예제 #1
파일: dpkt.c 프로젝트: Einheri/wl500g
/* read a sequence of MPEG TS packets (to fit into the given buffer)
static ssize_t
read_ts_file( int fd, char* data, const size_t len, FILE* log )
    const size_t pkt_len = ((len - 1) / TS_SEG_LEN) * TS_SEG_LEN;
    off_t k = 0;
    u_int bad_frg = 0;
    ssize_t n = -1;

    assert( (fd > 0) && data && len && log);

    assert( !buf_overrun( data, len, 0, pkt_len, log ) );
    n = read_buf( fd, data, pkt_len, log );
    if( n <= 0 ) return n;

    if( 0 != sizecheck( "Bad TS packet stream",
                pkt_len, n, log, __func__ ) )
        return -1;

    /* make sure we've read TS records, not random data
    for( k = 0; k < (off_t)pkt_len; k += TS_SEG_LEN ) {
        if( -1 == ts_sigcheck( data[k], k, (u_long)pkt_len,
                    log, __func__ ) ) {

    return (bad_frg ? -1 : n);
예제 #2
파일: dpkt.c 프로젝트: Einheri/wl500g
/* determine type of stream saved in file
get_fstream_type( int fd, FILE* log )
    ssize_t n = 0;
    off_t offset = 0, where = 0;
    upxfmt_t dtype = UPXDT_UNKNOWN;
    char* data = NULL;

    /* read in enough data to contain extended header
     * and beginning of payload segment */
    size_t len = TS_SEG_LEN + RTP_XTHDRLEN;

    assert( (fd > 0) && log );

    if( NULL == (data = malloc( len )) ) {
        mperror( log, errno, "%s: malloc", __func__ );
        return UPXDT_UNKNOWN;

    do {
        /* check if it is a MPEG TS stream
        n = read( fd, data, len );
        if( 0 != sizecheck( "Not enough space for stream data",
                    len, n, log, __func__ ) ) break;
        offset += n;

        dtype = get_mstream_type( data, len, log );
        if( UPXDT_UNKNOWN == dtype ) {
            TRACE( (void)tmfprintf( log, "%s: file type is not recognized\n",
                        __func__ ) );
            dtype = UPXDT_UNKNOWN;
    } while(0);

    if( NULL != data ) free( data );

    if( n <= 0 ) {
        mperror( log, errno, "%s", __func__ );
        return UPXDT_UNKNOWN;

    where = lseek( fd, (-1) * offset, SEEK_CUR );
    if( -1 == where ) {
        mperror( log, errno, "%s: lseek", __func__ );
        return UPXDT_UNKNOWN;

    TRACE( (void)tmfprintf( log, "%s: stream type = [%d]=[%s]\n",
                __func__, (int)dtype, fmt2str(dtype) ) );

    return dtype;
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) {
    if (nrhs != 1 || nlhs != 0) mexErrMsgTxt("usage: resetInitialization(obj)");

    int narg = 0;
    sizecheck(prhs[narg], 1, 1);
    QPReactiveRecoveryPlan *plan = (QPReactiveRecoveryPlan*) getDrakeMexPointer(mxGetPropertySafe(prhs[narg], "mex_ptr"));


예제 #4
파일: QPCommon.cpp 프로젝트: blandry/drake
void matlabToCArrayOfArrays(const mxArray *source, const int idx, const char *fieldname, double *destination)  {
  // Matlab arrays come in as column-major data. To represent a matrix in C++, as we do in our LCM messages, we need an array of arrays. But that convention results in a row-major storage, so we have to be careful about how we copy data in. 
  const mxArray *field = myGetField(source, idx, fieldname);
  if (!mxIsDouble(field)) {
    std::cout << fieldname << std::endl;
    mexErrMsgTxt("Numeric data must be passed in as doubles\n");
  sizecheck(field, M, N);
  Map<Matrix<double, M, N>>A(mxGetPr(field));
  // C is row-major, matlab is column-major
  Matrix<double, N, M> A_t = A.transpose();
  memcpy(destination, A_t.data(), sizeof(double)*M*N);
int  generateH2value(int new_sock, int password, int R)
	int result = 0;
	char r[255];
	char pass[3];
	sprintf(r, "%d", R);
	sprintf(pass, "%d", password);
	if (sizecheck(pass, r) == 1)
		//Size does not reach limit. Proceed to concat
		strcpy(H2_notsigned, pass);
		strcat(H2_notsigned, r);
		struct tcpquery val = signed_withSHA(H2_notsigned);
		strncpy(H2, val.command, sizeof(H2));
		result = 1;
	return result;
예제 #6
파일: solver.c 프로젝트: BlueFern/parbrain
// Fixed step Backward Euler ODE solver
void back_euler(ode_workspace *odews)
    // Declare and initialise additional workspace variables
    double *beta, *w, *x; // arrays
    workspace *W;
    W = odews->W;
    int ny = W->nu;
    beta = zerosv(ny);
    w    = zerosv(ny);
    x    = zerosv(ny);

