void readFinfFiles(char *gsDir)
/* Read in .finf files and save info in cloneHash/cloneList. */
struct lineFile *lf;
struct clone *clone = NULL;
struct endInfo *end;
char fileName[512];
int i;
char *words[7];
char lastClone[64];
char cloneName[64];
int gsInfoCount = 0;
struct frag *frag;
boolean isFin;
char *s, *e;

strcpy(lastClone, "");
for (i=0; i<ArraySize(gsFiles); ++i)
    isFin = (i <= 0);
    sprintf(fileName, "%s/%s", gsDir, gsFiles[i]);
    printf("Reading info from %s\n", fileName);
    lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
    while (lineFileRow(lf, words))
	if (!sameString(words[1], lastClone))
	    struct clone *oldClone;
	    strcpy(lastClone, words[1]);
	    strcpy(cloneName, words[1]);
	    s = strchr(cloneName, '.');
	    if (s == NULL)
	        errAbort("Bad clone name format line %d of %s\n", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
	    if (strlen(s) >= sizeof(clone->version))
	        errAbort("Bad clone name format line %d of %s\n", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
	    strcpy(clone->version, s);
	    clone->size = atoi(words[3]);
	    if ((oldClone = hashFindVal(cloneHash, cloneName)) != NULL)
		if (isFin && clone->size == oldClone->size && sameString(clone->version, oldClone->version))
		    warn("Apparently benign duplication of %s line %d of %s", cloneName, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
		    warn("%s duplicated line %d of %s (size %d oldSize %d)", cloneName, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName,
		    	clone->size, oldClone->size);
	    hashAddSaveName(cloneHash, cloneName, clone, &clone->name);
	    clone->isFin = isFin;
	    slAddHead(&cloneList, clone);
	frag = newFrag(words[0], lf);
	slAddTail(&clone->fragList, frag);
	if (!clone->isFin && !sameString(words[6], "?") && !sameString(words[6], "i") 
	   && !sameString(words[6], "w"))
	    char *s = strchr(words[0], '~');
	    char c;

	    if (s == NULL)
	        errAbort("Expecting ~ in fragment name line %d of %s\n", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
	    end->contig = cloneString(s);
	    subChar(s, '.', '_');
	    end->text = cloneString(words[6]);
	    c = lastChar(end->text);
	    if (!(c == 'L' || c == 'R'))
	        c = '?';
	    end->lr = c;
	    slAddHead(&clone->gsList, end);
printf("Found %d ends in %d clones\n", gsInfoCount, slCount(cloneList));
예제 #2
static void tfBindLevelSection(struct tfData *tfList, struct sqlConnection *conn,
	char *motifTable, char *tfToConditionTable)
/* Print info on individual transcription factors that bind
 * with e-val between minVal and maxVal. */
struct tfData  *tf;
struct transRegCode *trc;

webNewSection("Transcription Factors Showing IP Over this Probe ");
colLabel("Transcription", 1);
colLabel("Growth Condition", 3);
colLabel("Motif Information", 3);
colLabel("Factor", 1);
colLabel("Good IP (P<0.001)", 1);
colLabel("Weak IP (P<0.005)", 1);
colLabel("No IP (P>0.005)", 1);
colLabel("Hits", 1);
colLabel("Scores", 1);
colLabel("Conservation (2 max)", 1);

for (tf = tfList; tf != NULL; tf = tf->next)
    struct hash *boundHash = newHash(8);
    slSort(&tf->conditionList, tfCondCmpName);

    /* Print transcription name. */
    sacCerHgGeneLinkName(conn, tf->name);

    /* Print stong and weak growth conditions. */
    ipPrintInRange(tf->conditionList, 0.0, 0.002, boundHash);
    ipPrintInRange(tf->conditionList, 0.002, 0.006, boundHash);

    /* Grab list of all conditions tested from database and
     * print out ones not in strong or weak as none. */
	 char query[256], **row;
	 struct sqlResult *sr;
	 boolean isFirst = TRUE;
	 boolean gotAny = FALSE;
	 sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
	 	"select growthCondition from %s where name='%s'",
		tfToConditionTable, tf->name);
	 sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
	 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
	     if (!hashLookup(boundHash, row[0]))
		 if (isFirst)
		     isFirst = FALSE;
		     printf(", ");
		 printf("%s", row[0]);
		 gotAny = TRUE;
	if (!gotAny)

