예제 #1
파일: vprof.c 프로젝트: ezrec/vbcc
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
  char *mname;
  FILE *fp;
  long size,len;
  char *buf,*p;
  int i,nrecs = 0;
  struct profdata *pdata,*pd;

  if (argc >= 2) {
    if (*argv[1]=='-' || *argv[1]=='?') {
      printf("%s V%d.%d%c (c)1998 by Frank Wille\n"
             "Usage:\n  %s [mon.out]\n",argv[0],
             VERSION,REVISION,PLEVEL?('a'+PLEVEL-1):' ',argv[0]);
      mname = argv[1];
    mname = DEFAULTNAME;

  if (fp = fopen(mname,"r")) {
    /* determine file size */
    size = ftell(fp);
    if (size < 0) {
      fprintf(stderr,"%s: Seek error on %s!\n",argv[0],mname);

    /* allocate buffer and read file */
    if (!(buf = malloc(size))) {
      fprintf(stderr,"%s: Not enough memory!\n",argv[0]);
    if (fread(buf,1,size,fp) != size) {
      fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s had a read error!\n",argv[0],mname);

    /* count number of entries in mon.out and allocate profdata array */
    p = buf;
    while (p < buf+size) {
      p = skipname(p) + 2*sizeof(unsigned long);
    if (p!=buf+size || nrecs==0) {
      fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s: Corrupted file format.\n",argv[0],mname);
    if (!(pdata = malloc(nrecs * sizeof(struct profdata)))) {
      fprintf(stderr,"%s: Not enough memory!\n",argv[0]);

    /* fill profdata array */
    for (i=0,p=buf,pd=pdata; i<nrecs; i++,pd++) {
      pd->funcname = p;
      p = skipname(p);
      pd->ncalls = *(unsigned long *)p;
      pd->tottime = *(unsigned long *)(p+sizeof(unsigned long));
      p += 2*sizeof(unsigned long);

    /* display */
  else {
    fprintf(stderr,"%s: Can't open %s.\n",argv[0],mname);

  return 0;
예제 #2
파일: dnsresolve.c 프로젝트: ee08b397/mlkit
static uintptr_t *
apdns_getFQDN_MX_1 (Region rAddrLPairs, Region rAddrEPairs,
		    Region rAddrString, char *str, uintptr_t *list, int depth, request_data *rd)
  if (depth < 0)
    return list;
  // i,j are used as loop counters
  // the dnspackage returned from the resolver is scanned from top to buttom
  // next is the package pointer relative to the start of the package
  int j, next;
  char ans[NS_PACKETSZ + 1];
  char dnsnamesa[NS_MAXDNAME];
  char *dnsnames = dnsnamesa;
  char *input = str;
  uintptr_t *pair, *listpair;
  String rs;
  dnshead *head = (dnshead *) ans;
  // get the dns package
  int n = res_search (input, C_IN, T_MX, (unsigned char *) ans, NS_PACKETSZ + 1);
  input = 0;
  if (n == -1)
    return list;
  if (n < sizeof (dnshead))
    return list;
  ntohhead (ans, head);
  if ((head->flags & 0xF) != 0)
    return list;
  if (head->anscount < 1)
    return list;
  // skip questions
  next = NS_HFIXEDSZ;
  for (j = 0; j < head->questcount; j++)
      next = skipname (ans, next, n);
      next = iflessthan (next + 4, n);
      if (next < 0)
	return list;
  // The answers
  int rv;
  for (j = 0; j < head->anscount; j++)
//      int a_name = next;
      if (next >= n)
	return list;
      next = skipname (ans, next, n);
      if (next + NS_RRFIXEDSZ >= n || next < 0)
	return list;
      uint16_t a_type = twocharto16 (ans[next], ans[next + 1]);
      next += 4;
      uint32_t a_ttl =
	fourcharto32 (ans[next], ans[next + 1], ans[next + 2], ans[next + 3]);
      next += 4;
      uint16_t a_rdlength = twocharto16 (ans[next], ans[next + 1]);
      next += 2;
      if (a_type == T_MX)
	{			// We got a mx record
	  if (next + a_rdlength >= n || a_rdlength < 3)
	    return list;
	  uint16_t a_mx_pref = twocharto16 (ans[next], ans[next + 1]);
	  rv = dumpname (dnsnames, NS_MAXDNAME, ans, next + 2, n);
	  rs = convertStringToML (rAddrString, dnsnames);
	  allocRecordML (rAddrEPairs, 3, pair);
	  elemRecordML (pair, 0) = (uintptr_t) a_mx_pref;
	  elemRecordML (pair, 1) = (uintptr_t) a_ttl;
	  elemRecordML (pair, 2) = (uintptr_t) rs;
	  allocRecordML (rAddrLPairs, 2, listpair);
	  first (listpair) = (uintptr_t) pair;
	  second (listpair) = (uintptr_t) list;
	  makeCONS (listpair, list);
    ap_log_error (APLOG_MARK, LOG_DEBUG, 0, rd->server, 
        "apdns_getFQDN_MX: pref %i, ttl %i, %s", a_mx_pref, a_ttl, dnsnames);
      else if (a_type == T_CNAME)
	{			// we got an alias (cononical name)
	  rv = dumpname (dnsnames, NS_MAXDNAME, ans, next, n);
	  input = dnsnames;
	{			// we got something we did not ask for
	  // or cannot handle at the momnet
	  return list;
      next += a_rdlength;
  if (input)
    return apdns_getFQDN_MX_1 (rAddrLPairs, rAddrEPairs,
			       rAddrString, input, list, depth - 1, rd);
  return list;