    double t = odews->t0;
    double tnext;

    // Initial newton_matrix computation
    int jac_needed = 0; // flag to say that Jacobian is current

    int converged = 0;
    write_data(W, t, odews->y); // Write initial data to file
    write_flow(W, t, W->q, W->q0);
    write_pressure(W, t, W->p, W->p0);


    // Timestep loop
    for (int i = 0; t < odews->tf; i++)
        // Perform a Jacobian update if necessary. This is in sync across
        // all processors
        if (jac_needed)
            jacupdate(W, t, odews->y);
            jac_needed = 0;

        // Copy values from previous completed timestep
        dcopy(ny, odews->y, beta);
        dcopy(ny, odews->y, w);
        tnext = t + odews->dt;

        // Indicate that we haven't converged yet
        W->flag[W->rank] = 0;
        converged = 0;

        // Newton loop
        for (int k = 0; k < odews->maxits; k++)
            evaluate(W, tnext, w, odews->f); // f = g(w)

            // evaluate also exchanges convergence information. If everyone
            // has converged, then we can stop. Everyone likewise gets the
            // request for Jacobian update
            if (all(W->flag, W->n_procs))
                converged = 1;

                if (k > odews->nconv)
                    jac_needed = 1;

                break; // w contains the correct value

            // Form x = w - beta - dt g (our fcn value for Newton)
            dcopy(ny, w, x);
            daxpy(ny, -1, beta, x);
            daxpy(ny, -odews->dt, odews->f, x);

            // TEST x[0] = radius etc. - w is the state var value, x is passed on to Newton
//            for (int la = 0; la < 27; la++)
//            {
//            	printf("iteration %d, state variable %2d - x: %e w: %e\n", k, la, x[la], w[la] );
//            }

            W->flag[W->rank] = sizecheck(x, ny, odews->ftol); // function value size check
            lusoln(odews, x);  // solve (x is now increment)
            W->flag[W->rank] |= sizecheck(x, ny, odews->ytol); // increment size check
            daxpy(ny, -1, x, w); // update w with new value

        if (!converged)
            printf("Newton iteration failed to converge\n");

        t = tnext;
        dcopy(ny, w, odews->y); // update y values

        if (fmod(t, odews->dtwrite) < odews->dt)
            write_data(W, t, odews->y);
            write_flow(W, t, W->q, W->q0);
            write_pressure(W, t, W->p, W->p0);

            if (W->rank == 0)
                printf("time: %e \n",t);

예제 #7
파일: dpkt.c 프로젝트: Einheri/wl500g
/* read an RTP packet
static ssize_t
read_rtp_file( int fd, char* data, const size_t len, FILE* log )
    ssize_t nrd = -1, offset = 0;
    size_t hdrlen = 0, rdlen = 0;
    u_int frg = 0;
    int rtp_end = 0, rc = 0;
    off_t where = 0;

    assert( (fd > 0) && data && len && log);

    assert( !buf_overrun( data, len, 0, RTP_HDR_SIZE, log ) );
    nrd = read_buf( fd, data, RTP_HDR_SIZE, log );
    if( nrd <= 0 ) return nrd;
    offset += nrd;

    if( -1 == sizecheck( "Bad RTP header", RTP_HDR_SIZE, nrd,
                log, __func__ ) )
        return -1;

    if( 0 == RTP_verify( data, nrd, log ) )
        return -1;

    if( -1 == (rc = RTP_hdrlen( data, nrd, &hdrlen, log )) )
        return -1;