    /* Print motif info. */
    if (tf->trcList == NULL)
	printf("<TD>%d</TD>", slCount(tf->trcList));
	/* Print scores. */
	for (trc = tf->trcList; trc != NULL; trc = trc->next)
	    double score;
	    if (trc != tf->trcList)
		printf(", ");
	    score = motifScoreHere(
		trc->chrom, trc->chromStart, trc->chromEnd,
		trc->name, motifTable);
	    printf("%3.1f</A>", score);
	for (trc = tf->trcList; trc != NULL; trc = trc->next)
	    if (trc != tf->trcList)
		printf(", ");
	    printf("%d", trc->consSpecies);
void printCloneStart(struct clone *clone, FILE *f)
/* Print the start of the output line with the clone info. */
fprintf(f, "%s\t%s\tH%d\tG%d\tS%d\t", clone->name, clone->version, clone->phase,
	slCount(clone->gsList), slCount(clone->spList));
예제 #4
char *visiGeneHypertextGenotype(struct sqlConnection *conn, int id)
/* Return genotype of organism if any in nifty hypertext format. */
int genotypeId;
struct slName *geneIdList, *geneId;
char query[256];
struct dyString *html;

/* Look up genotype ID. */
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
    "select specimen.genotype from image,specimen "
    "where image.id=%d and image.specimen = specimen.id", id);
genotypeId = sqlQuickNum(conn, query);
if (genotypeId == 0)
    return NULL;

/* Get list of genes involved. */
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
    "select distinct allele.gene from genotypeAllele,allele "
    "where genotypeAllele.genotype=%d "
    "and genotypeAllele.allele = allele.id"
    , genotypeId);
geneIdList = sqlQuickList(conn, query);
if (geneIdList == NULL)
    return cloneString("wild type");

/* Loop through each gene adding information to html. */
html = dyStringNew(0);
for (geneId = geneIdList; geneId != NULL; geneId = geneId->next)
    char *geneName;
    struct slName *alleleList, *allele;
    int alleleCount;
    boolean needsSlash = FALSE;

    /* Get gene name. */
    sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select name from gene where id='%s'",
    geneName = sqlQuickString(conn, query);
    if (geneName == NULL)

    /* Process each allele of gene. */
    sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), 
    	"select allele.name from genotypeAllele,allele "
	"where genotypeAllele.genotype=%d "
	"and genotypeAllele.allele = allele.id "
	"and allele.gene=%s"
	, genotypeId, geneId->name);
    alleleList = sqlQuickList(conn, query);
    alleleCount = slCount(alleleList);
    for (allele = alleleList; allele != NULL; allele = allele->next)
	char *simplifiedAllele = getSimplifiedAllele(geneName, allele->name);
	int repCount = 1, rep;
	if (alleleCount == 1)
	    repCount = 2;
	for (rep = 0; rep < repCount; ++rep)
	    if (needsSlash)
	        dyStringAppendC(html, '/');
	        needsSlash = TRUE;
	    dyStringAppend(html, geneName);
	    dyStringPrintf(html, "<SUP>%s</SUP>", simplifiedAllele);

    if (geneId->next != NULL)
        dyStringAppendC(html, ' ');

