예제 #1
bool CItemMoney::MyTouch( CBasePlayer *pPlayer )
	if ( pPlayer != m_taker )
		return false;

	CPASAttenuationFilter sndFilter( pPlayer );
	pPlayer->EmitSound( sndFilter, pPlayer->entindex(), "Buttons.snd2" );

	CHL2MP_Player * p = ToHL2MPPlayer( pPlayer );
	p->AddMoney( m_iAmount );

	return true;
예제 #2
// Purpose: 
// Input  : *pActivator - 
//			*pCaller - 
//			useType - 
//			value - 
void CItem_AmmoCrate::Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value )
	CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( pActivator );

	if ( pPlayer == NULL )

	m_OnUsed.FireOutput( pActivator, this );

	int iSequence = LookupSequence( "Open" );

	// See if we're not opening already
	if ( GetSequence() != iSequence )
		Vector mins, maxs;
		trace_t tr;

		CollisionProp()->WorldSpaceAABB( &mins, &maxs );

		Vector vOrigin = GetAbsOrigin();
		vOrigin.z += ( maxs.z - mins.z );
		mins = (mins - GetAbsOrigin()) * 0.2f;
		maxs = (maxs - GetAbsOrigin()) * 0.2f;
		mins.z = ( GetAbsOrigin().z - vOrigin.z );  
		UTIL_TraceHull( vOrigin, vOrigin, mins, maxs, MASK_SOLID, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );

		if ( tr.startsolid || tr.allsolid )
		m_hActivator = pPlayer;

		// Animate!
		ResetSequence( iSequence );

		// Make sound
		CPASAttenuationFilter sndFilter( this, "AmmoCrate.Open" );
		EmitSound( sndFilter, entindex(), "AmmoCrate.Open" );

		// Start thinking to make it return
		SetThink( &CItem_AmmoCrate::CrateThink );
		SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f );

	// Don't close again for two seconds
	m_flCloseTime = gpGlobals->curtime + AMMO_CRATE_CLOSE_DELAY;
예제 #3
// Purpose: If the player uses the jeep while at the back, he gets ammo from the crate instead
void CASW_PropJeep::Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value )
	CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( pActivator );
	if ( pPlayer == NULL)

	// Find out if the player's looking at our ammocrate hitbox 
	Vector vecForward;
	pPlayer->EyeVectors( &vecForward, NULL, NULL );

	trace_t tr;
	Vector vecStart = pPlayer->EyePosition();
	UTIL_TraceLine( vecStart, vecStart + vecForward * 1024, MASK_SOLID | CONTENTS_DEBRIS | CONTENTS_HITBOX, pPlayer, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
	if ( tr.m_pEnt == this && tr.hitgroup == JEEP_AMMOCRATE_HITGROUP )
		// Player's using the crate.
		// Fill up his SMG ammo.
		pPlayer->GiveAmmo( 300, "SMG1");
		if ( ( GetSequence() != LookupSequence( "ammo_open" ) ) && ( GetSequence() != LookupSequence( "ammo_close" ) ) )
			// Open the crate
			m_flAnimTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
			m_flPlaybackRate = 0.0;
			SetCycle( 0 );
			ResetSequence( LookupSequence( "ammo_open" ) );
			CPASAttenuationFilter sndFilter( this, "PropJeep.AmmoOpen" );
			EmitSound( sndFilter, entindex(), "PropJeep.AmmoOpen" );

		m_flAmmoCrateCloseTime = gpGlobals->curtime + JEEP_AMMO_CRATE_CLOSE_DELAY;

	// Fall back and get in the vehicle instead
	BaseClass::Use( pActivator, pCaller, useType, value );
예제 #4
// Purpose: 
void Dota_Resupply::CrateThink( void )
	DispatchAnimEvents( this );

	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f );

	// Start closing if we're not already
	if ( GetSequence() != LookupSequence( "Close" ) )
		// Not ready to close?
		if ( m_flCloseTime <= gpGlobals->curtime )
			//m_hActivator = NULL;

			ResetSequence( LookupSequence( "Close" ) );
		// See if we're fully closed
		if ( IsSequenceFinished() )
			// Stop thinking
			SetThink( NULL );
			CPASAttenuationFilter sndFilter( this, "AmmoCrate.Close" );
			EmitSound( sndFilter, entindex(), "AmmoCrate.Close" );

