예제 #1
void UIPopupCenter::showPopupPane(QWidget *pParent, const QString &strPopupPaneID,
                                  const QString &strMessage, const QString &strDetails,
                                  int iButton1, int iButton2,
                                  const QString &strButtonText1, const QString &strButtonText2,
                                  bool fProposeAutoConfirmation)
    /* Make sure at least one button is valid: */
    if (iButton1 == 0 && iButton2 == 0)
        iButton1 = AlertButton_Ok | AlertButtonOption_Default | AlertButtonOption_Escape;

    /* Check if popup-pane was auto-confirmed before: */
    if (fProposeAutoConfirmation)
        QStringList confirmedPopupList = vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetExtraData(GUI_SuppressMessages).split(',');
        if (confirmedPopupList.contains(strPopupPaneID))
            int iResultCode = AlertOption_AutoConfirmed;
            if (iButton1 & AlertButtonOption_Default)
                iResultCode |= (iButton1 & AlertButtonMask);
            else if (iButton2 & AlertButtonOption_Default)
                iResultCode |= (iButton2 & AlertButtonMask);
            emit sigPopupPaneDone(strPopupPaneID, iResultCode);

    /* Make sure parent is always set! */
    AssertMsg(pParent, ("Parent is NULL!"));
    if (!pParent)

    /* Looking for the corresponding popup-stack: */
    QString strPopupStackID = pParent->metaObject()->className();
    UIPopupStack *pPopupStack = 0;
    /* Is there already popup-stack with the same ID? */
    if (m_stacks.contains(strPopupStackID))
        /* Get existing one: */
        pPopupStack = m_stacks[strPopupStackID];
    /* There is no popup-stack with the same ID? */
        /* Create new one: */
        pPopupStack = m_stacks[strPopupStackID] = new UIPopupStack(pParent);
        /* Attach popup-stack connections: */
        connect(pPopupStack, SIGNAL(sigPopupPaneDone(QString, int)), this, SLOT(sltPopupPaneDone(QString, int)));
        connect(pPopupStack, SIGNAL(sigRemove()), this, SLOT(sltRemovePopupStack()));
        /* Show popup-stack: */

    /* Looking for the corresponding popup-pane: */
    if (pPopupStack->exists(strPopupPaneID))
        /* Update existing one: */
        pPopupStack->updatePopupPane(strPopupPaneID, strMessage, strDetails);
        /* Compose button description map: */
        QMap<int, QString> buttonDescriptions;
        if (iButton1 != 0 && !buttonDescriptions.contains(iButton1))
            buttonDescriptions[iButton1] = strButtonText1;
        if (iButton2 != 0 && !buttonDescriptions.contains(iButton2))
            buttonDescriptions[iButton2] = strButtonText2;
        /* Create new one: */
        pPopupStack->createPopupPane(strPopupPaneID, strMessage, strDetails,
                                     buttonDescriptions, fProposeAutoConfirmation);
void UIPopupCenter::showPopupPane(QWidget *pParent, const QString &strPopupPaneID,
                                  const QString &strMessage, const QString &strDetails,
                                  QString strButtonText1 /* = QString()*/, QString strButtonText2 /* = QString()*/,
                                  bool fProposeAutoConfirmation /* = false*/)
    /* Make sure parent is set! */

    /* Prepare buttons: */
    int iButton1 = 0;
    int iButton2 = 0;
    /* Make sure single button is properly configured: */
    if (!strButtonText1.isEmpty() && strButtonText2.isEmpty())
        iButton1 = AlertButton_Cancel | AlertButtonOption_Default | AlertButtonOption_Escape;
    else if (strButtonText1.isEmpty() && !strButtonText2.isEmpty())
        iButton2 = AlertButton_Cancel | AlertButtonOption_Default | AlertButtonOption_Escape;
    /* Make sure buttons are unique if set both: */
    else if (!strButtonText1.isEmpty() && !strButtonText2.isEmpty())
        iButton1 = AlertButton_Ok | AlertButtonOption_Default;
        iButton2 = AlertButton_Cancel | AlertButtonOption_Escape;
        /* If user made a mistake in button names, we will fix that: */
        if (strButtonText1 == strButtonText2)
            strButtonText1 = QApplication::translate("UIMessageCenter", "Ok");
            strButtonText1 = QApplication::translate("UIMessageCenter", "Cancel");

    /* Check if popup-pane was auto-confirmed before: */
    if ((iButton1 || iButton2) && fProposeAutoConfirmation)
        const QStringList confirmedPopupList = gEDataManager->suppressedMessages();
        if (   confirmedPopupList.contains(strPopupPaneID)
            || confirmedPopupList.contains("allPopupPanes")
            || confirmedPopupList.contains("all") )
            int iResultCode = AlertOption_AutoConfirmed;
            if (iButton1 & AlertButtonOption_Default)
                iResultCode |= (iButton1 & AlertButtonMask);
            else if (iButton2 & AlertButtonOption_Default)
                iResultCode |= (iButton2 & AlertButtonMask);
            emit sigPopupPaneDone(strPopupPaneID, iResultCode);

    /* Looking for corresponding popup-stack: */
    const QString strPopupStackID(popupStackID(pParent));
    UIPopupStack *pPopupStack = 0;
    /* If there is already popup-stack with such ID: */
    if (m_stacks.contains(strPopupStackID))
        /* Just get existing one: */
        pPopupStack = m_stacks[strPopupStackID];
    /* If there is no popup-stack with such ID: */
        /* Create new one: */
        pPopupStack = m_stacks[strPopupStackID] = new UIPopupStack(strPopupStackID, m_stackOrientations[strPopupStackID]);
        /* Attach popup-stack connections: */
        connect(pPopupStack, SIGNAL(sigPopupPaneDone(QString, int)), this, SLOT(sltPopupPaneDone(QString, int)));
        connect(pPopupStack, SIGNAL(sigRemove(QString)), this, SLOT(sltRemovePopupStack(QString)));

    /* If there is already popup-pane with such ID: */
    if (pPopupStack->exists(strPopupPaneID))
        /* Just update existing one: */
        pPopupStack->updatePopupPane(strPopupPaneID, strMessage, strDetails);
    /* If there is no popup-pane with such ID: */
        /* Compose button description map: */
        QMap<int, QString> buttonDescriptions;
        if (iButton1 != 0)
            buttonDescriptions[iButton1] = strButtonText1;
        if (iButton2 != 0)
            buttonDescriptions[iButton2] = strButtonText2;
        if (fProposeAutoConfirmation)
            buttonDescriptions[AlertButton_Cancel | AlertOption_AutoConfirmed] = QString();
        /* Create new one: */
        pPopupStack->createPopupPane(strPopupPaneID, strMessage, strDetails, buttonDescriptions);

    /* Show popup-stack: */