corr2)/2; cout<<corr1[0]<<" "<<corr2[0]<<endl; //choose the index of the fitting interval if(ims>=nlights) ifit_int=2; else if(imc>=nlights) ifit_int=1; else ifit_int=0; //simmetrize corr=corr.simmetrized(parity); int ttmin=tmin[ifit_int]; int ttmax=tmax[ifit_int]; jvec Mcor=effective_mass(corr),Z2cor(TH+1,njack); jack Meff=constant_fit(Mcor,ttmin,ttmax); for(int t=0;t<=TH;t++) for(int ijack=0;ijack<=njack;ijack++) Z2cor[t].data[ijack]=corr[t].data[ijack]/fun_fit(1,Meff[ijack],t); jack Z2eff=constant_fit(Z2cor,ttmin,ttmax); if(!isnan(Z2eff[0])) minu.DefineParameter(0,"Z2",Z2eff[0],Z2eff.err(),0,2*Z2eff[0]); if(!isnan(Meff[0])) minu.DefineParameter(1,"M",Meff[0],Meff.err(),0,2*Meff[0]); for(int t=tmin[ifit_int];t<=tmax[ifit_int];t++) corr_err[t][t].err(); //jacknife analysis for(int ijack=0;ijack<njack+1;ijack++) { //copy data so that glob function may access it for(int t=tmin[ifit_int];t<=tmax[ifit_int];t++) corr_fit[t][t].data[ijack]; //fit double dum; minu.Migrad(); minu.GetParameter(0,[ic].data[ijack],dum); minu.GetParameter(1,[ic].data[ijack],dum); } //if((ims==iml_un||ims==nlights-1||ims==nlights||ims==nmass-1)&& //(imc==iml_un||imc==nlights-1||imc==nlights||imc==nmass-1)) { //plot eff mass { ofstream out(combine("eff_mass_plot_%02d_%02d.xmg",ims,imc).c_str()); out<<"@type xydy"<<endl; out<<"@s0 line type 0"<<endl; out<<Mcor<<endl; out<<"&"<<endl; out<<"@type xy"<<endl; double av_mass=M[ic].med(); double er_mass=M[ic].err(); out<<tmin[ifit_int]<<" "<<av_mass-er_mass<<endl; out<<tmax[ifit_int]<<" "<<av_mass-er_mass<<endl; out<<tmax[ifit_int]<<" "<<av_mass+er_mass<<endl; out<<tmin[ifit_int]<<" "<<av_mass+er_mass<<endl; out<<tmin[ifit_int]<<" "<<av_mass-er_mass<<endl; } //plot fun { ofstream out(combine("fun_plot_%02d_%02d.xmg",ims,imc).c_str()); out<<"@type xydy"<<endl; out<<"@s0 line type 0"<<endl; out<<corr<<endl; out<<"&"<<endl; out<<"@type xy"<<endl; for(int t=tmin[ifit_int];t<tmax[ifit_int];t++) out<<t<<" "<<fun_fit(Z2[ic][njack],M[ic][njack],t)<<endl; } } cout<<mass[ims]<<" "<<mass[imc]<<" "<<M[ic]<<" "<<Z2[ic]<<" f:"<<sqrt(Z2[ic])/(sinh(M[ic])*M[ic])*(mass[ims]+mass[imc])<<" fV:"<<Za_med[ibeta]*sqrt(Z2[ic])/M[ic]/lat[ibeta].med()<<endl; ic++; } ofstream out("fitted_mass.xmg"); out<<"@type xydy"<<endl; for(int ims=0;ims<nmass;ims++) { //out<<"s0 line type 0"<<endl; for(int imc=0;imc<nmass;imc++) out<<mass[imc]<<" "<<M[icombo(ims,imc,nmass,nlights,0)]<<endl; out<<"&"<<endl; } M.write_to_binfile(out_file); Z2.append_to_binfile(out_file); return 0; }
INLINE P YgooSmathYPfsinh(P x) { INTFLO iz, ix; ix.i = (PINT)x; iz.f = (float)sinh((double)ix.f); return (P)iz.i; }
float sinhf (float x) { return (float) sinh ((double) x); }
inline double _sinh(double arg) { return sinh(arg); }
void c_qd_sinh(const double *a, double *b) { qd_real bb; bb = sinh(qd_real(a)); TO_DOUBLE_PTR(bb, b); }
double Formulaeditor::factor(qint32& nPosition, QString& strCharacter) { qreal f = 0.0; qint32 wI = 0, wL = 0, wBeginn = 0, wError = 0; if (strCharacter == str_char(0)) return 0.0; // read digit and save as float in f if (((strCharacter >= "0") && (strCharacter <= "9")) || (strCharacter == ".")) { wBeginn = nPosition; do { char_n(nPosition, strCharacter); } while ((((strCharacter >= "0") && (strCharacter <= "9")) || (strCharacter == "."))); if (strCharacter == ".") { do { char_n(nPosition, strCharacter); } while (!(((qint8) >= 0) && ((qint8) <= 9)) || ( == '.')); } QString g_strF = m_strFunction.mid(wBeginn - 1, nPosition - wBeginn); f = g_strF.toFloat(); } else { QString strCharacterUpper = strCharacter.toUpper(); if (strCharacter == "(") { char_n(nPosition, strCharacter); f = expression(nPosition, strCharacter); if (strCharacter == ")") char_n(nPosition, strCharacter); } else if (strCharacterUpper == "X") { char_n(nPosition, strCharacter); f = m_dFktValue; } else { bool gefunden = false; qint32 AnzStdFunctions = m_strStandardFunction.length() - 1; for (wI = 1; wI <= AnzStdFunctions; wI++) { wL =; QString strFunktionUpper = m_strFunction.mid(nPosition - 1, wL); strFunktionUpper = strFunktionUpper.toUpper(); QString strDummy(; strDummy = strDummy.toUpper(); if (strFunktionUpper == strDummy) { gefunden = true; nPosition = nPosition + wL - 1; char_n(nPosition, strCharacter); // ! recursion !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! f = factor(nPosition, strCharacter); //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if (strFunktionUpper == "ABS") f = fabs(f); else if (strFunktionUpper == "SQRT") if (f >= 0) f = sqrt(f); else wError = -1; else if (strFunktionUpper == "SINH") f = sinh(f); else if (strFunktionUpper == "COSH") f = cosh(f); else if (strFunktionUpper == "TANH") f = tanh(f); else if (strFunktionUpper == "ARCTAN") f = atan(f); else if (strFunktionUpper == "LN") { if (f >= 0) f = log(f); else wError = -1; } else if (strFunktionUpper == "LOG") { if (f >= 0) f = log10(f); else wError = -1; } else if (strFunktionUpper == "EXP") { //if (f <= 41) f = exp(f); //else //wError = -1; } else if (strFunktionUpper == "SIN") f = sin(f); else if (strFunktionUpper == "COS") f = cos(f); else if (strFunktionUpper == "COT") f = cot(f); else if (strFunktionUpper == "TAN") { if (cos(f) != 0) f = tan(f); else wError = -1; } else if (strFunktionUpper == "ARCSIN") { if (fabs(f) < 1) f = asin(f); else wError = -1; } else if (strFunktionUpper == "ARCCOS") { if (fabs(f) <= 1) f = acos(f); else wError = -1; } else if (strFunktionUpper == "SIGN") f = signl(f); else if (strFunktionUpper == "RAD") f = RAD(f); else if (strFunktionUpper == "DEG") f = DEG(f); else if (strFunktionUpper == "ARSINH") f = ArSinh(f); else if (strFunktionUpper == "ARCOSH") { if (fabs(f) >= 1) f = ArCosh(f); else wError = -1; } else if (strFunktionUpper == "ARTANH") { if (fabs(f) <= 1) f = ArTanh(f); else wError = -1; } break; } } if (!gefunden) { char_n(nPosition, strCharacter); if (strCharacterUpper == "A") f = m_dFunctionConstant[0]; else if (strCharacterUpper == "B") f = m_dFunctionConstant[1]; else if (strCharacterUpper == "C") f = m_dFunctionConstant[2]; else if (strCharacterUpper == "D") f = m_dFunctionConstant[3]; else if (strCharacterUpper == "E") f = m_dFunctionConstant[4]; else if (strCharacterUpper == "F") f = m_dFunctionConstant[5]; else if (strCharacterUpper == "G") f = m_dFunctionConstant[6]; else if (strCharacterUpper == "H") f = m_dFunctionConstant[7]; } } } if (wError == -1) errorText = QString("General Parser Error blocked!"); return f; }
static int math_sinh (lua_State *L) { lua_pushnumber(L, sinh(luaL_checknumber(L, 1))); return 1; }
static VALUE math_sinh(VALUE obj, VALUE x) { Need_Float(x); return DBL2NUM(sinh(RFLOAT_VALUE(x))); }
//function to fit double fun_fit(double Z2,double M,int t) { if(parity==1) return Z2*exp(-M*TH)*cosh(M*(TH-t))/sinh(M); else return Z2*exp(-M*TH)*sin(M*(TH-t))/sinh(M); }