			// FIXME: We're resetting the sequence here
			// but setting Think to NULL will cause this to never have
			// StudioFrameAdvance called. What are the consequences of that?
			ResetSequence( LookupSequence( "Idle" ) );
			SetBodygroup( 1, true );

			m_hActivator->SetCanShop( false );
			m_hActivator = NULL;
예제 #5
// Purpose: 
void CASW_PropJeep::FireCannon( void )
	//Don't fire again if it's been too soon
	if ( m_flCannonTime > gpGlobals->curtime )

	if ( m_bUnableToFire )

	m_flCannonTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.2f;
	m_bCannonCharging = false;

	//Find the direction the gun is pointing in
	Vector aimDir;
	GetCannonAim( &aimDir );

	FireBulletsInfo_t	info( 1, m_vecGunOrigin, aimDir, VECTOR_CONE_1DEGREES, MAX_TRACE_LENGTH, m_nAmmoType );

	info.m_pAttacker = m_hPlayer;

	FireBullets( info );

	// Register a muzzleflash for the AI
	if ( m_hPlayer )
		m_hPlayer->SetMuzzleFlashTime( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.5 );

	CPASAttenuationFilter sndFilter( this, "PropJeep.FireCannon" );
	EmitSound( sndFilter, entindex(), "PropJeep.FireCannon" );
	// make cylinders of gun spin a bit
	m_nSpinPos += JEEP_GUN_SPIN_RATE;
	//SetPoseParameter( JEEP_GUN_SPIN, m_nSpinPos );	//FIXME: Don't bother with this for E3, won't look right
예제 #6
// Purpose: 
void CASW_PropJeep::FireChargedCannon( void )
	bool penetrated = false;

	m_bCannonCharging	= false;
	m_flCannonTime		= gpGlobals->curtime + 0.5f;


	CPASAttenuationFilter sndFilter( this, "PropJeep.FireChargedCannon" );
	EmitSound( sndFilter, entindex(), "PropJeep.FireChargedCannon" );

	//Find the direction the gun is pointing in
	Vector aimDir;
	GetCannonAim( &aimDir );

	Vector endPos = m_vecGunOrigin + ( aimDir * MAX_TRACE_LENGTH );
	//Shoot a shot straight out
	trace_t	tr;
	UTIL_TraceLine( m_vecGunOrigin, endPos, MASK_SHOT, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );

	//Find how much damage to do
	float flChargeAmount = ( gpGlobals->curtime - m_flCannonChargeStartTime ) / MAX_GAUSS_CHARGE_TIME;

	//Clamp this
	if ( flChargeAmount > 1.0f )
		flChargeAmount = 1.0f;

	//Determine the damage amount
	//FIXME: Use ConVars!
	float flDamage = 15 + ( ( 250 - 15 ) * flChargeAmount );

	CBaseEntity *pHit = tr.m_pEnt;
	//Look for wall penetration
	if ( tr.DidHitWorld() && !(tr.surface.flags & SURF_SKY) )
		//Try wall penetration
		UTIL_ImpactTrace( &tr, m_nBulletType, "ImpactJeep" );
		UTIL_DecalTrace( &tr, "RedGlowFade" );

		CPVSFilter filter( tr.endpos );
		te->GaussExplosion( filter, 0.0f, tr.endpos, tr.plane.normal, 0 );
		Vector	testPos = tr.endpos + ( aimDir * 48.0f );

		UTIL_TraceLine( testPos, tr.endpos, MASK_SHOT, GetDriver(), COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
		if ( tr.allsolid == false )
			UTIL_DecalTrace( &tr, "RedGlowFade" );

			penetrated = true;
	else if ( pHit != NULL )
		CTakeDamageInfo dmgInfo( this, GetDriver(), flDamage, DMG_SHOCK );
		CalculateBulletDamageForce( &dmgInfo, GetAmmoDef()->Index("GaussEnergy"), aimDir, tr.endpos, 1.0f + flChargeAmount * 4.0f );

		//Do direct damage to anything in our path
		pHit->DispatchTraceAttack( dmgInfo, aimDir, &tr );


