struct slName *listDirRegEx(char *dir, char *regEx, int flags) /* Return an alphabetized list of all files that match * the regular expression pattern in directory. * See REGCOMP(3) for flags (e.g. REG_ICASE) */ { struct slName *list = NULL, *name; struct dirent *de; DIR *d; regex_t re; int err = regcomp(&re, regEx, flags | REG_NOSUB); if(err) errAbort("regcomp failed; err: %d", err); if ((d = opendir(dir)) == NULL) return NULL; while ((de = readdir(d)) != NULL) { char *fileName = de->d_name; if (differentString(fileName, ".") && differentString(fileName, "..")) { if (!regexec(&re, fileName, 0, NULL, 0)) { name = newSlName(fileName); slAddHead(&list, name); } } } closedir(d); regfree(&re); slNameSort(&list); return list; }
struct slName *listDir(char *dir, char *pattern) /* Return an alphabetized list of all files that match * the wildcard pattern in directory. */ { struct slName *list = NULL, *name; struct dirent *de; DIR *d; if ((d = opendir(dir)) == NULL) return NULL; while ((de = readdir(d)) != NULL) { char *fileName = de->d_name; if (differentString(fileName, ".") && differentString(fileName, "..")) { if (pattern == NULL || wildMatch(pattern, fileName)) { name = newSlName(fileName); slAddHead(&list, name); } } } closedir(d); slNameSort(&list); return list; }
void writeHashToFile(struct hash *countHash, char *outputFile) /* Make an slPair list out of a hashEl list, sort it, output it. */ { FILE *f = mustOpen(outputFile, "w"); struct hashEl *el, *list = hashElListHash(countHash); slNameSort((struct slName **)&list); for (el = list; el != NULL; el = el->next) fprintf(f, "%s\t%d\n", el->name, ptToInt(el->val)); carefulClose(&f); hashElFreeList(&list); }
struct slName *hashToList(struct hash *wordHash) /* convert the hash back to a list. */ { struct hashEl *elList = hashElListHash(wordHash); struct slName *list = NULL; struct hashEl *cur; for (cur = elList; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) slNameAddHead(&list, cur->name); slNameSort(&list); hashElFreeList(&elList); return list; }
struct slName *lsSnpPdbChimeraGetSnpPdbs(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *snpId) /* get list of PDBs to which snpId is mapped. */ { if (!sqlTableExists(conn, "lsSnpPdb")) return NULL; char query[256]; sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT distinct pdbId FROM lsSnpPdb WHERE (snpId = \"%s\")", snpId); struct slName *pdbIds = sqlQuickList(conn, query); slNameSort(&pdbIds); return pdbIds; }
struct slName *cartTrackDbTablesForTrack(char *db, struct trackDb *track, boolean useJoiner) /* Return list of all tables associated with track. If useJoiner, the result can include * non-positional tables that are related to track by all.joiner. */ { static struct joiner *allJoiner = NULL; struct hash *uniqHash = newHash(8); struct slName *name, *nameList = NULL; char *trackTable = track->table; hashAdd(uniqHash, trackTable, NULL); if (useJoiner) { if (allJoiner == NULL) allJoiner = joinerRead("all.joiner"); struct joinerPair *jpList, *jp; jpList = joinerRelate(allJoiner, db, trackTable); for (jp = jpList; jp != NULL; jp = jp->next) { struct joinerDtf *dtf = jp->b; if (cartTrackDbIsAccessDenied(dtf->database, dtf->table)) continue; char buf[256]; char *s; if (sameString(dtf->database, db)) s = dtf->table; else { safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s.%s", dtf->database, dtf->table); s = buf; } if (!hashLookup(uniqHash, s)) { hashAdd(uniqHash, s, NULL); name = slNameNew(s); slAddHead(&nameList, name); } } slNameSort(&nameList); } /* suppress for parent tracks -- only the subtracks have tables */ if (track->subtracks == NULL) { name = slNameNew(trackTable); slAddHead(&nameList, name); } addTablesAccordingToTrackType(db, &nameList, uniqHash, track); hashFree(&uniqHash); return nameList; }
struct slName *pslSetsQueryNames(struct pslSets *ps) /* get list of all query names in all tables. slFree when done */ { struct slName *qNames = NULL; struct hash *qNameHash = hashNew(21); int iSet; struct hashCookie hc; struct hashEl *hel; for (iSet = 0; iSet < ps->numSets; iSet++) addQueryNames(qNameHash, ps->sets[iSet]); /* copy to a list */ hc = hashFirst(qNameHash); while ((hel = hashNext(&hc)) != NULL) slSafeAddHead(&qNames, slNameNew(hel->name)); hashFree(&qNameHash); slNameSort(&qNames); return qNames; }