    /* if there is an extended header, read it in */
    if( ENOMEM == rc ) {
        assert( !buf_overrun( data, len, offset,
                    RTP_XTHDRLEN - RTP_HDR_SIZE, log ) );
        nrd = read_buf( fd, data + offset,
                RTP_XTHDRLEN - RTP_HDR_SIZE, log );
        if( (nrd <= 0) ||
            (-1 == sizecheck("Bad RTP x-header",
                             RTP_XTHDRLEN - RTP_HDR_SIZE, nrd,
                             log, __func__ )) ) {
            return -1;
        if( 0 == nrd ) return nrd;

        offset += nrd;
        rc = RTP_hdrlen( data, offset, &hdrlen, log );
        if( 0 != rc ) {
            TRACE( (void)tmfprintf( log, "%s: bad RTP header - quitting\n",
                        __func__ ) );
            return -1;

        TRACE( (void)tmfprintf( log, "%s: RTP x-header length=[%lu]\n",
                    __func__, (u_long)hdrlen ) );

        if( (size_t)offset > hdrlen ) {
            /* read more than needed: step back */

            where = lseek( fd, (-1)*((size_t)offset - hdrlen), SEEK_CUR );
            if( -1 == where ) {
                mperror( log, errno, "%s: lseek", __func__ );
                return -1;

            offset -= ((size_t)offset - hdrlen);
            assert( (size_t)offset == hdrlen );

            TRACE( (void)tmfprintf( log, "%s: back to fpos=[0x%X], "
                        "offset=[%ld]\n", __func__, (u_int)where, (long)offset ) );
        else if( hdrlen > (size_t)offset ) {
            /* read remainder of the header in */

            assert( !buf_overrun( data, len, offset,
                        (hdrlen - (size_t)offset), log ) );
            nrd = read_buf( fd, data + offset,
                    (hdrlen - (size_t)offset), log );
            if( nrd <= 0 ||
               (-1 == sizecheck("Bad RTP x-header tail",
                             (hdrlen - (size_t)offset), nrd,
                             log, __func__ )) ) {
                    return -1;
            if( 0 == nrd ) return nrd;

            offset += nrd;
            assert( (size_t)offset == hdrlen );
    } /* read extended header */

    /* read TS records until there is another RTP header or EOF */
    for( frg = 0; (ssize_t)len > offset; ++frg ) {

        rdlen = ( (len - offset) < TS_SEG_LEN
                  ? (len - offset)
                  : TS_SEG_LEN );

       TRACE( (void)tmfprintf( log, "%s: reading [%lu] more bytes\n",
               __func__, (u_long)rdlen ) );

        assert( !buf_overrun( data, len, offset, rdlen, log ) );
        nrd = read_buf( fd, data + offset, rdlen, log );
        if( nrd <= 0 ) break;

        /* if it's an RTP header, roll back and return
        rtp_end = RTP_verify( data + offset, nrd, log );
        if( 1 == rtp_end ) {
            if( -1 == lseek( fd, (-1) * nrd, SEEK_CUR ) ) {
                mperror( log, errno, "%s: lseek", __func__ );
                return -1;


        /* check if it is a TS packet and it's of the right size
        if( (-1 == ts_sigcheck( data[offset], offset, (u_long)TS_SEG_LEN,
                    log, __func__ )) ||
            (-1 == sizecheck( "Bad TS segment size", TS_SEG_LEN, nrd,
                    log, __func__ )) ) {
            TRACE( hex_dump( "Data in question", data, offset + nrd, log ) );
            return -1;

        offset += nrd;
    } /* for */

    /* If it is not EOF and no RTP header for the next message is found,
     * it is either our buffer is too small (to fit the whole message)
     * or the stream is invalid
    if( !rtp_end && (0 != nrd) ) {
        (void)tmfprintf( log, "%s: no RTP end after reading [%ld] bytes\n",
                __func__, (long)offset );
        return -1;

    return (nrd < 0) ? nrd : offset;