	//Kick up an effect
	if ( !(tr.surface.flags & SURF_SKY) )
  		UTIL_ImpactTrace( &tr, m_nBulletType, "ImpactJeep" );

		//Do a gauss explosion
		CPVSFilter filter( tr.endpos );
		te->GaussExplosion( filter, 0.0f, tr.endpos, tr.plane.normal, 0 );

	//Show the effect
	DrawBeam( m_vecGunOrigin, tr.endpos, 9.6 );

	// Register a muzzleflash for the AI
	if ( m_hPlayer )
		m_hPlayer->SetMuzzleFlashTime( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.5f );

	//Rock the car
	IPhysicsObject *pObj = VPhysicsGetObject();

	if ( pObj != NULL )
		Vector	shoveDir = aimDir * -( flDamage * 500.0f );

		pObj->ApplyForceOffset( shoveDir, m_vecGunOrigin );

	//Do radius damage if we didn't penetrate the wall
	if ( penetrated == true )
		RadiusDamage( CTakeDamageInfo( this, this, flDamage, DMG_SHOCK ), tr.endpos, 200.0f, CLASS_NONE, NULL );
예제 #7
// Purpose: 
void CASW_PropJeep::Think(void)

	// Derived classes of CPropVehicle have their own code to determine how frequently to think.
	// But the prop_vehicle entity native to this class will only think one time, so this flag
	// was added to allow prop_vehicle to always think without affecting the derived classes.

	if ( ShouldThink() )
		SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime );

	// If we have an NPC Driver, tell him to drive
	if ( m_hNPCDriver )

	// Keep thinking while we're waiting to turn off the keep upright
	if ( m_flTurnOffKeepUpright )
		SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime );

		// Time up?
		if ( m_hKeepUpright != NULL && m_flTurnOffKeepUpright < gpGlobals->curtime )
			variant_t emptyVariant;
			m_hKeepUpright->AcceptInput( "TurnOff", this, this, emptyVariant, USE_TOGGLE );
			m_flTurnOffKeepUpright = 0;

			UTIL_Remove( m_hKeepUpright );
	CBasePlayer	*pPlayer = UTIL_GetLocalPlayer();

	if ( m_bEngineLocked )
		m_bUnableToFire = true;
		if ( pPlayer != NULL )
			pPlayer->m_Local.m_iHideHUD |= HIDEHUD_VEHICLE_CROSSHAIR;
	else if ( m_bHasGun )
		// Start this as false and update it again each frame
		m_bUnableToFire = false;

		if ( pPlayer != NULL )
			pPlayer->m_Local.m_iHideHUD &= ~HIDEHUD_VEHICLE_CROSSHAIR;

	// Water!?

	SetSimulationTime( gpGlobals->curtime );
	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime );
	SetAnimatedEveryTick( true );

    if ( !m_bInitialHandbrake )	// after initial timer expires, set the handbrake
		m_bInitialHandbrake = true;
		m_VehiclePhysics.SetHandbrake( true );

	// Check overturned status.
	if ( !IsOverturned() )
		m_flOverturnedTime = 0.0f;
		m_flOverturnedTime += gpGlobals->frametime;

	// spin gun if charging cannon
	//FIXME: Don't bother for E3
	if ( m_bCannonCharging )
		m_nSpinPos += JEEP_GUN_SPIN_RATE;
		SetPoseParameter( JEEP_GUN_SPIN, m_nSpinPos );

	// Aim gun based on the player view direction.
	if ( m_hPlayer && !m_bExitAnimOn && !m_bEnterAnimOn )
		Vector vecEyeDir, vecEyePos;
		m_hPlayer->EyePositionAndVectors( &vecEyePos, &vecEyeDir, NULL, NULL );

		// Trace out from the player's eye point.
		Vector	vecEndPos = vecEyePos + ( vecEyeDir * MAX_TRACE_LENGTH );
		trace_t	trace;
		UTIL_TraceLine( vecEyePos, vecEndPos, MASK_SHOT, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &trace );

		// See if we hit something, if so, adjust end position to hit location.
		if ( trace.fraction < 1.0 )
   			vecEndPos = vecEyePos + ( vecEyeDir * MAX_TRACE_LENGTH * trace.fraction );