int StringFragmentation::decayStringIntoParticles( TLorentzVector *vArr, double fictionRhoPt ) { if ( !fRand ) { printf("StringFragmentation: fRand is not set!!!\n" ); return 0; } // double yStringSize = fabs( fRand->Gaus(1,0.2) ) + fabs( fRand->Gaus(0,fYmax-fYmin) ); // double yStringShift = fRand->Gaus(0,fStringShiftSigma); // double yStringSize = fabs( fRand->Gaus(4,0.4) ) + 2*fabs( fRand->Gaus(0,2) ); // double yStringSize = fabs( fRand->Gaus(4,0.2) ) + 2*fabs( fRand->Gaus(0,4) ); //WAS USED FOR PROCEEDING... double yStringSize = 10;//fRand->Uniform(2,10); double yStringSize = fYmax-fYmin;//fRand->Uniform(2,10); // double yStringSize = fabs( fRand->Gaus(fYmax-fYmin,0.2) ) + 2*fabs( fRand->Gaus(0,0.5) ); // double yStringSize = fYmax-fYmin;//fabs( fRand->Gaus(3.6,0.2) ) + 2*fabs( fRand->Gaus(0,5) ); // double yStringShift = fRand->Uniform(-fStringShiftSigma,fStringShiftSigma) + fRand->Gaus(0,fStringShiftSigma); double yStringShift = (fYmax+fYmin)/2;//fRand->Gaus(0,fStringShiftSigma); // double yStringShift = fRand->Gaus(0,2); // double yStringSize = fabs( fRand->Gaus(3.6,0.2) ) + 2*fabs( fRand->Gaus(0,5) ); // double yStringSize = fabs( fRand->Gaus(3.6,0.2) ) + 2*fabs( fRand->Gaus(0,5) ); // double yStringSize = fabs( fRand->Gaus(3.6,0.2) ) + 2*fabs( fRand->Gaus(0,5) ); // double yStringSize = fRand->Uniform(0., fYmax-fYmin); // double yStringSize = fabs( fRand->Gaus(2.,0.001) ) + 2*fabs( fRand->Gaus(0,0.2) ); // funcStringDecay->SetParameter( 0, yStringSize ); // funcStringDecay->SetParameter( 1, 1 ); // cout << nParticlesInString << endl; if(0)if ( fRand->Uniform() > 0.25) //ministrings { // yStringSize = TMath::Max(4., fabs(fRand->Gaus(0,2)) ); yStringSize = fabs( fRand->Gaus(2,0.2) ) + 2*fabs( fRand->Gaus(0,1) ); // yStringSize = TMath::Max(0.5, fabs(fRand->Gaus(0,1)) ); //TMath::Max( 0.5, fabs( fRand->Gaus(1.5,0.3) ) + 2*fabs( fRand->Gaus(0,0.2) ) ); } // int nParticlesInString = 0.72 /*coeffToTuneMult*/ * TMath::Max(1,TMath::Nint( fRand->Gaus(yStringSize,yStringSize/10) )); // /2270*1550; // nParticlesInString *= 1.14; //for energy-dependence! (30.01.2015, tuning basing on STAR) int nParticlesInString = TMath::Max(1,TMath::Nint( fRand->Gaus(yStringSize,yStringSize/10) )); // /2270*1550; // nParticlesInString *= 1.25; //arbitrary factor to increase multiplicity nParticlesInString *= 1.25*0.7; //arbitrary factor to tune multiplicity IN CASE OF ALL PARTICLES - RHOS //nParticlesInString; // to take into account two pions from single rho!!!!!!! // int nParticlesInString = TMath::Max(1,TMath::Nint( fRand->Gaus(yStringSize,yStringSize/5) )); //WAS USED FOR PROCEEDING... int nParticlesInString = TMath::Max(2,TMath::Nint( fRand->Gaus(1.2,0.5) )); int nCutPoints = nParticlesInString + 1; for ( int iBreak = 0; iBreak < nCutPoints; iBreak++ ) { // double y = fRand->Uniform( fRand->Gaus(fYmin,0.2)+yStringShift, fRand->Gaus(fYmax,0.2)+yStringShift ); // double y = fRand->Uniform( fYmin+yStringShift, fYmax+yStringShift ); // double y = funcStringDecay->GetRandom(); double y = fRand->Uniform( -yStringSize/2 + yStringShift, yStringSize/2+yStringShift ); // double y = fRand->Gaus( 0, fRand->Gaus(fYmin,0.2) ) + yStringShift; //y += yStringShift; //fRand->Gaus(0,2); yBreakPoints[iBreak] = y; } //sort cut points TMath::Sort<double, int>( nCutPoints, yBreakPoints, indecesCutsSorted, kFALSE ); //fill array with sorted y of the string cuts for ( int iBreak = 0; iBreak < nCutPoints; iBreak++ ) yBreakPointsSorted[iBreak] = yBreakPoints[ indecesCutsSorted[iBreak] ]; // double particleMass = mRho; // double particleMass = mPion; // possible LOGICAL ERROR HERE!!! (if use the mass in cut point calculations) //double factorToPtExp = ( particleMass == mPion ? 2.5 : 1.57 ); //make pTs at string cuts for ( int iBreak = 0; iBreak < nCutPoints; iBreak++ ) { /* : page 86: The transverse dimensions of the tube are of typical hadronic sizes, roughly 1 fm. From hadron mass spectroscopy the string constant k, i.e. the amount of energy per unit length, is known to be k ≈ 1 GeV/fm ≈ 0.2 GeV2. page 87: ...The expression “massless” relativistic string is somewhat of a misnomer: k effectively corresponds to a “mass density” along the string. Typically, a break occurs when the q and the qbar ends of a colour singlet system are 1–5 fm apart in the qqbar rest frame, but note that the higher-momentum particles at the outskirts of the system are appreciably Lorentz contracted. At the end of the process, the string has broken by the creation of a set of new qiqbari pairs, with i running from 1 to n − 1 for a system that fragments into n primary hadrons (i.e. hadrons before secondary decays). Each hadron is formed by the quark from one break (or an endpoint) and the antiquark from an adjacent break: qqbar1, q1qbar2, q2qbar3, . . . , qn−1qbar. page 90: The factorization of the transverse-momentum and the mass terms leads to a flavour-independent Gaussian spectrum for the q'qbar' pairs. Since the string is assumed to have no transverse excitations, this p⊥ is locally compensated between the quark and the antiquark of the pair, and <pT_q^2> = sigma^2 = κ/π ≈ (250 MeV)2. Experimentally a number closer to σ2 ≈ (350 MeV)2 is required, which could be explained as the additional effect of soft-gluon radiation below the shower cutoff scale. That radiation would have a nonGaussian shape but, when combined with the ordinary fragmentation p⊥, the overall shape is close to Gaussian, and is parameterized correspondingly in the program. Hadrons receive p⊥ contributions from two q'qbar' pairs and have <pT_hadron^2> = sigma^2 2σ^2. The formula also implies a suppression of heavy quark production, u : d : s : c ≈ 1 : 1 : 0.3 : 10−11. The simplest scheme for baryon production is that, in addition to quark– antiquark pairs, also antidiquark–diquark pairs are occasionally produced in the field, in a triplet–antitriplet representation. */ // !!! use some numerical factor to MATCH MEAN PT when later merge two quarks of string fragments // if ( particleMass == mPion ) // breakPointPt[iBreak] = fRand->Exp( 0.25 ); //0.3); //funcPt->GetRandom();//fRand->Exp(pTtau); // else //rho // breakPointPt[iBreak] = fRand->Exp( 0.25 ); //0.75 );//fictionRhoPt ); //0.3); //funcPt->GetRandom();//fRand->Exp(pTtau); // breakPointPt[iBreak] = fRand->Exp( 0.25 ); //0.75 );//fictionRhoPt ); //0.3); //funcPt->GetRandom();//fRand->Exp(pTtau); // GOOD: breakPointPt[iBreak] = fabs(fRand->Gaus( 0, 0.35 )); //0.75 );//fictionRhoPt ); //0.3); //funcPt->GetRandom();//fRand->Exp(pTtau); // breakPointPt[iBreak] = funcPt->GetRandom( /*fictionRhoPt*/ ); //0.3); //funcPt->GetRandom();//fRand->Exp(pTtau); // const double kPtFor_u_d_quarks = 0.35; // ##### July 2016: NEW STRING DECAY INTO QUARKS: bool flagFineQuarkConfig = false; while ( !flagFineQuarkConfig ) { double probQuarkType = fRand->Uniform( 0, 2.3); // u:d:s = 1:1:0.3 from Generators overview paper if ( probQuarkType < 0.01 ) // Sept 2017: ASSUME SOME PROBABILITY TO DECAY INTO C-QUARK! { breakPointType[iBreak] = 3; // c - quark breakPointPt[iBreak] = fabs(fRand->Exp( 0.35 )); } else if ( probQuarkType < 0.2 ) { breakPointType[iBreak] = 1; // s - quark // breakPointPt[iBreak] = fabs(fRand->Gaus( 0, 0.47 )); //0.45 )); // breakPointPt[iBreak] = fabs(fRand->Gaus( 0.1, 0.35 )); //0.45 )); breakPointPt[iBreak] = fabs(fRand->Exp( 0.35 )); //0.45 )); } else //if ( probQuarkType < 0.05 ) { double probQuarkDiquark = fRand->Uniform( 0, 1 ); if ( probQuarkDiquark < 0.04 ) { breakPointType[iBreak] = 2; // diquark // breakPointPt[iBreak] = fabs(fRand->Gaus( 0, 0.56 )); //0.55 )); // breakPointPt[iBreak] = fabs(fRand->Gaus( 0.3, 0.35 )); //0.55 )); breakPointPt[iBreak] = fabs(fRand->Exp( 0.48 )); } else { breakPointType[iBreak] = 0; // u and d quarks // breakPointPt[iBreak] = fabs(fRand->Gaus( 0, 0.28 ) ); //0.28 ));// 0.35 )); breakPointPt[iBreak] = fabs(fRand->Exp( 0.2 )); //0.45 )); } } if ( iBreak == 0 ) // first break: always allowed flagFineQuarkConfig = true; else { if ( breakPointType[iBreak-1] == 2 && breakPointType[iBreak] == 2 ) // NOT ALLOWED CONFIG! ("pentaquark? :) ) continue; else flagFineQuarkConfig = true; } } // ... // if ( fictionRhoPt == 0 ) // breakPointPt[iBreak] = 0; // else // breakPointPt[iBreak] = fRand->Gaus(fictionRhoPt,0.01); //funcPt->GetRandom();//fRand->Exp(pTtau); // breakPointPt[iBreak] = fRand->Uniform( 0.1, 0.5 ); breakPointPhi[iBreak] = fRand->Uniform( 0, 2*TMath::Pi() ); } //calc kinematic params of "particles"=string fragments for ( int iBreak = 0; iBreak < nParticlesInString; iBreak++ ) { double pT1 = breakPointPt[iBreak]; double pT2 = breakPointPt[iBreak+1]; double phi1 = breakPointPhi[iBreak]; double phi2 = breakPointPhi[iBreak+1]; phi2 += TMath::Pi(); FixAngleInTwoPi(phi2); double ptX = pT1*cos( phi1 ) + pT2*cos( phi2 ); double ptY = pT1*sin( phi1 ) + pT2*sin( phi2 ); double ptParticle = sqrt( ptX*ptX+ptY*ptY ); // double ptParticle = fRand->Exp(0.9); if ( ptParticle < 0.01 ) ptParticle = 0.01; // FOR TESTS!!! if(0) { if ( fictionRhoPt == 0 ) ptParticle = 0.01; else ptParticle = fRand->Exp(fictionRhoPt); // ptParticle = fRand->Gaus(fictionRhoPt,0.01); //funcPt->GetRandom();//fRand->Exp(pTtau); } // FOR TESTS!!! if(0) ptParticle = fRand->Exp(0.75); // !!! RANDOMIZE PT for generated particles: // fParticles[iBreak].pt = funcPt->GetRandom(); // cout << fParticles[iP].pt << endl; double phiVectorSum = asin( ptY/ptParticle ); if ( ptX < 0 ) phiVectorSum = TMath::Pi()-phiVectorSum; FixAngleInTwoPi(phiVectorSum); FixAngleInTwoPi(phiVectorSum); // histPhi->Fill(phiVectorSum); // histPtRho->Fill(ptParticle ); // histPtRhoWithWeight->Fill(ptParticle, 1./2/TMath::Pi()/ptParticle ); double phiParticle = phiVectorSum; if(0) phiParticle = fRand->Uniform( 0, 2*TMath::Pi() );//phiVectorSum; double yParticle = (yBreakPointsSorted[iBreak] + yBreakPointsSorted[iBreak+1])/2; if(0) yParticle = fRand->Uniform( -yStringSize/2, yStringSize/2 ); // yParticle = fRand->Uniform( fYmin+yStringShift, fYmax+yStringShift ); //use it to "shuffle" particles in y! // yParticle += fRand->Gaus(0,1); // yParticle = fRand->Uniform( -yStringSize/2, yStringSize/2 ); yParticle = fRand->Uniform( -yStringSize/2+yStringShift, yStringSize/2+yStringShift ); // to get pions = 0.8 when half of them goes from rho decays: // probabilities for rho, pions, kaons+protons should be 0.25, 0.5, 0.25 // k=1 //ratio of pions from rho-s to pions from string // a=0.8 //ratio of final state pions to all charged // x=(a*k)/(2*k+2-a*k) // y=(a*k)/(2*k+2-a*k)*2/k // z=1-x-y // check: (2*x+y)/(2*x+y+z) // TMP: just assign mass for particle. Todo?: separate mechanisms for mesons and proton (?) double particleMass = mPion; // ##### tune particle ratios! if (0) // only rho mesons!!! { while ( fabs(particleMass-mRho) > mRhoWidth/2 ) particleMass = fRand->Gaus(mRho,mRhoWidth/2);//( fRand->Uniform(0,1) > 0.5 ? fRand->Gaus(mRho,mRhoWidth/2) : mPion ); } // else //if (0) // { // double probPID = fRand->Uniform(0,1); // if ( probPID < 0.0 ) // particleMass = fRand->Gaus(mRho,mRhoWidth/2);//( fRand->Uniform(0,1) > 0.5 ? fRand->Gaus(mRho,mRhoWidth/2) : mPion ); // else if ( probPID < 0.75 ) // particleMass = mPion; // else //kaon or proton (13% and 4%) // { // if ( fRand->Uniform(0,1) < 13./(13+4) ) // particleMass = mKaon; // else // particleMass = mProton; // } // } else { short q1 = breakPointType[iBreak]; short q2 = breakPointType[iBreak+1]; if ( q1 == 0 && q2 == 0 ) // u/d quarks => pions particleMass = mPion; else if ( (q1 == 0 && q2 == 1) || (q1 == 1 && q2 == 0) ) // u/d and s quarks => kaons particleMass = mKaon; else if ( q1 == 1 && q2 == 1 ) // two s quarks => phi particleMass = mPhi; else if ( (q1 == 0 && q2 == 2) || (q1 == 2 && q2 == 0) ) // u/d quarks and diquark => protons/neutrons (!!! also neutrons!) particleMass = mProton; else if ( (q1 == 1 && q2 == 2) || (q1 == 2 && q2 == 1) ) // s quark and diquark => Lambda particleMass = mLambda; else if ( q1 == 3 || q2 == 3 ) // KOSTYL': if at least one of the two string ends is a c-quark //(q1 == 0 && q2 == 3) // || (q1 == 3 && q2 == 0) ) // u/d quarks and c quark => D-meson particleMass = mD0; else { cout << "breakPointTypes: impossible configuration! " << q1 << " and " << q2 << endl; particleMass = mLambda; } } // cout << particleMass << endl; // ptParticle = fRand->Exp(0.45); // prepare lorentz vector if (1) //use direct sampling of pt "boltzman" distr { if ( fabs( particleMass-mPion) < 0.001 ) ptParticle = funcPtBoltzmanLikePion->GetRandom(); else if ( fabs( particleMass-mKaon) < 0.001 ) ptParticle = funcPtBoltzmanLikeKaon->GetRandom(); else if ( fabs( particleMass-mProton) < 0.001 ) ptParticle = funcPtBoltzmanLikeProton->GetRandom(); else if ( fabs( particleMass-mD0) < 0.001 ) ptParticle = funcPtBoltzmanLikeDmeson->GetRandom(); } if (0) phiParticle = fRand->Uniform( 0, TMath::TwoPi() ); double mT = sqrt( ptParticle*ptParticle + particleMass*particleMass ); double pX = ptParticle * cos(phiParticle); double pY = ptParticle * sin(phiParticle); double pZ = mT*sinh(yParticle); vArr[iBreak].SetXYZM( pX, pY, pZ, particleMass ); } return nParticlesInString; }
double HHVM_FUNCTION(sinh, double arg) { return sinh(arg); }
Constante& Rationnel::sinush()const { Reel* res = new Reel(sinh((float)num/den)); return *res; }
#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> printf("%f\n", sin(0.12)); printf("%f\n", cos(0.12)); printf("%f\n", tan(0.12)); printf("%f\n", asin(0.12)); printf("%f\n", acos(0.12)); printf("%f\n", atan(0.12)); printf("%f\n", sinh(0.12)); printf("%f\n", cosh(0.12)); printf("%f\n", tanh(0.12)); printf("%f\n", exp(0.12)); printf("%f\n", fabs(-0.12)); printf("%f\n", log(0.12)); printf("%f\n", log10(0.12)); printf("%f\n", pow(0.12, 0.12)); printf("%f\n", sqrt(0.12)); printf("%f\n", round(12.34)); printf("%f\n", ceil(12.34)); printf("%f\n", floor(12.34)); void main() {}
double r_sinh(real *x) #endif { return( sinh(*x) ); }