void dropDownAdvFilterControls(struct column *col, struct sqlConnection *conn) /* Print out controls for dropdown list filter. */ { struct sqlResult *sr; char **row; char query[256]; struct slName *list=NULL, *el; sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select distinct %s from gisaidSubjInfo", col->name); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { char *val = row[0]; if (col->remap) val = hashFindVal(col->remap,val); slNameAddHead(&list, val); } sqlFreeResult(&sr); slNameSort(&list); hPrintf("choose: "); hPrintf("<SELECT NAME=\"%s\"", "countVarName"); hPrintf(">\n"); hPrintf("<OPTION VALUE=\"\">"); for (el = list; el; el = el->next) { hPrintf("<OPTION VALUE=\"%s\"", el->name); if (sameString(el->name, "displayCountString")) hPrintf(" SELECTED"); hPrintf(">%s\n", el->name); } hPrintf("</SELECT>\n"); slFreeList(&list); }
struct slName *listDir(char *dir, char *pattern) /* Return an alphabetized list of all files that match * the wildcard pattern in directory. */ { long hFile; struct _finddata_t fileInfo; struct slName *list = NULL, *name; boolean otherDir = FALSE; char *currentDir; if (dir == NULL || sameString(".", dir) || sameString("", dir)) dir = ""; else { currentDir = getCurrentDir(); setCurrentDir(dir); otherDir = TRUE; } if (pattern == NULL) pattern = *; if( (hFile = _findfirst( pattern, &fileInfo)) == -1L ) return NULL; do { if (!sameString(".", && !sameString("..", { name = newSlName(; slAddHead(&list, name); } } while( _findnext( hFile, &fileInfo) == 0 ); _findclose( hFile ); if (otherDir) setCurrentDir(currentDir); slNameSort(&list); return list; }
struct slName *valsForVar(char *varName, struct taggedFile *tfList) /* Return all values for given variable. */ { struct slName *list = NULL; struct hash *uniqHash = hashNew(7); struct taggedFile *tf; for (tf = tfList; tf != NULL; tf = tf->next) { char *val = metaTagValFindVal(tf->tagList, varName); if (val != NULL) { if (hashLookup(uniqHash, val) == NULL) { hashAdd(uniqHash, val, NULL); slNameAddHead(&list, val); } } } hashFree(&uniqHash); slNameSort(&list); return list; }
void statsOnSubsets(struct nearTest *list, int subIx, FILE *f) /* Report tests of certain subtype. */ { struct nearTest *test; struct hash *hash = newHash(0); struct slName *typeList = NULL, *type; fprintf(f, "\n%s subtotals\n", nearTestInfoTypes[subIx]); /* Get list of all types in this field. */ for (test = list; test != NULL; test = test->next) { char *info = test->info[subIx]; if (!hashLookup(hash, info)) { type = slNameNew(info); hashAdd(hash, info, type); slAddHead(&typeList, type); } } slNameSort(&typeList); hashFree(&hash); for (type = typeList; type != NULL; type = type->next) { struct qaStatistics *stats; AllocVar(stats); for (test = list; test != NULL; test = test->next) { if (sameString(type->name, test->info[subIx])) { qaStatisticsAdd(stats, test->status); } } qaStatisticsReport(stats, type->name, f); freez(&stats); } }
void showListOfFilterValues(struct column *col, struct sqlConnection *conn) /* Print out list of values availabe for filter. */ { struct sqlResult *sr; char **row; char query[256]; struct slName *list=NULL, *el; sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select distinct %s from gisaidSubjInfo", col->name); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { char *val = row[0]; if (col->remap) val = hashFindVal(col->remap,val); slNameAddHead(&list, val); } sqlFreeResult(&sr); slNameSort(&list); hPrintf("<BR>\n"); hPrintf("<B>Available Values:</B><BR>\n"); hPrintf("<TABLE>\n"); for (el = list; el; el = el->next) { hPrintf("<TR><TD>%s</TD></TR>\n", el->name); } hPrintf("</TABLE>\n"); slFreeList(&list); }
