예제 #1
 UIDnDMimeData(CSession &session, QStringList formats, Qt::DropAction defAction, Qt::DropActions actions, QWidget *pParent)
   : m_pParent(pParent)
   , m_session(session)
   , m_formats(formats)
   , m_defAction(defAction)
   , m_actions(actions)
   , m_fState(Dragging)
     /* This is unbelievable hacky, but I didn't found another way. Stupid
      * Qt QDrag interface is so less verbose, that we in principle know
      * nothing about what happens when the user drag something around. It
      * is possible that the target request data (s. retrieveData) while the
      * mouse button is still pressed. This isn't something we can support,
      * cause it would mean transferring the data from the guest while the
      * mouse is still moving (thing of a 2GB file ...). So the idea is to
      * detect the mouse release event and only after this happened, allow
      * data to be retrieved. Unfortunately the QDrag object eats all events
      * while a drag is going on (see QDragManager in the Qt src's). So what
      * we do, is installing an event filter after the QDrag::exec is called
      * to be last in the event filter queue and therefore called before the
      * one installed by the QDrag object.
      * Todo: test this on all supported platforms (X11 works) */
     QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(sltInstallEventFilter()));
UIDnDMimeData::UIDnDMimeData(CSession &session,
                             CDnDSource &dndSource,
                             QStringList formats,
                             Qt::DropAction defAction, Qt::DropActions actions,
                             QWidget *pParent)
    : m_Session(session)
    , m_DnDSource(dndSource)
    , m_lstFormats(formats)
    , m_defAction(defAction)
    , m_actions(actions)
    , m_pParent(pParent)
    , m_enmState(Dragging)
    , m_vaData(QVariant::Invalid)

     * This is unbelievable hacky, but I didn't find another way. Stupid
     * Qt QDrag interface is so less verbose, that we in principle know
     * nothing about what happens when the user drag something around. It
     * is possible that the target on the host requests data
     * (@sa retrieveData) while the mouse button still is pressed. This
     * isn't something we should support, because it would mean transferring
     * the data from the guest while the mouse is still moving (think of
     * transferring a 2GB file from the guest to the host ...). So the idea is
     * to detect the mouse release event and only after this happened, allow
     * data to be retrieved. Unfortunately the QDrag object eats all events
     * while a drag is going on (see QDragManager in the Qt src's).
     * So what we now are going to do is installing an event filter after the
     * QDrag::exec is called, so that this event filter then would be
     * the last in the event filter queue and therefore called before the
     * one installed by the QDrag object (which then in turn would
     * munch all events).
     ** @todo Test this on all supported platforms (X11 works).
     * Note: On Windows the above hack is not needed because as soon as Qt calls
     *       OLE's DoDragDrop routine internally (via QtDrag::exec), no mouse
     *       events will come through anymore. At this point DoDragDrop is modal
     *       and will take care of all the input handling. */
    QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(sltInstallEventFilter()));

#ifdef DEBUG
    LogFlowFunc(("Number of formats: %d\n", formats.size()));
    for (int i = 0; i < formats.size(); i++)
        LogFlowFunc(("\tFormat %d: %s\n", i, formats.at(i).toAscii().constData()));