return dyStringCannibalize(&html);
예제 #5
파일: bbiWrite.c 프로젝트: davidhoover/kent
int bbiWriteZoomLevels(
    struct lineFile *lf,    /* Input file. */
    FILE *f,		    /* Output. */
    int blockSize,	    /* Size of index block */
    int itemsPerSlot,	    /* Number of data points bundled at lowest level. */
    bbiWriteReducedOnceReturnReducedTwice writeReducedOnceReturnReducedTwice,   /* callback */
    int fieldCount,	    /* Number of fields in bed (4 for bedGraph) */
    boolean doCompress,	    /* Do we compress.  Answer really should be yes! */
    bits64 dataSize,	    /* Size of data on disk (after compression if any). */
    struct bbiChromUsage *usageList, /* Result from bbiChromUsageFromBedFile */
    int resTryCount, int resScales[], int resSizes[],   /* How much to zoom at each level */
    bits32 zoomAmounts[bbiMaxZoomLevels],      /* Fills in amount zoomed at each level. */
    bits64 zoomDataOffsets[bbiMaxZoomLevels],  /* Fills in where data starts for each zoom level. */
    bits64 zoomIndexOffsets[bbiMaxZoomLevels], /* Fills in where index starts for each level. */
    struct bbiSummaryElement *totalSum)
/* Write out all the zoom levels and return the number of levels written.  Writes 
 * actual zoom amount and the offsets of the zoomed data and index in the last three
 * parameters.  Sorry for all the parameters - it was this or duplicate a big chunk of
 * code between bedToBigBed and bedGraphToBigWig. */
/* Write out first zoomed section while storing in memory next zoom level. */
assert(resTryCount > 0);
int maxReducedSize = dataSize/2;
int initialReduction = 0, initialReducedCount = 0;

/* Figure out initialReduction for zoom - one that is maxReducedSize or less. */
int resTry;
for (resTry = 0; resTry < resTryCount; ++resTry)
    bits64 reducedSize = resSizes[resTry] * sizeof(struct bbiSummaryOnDisk);
    if (doCompress)
	reducedSize /= 2;	// Estimate!
    if (reducedSize <= maxReducedSize)
	initialReduction = resScales[resTry];
	initialReducedCount = resSizes[resTry];
verbose(2, "initialReduction %d, initialReducedCount = %d\n", 
    initialReduction, initialReducedCount);

/* Force there to always be at least one zoom.  It may waste a little space on small
 * files, but it makes files more uniform, and avoids special case code for calculating
 * overall file summary. */
if (initialReduction == 0)
    initialReduction = resScales[0];
    initialReducedCount = resSizes[0];

/* Call routine to make the initial zoom level and also a bit of work towards further levels. */
struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
int zoomIncrement = bbiResIncrement;
struct bbiSummary *rezoomedList = writeReducedOnceReturnReducedTwice(usageList, fieldCount,
	lf, initialReduction, initialReducedCount,
	zoomIncrement, blockSize, itemsPerSlot, doCompress, lm, 
	f, &zoomDataOffsets[0], &zoomIndexOffsets[0], totalSum);
verboseTime(2, "writeReducedOnceReturnReducedTwice");
zoomAmounts[0] = initialReduction;
int zoomLevels = 1;

/* Loop around to do any additional levels of zoom. */
int zoomCount = initialReducedCount;
int reduction = initialReduction * zoomIncrement;
while (zoomLevels < bbiMaxZoomLevels)
    int rezoomCount = slCount(rezoomedList);
    if (rezoomCount >= zoomCount)
    zoomCount = rezoomCount;
    zoomDataOffsets[zoomLevels] = ftell(f);
    zoomIndexOffsets[zoomLevels] = bbiWriteSummaryAndIndex(rezoomedList, 
	blockSize, itemsPerSlot, doCompress, f);
    zoomAmounts[zoomLevels] = reduction;
    reduction *= zoomIncrement;
    rezoomedList = bbiSummarySimpleReduce(rezoomedList, reduction, lm);
verboseTime(2, "further reductions");
return zoomLevels;
static struct chrGapList *createGaps(struct bed *bounds)
struct bed *bedEl = NULL;
char *prevChr = NULL;
struct chrGapList *gaps = NULL;
struct gap *prevGap = NULL;
struct bed *prevBedEl = NULL;
struct chrGapList *curChrList = NULL;
int boundingChrCount = 0;
int overlappedBounding = 0;