int hubSettingsCheckInit(struct trackHub *hub, struct trackHubCheckOptions *options, struct dyString *errors) { int retVal = 0; if (hub->version != NULL && options->version == NULL) options->version = hub->version; struct trackHubSettingSpec *hubLevel = NULL; int level = 0; if (hub->version != NULL) { AllocVar(hubLevel); if ((level = trackHubSettingLevel(hubLevel)) < 0) { dyStringPrintf(errors, "Unknown hub support level: %s. Defaulting to 'all'.\n", hub->level); retVal = 1; } else options->level = hub->level; } verbose(2, "Checking hub '%s'", hub->longLabel); if (options->level) verbose(2, " for compliance to level '%s' (use -settings to view)", options->level); verbose(2, "\n"); struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew(); if (errCatchStart(errCatch)) { /* make hash of settings for this version, saving in options */ struct trackHubSettingSpec *setting, *settings = trackHubSettingsForVersion(options->specHost, options->version); options->settings = newHash(0); options->suggest = NULL; for (setting = settings; setting != NULL; setting = setting->next) { hashAdd(options->settings, setting->name, setting); slNameAddHead(&options->suggest, setting->name); } /* TODO: ? also need to check settings not in this list (other tdb fields) */ // TODO: move extra file handling here (out of hubCheck) if (options->extra != NULL) { struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(options->extra); struct hashEl *hel; while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL) slNameAddHead(&options->suggest, hel->name); } slNameSort(&options->suggest); verbose(3, "Suggest list has %d settings\n", slCount(options->suggest)); } errCatchEnd(errCatch); if (errCatch->gotError) { retVal = 1; dyStringPrintf(errors, "%s", errCatch->message->string); } errCatchFree(&errCatch); return retVal; }
void gitReports() /* Generate code-review reports from git repo */ { int totalChangedLines = 0; int totalChangedFiles = 0; int userChangedLines = 0; int userChangedFiles = 0; tempMakeDiffName = cloneString(rTempName("/tmp", "makeDiff", ".tmp")); /* read the commits */ struct commit *commits = getCommits(), *c = NULL; /* make the user list */ for(c = commits; c; c = c->next) { if (!hashLookup(userHash, c->author)) { hashStore(userHash, c->author); struct slName *name = newSlName(c->author); slAddHead(&users, name); } } slNameSort(&users); /* create prefix dir */ char path[256]; safef(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", outDir, outPrefix); makeMyDir(path); /* create file dir */ safef(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s/%s", outDir, outPrefix, "file"); makeMyDir(path); /* create user dir */ safef(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s/%s", outDir, outPrefix, "user"); makeMyDir(path); char usersPath[1024]; safef(usersPath, sizeof(usersPath), "%s/%s/%s/index.html", outDir, outPrefix, "user"); FILE *h = mustOpen(usersPath, "w"); fprintf(h, "<html>\n<head>\n<title>Changes By User</title>\n</head>\n</body>\n"); fprintf(h, "<h1>Changes By User</h1>\n"); fprintf(h, "<h2>%s to %s (%s to %s) %s</h2>\n", startTag, endTag, startDate, endDate, title); fprintf(h, "<ul>\n"); struct slName*u; for(u = users; u; u = u->next) { printf("user: %s\n", u->name); /* create user/name dir */ safef(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s/%s/%s", outDir, outPrefix, "user", u->name); makeMyDir(path); /* create user/name/context dir */ safef(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s/%s/%s/%s", outDir, outPrefix, "user", u->name, "context"); makeMyDir(path); /* create user/name/full dir */ safef(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s/%s/%s/%s", outDir, outPrefix, "user", u->name, "full"); makeMyDir(path); userChangedLines = 0; userChangedFiles = 0; /* make user's reports */ doUserCommits(u->name, commits, &userChangedLines, &userChangedFiles); doUserFiles(u->name, commits); char relPath[1024]; safef(relPath, sizeof(relPath), "%s/index.html", u->name); fprintf(h, "<li> <A href=\"%s\">%s</A> - changed lines: %d, files: %d</li>\n", relPath, u->name, userChangedLines, userChangedFiles); totalChangedLines += userChangedLines; totalChangedFiles += userChangedFiles; } fprintf(h, "</ul>\n"); if (u) { fprintf(h, "switch to <A href=\"index.html\">commits