//! RHS: x->z (x'=z). inline void operator()(double t,double x[],double z[]) const { // references to clarify (?) the code: const double& nConIntraK =x[0]; const double& nConIntraNa =x[1]; const double& nConIntraCa =x[2]; const double& nConIntraCl =x[3]; const double& nConIntraglu =x[4]; const double& aConIntraK =x[5]; const double& aConIntraNa =x[6]; const double& aConIntraCa =x[7]; const double& aConIntraCl =x[8]; const double& aConIntraglu =x[9]; const double& ConExtraK =x[10]; const double& ConExtraNa =x[11]; const double& ConExtraCa =x[12]; const double& ConExtraCl =x[13]; const double& ConExtraglu =x[14]; const double& nVm =x[15]; const double& aVm =x[16]; const double& nPropVol =x[17]; const double& aPropVol =x[18]; //------------Compute------------------ double depol=fdepol(t,x[20]); // calcul des potentiels d'équilibre par la loi de Nernst double nEK = (RTF)*log(ConExtraK/nConIntraK); //double nECa = ((RT)/(2*F))*log(ConExtraCa/nConIntraCa); double nENa = (RTF)*log(ConExtraNa/nConIntraNa); double nEglu = (-RTF)*log(ConExtraglu/nConIntraglu); double nECl = (-RTF)*log(ConExtraCl/nConIntraCl); double aEK = (RTF)*log(ConExtraK/aConIntraK); //double aECa = ((RT)/(2*F))*log(ConExtraCa/aConIntraCa); double aENa = (RTF)*log(ConExtraNa/aConIntraNa); double aEglu = (-RTF)*log(ConExtraglu/aConIntraglu); double aECl = (-RTF)*log(ConExtraCl/aConIntraCl); //courant du canal potassique KDR double nmeqKDR = (0.0047*(nVm - 8)/(1 - exp(-(nVm - 8)/12))) / (0.0047*( nVm - 8)/(1 - exp(-(nVm - 8)/12.0)) + exp(-(nVm + 127)/30.0)); double nheqKDR = 1/(1 + exp((nVm + 25)/4.0)); double nIKDR = 1.e-3 * ngKDR * nmeqKDR*nmeqKDR * nheqKDR *(nVm - nEK); double ameqKDR = (0.0047*(aVm - 8)/(1 - exp(-(aVm - 8)/12))) / (0.0047*( aVm - 8)/(1 - exp(-(aVm - 8)/12)) + exp(-(aVm + 127)/30)); double aheqKDR = 1/(1 + exp((aVm + 25)/4)); double aIKDR = 1.e-3 * agKDR * ameqKDR* ameqKDR * aheqKDR *(aVm - aEK); //courant du canal potassique BK double nmeqBK = 250*nConIntraCa*exp(nVm/24)/(250*nConIntraCa*exp(nVm/24) + 0.1*exp(-nVm/24)); double nIBK = 1.e-3 * ngBK * nmeqBK *(nVm - nEK); double ameqBK = 250*aConIntraCa*exp(aVm/24)/(250*aConIntraCa*exp(aVm/24) + 0.1*exp(-aVm/24)); double aIBK = 1.e-3 * agBK * ameqBK * (aVm - aEK); //courant du canal potassiques Kir double ameqKir = 1/(2+exp(1.62*(FRT)*(aVm-aEK))); double aIKir = 1.e-3 * agKir * ameqKir * (ConExtraK/(ConExtraK+13))* (aVm - aEK); //courant du canal calcique CaHVA double nCurlyPhi= FRT*nVm; double nA1 = (nConIntraCa*exp(2*nCurlyPhi)-ConExtraCa) / (exp(2*nCurlyPhi) - 1); double namCaHVA = 8.5/(1 + exp(-(nVm - 8)/12.5)); double nbmCaHVA = 35/(1 + exp((nVm + 74)/14.5)); double nmeqCaHVA = namCaHVA/(namCaHVA + nbmCaHVA) ; double nahCaHVA = 0.0015/(1 + exp((nVm + 29)/8)); double nbhCaHVA = 0.0055/(1 + exp(-(nVm + 23)/8)); double nheqCaHVA = nahCaHVA/(nahCaHVA + nbhCaHVA) ; double nICaHVA = 10 * F * npHVA * ngCaHVA * 4 * nCurlyPhi * nmeqCaHVA * nheqCaHVA * nA1 ; //nICaHVA*=bCaHVA; double aCurlyPhi= FRT*aVm; double aA1 = (aConIntraCa*exp(2*aCurlyPhi)-ConExtraCa) / (exp(2*aCurlyPhi) - 1); double aamCaHVA = 8.5/(1 + exp(-(aVm - 8)/12.5)); double abmCaHVA = 35/(1 + exp((aVm + 74)/14.5)); double ameqCaHVA = aamCaHVA/(aamCaHVA + abmCaHVA) ; double aahCaHVA = 0.0015/(1 + exp((aVm + 29)/8)); double abhCaHVA = 0.0055/(1 + exp(-(aVm + 23)/8)); double aheqCaHVA = aahCaHVA/(aahCaHVA + abhCaHVA) ; double aICaHVA = 10 * F * apHVA * agCaHVA * 4 * aCurlyPhi * ameqCaHVA * aheqCaHVA * aA1 ; //aICaHVA*=bCaHVA; //courant du canal sodique NaP double namNaP =200/(1 + exp(-(nVm - 18)/16)); double nbmNaP = 25/(1 + exp((nVm + 58)/8)); double nmeqNaP = namNaP/(namNaP + nbmNaP) ; double nINaP = (1.e-3 * ngNaP * nmeqNaP * (nVm - nENa));// *bNap; double aamNaP =200/(1 + exp(-(aVm - 18)/16)); double abmNaP = 25/(1 + exp((aVm + 58)/8)); double ameqNaP = aamNaP/(aamNaP + abmNaP) ; double aINaP = (1.e-3 * agNaP * ameqNaP * (aVm - aENa));//*bNap; //courants dus au récepteur NMDA et AMPA double nConGLU=ConExtraglu; double nA2 = 72*nConGLU/(72*nConGLU + 6.6) ; double nB2 = 1/(1 + 0.028*exp(-0.062*nVm)) ; double nCK = ((nConIntraK/ConExtraK)*exp(nCurlyPhi)- 1)/ (exp(nCurlyPhi)- 1); double ngKNMDA = ((nPK*F*F)/(RT))*ConExtraK ; double nIKNMDA = 1.e-3 * ngKNMDA * nA2 * nB2 * nCK * nVm; double nCNa = ((nConIntraNa/ConExtraNa)*exp(nCurlyPhi)- 1)/ (exp(nCurlyPhi)- 1); double ngNaNMDA = ((nPK*F*F)/(RT))*ConExtraNa; double nINaNMDA = 1.e-3 * ngNaNMDA * nA2 * nB2 * nCNa * nVm; double nCCa = ((nConIntraCa/ConExtraCa)*exp(2*nCurlyPhi)- 1)/ (exp(2*nCurlyPhi)- 1); double ngCaNMDA = ((4*6*nPK*F*F)/(RT))*ConExtraCa; double nICaNMDA = 1.e-3 * ngCaNMDA * nA2 * nB2 * nCCa * nVm; //nIKNMDA*=bNMDA; //nINaNMDA*=bNMDA; //nICaNMDA*=bNMDA; double aConGLU=ConExtraglu; double aA2 = 1100*aConGLU/(1100*aConGLU + 190) ; double aCK = ((aConIntraK/ConExtraK)*exp(aCurlyPhi)- 1)/ (exp(aCurlyPhi)- 1); double agKAMPA = ((aPK*F*F)/(RT))*ConExtraK ; double aIKAMPA = 1.e-3 * agKAMPA * aA2 * aCK * aVm; double aCNa = ((aConIntraNa/ConExtraNa)*exp(aCurlyPhi)- 1)/ (exp(aCurlyPhi)- 1); double agNaAMPA = ((aPK*F*F)/(RT))*ConExtraNa; double aINaAMPA = 1.e-3 * agNaAMPA * aA2 * aCNa * aVm; //aIKAMPA*=bAMPA; //aINaAMPA*= bAMPA; //courants de la pompe Na+/K+ double nCapitalPhi = FRT*(nVm + 176.5); double nA3 = pow(ConExtraK/(ConExtraK + 3.7),2) ; double nB3 = pow(nConIntraNa/(nConIntraNa + 0.6),3) ; double nC3 = (0.052*sinh(nCapitalPhi))/(0.026*exp(nCapitalPhi) + 22.5*exp(-nCapitalPhi)); double nIKpompeKNa = -0.01 * nrNaK * depol * nA3 * nB3 * nC3 ; //double nINapompeKNa = (3/2)*(-10)^(-2) * nrNaK * depol * nA3 * nB3 * nC3; double nINapompeKNa = (1.5)*0.01 * nrNaK * depol * nA3 * nB3 * nC3; double aCapitalPhi = FRT*(aVm + 176.5); double aA3 = pow(ConExtraK/(ConExtraK + 3.7),2) ; double aB3 = pow(aConIntraNa/(aConIntraNa + 0.6),3) ; double aC3 = (0.052*sinh(aCapitalPhi))/(0.026*exp(aCapitalPhi) + 22.5*exp(-aCapitalPhi)); double aIKpompeKNa = -0.01 * arNaK * depol * aA3 * aB3 * aC3 ; double aINapompeKNa = (1.5)*0.01 * arNaK * depol * aA3 * aB3 * aC3; //courant de la pompe Ca2+ double nICapompe = depol*ngCapompe*0.01*nConIntraCa/(nConIntraCa+0.0002); double aICapompe = depol*agCapompe*0.01*aConIntraCa/(aConIntraCa+0.0002); //courant de la pompe Cl- double nIClpompe=-0.01 * depol *ngClpompe * nConIntraCl/(nConIntraCl+25); double aIClpompe=-0.01 * depol *agClpompe * aConIntraCl/(aConIntraCl+25); //courants de l'antiport Na+/Ca2+ double aa=F/(2*RT); double nA4 = pow(nConIntraNa,3)*ConExtraCa*exp(aa*nVm) - pow(ConExtraNa,3)*nConIntraCa*exp(-aa*nVm); double nB4 = 1 + 0.0001*(pow(ConExtraNa,3)*nConIntraCa + pow(nConIntraNa,3)*ConExtraCa); double nICaantiport = -0.01*(nrNaCa/20736.0) * nA4/nB4; double nINaantiport = (1.5)* 0.01*(nrNaCa/20736.0) * nA4/nB4; double aA4 = pow(aConIntraNa,3)*ConExtraCa*exp(aa*aVm) - pow(ConExtraNa,3)*aConIntraCa*exp(-aa*aVm); double aB4 = 1 + 0.0001*(pow(ConExtraNa,3)*aConIntraCa + pow(aConIntraNa,3)*ConExtraCa); double aICaantiport = -0.01* (arNaCa/20736.0) * aA4/aB4; double aINaantiport = (1.5)* 0.01*(arNaCa/20736.0) * aA4/aB4; //nICaantiport*=bNaCa; nINaantiport*=bNaCa; //aICaantiport*=bNaCa; aINaantiport*=bNaCa; //courants du transporteur du glutamate double nEtransp = (RT/F)*log( pow(ConExtraNa/nConIntraNa,3)* (nConIntraK/ConExtraK)* (ConExtraglu/nConIntraglu) ); //double nIglu = -0.001 * ngtransp * (nVm - nEtransp); double nINatransporteur = 3*0.001 * ngtransp * (nVm - nEtransp); double nIKtransporteur = -0.001 * ngtransp * (nVm - nEtransp); double nIglutransporteur = -0.001 * ngtransp * (nVm - nEtransp); double aEtransp = (RT/F)*log( pow(ConExtraNa/aConIntraNa,3)* (aConIntraK/ConExtraK)* (ConExtraglu/aConIntraglu) ); //double aIglu = -0.001 * agtransp * (aVm - aEtransp); double aINatransporteur = 3*0.001 * agtransp * (aVm - aEtransp); double aIKtransporteur = -0.001 * agtransp * (aVm - aEtransp); double aIglutransporteur = -0.001 * agtransp * (aVm - aEtransp); // nINatransporteur*=bGLU; nIKtransporteur*=bGLU; // nIglutransporteur*=bGLU;aINatransporteur*=bGLU; // aIKtransporteur*=bGLU; aIglutransporteur*=bGLU; // courants du transporteur Na/K/Cl double aEinvNaKCl = -2*aECl + aEK + aENa; double aINacotransp = -0.001*arNaKCl * aEinvNaKCl; double aIKcotransp = -0.001*arNaKCl * aEinvNaKCl; double aIClcotransp = 2*0.001*arNaKCl * aEinvNaKCl; // aINacotransp*=bNaKCl; // aIKcotransp*=bNaKCl; // aIClcotransp*=bNaKCl; //courants de glutamate double nIgludiff = 0.001 * ngglu * (nVm - nEglu); double aIgludiff = 0.001 * agglu * (aVm - aEglu); //courant du canal Cl- double nEinvKCl = nECl - nEK; double nIClglob = -0.001 * ngClglob * nEinvKCl; double nIKglob = 0.001 * ngClglob * nEinvKCl; double aEinvKCl = aECl - aEK; double aIClglob = -0.001 * agClglob * aEinvKCl; double aIKglob = 0.001 * agClglob * aEinvKCl; //courants stretch pour le Cl double nIstre = - ngstre * (nPropVol0 + 50 * (nPropVol - nPropVol0))/nPropVol0; double aIstre = - agstre * (aPropVol0 + 50 * (aPropVol - aPropVol0))/aPropVol0; // courants Cl double nICl = 0.001 * ngCl*(nVm-nECl); double aICl = 0.001 * agCl*(aVm-aECl); //somme des courants double nSommeCourantsK = nIKDR + nIBK + nIKNMDA + nIKpompeKNa + nIKtransporteur + nIKglob; double nSommeCourantsCa = nICaHVA + nICaNMDA + nICaantiport + nICapompe; double nSommeCourantsNa = nINaP + nINaNMDA + nINapompeKNa + nINaantiport + nINatransporteur ; double nSommeCourantsglu = nIglutransporteur + nIgludiff ; double nSommeCourantsCl = nICl + nIClglob + nIClpompe + nIstre; // double nSommeCourantsCat = nSommeCourantsNa + nSommeCourantsK + // nSommeCourantsCa ; // double ncourants = nSommeCourantsCat + nSommeCourantsCl + // nSommeCourantsglu ; double aSommeCourantsK = aIKDR + aIKir + aIBK + aIKAMPA + aIKpompeKNa + aIKtransporteur + aIKcotransp + aIKglob; double aSommeCourantsCa = aICaHVA + aICaantiport + aICapompe; double aSommeCourantsNa = aINaP + aINaAMPA + aINapompeKNa + aINaantiport + aINatransporteur + aINacotransp ; double aSommeCourantsglu = aIglutransporteur + aIgludiff ; double aSommeCourantsCl = aICl + aIClglob + aIClpompe + aIClcotransp + aIstre; // double aSommeCourantsCat = aSommeCourantsNa + aSommeCourantsK + // aSommeCourantsCa ; // double acourants = aSommeCourantsCat + aSommeCourantsCl + // aSommeCourantsglu ; //------ F:------------------------------------------ double snfv=1000*n1*nsurf/(F*v); z[0]=-snfv*nSommeCourantsK; z[1]=-snfv*nSommeCourantsNa; z[2]=-snfv*nSommeCourantsCa/2.0; z[3]= snfv*nSommeCourantsCl; z[4]= snfv*nSommeCourantsglu; const double safv=1000*n2*asurf/(F*v); z[5]=-safv*aSommeCourantsK; z[6]=-safv*aSommeCourantsNa; z[7]=-safv*aSommeCourantsCa/2.0; z[8]= safv*aSommeCourantsCl; z[9]=safv*aSommeCourantsglu; z[10]=snfv*nSommeCourantsK+safv*aSommeCourantsK; z[11]=snfv*nSommeCourantsNa+safv*aSommeCourantsNa; z[12]=snfv*nSommeCourantsCa/2.0+safv*aSommeCourantsCa/2.0; z[13]=-snfv*nSommeCourantsCl-safv*aSommeCourantsCl; z[14]=-snfv*nSommeCourantsglu-safv*aSommeCourantsglu; //---Vmn et Vma: z[15]=-1000.0*(nsurf/ncap)*(nSommeCourantsNa+nSommeCourantsK+ nSommeCourantsCa+ nSommeCourantsCl+nSommeCourantsglu); z[16]= -1000.0*(asurf/acap)*(aSommeCourantsNa+ aSommeCourantsK+aSommeCourantsCa+ aSommeCourantsCl+aSommeCourantsglu); // double Cn=nConIntraK+nConIntraNa+nConIntraCa+nConIntraCl+nConIntraglu; double Ca=aConIntraK+aConIntraNa+aConIntraCa+aConIntraCl+aConIntraglu; double Ce=ConExtraK+ConExtraNa+ConExtraCa+ConExtraCl+ConExtraglu; //---fn: z[17]=alpha_n*(Cn+nnP0/(v*nPropVol)-Ce); //---fa: z[18]=alpha_a*(Ca+anP0/(v*aPropVol)-Ce); //---transformation pour utiliser les variables "primales": for(int i=0;i<5;i++) z[i]=(z[i]-x[i]*z[17])/nPropVol; for(int i=5;i<10;i++) z[i]=(z[i]-x[i]*z[18])/aPropVol; for(int i=10;i<15;i++) z[i]=(z[i]+x[i]*(z[17]+z[18]))/(1.0-aPropVol-nPropVol); //---recuperation: recup(x,z[19],z[20]); }
void ctss_calculate_biquad_coeff(CTSS_DSPNode *node, CTSS_BiquadType type, float freq, float dbGain, float bandwidth) { CTSS_BiquadState *state = node->state; float a0, a1, a2, b0, b1, b2; float A = powf(10.0f, dbGain / 40.0f); float omega = HZ_TO_RAD(freq); float sn = sinf(omega); float cs = cosf(omega); float alpha = sn * sinh(CT_LN2 / 2.0f * bandwidth * omega / sn); float beta = sqrtf(A + A); switch (type) { case LPF: default: b0 = (1.0f - cs) / 2.0f; b1 = 1.0f - cs; b2 = (1.0f - cs) / 2.0f; a0 = 1.0f + alpha; a1 = -2.0f * cs; a2 = 1.0f - alpha; break; case HPF: b0 = (1.0f + cs) / 2.0f; b1 = -(1.0f + cs); b2 = (1.0f + cs) / 2.0f; a0 = 1.0f + alpha; a1 = -2.0f * cs; a2 = 1.0f - alpha; break; case BPF: b0 = alpha; b1 = 0; b2 = -alpha; a0 = 1.0f + alpha; a1 = -2.0f * cs; a2 = 1.0f - alpha; break; case NOTCH: b0 = 1.0f; b1 = -2.0f * cs; b2 = 1.0f; a0 = 1.0f + alpha; a1 = -2.0f * cs; a2 = 1.0f - alpha; break; case PEQ: b0 = 1.0f + (alpha * A); b1 = -2.0f * cs; b2 = 1.0f - (alpha * A); a0 = 1.0f + (alpha / A); a1 = -2.0f * cs; a2 = 1.0f - (alpha / A); break; case LSH: b0 = A * ((A + 1.0f) - (A - 1.0f) * cs + beta * sn); b1 = 2.0f * A * ((A - 1.0f) - (A + 1.0f) * cs); b2 = A * ((A + 1.0f) - (A - 1.0f) * cs - beta * sn); a0 = (A + 1.0f) + (A - 1.0f) * cs + beta * sn; a1 = -2.0f * ((A - 1.0f) + (A + 1.0f) * cs); a2 = (A + 1.0f) + (A - 1.0f) * cs - beta * sn; break; case HSH: b0 = A * ((A + 1.0f) + (A - 1.0f) * cs + beta * sn); b1 = -2.0f * A * ((A - 1.0f) + (A + 1.0f) * cs); b2 = A * ((A + 1.0f) + (A - 1.0f) * cs - beta * sn); a0 = (A + 1.0f) - (A - 1.0f) * cs + beta * sn; a1 = 2.0f * ((A - 1.0f) - (A + 1.0f) * cs); a2 = (A + 1.0f) - (A - 1.0f) * cs - beta * sn; break; } a0 = 1.0f / a0; state->f[0] = b0 * a0; state->f[1] = b1 * a0; state->f[2] = b2 * a0; state->f[3] = a1 * a0; state->f[4] = a2 * a0; state->f[5] = state->f[6] = state->f[7] = state->f[8] = 0.0f; }
void MathSinh(struct ParseState *Parser, struct Value *ReturnValue, struct Value **Param, int NumArgs) { ReturnValue->Val->FP = sinh(Param[0]->Val->FP); }
void bessjy(double x, double xnu, double *rj, double *ry) { void beschb(double x, double *gam1, double *gam2, double *gampl, double *gammi); int i,isign,l,nl; double a,b,br,bi,c,cr,ci,d,del,del1,den,di,dlr,dli,dr,e,f,fact,fact2, fact3,ff,gam,gam1,gam2,gammi,gampl,h,p,pimu,pimu2,q,r,rjl, rjl1,rjmu,rjp1,rjpl,rjtemp,ry1,rymu,rymup,rytemp,sum,sum1, temp,w,x2,xi,xi2,xmu,xmu2; if (x <= 0.0 || xnu<0.0) nrerror("bad argumnets in bessjy"); nl=(x < XMIN ? (int)(xnu+0.5) : IMAX(0,(int)(xnu+1.5))); xmu=xnu-nl; xmu2=xmu*xmu; xi=1.0/x; xi2=2.0*xi; w=xi2/M_PI; isign=1; h=xnu*xi; if(h<FPMIN) h=FPMIN; b=xi2*xnu; d=0.0; c=h; for (i=1;i<=MAXIT;i++) { b+=xi2; d=b-d; if(fabs(d)< FPMIN) d=FPMIN; c=b-1.0/c; if(fabs(c)<FPMIN) c=FPMIN; d=1.0/d; del=c*d; h=del*h; if(d<0.0) isign=-isign; if(fabs(del-1.0)<EPS) break; } if(i>MAXIT) nrerror("x too large in bessjy; try asymptotic expansion"); rjl=isign*FPMIN; rjpl=h*rjl; rjl1=rjl; rjp1=rjpl; fact=xnu*xi; for (l=nl;l>=1;l--){ rjtemp=fact*rjl+rjpl; fact-=xi; rjpl=fact*rjtemp-rjl; rjl=rjtemp; } if(rjl ==0.0) rjl=EPS; f=rjpl/rjl; if (x<XMIN) { x2=0.5*x; pimu=M_PI*xmu; fact=(fabs(pimu)<EPS ? 1.0 : pimu/sin(pimu)); d=-log(x2); e=xmu*d; fact2=(fabs(e)< EPS ? 