for (bedEl = bounds; bedEl != NULL; bedEl = bedEl->next)
    /*	the first bedEl does not yet start a new gap, must have a second */
    if ((NULL == prevChr) || differentWord(prevChr,bedEl->chrom))
	struct chrGapList *cEl;
	cEl->chrom = cloneString(bedEl->chrom);
	cEl->gList = NULL;
	if (prevChr)
	    if (NULL == prevGap)
		verbose(2,"WARNING: only one element on %s ! No gap defined.\n",
	prevChr = cloneString(bedEl->chrom);
	prevGap = NULL;
	prevBedEl = bedEl;	/*	bounding element before first gap */
	verbose(4,"new chrom on bounding gap creation %s, adding %#lx\n",
		prevChr, (unsigned long) cEl);
	curChrList = cEl;
	struct gap *gEl;
	gEl->prev = prevGap;	/*	first one is NULL	*/
	gEl->upstream = prevBedEl;
	gEl->isUpstreamBound = TRUE;	/*	bounding element	*/
	gEl->downstream = bedEl;
	gEl->isDownstreamBound = TRUE;	/*	bounding element */
	gEl->next = NULL;		/*	not there yet	*/

	if (prevGap == NULL)	/*	first one is NULL	*/
	    curChrList->gList = gEl;	/*	starting the list	*/
	    prevGap->next = gEl;

	prevGap = gEl;

	/*	gapSize is between downstream and upstream	*/
	gEl->gapSize = bedEl->chromStart - prevBedEl->chromEnd;
	verbose(5,"gap: %s:%d-%d size %d (%d)\n",
		bedEl->chrom, gEl->upstream->chromEnd,
			gEl->downstream->chromStart, gEl->gapSize,
			gEl->downstream->chromStart - gEl->upstream->chromEnd);
	if (gEl->gapSize < 0)
	    if (verboseLevel()>3)
		warn("WARNING: overlapping bounding elements at\n\t"
		    "%s:%d-%d <-> %s:%d-%d",
			prevBedEl->chrom, prevBedEl->chromStart,
			    prevBedEl->chromEnd, bedEl->chrom,
				bedEl->chromStart, bedEl->chromEnd);
	    gEl->gapSize = 0;
	prevBedEl = bedEl;

if (prevChr)
    /*	potentially the last one is a single item on a chrom	*/
    if (NULL == prevGap)
	verbose(2,"WARNING: only one element on %s ! No gap defined.\n",

verbose(3,"bounding chrom count: %d (=? %d), overlapped items: %d\n",
	boundingChrCount, slCount(gaps), overlappedBounding);

static void randomPlacement(char *bounding, char *placed)
struct bed *boundingElements = bedLoadAll(bounding);
struct bed *placeItems = bedLoadAll(placed);
struct bed *nearestNeighbors = NULL;
int boundingCount = slCount(boundingElements);
int placedCount = slCount(placeItems);
int neighborCount = 0;
struct chrGapList *boundingGaps = NULL;
struct chrGapList *duplicateGapList = NULL;
struct chrGapList *neighborGaps = NULL;
struct statistic *statsList = NULL;
struct statistic *statEl = NULL;

if (neighbor)
    nearestNeighbors = bedLoadAll(neighbor);
    slSort(&nearestNeighbors, bedCmp);	/* order by chrom,chromStart */
    neighborCount = slCount(nearestNeighbors);
    verbose(2, "neighbor element count: %d\n", neighborCount);
    neighborGaps = createGaps(nearestNeighbors);
slSort(&boundingElements, bedCmp);	/* order by chrom,chromStart */
slSort(&placeItems, bedCmp);		/* order by chrom,chromStart */

verbose(2, "bounding element count: %d\n", boundingCount);
verbose(2, "placed item count: %d\n", placedCount);

boundingGaps = createGaps(boundingElements);

if (TRUE)	/*	display initial placement stats only	*/
    char *neighborName = NULL;

    if (neighbor)
	neighborName = cloneString(neighbor);
	duplicateGapList = cloneGapList(neighborGaps);
	neighborName = cloneString(bounding);
	duplicateGapList = cloneGapList(boundingGaps);

    verbose(2,"stats before initial placement:  =================\n");
    statEl = gapStats(duplicateGapList, (char *)NULL, (char *)NULL, (char *)NULL);
    printf("statistics on gaps before any placements:\n\t(%s)\n", neighborName);


    verbose(2,"stats after initial placement:  =================\n");
    statEl = gapStats(duplicateGapList, zeroBedOutFile, shoulderBedOutFile,
    printf("statistics after initial placement of placed items:\n\t(%s)\n",