view</A>, <A href=\"../index.html\">user index</A>"); } else { fprintf(h, "<ul>\n"); fprintf(h, "<li> lines changed: %d</li>\n", totalChangedLines); fprintf(h, "<li> files changed: %d</li>\n", totalChangedFiles); fprintf(h, "</ul>\n"); } fprintf(h, "</body>\n</html>\n"); fclose(h); // make index of all files view doUserFiles(NULL, commits); // make main index page doMainIndex(); // tidying up unlink(tempMakeDiffName); freez(&tempMakeDiffName); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) /* Process command line. */ { optionInit(&argc, argv, options); if ((argc != 1) || optionExists("-help")) usage(); char *hgdbConf = getenv("HGDB_CONF"); if (hgdbConf) printf("\nHGDB_CONF = %s\n\n", hgdbConf); // go through the list of cfgNames found to assemble a list of configs struct slName *cfgName = NULL, *cfgNameList = NULL, *configList = NULL, *config = NULL; cfgNameList = cfgNames(); slNameSort(&cfgNameList); for (cfgName = cfgNameList; cfgName; cfgName = cfgName->next) { //printf("%s\n", cfgName->name); if (endsWith(cfgName->name, ".user")) { char *base = cloneString(cfgName->name); base[strlen(base)-5] = 0; /* get connection info */ //char *database = getCfgOption(base, "db" ); apparently this can be optional on customtracks? char *host = getCfgOption(base, "host" ); char *user = getCfgOption(base, "user" ); char *password = getCfgOption(base, "password"); if (/*database &&*/ host && user && password) { //printf("%s\n", base); slAddHead(&configList, slNameNew(base)); } } } slReverse(&configList); printf("Configs found:\n\n"); int problemsFound = 0; for (config = configList; config; config = config->next) { printf("Config %s\n", config->name); printf("\n", config->name, getCfgOption(config->name, "host")); printf("%s.user=%s\n", config->name, getCfgOption(config->name, "user")); boolean problemFound = mysqlCheckSecurityOfConfig(config->name); if (problemFound) { ++problemsFound; printf("!!! Problem found in config %s !!!\n", config->name); } else { printf("Config %s is protected from mysql database access.\n", config->name); } printf("\n"); } printf("\nProblems Found in %d out of %d Configs\n\n", problemsFound, slCount(configList)); if (problemsFound > 1) return 1; return 0; }
static void parseDbXrefs() /* Parse the db_xref entries for various features to build a single dbx entry * in the kvt and to obtain the locus and mim ids for the kvt */ { static char* LOCUS_ID = "LocusID:"; static char* GENE_ID = "GeneID:"; static char* MIM_ID = "MIM:"; struct slName* head = NULL, *xref, *prevXref; struct keyVal* dbXrefKv = NULL; struct keyVal* locusLinkIdKv = NULL; struct keyVal* geneIdKv = NULL; struct keyVal* omimIdKv = NULL; if (dbXrefBuf == NULL) dbXrefBuf = dyStringNew(256); dyStringClear(dbXrefBuf); if (omimIdBuf == NULL) omimIdBuf = dyStringNew(256); dyStringClear(omimIdBuf); locusLinkId[0] = '\0'; /* split into a list and sort so we can remove dups */ if (gbCdsDbxField->val->stringSize > 0) head = slCat(head, parseDbXrefStr(gbCdsDbxField->val->string)); if (gbGeneDbxField->val->stringSize > 0) head = slCat(head, parseDbXrefStr(gbGeneDbxField->val->string)); slNameSort(&head); xref = head; prevXref = NULL; while (xref != NULL) { /* skip if dup of previous */ if ((prevXref == NULL) || !sameString(prevXref->name, xref->name)) { if (dbXrefBuf->stringSize > 0) dyStringAppendC(dbXrefBuf, ' '); dyStringAppend(dbXrefBuf, xref->name); updateKvt(&dbXrefKv, "dbx", dbXrefBuf->string); /* find number in db_xref like LocusID:27 or GeneID:27 */ if (startsWith(LOCUS_ID, xref->name)) { safef(locusLinkId, sizeof(locusLinkId), "%s", xref->name+strlen(LOCUS_ID)); updateKvt(&locusLinkIdKv, "loc", locusLinkId); } else if (startsWith(GENE_ID, xref->name)) { safef(geneId, sizeof(geneId), "%s", xref->name+strlen(GENE_ID)); updateKvt(&geneIdKv, "gni", geneId); } else if (startsWith(MIM_ID, xref->name)) { if (omimIdBuf->stringSize > 0) dyStringAppendC(omimIdBuf, ' '); dyStringAppend(omimIdBuf, xref->name+strlen(MIM_ID)); updateKvt(&omimIdKv, "mim", omimIdBuf->string); } } prevXref = xref; xref = xref->next; } slFreeList(&head); }