    const Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList>& params,
    const Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos_Comm>& commT)
      *(PUMIMeshStruct::getValidDiscretizationParameters()), 0);

  outputFileName = params->get<std::string>("PUMI Output File Name", "");
  outputInterval = params->get<int>("PUMI Write Interval", 1); // write every time step default

  std::string model_file;
  if(params->isParameter("Mesh Model Input File Name"))
    model_file = params->get<std::string>("Mesh Model Input File Name");

  if (params->isParameter("Acis Model Input File Name"))
    model_file = params->get<std::string>("Parasolid Model Input File Name");

  if(params->isParameter("Parasolid Model Input File Name"))
    model_file = params->get<std::string>("Parasolid Model Input File Name");

  if (params->isParameter("PUMI Input File Name")) {

    std::string mesh_file = params->get<std::string>("PUMI Input File Name");
    mesh = 0;

    // If we are running in parallel but have a single mesh file, split it and rebalance
    bool useSerialMesh = params->get<bool>("Use Serial Mesh", false);
    if (useSerialMesh && commT->getSize() > 1){ // do the equivalent of the SCOREC "split" utility
       apf::Migration* plan = 0;
       gmi_model* g = 0;
       g = gmi_load(model_file.c_str());
       bool isOriginal = ((PCU_Comm_Self() % commT->getSize()) == 0);
       if (isOriginal) {
         mesh = apf::loadMdsMesh(g, mesh_file.c_str());
         plan = getPlan(mesh, commT->getSize());
       mesh = repeatMdsMesh(mesh, g, plan, commT->getSize());
    else {
      mesh = apf::loadMdsMesh(model_file.c_str(), mesh_file.c_str());

  } else {
    int nex = params->get<int>("1D Elements", 0);
    int ney = params->get<int>("2D Elements", 0);
    int nez = params->get<int>("3D Elements", 0);
    double wx = params->get<double>("1D Scale", 1);
    double wy = params->get<double>("2D Scale", 1);
    double wz = params->get<double>("3D Scale", 1);
    bool is = ! params->get<bool>("Hexahedral", true);
    buildBoxMesh(nex, ney, nez, wx, wy, wz, is);

  model = mesh->getModel();

  // Tell the mesh that we'll handle deleting the model.

  bool isQuadMesh = params->get<bool>("2nd Order Mesh",false);
  if (isQuadMesh)
    apf::changeMeshShape(mesh, apf::getSerendipity(), false);

  // Resize mesh after input if indicated in the input file
  // User has indicated a desired element size in input file
  if(params->isParameter("Resize Input Mesh Element Size")){
    SizeFunction sizeFunction(params->get<double>(
          "Resize Input Mesh Element Size", 0.1));
    int num_iters = params->get<int>(
        "Max Number of Mesh Adapt Iterations", 1);
    ma::Input* input = ma::configure(mesh,&sizeFunction);
    input->maximumIterations = num_iters;
    input->shouldSnap = false;

  // get the continuation step to write a restart file
  restartWriteStep = params->get<int>("Write Restart File at Step",0);

  APFMeshStruct::init(params, commT);

  // if we have a restart time, we will want to override some of
  // the default paramaters set by APFMeshStruct::init
  if (params->isParameter("PUMI Restart Time")) {
    hasRestartSolution = true;
    restartDataTime = params->get<double>("PUMI Restart Time", 0.0);
    std::string name = params->get<std::string>("PUMI Input File Name");
    if (!PCU_Comm_Self())
      std::cout << "Restarting from time: " << restartDataTime
        << " from restart file: " << name << std::endl;

  if (params->isParameter("Load FELIX Data"))
    shouldLoadFELIXData = true;

예제 #2
bool linearSpatial::cellSize
    const point& pt,
    scalar& size
) const
    if (sideMode_ == rmBothsides)
        size = sizeFunction(pt);

        return true;

    size = 0;

    List<pointIndexHit> hits;

        pointField(1, pt),
        scalarField(1, sqr(snapToSurfaceTol_)),

    const pointIndexHit& hitInfo = hits[0];

    // If the nearest point is essentially on the surface, do not do a
    // getVolumeType calculation, as it will be prone to error.
    if (hitInfo.hit())
        size = sizeFunction(pt);

        return true;

    pointField ptF(1, pt);
    List<volumeType> vTL;

    surface_.getVolumeType(ptF, vTL);

    bool functionApplied = false;

        sideMode_ == smInside
     && vTL[0] == volumeType::INSIDE
        size = sizeFunction(pt);

        functionApplied = true;
    else if
        sideMode_ == smOutside
     && vTL[0] == volumeType::OUTSIDE
        size = sizeFunction(pt);

        functionApplied = true;

    return functionApplied;

bool surfaceOffsetLinearDistance::cellSize
    const point& pt,
    scalar& size
) const
    size = 0;

    List<pointIndexHit> hits;

        pointField(1, pt),
        scalarField(1, totalDistanceSqr_),

    const pointIndexHit& hitInfo = hits[0];

    if (hitInfo.hit())
        const point& hitPt = hitInfo.hitPoint();
        const label hitIndex = hitInfo.index();

        const scalar dist = mag(pt - hitPt);

        if (sideMode_ == rmBothsides)
            size = sizeFunction(hitPt, dist, hitIndex);

            return true;

        // If the nearest point is essentially on the surface, do not do a
        // getVolumeType calculation, as it will be prone to error.
        if (mag(pt  - hitInfo.hitPoint()) < snapToSurfaceTol_)
            size = sizeFunction(hitPt, 0, hitIndex);

            return true;

        pointField ptF(1, pt);
        List<volumeType> vTL;

        surface_.getVolumeType(ptF, vTL);

        bool functionApplied = false;

            sideMode_ == smInside
         && vTL[0] == volumeType::INSIDE
            size = sizeFunction(hitPt, dist, hitIndex);

            functionApplied = true;
        else if
            sideMode_ == smOutside
         && vTL[0] == volumeType::OUTSIDE
            size = sizeFunction(hitPt, dist, hitIndex);

            functionApplied = true;

        return functionApplied;

    return false;