    freeChrList(&duplicateGapList, FALSE);

if (trials > 0)
    int trial;

    srand48((long int)seed);	/* for default seed=0, same set of randoms */

    slSort(&placeItems, bedCmpSize);	/* order by size of elements */
    slReverse(&placeItems);		/* largest ones first	*/
    measurePlaced(placeItems);		/* show placed item characteristics */
    for (trial = 0; trial < trials; ++trial)
	struct bed *randomPlacedBedList;
	duplicateGapList = cloneGapList(boundingGaps);
	randomPlacedBedList = randomTrial(duplicateGapList,placeItems);
	if (neighbor)
	    struct chrGapList *duplicateNeighborList;
	    slSort(&randomPlacedBedList,bedCmp);/*order by chrom,chromStart*/
	    duplicateNeighborList = cloneGapList(neighborGaps);
	    statEl = gapStats(duplicateNeighborList, (char *)NULL, (char *)NULL, (char *)NULL);
	    freeChrList(&duplicateNeighborList, FALSE);
	    statEl = gapStats(duplicateGapList, (char *)NULL, (char *)NULL, (char *)NULL);

	/*	this gap list has temporary bed elements that were
	 *	created by the randomTrial(), they need to be freed as
	 *	the list is released, hence the TRUE signal.
	 *	It isn't a true freeBedList operation because the chrom
	 *	names are left intact in the original copy of the bed
	 *	list.  (The names were being shared.)
	if ((trial == (trials - 1)) && (bedOutFile != NULL))
	    bedListOutput(duplicateGapList, bedOutFile);
	freeChrList(&duplicateGapList, TRUE);
if (neighbor)
    freeChrList(&neighborGaps, FALSE);
freeChrList(&boundingGaps, FALSE);
예제 #8
파일: encode2Meta.c 프로젝트: bowhan/kent
void encode2Meta(char *database, char *manifestIn, char *outMetaRa)
/* encode2Meta - Create meta files.. */
int dbIx = stringArrayIx(database, metaDbs, ArraySize(metaDbs));
if (dbIx < 0)
    errAbort("Unrecognized database %s", database);

/* Create a three level meta.ra format file based on hgFixed.encodeExp
 * and database.metaDb tables. The levels are composite, experiment, file */
struct metaNode *metaTree = metaTreeNew("encode2");

/* Load up the manifest. */
struct encode2Manifest *mi, *miList = encode2ManifestShortLoadAll(manifestIn);
struct hash *miHash = hashNew(18);
for (mi = miList; mi != NULL; mi = mi->next)
    hashAdd(miHash, mi->fileName, mi);
verbose(1, "%d files in %s\n", miHash->elCount, manifestIn);

/* Load up encodeExp info. */
struct sqlConnection *expConn = sqlConnect(expDb);
struct encodeExp *expList = encodeExpLoadByQuery(expConn, "NOSQLINJ select * from encodeExp");
verbose(1, "%d experiments in encodeExp\n", slCount(expList));

struct hash *compositeHash = hashNew(0);

/* Go through each  organism database in turn. */
int i;
for (i=0; i<ArraySize(metaDbs); ++i)
    char *db = metaDbs[i];
    if (!sameString(database, db))

    verbose(1, "exploring %s\n", db);
    struct mdbObj *mdb, *mdbList = getMdbList(db);
    verbose(1, "%d meta objects in %s\n", slCount(mdbList), db);

    /* Get info on all composites. */
    for (mdb = mdbList; mdb != NULL; mdb = mdb->next)
	char *objType = mdbVarLookup(mdb->vars, "objType");
	if (objType != NULL && sameString(objType, "composite"))
	    char compositeName[256];
	    safef(compositeName, sizeof(compositeName), "%s", mdb->obj);
	    struct metaNode *compositeNode = metaNodeNew(compositeName);
	    slAddHead(&metaTree->children, compositeNode);
	    compositeNode->parent = metaTree;
	    struct mdbVar *v;
	    for (v=mdb->vars; v != NULL; v = v->next)
		metaNodeAddVar(compositeNode, v->var, v->val);
	    metaNodeAddVar(compositeNode, "assembly", db);
	    hashAdd(compositeHash, mdb->obj, compositeNode);