1.0 : sinh(e)/e); beschb(xmu,&gam1,&gam2,&gampl,&gammi); ff=2.0/M_PI*fact*(gam1*cosh(e)+gam2*fact2*d); e=exp(e); p=e/(gampl*M_PI); q=1.0/(e*M_PI*gammi); pimu2=0.5*pimu; fact3=(fabs(pimu2) <EPS ? 1.0 : sin(pimu2)/pimu2); r=M_PI*pimu2*fact3*fact3; c=1.0; d=-x2*x2; sum=ff+r*q; sum1=p; for (i=1;i<=MAXIT;i++) {ff=(i*ff+p+q)/(i*i-xmu2); c *=(d/i); p/= (i-xmu); q/=(i+xmu); del=c*(ff+r*q); sum+=del; del1=c*p-i*del; sum1 +=del1; if(fabs(del) < (1.0+fabs(sum))*EPS) break; } if(i > MAXIT) nrerror("bessy series failed to converge"); rymu=-sum; ry1=-sum1*xi2; rymup=xmu*xi*rymu-ry1; rjmu=w/(rymup-f*rymu); } else { a=0.25-xmu2; p=-0.5*xi; q=1.0; br=2.0*x; bi=2.0; fact=a*xi/(p*p+q*q); cr=br+q*fact; ci=bi+p*fact; den=br*br+bi*bi; dr=br/den; di=-bi/den; dlr=cr*dr-ci*di; dli=cr*di+ci*dr; temp=p*dlr-q*dli; q=p*dli+q*dlr; p=temp; for(i=2;i<=MAXIT;i++) {a+=2*(i-1); bi +=2.0; dr=a*dr+br; di=a*di+bi; if (fabs(dr)+fabs(di) < FPMIN) dr=FPMIN; fact=a/(cr*cr+ci*ci); cr=br+cr*fact; ci=bi-ci*fact; if(fabs(cr)+fabs(ci)<FPMIN) cr=FPMIN; den=dr*dr+di*di; dr/=den; di /=-den; dlr=cr*dr-ci*di; dli=cr*di+ci*dr; temp=p*dlr-q*dli; q=p*dli+q*dlr; p=temp; if (fabs(dlr-1.0)+fabs(dli) < EPS) break; } if(i>MAXIT) nrerror("cf2 failed in bessjy"); gam=(p-f)/q; rjmu=sqrt(w/((p-f)*gam+q)); rjmu=SIGN(rjmu,rjl); rymu=rjmu*gam; rymup=rymu*(p+q/gam); ry1=xmu*xi*rymu-rymup; } fact=rjmu/rjl; *rj=rjl1*fact; for(i=1;i<=nl;i++) {rytemp=(xmu+i)*xi2*ry1-rymu; rymu=ry1; ry1=rytemp; } *ry=rymu; }
double tanh(double x) { return sinh(x) / cosh(x); }
int decode_function(char *ptr,int argnum,double *argptr, double *value,void *data) { int i; for (i=0;fnlist[i] !=0;i++) if (strcmp(ptr,fnlist[i])==0) break; switch(i) { case 0: *value=fabs(argptr[0]); break; case 1: *value=acos(argptr[0]); break; case 2: *value=acosh(argptr[0]); break; case 3: *value=asin(argptr[0]); break; case 4: *value=asinh(argptr[0]); break; case 5: *value=atan(argptr[0]); break; case 6: *value=atan2(argptr[0],argptr[1]); break; case 7: *value=atanh(argptr[0]); break; case 8: *value=ceil(argptr[0]); break; case 9: *value=cos(argptr[0]); break; case 10: *value=cosh(argptr[0]); break; case 11: *value=exp(argptr[0]); break; case 12: *value=floor(argptr[0]); break; case 13: *value=(int) argptr[0]; break; case 14: *value=log(argptr[0]); break; case 15: *value=log10(argptr[0]); break; case 16: *value=sin(argptr[0]); break; case 17: *value=sinh(argptr[0]); break; case 18: *value=sqrt(argptr[0]); break; case 19: *value=tan(argptr[0]); break; case 20: *value=tanh(argptr[0]); break; } return 0; }
void test_extra(T) { T t = 1; t = abs(t); t = abs(t*t); t = fabs(t); t = fabs(t*t); t = sqrt(t); t = sqrt(t*t); t = floor(t); t = floor(t*t); t = ceil(t); t = ceil(t*t); t = trunc(t); t = trunc(t*t); t = round(t); t = round(t*t); t = exp(t); t = exp(t*t); t = log(t); t = log(t*t); t = log10(t); t = log10(t*t); t = cos(t); t = cos(t*t); t = sin(t); t = sin(t*t); t = tan(t); t = tan(t*t); t = asin(t); t = asin(t*t); t = atan(t); t = atan(t*t); t = acos(t); t = acos(t*t); t = cosh(t); t = cosh(t*t); t = sinh(t); t = sinh(t*t); t = tanh(t); t = tanh(t*t); double dval = 2; t = pow(t, t); t = pow(t, t*t); t = pow(t, dval); t = pow(t*t, t); t = pow(t*t, t*t); t = pow(t*t, dval); t = pow(dval, t); t = pow(dval, t*t); t = atan2(t, t); t = atan2(t, t*t); t = atan2(t, dval); t = atan2(t*t, t); t = atan2(t*t, t*t); t = atan2(t*t, dval); t = atan2(dval, t); t = atan2(dval, t*t); t = fmod(t, t); t = fmod(t, t*t); t = fmod(t, dval); t = fmod(t*t, t); t = fmod(t*t, t*t); t = fmod(t*t, dval); t = fmod(dval, t); t = fmod(dval, t*t); typedef typename T::backend_type backend_type; typedef typename backend_type::exponent_type exp_type; exp_type e = 0; int i = 0; t = ldexp(t, i); t = ldexp(t*t, i); t = ldexp(t, e); t = ldexp(t*t, e); t = frexp(t, &i); t = frexp(t*t, &i); t = frexp(t, &e); t = frexp(t*t, &e); }
npy_double npy_sinh(npy_double x) { return sinh(x); }
void eval_sinh(Expr *expr) { expr->l->fn(expr->l); expr->v.x = sinh(expr->l->v.x); }
void Parser::optimise_call(ExprNode *node) { DBL result = 0.0; bool have_result = true;; if(node->op != OP_CALL) return; if(node->child == NULL) return; if(node->child->op != OP_CONSTANT) return; switch(node->call.token) { case SIN_TOKEN: result = sin(node->child->number); break; case COS_TOKEN: result = cos(node->child->number); break; case TAN_TOKEN: result = tan(node->child->number); break; case ASIN_TOKEN: result = asin(node->child->number); break; case ACOS_TOKEN: result = acos(node->child->number); break; case ATAN_TOKEN: result = atan(node->child->number); break; case SINH_TOKEN: result = sinh(node->child->number); break; case COSH_TOKEN: result = cosh(node->child->number); break; case TANH_TOKEN: result = tanh(node->child->number); break; case ASINH_TOKEN: result = asinh(node->child->number); break; case ACOSH_TOKEN: result = acosh(node->child->number); break; case ATANH_TOKEN: result = atanh(node->child->number); break; case ABS_TOKEN: result = fabs(node->child->number); break; case RADIANS_TOKEN: result = node->child->number * M_PI / 180.0; break; case DEGREES_TOKEN: result = node->child->number * 180.0 / M_PI; break; case FLOOR_TOKEN: result = floor(node->child->number); break; case INT_TOKEN: result = (int)(node->child->number); break; case CEIL_TOKEN: result = ceil(node->child->number); break; case SQRT_TOKEN: result = sqrt(node->child->number); break; case EXP_TOKEN: result = exp(node->child->number); break; case LN_TOKEN: if(node->child->number > 0.0) result = log(node->child->number); else Error("Domain error in 'ln'."); break; case LOG_TOKEN: if(node->child->number > 0.0) result = log10(node->child->number); else Error("Domain error in 'log'."); break; case MIN_TOKEN: have_result = false; break; case MAX_TOKEN: have_result = false; break; case ATAN2_TOKEN: have_result = false; break; case POW_TOKEN: have_result = false; break; case MOD_TOKEN: have_result = false; break; case SELECT_TOKEN: have_result = false; break; case FUNCT_ID_TOKEN: have_result = false; break; case VECTFUNCT_ID_TOKEN: have_result = false; break; default: have_result = false; break; } if(have_result == true) { POV_FREE(node->; node->number = result; node->op = OP_CONSTANT; POV_FREE(node->child); node->child = NULL; } }
inline double _d0_cosh(double arg) { return (sinh(arg)); }
