void BasicViewerWidget<TImage>::slot_UpdateSource(const itk::ImageRegion<2>& sourceRegion,
                                                  const itk::ImageRegion<2>& targetRegion)
  // This function needs the targetRegion because this is the region of the Mask that is used to mask the source patch.
//  std::cout << "BasicViewerWidget::slot_UpdateSource " << sourceRegion << std::endl;

void ManualPatchSelectionDialog<TImage>::slot_PatchMoved()
  slot_UpdateSource(PatchSelector->GetRegion(), TargetRegion);
  slot_UpdateResult(PatchSelector->GetRegion(), TargetRegion);

  // This will refresh the scene so that the old patch positions are erased
  //this->InteractorStyle->GetCurrentRenderer()->GetRenderWindow()->Render(); // (this doesn't work...)