    /* Make up one more for experiments with no composite. */
    char *noCompositeName = "wgEncodeZz";
    struct metaNode *noCompositeNode = metaNodeNew(noCompositeName);
    slAddHead(&metaTree->children, noCompositeNode);
    noCompositeNode->parent = metaTree;
    hashAdd(compositeHash, noCompositeName, noCompositeNode);

    /* Now go through objects trying to tie experiments to composites. */ 
    struct hash *expToComposite = hashNew(16);
    for (mdb = mdbList; mdb != NULL; mdb = mdb->next)
	char *composite = mdbVarLookup(mdb->vars, "composite");
	if (originalData(composite))
	    char *dccAccession = mdbVarLookup(mdb->vars, "dccAccession");
	    if (dccAccession != NULL)
		char *oldComposite = hashFindVal(expToComposite, dccAccession);
		if (oldComposite != NULL)
		    if (!sameString(oldComposite, composite))
		        verbose(2, "%s maps to %s ignoring mapping to %s", dccAccession, oldComposite, composite);
		    hashAdd(expToComposite, dccAccession, composite);
    /* Now get info on all experiments in this organism. */
    struct hash *expHash = hashNew(0);
    struct encodeExp *exp;
    for (exp = expList; exp != NULL; exp = exp->next)
	if (sameString(exp->organism, organisms[i]))
	    if (exp->accession != NULL)
		char *composite = hashFindVal(expToComposite,  exp->accession);
		struct metaNode *compositeNode;
		if (composite != NULL)
		    compositeNode = hashMustFindVal(compositeHash, composite);
		    compositeNode = noCompositeNode;
		struct metaNode *expNode = wrapNodeAroundExp(exp);
		hashAdd(expHash, expNode->name, expNode);
		slAddHead(&compositeNode->children, expNode);
		expNode->parent = compositeNode;

    for (mdb = mdbList; mdb != NULL; mdb = mdb->next)
	char *fileName = NULL, *dccAccession = NULL;
	char *objType = mdbVarLookup(mdb->vars, "objType");
	if (objType != NULL && sameString(objType, "composite"))
	dccAccession = mdbVarLookup(mdb->vars, "dccAccession");
	if (dccAccession == NULL)
	char *composite = hashFindVal(expToComposite,  dccAccession);
	if (composite == NULL)
	    errAbort("Can't find composite for %s", mdb->obj);
	struct mdbVar *v;
	for (v = mdb->vars; v != NULL; v = v->next)
	    char *var = v->var, *val = v->val;
	    if (sameString("fileName", var))
		fileName = val;
		char path[PATH_LEN];
		char *comma = strchr(fileName, ',');
		if (comma != NULL)
		     *comma = 0;	/* Cut off comma separated list. */
		safef(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s/%s", db, 
		    composite, fileName);  /* Add database path */
		fileName = val = v->val = cloneString(path);
	if (fileName != NULL)
	    if (hashLookup(miHash, fileName))
		struct metaNode *expNode = hashFindVal(expHash, dccAccession);
		if (expNode != NULL)
		    struct metaNode *fileNode = metaNodeNew(mdb->obj);
		    slAddHead(&expNode->children, fileNode);
		    fileNode->parent = expNode;
		    struct mdbVar *v;
		    for (v=mdb->vars; v != NULL; v = v->next)
			metaNodeAddVar(fileNode, v->var, v->val);
#ifdef SOON
#endif /* SOON */

struct hash *suppress = makeSuppress();
struct hash *closeEnoughTags = makeCloseEnoughTags();

metaTreeHoist(metaTree, closeEnoughTags);
FILE *f = mustOpen(outMetaRa, "w");
struct metaNode *node;
for (node = metaTree->children; node != NULL; node = node->next)
    metaTreeWrite(0, 0, BIGNUM, FALSE, NULL, node, suppress, f);

/* Write warning about tags in highest parent. */
struct mdbVar *v;
for (v = metaTree->vars; v != NULL; v = v->next)
    verbose(1, "Omitting universal %s %s\n", v->var, v->val);