double complex ccosh(double complex z) { double x, y, h; int32_t hx, hy, ix, iy, lx, ly; x = creal(z); y = cimag(z); EXTRACT_WORDS(hx, lx, x); EXTRACT_WORDS(hy, ly, y); ix = 0x7fffffff & hx; iy = 0x7fffffff & hy; /* Handle the nearly-non-exceptional cases where x and y are finite. */ if (ix < 0x7ff00000 && iy < 0x7ff00000) { if ((iy | ly) == 0) return (cpack(cosh(x), x * y)); if (ix < 0x40360000) /* small x: normal case */ return (cpack(cosh(x) * cos(y), sinh(x) * sin(y))); /* |x| >= 22, so cosh(x) ~= exp(|x|) */ if (ix < 0x40862e42) { /* x < 710: exp(|x|) won't overflow */ h = exp(fabs(x)) * 0.5; return (cpack(h * cos(y), copysign(h, x) * sin(y))); } else if (ix < 0x4096bbaa) { /* x < 1455: scale to avoid overflow */ z = __ldexp_cexp(cpack(fabs(x), y), -1); return (cpack(creal(z), cimag(z) * copysign(1, x))); } else { /* x >= 1455: the result always overflows */ h = huge * x; return (cpack(h * h * cos(y), h * sin(y))); } } /* * cosh(+-0 +- I Inf) = dNaN + I sign(d(+-0, dNaN))0. * The sign of 0 in the result is unspecified. Choice = normally * the same as dNaN. Raise the invalid floating-point exception. * * cosh(+-0 +- I NaN) = d(NaN) + I sign(d(+-0, NaN))0. * The sign of 0 in the result is unspecified. Choice = normally * the same as d(NaN). */ if ((ix | lx) == 0 && iy >= 0x7ff00000) return (cpack(y - y, copysign(0, x * (y - y)))); /* * cosh(+-Inf +- I 0) = +Inf + I (+-)(+-)0. * * cosh(NaN +- I 0) = d(NaN) + I sign(d(NaN, +-0))0. * The sign of 0 in the result is unspecified. */ if ((iy | ly) == 0 && ix >= 0x7ff00000) { if (((hx & 0xfffff) | lx) == 0) return (cpack(x * x, copysign(0, x) * y)); return (cpack(x * x, copysign(0, (x + x) * y))); } /* * cosh(x +- I Inf) = dNaN + I dNaN. * Raise the invalid floating-point exception for finite nonzero x. * * cosh(x + I NaN) = d(NaN) + I d(NaN). * Optionally raises the invalid floating-point exception for finite * nonzero x. Choice = don't raise (except for signaling NaNs). */ if (ix < 0x7ff00000 && iy >= 0x7ff00000) return (cpack(y - y, x * (y - y))); /* * cosh(+-Inf + I NaN) = +Inf + I d(NaN). * * cosh(+-Inf +- I Inf) = +Inf + I dNaN. * The sign of Inf in the result is unspecified. Choice = always +. * Raise the invalid floating-point exception. * * cosh(+-Inf + I y) = +Inf cos(y) +- I Inf sin(y) */ if (ix >= 0x7ff00000 && ((hx & 0xfffff) | lx) == 0) { if (iy >= 0x7ff00000) return (cpack(x * x, x * (y - y))); return (cpack((x * x) * cos(y), x * sin(y))); } /* * cosh(NaN + I NaN) = d(NaN) + I d(NaN). * * cosh(NaN +- I Inf) = d(NaN) + I d(NaN). * Optionally raises the invalid floating-point exception. * Choice = raise. * * cosh(NaN + I y) = d(NaN) + I d(NaN). * Optionally raises the invalid floating-point exception for finite * nonzero y. Choice = don't raise (except for signaling NaNs). */ return (cpack((x * x) * (y - y), (x + x) * (y - y))); }
double d_sinh(double *x) { return( sinh(*x) ); }
//------------------------Sampling the transition probability (v(0)=X_t, v(1)=int_0^t X_s ds) //-------------------------dX_t = kappa(theta-X_t)dt + sigma sqrt(X_t)dW_t //-------------------------------------In the case of the troncation serie static void Sample_C( PnlVect* v,double t, double kappa, double sigma, double theta ,int generator) { //----------Declaration of variable double gamma, lambda; double tmp; double tmp2; int j,pss; int order_tr; // Default value is equal to 20 //----------Initialization of parammter tmp=0.; j=0; gamma = 4.*kappa/(sigma*sigma*(1.-exp(-kappa*t))); lambda = pnl_vect_get(v,0)*gamma*exp(-kappa*t); order_tr = 20; //----------Begin operations //----generate vt --> tmp pss = pnl_rand_poisson(lambda*0.5,generator); for(j=1;j<= pss;j++) tmp = tmp + pnl_rand_gamma(1.,2., generator); tmp = tmp +pnl_rand_gamma(2.*kappa*theta/(sigma*sigma),2.,generator); tmp = tmp/gamma; //----generate the variable Z tmp2 =0.; j=0; pss = pnl_rand_bessel(2.*theta*kappa/(sigma*sigma)-1.,2.*kappa*sqrt(pnl_vect_get(v,0)*tmp)/(sigma*sigma*sinh(kappa*t*0.5)),generator); for(j=1;j<=pss;j++) { tmp2=tmp2+X_3_sample( order_tr, t, kappa, sigma, generator); } //----generate int_0^t vs = X1 +X2 +X3 --> lambda lambda=tmp2+X_2_sample( order_tr, t, kappa, sigma, theta , generator)+X_1_sample( order_tr, t, kappa, sigma, pnl_vect_get(v,0), tmp, generator); //----set the new value pnl_vect_set(v,0,tmp); pnl_vect_set(v,1,lambda); }
static double kepler( const double ecc, double mean_anom) { double curr, err, thresh, offset = 0.; double delta_curr = 1.; bool is_negative = false; unsigned n_iter = 0; if( !mean_anom) return( 0.); if( ecc < 1.) { if( mean_anom < -PI || mean_anom > PI) { double tmod = fmod( mean_anom, PI * 2.); if( tmod > PI) /* bring mean anom within -pi to +pi */ tmod -= 2. * PI; else if( tmod < -PI) tmod += 2. * PI; offset = mean_anom - tmod; mean_anom = tmod; } if( ecc < .9) /* low-eccentricity formula from Meeus, p. 195 */ { curr = atan2( sin( mean_anom), cos( mean_anom) - ecc); do { err = (curr - ecc * sin( curr) - mean_anom) / (1. - ecc * cos( curr)); curr -= err; } while( fabs( err) > THRESH); return( curr + offset); } } if( mean_anom < 0.) { mean_anom = -mean_anom; is_negative = true; } curr = mean_anom; thresh = THRESH * fabs( 1. - ecc); /* Due to roundoff error, there's no way we can hope to */ /* get below a certain minimum threshhold anyway: */ if( thresh < MIN_THRESH) thresh = MIN_THRESH; if( (ecc > .8 && mean_anom < PI / 3.) || ecc > 1.) /* up to 60 degrees */ { double trial = mean_anom / fabs( 1. - ecc); if( trial * trial > 6. * fabs(1. - ecc)) /* cubic term is dominant */ { if( mean_anom < PI) trial = CUBE_ROOT( 6. * mean_anom); else /* hyperbolic w/ 5th & higher-order terms predominant */ trial = asinh( mean_anom / ecc); } curr = trial; if( thresh > THRESH) /* happens if e > 2. */ thresh = THRESH; } if( ecc < 1.) while( fabs( delta_curr) > thresh) { if( n_iter++ > MAX_ITERATIONS) err = near_parabolic( curr, ecc) - mean_anom; else err = curr - ecc * sin( curr) - mean_anom; delta_curr = -err / (1. - ecc * cos( curr)); curr += delta_curr; } else while( fabs( delta_curr) > thresh) { if( n_iter++ > MAX_ITERATIONS) err = -near_parabolic( curr, ecc) - mean_anom; else err = ecc * sinh( curr) - curr - mean_anom; delta_curr = -err / (ecc * cosh( curr) - 1.); curr += delta_curr; } return( is_negative ? offset - curr : offset + curr); }
void iterate (control_point *cp, int n, int fuse, point *points) { int i, j, count_large = 0, count_nan = 0; int xform_distrib[CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN]; double p[3], t, r, dr; p[0] = points[0][0]; p[1] = points[0][1]; p[2] = points[0][2]; /* * first, set up xform, which is an array that converts a uniform random * variable into one with the distribution dictated by the density * fields */ dr = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < NXFORMS; i++) dr += cp->xform[i].density; dr = dr / CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN; j = 0; t = cp->xform[0].density; r = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN; i++) { while (r >= t) { j++; t += cp->xform[j].density; } xform_distrib[i] = j; r += dr; } for (i = -fuse; i < n; i++) { /* FIXME: the following is supported only by gcc and c99 */ int fn = xform_distrib[g_random_int_range (0, CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN)]; double tx, ty, v; if (p[0] > 100.0 || p[0] < -100.0 || p[1] > 100.0 || p[1] < -100.0) count_large++; if (p[0] != p[0]) count_nan++; #define coef cp->xform[fn].c #define vari cp->xform[fn].var /* first compute the color coord */ p[2] = (p[2] + cp->xform[fn].color) / 2.0; /* then apply the affine part of the function */ tx = coef[0][0] * p[0] + coef[1][0] * p[1] + coef[2][0]; ty = coef[0][1] * p[0] + coef[1][1] * p[1] + coef[2][1]; p[0] = p[1] = 0.0; /* then add in proportional amounts of each of the variations */ v = vari[0]; if (v > 0.0) { /* linear */ double nx, ny; nx = tx; ny = ty; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[1]; if (v > 0.0) { /* sinusoidal */ double nx, ny; nx = sin (tx); ny = sin (ty); p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[2]; if (v > 0.0) { /* spherical */ double nx, ny; double r2 = tx * tx + ty * ty + 1e-6; nx = tx / r2; ny = ty / r2; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[3]; if (v > 0.0) { /* swirl */ double r2 = tx * tx + ty * ty; /* /k here is fun */ double c1 = sin (r2); double c2 = cos (r2); double nx = c1 * tx - c2 * ty; double ny = c2 * tx + c1 * ty; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[4]; if (v > 0.0) { /* horseshoe */ double a, c1, c2, nx, ny; if (tx < -EPS || tx > EPS || ty < -EPS || ty > EPS) a = atan2(tx, ty); /* times k here is fun */ else a = 0.0; c1 = sin (a); c2 = cos (a); nx = c1 * tx - c2 * ty; ny = c2 * tx + c1 * ty; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[5]; if (v > 0.0) { /* polar */ double nx, ny; if (tx < -EPS || tx > EPS || ty < -EPS || ty > EPS) nx = atan2 (tx, ty) / G_PI; else nx = 0.0; ny = sqrt (tx * tx + ty * ty) - 1.0; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[6]; if (v > 0.0) { /* bent */ double nx, ny; nx = tx; ny = ty; if (nx < 0.0) nx = nx * 2.0; if (ny < 0.0) ny = ny / 2.0; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[7]; if (v > 0.0) { /* folded handkerchief */ double theta, r2, nx, ny; if (tx < -EPS || tx > EPS || ty < -EPS || ty > EPS) theta = atan2( tx, ty ); else theta = 0.0; r2 = sqrt (tx * tx + ty * ty); nx = sin (theta + r2) * r2; ny = cos (theta - r2) * r2; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[8]; if (v > 0.0) { /* heart */ double theta, r2, nx, ny; if (tx < -EPS || tx > EPS || ty < -EPS || ty > EPS) theta = atan2( tx, ty ); else theta = 0.0; r2 = sqrt (tx * tx + ty * ty); theta *= r2; nx = sin (theta) * r2; ny = cos (theta) * -r2; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[9]; if (v > 0.0) { /* disc */ double theta, r2, nx, ny; if ( tx < -EPS || tx > EPS || ty < - EPS || ty > EPS) theta = atan2 (tx, ty); else theta = 0.0; nx = tx * G_PI; ny = ty * G_PI; r2 = sqrt (nx * nx * ny * ny); p[0] += v * sin(r2) * theta / G_PI; p[1] += v * cos(r2) * theta / G_PI; } v = vari[10]; if (v > 0.0) { /* spiral */ double theta, r2; if (tx < -EPS || tx > EPS || ty < -EPS || ty > EPS) theta = atan2( tx, ty ); else theta = 0.0; r2 = sqrt (tx * tx + ty * ty) + 1e-6; p[0] += v * (cos (theta) + sin (r2)) / r2; p[1] += v * (cos (theta) + cos (r2)) / r2; } v = vari[11]; if (v > 0.0) { /* hyperbolic */ double theta, r2; if (tx < -EPS || tx > EPS || ty < -EPS || ty > EPS) theta = atan2 (tx, ty); else theta = 0.0; r2 = sqrt (tx * tx + ty * ty) + 1e-6; p[0] += v * sin (theta) / r2; p[1] += v * cos (theta) * r2; } v = vari[12]; if (v > 0.0 ) { double theta, r2; /* diamond */ if ( tx < -EPS || tx > EPS || ty < -EPS || ty > EPS) theta = atan2 (tx, ty); else theta = 0.0; r2 = sqrt( tx * tx + ty * ty ); p[0] += v * sin (theta) * cos (r2); p[1] += v * cos (theta) * sin (r2); } v = vari[13]; if (v > 0.0) { /* ex */ double theta, r2, n0, n1, m0, m1; if ( tx < -EPS || tx > EPS || ty < -EPS || ty > EPS) theta = atan2 (tx, ty); else theta = 0.0; r2 = sqrt( tx * tx + ty * ty ); n0 = sin(theta + r2); n1 = cos(theta - r2); m0 = n0 * n0 * n0 * r2; m1 = n1 * n1 * n1 * r2; p[0] += v * (m0 + m1); p[1] += v * (m0 - m1); } v = vari[14]; if ( v > 0.0) { double theta, r2, nx, ny; /* julia */ if (tx < -EPS || tx > EPS || ty < -EPS || ty > EPS) theta = atan2 (tx, ty); else theta = 0.0; if (flam3_random_bit ()) theta += G_PI; r2 = pow (tx * tx + ty * ty, 0.25); nx = r2 * cos (theta); ny = r2 * sin (theta); p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[15]; if (v > 0.0) { /* waves */ double dx, dy, nx, ny; dx = coef[2][0]; dy = coef[2][1]; nx = tx + coef[1][0] * sin (ty / ((dx * dx) + EPS)); ny = ty + coef[1][1] * sin (tx / ((dy * dy) + EPS)); p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[16]; if (v > 0.0) { /* fisheye */ double theta, r2, nx, ny; if (tx < -EPS || tx > EPS || ty < -EPS || ty > EPS) theta = atan2 (tx, ty); else theta = 0.0; r2 = sqrt (tx * tx + ty * ty); r2 = 2 * r2 / (r2 + 1); nx = r2 * cos (theta); ny = r2 * sin (theta); p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[17]; if (v > 0.0) { /* popcorn */ double dx, dy, nx, ny; dx = tan (3 * ty); dy = tan (3 * tx); nx = tx + coef[2][0] * sin (dx); ny = ty + coef[2][1] * sin (dy); p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[18]; if (v > 0.0) { /* exponential */ double dx, dy, nx, ny; dx = exp (tx - 1.0); dy = G_PI * ty; nx = cos (dy) * dx; ny = sin (dy) * dx; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[19]; if (v > 0.0) { /* power */ double theta, r2, tsin, tcos, nx, ny; if (tx < -EPS || tx > EPS || ty < -EPS || ty > EPS) theta = atan2 (tx, ty); else theta = 0.0; tsin = sin (theta); tcos = cos (theta); r2 = sqrt (tx * tx + ty * ty); r2 = pow (r2, tsin); nx = r2 * tcos;; ny = r2 * tsin; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[20]; if (v > 0.0) { /* cosine */ double nx, ny; nx = cos (tx * G_PI) * cosh (ty); ny = -sin (tx * G_PI) * sinh (ty); p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[21]; if (v > 0.0) { /* rings */ double theta, r2, dx, nx, ny; if (tx < -EPS || tx > EPS || ty < -EPS || ty > EPS) theta = atan2 (tx, ty); else theta = 0; dx = coef[2][0]; dx = dx * dx + EPS; r2 = sqrt (tx * tx + ty * ty); r2 = fmod (r2 + dx, 2 * dx) - dx + r2 * (1 - dx); nx = cos (theta) * r2; ny = sin (theta) * r2; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[22]; if (v > 0.0) { /* fan */ double theta, r2, dx, dy, dx2, nx, ny; if (tx < -EPS || tx > EPS || ty < -EPS || ty > EPS) theta = atan2 (tx, ty); else theta = 0.0; dx = coef[2][0]; dy = coef[2][1]; dx = G_PI * (dx * dx + EPS); dx2 = dx / 2; r2 = sqrt (tx * tx + ty * ty ); theta += (fmod (theta + dy, dx) > dx2) ? -dx2: dx2; nx = cos (theta) * r2; ny = sin (theta) * r2; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[23]; if (v > 0.0) { /* eyefish */ double r2; r2 = 2.0 * v / (sqrt(tx * tx + ty * ty) + 1.0); p[0] += r2 * tx; p[1] += r2 * ty; } v = vari[24]; if (v > 0.0) { /* bubble */ double r2; r2 = v / ((tx * tx + ty * ty) / 4 + 1); p[0] += r2 * tx; p[1] += r2 * ty; } v = vari[25]; if (v > 0.0) { /* cylinder */ double nx; nx = sin (tx); p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ty; } v = vari[26]; if (v > 0.0) { /* noise */ double rx, sinr, cosr, nois; rx = flam3_random01 () * 2 * G_PI; sinr = sin (rx); cosr = cos (rx); nois = flam3_random01 (); p[0] += v * nois * tx * cosr; p[1] += v * nois * ty * sinr; } v = vari[27]; if (v > 0.0) { /* blur */ double rx, sinr, cosr, nois; rx = flam3_random01 () * 2 * G_PI; sinr = sin (rx); cosr = cos (rx); nois = flam3_random01 (); p[0] += v * nois * cosr; p[1] += v * nois * sinr; } v = vari[28]; if (v > 0.0) { /* gaussian */ double ang, sina, cosa, r2; ang = flam3_random01 () * 2 * G_PI; sina = sin (ang); cosa = cos (ang); r2 = v * (flam3_random01 () + flam3_random01 () + flam3_random01 () + flam3_random01 () - 2.0); p[0] += r2 * cosa; p[1] += r2 * sina; } /* if fuse over, store it */ if (i >= 0) { points[i][0] = p[0]; points[i][1] = p[1]; points[i][2] = p[2]; } } }