		//m_vecLookCrosshair = vecEndPos;
		AimGunAt( &vecEndPos, 0.1f );


	// If the enter or exit animation has finished, tell the server vehicle
	if ( IsSequenceFinished() && (m_bExitAnimOn || m_bEnterAnimOn) )
		if ( m_bEnterAnimOn )

			// HACKHACK: This forces the jeep to play a sound when it gets entered underwater
			if ( m_VehiclePhysics.IsEngineDisabled() )
				CBaseServerVehicle *pServerVehicle = dynamic_cast<CBaseServerVehicle *>(GetServerVehicle());
				if ( pServerVehicle )

			// The first few time we get into the jeep, print the jeep help
			if ( m_iNumberOfEntries < asw_hud_jeephint_numentries.GetInt() )
				UTIL_HudHintText( m_hPlayer, "#Valve_Hint_JeepKeys" );
		// If we're exiting and have had the tau cannon removed, we don't want to reset the animation
		GetServerVehicle()->HandleEntryExitFinish( m_bExitAnimOn, !(m_bExitAnimOn && TauCannonHasBeenCutOff()) );

	// See if the ammo crate needs to close
	if ( ( m_flAmmoCrateCloseTime < gpGlobals->curtime ) && ( GetSequence() == LookupSequence( "ammo_open" ) ) )
		m_flAnimTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
		m_flPlaybackRate = 0.0;
		SetCycle( 0 );
		ResetSequence( LookupSequence( "ammo_close" ) );
	else if ( ( GetSequence() == LookupSequence( "ammo_close" ) ) && IsSequenceFinished() )
		m_flAnimTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
		m_flPlaybackRate = 0.0;
		SetCycle( 0 );
		ResetSequence( LookupSequence( "idle" ) );

		CPASAttenuationFilter sndFilter( this, "PropJeep.AmmoClose" );
		EmitSound( sndFilter, entindex(), "PropJeep.AmmoClose" );
예제 #8
// Purpose: 
void CPropJeep::Think(void)

	CBasePlayer	*pPlayer = UTIL_GetLocalPlayer();

	if ( m_bEngineLocked )
		m_bUnableToFire = true;
		if ( pPlayer != NULL )
			pPlayer->m_Local.m_iHideHUD |= HIDEHUD_VEHICLE_CROSSHAIR;
		// Start this as false and update it again each frame
		m_bUnableToFire = false;

		if ( pPlayer != NULL )
			pPlayer->m_Local.m_iHideHUD &= ~HIDEHUD_VEHICLE_CROSSHAIR;

	// Water!?

	SetSimulationTime( gpGlobals->curtime );
	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime );
	SetAnimatedEveryTick( true );

    if ( !m_bInitialHandbrake )	// after initial timer expires, set the handbrake
		m_bInitialHandbrake = true;
		m_VehiclePhysics.SetHandbrake( true );

	// Check overturned status.
	if ( !IsOverturned() )
		m_flOverturnedTime = 0.0f;
		m_flOverturnedTime += gpGlobals->frametime;

	// spin gun if charging cannon
	//FIXME: Don't bother for E3
	if ( m_bCannonCharging )
		m_nSpinPos += JEEP_GUN_SPIN_RATE;
		SetPoseParameter( JEEP_GUN_SPIN, m_nSpinPos );

	// Aim gun based on the player view direction.
	if ( m_hPlayer && !m_bExitAnimOn && !m_bEnterAnimOn )
		Vector vecEyeDir, vecEyePos;
		m_hPlayer->EyePositionAndVectors( &vecEyePos, &vecEyeDir, NULL, NULL );

		// Trace out from the player's eye point.
		Vector	vecEndPos = vecEyePos + ( vecEyeDir * MAX_TRACE_LENGTH );
		trace_t	trace;
		UTIL_TraceLine( vecEyePos, vecEndPos, MASK_SHOT, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &trace );

		// See if we hit something, if so, adjust end position to hit location.
		if ( trace.fraction < 1.0 )
   			vecEndPos = vecEyePos + ( vecEyeDir * MAX_TRACE_LENGTH * trace.fraction );

		//m_vecLookCrosshair = vecEndPos;
		AimGunAt( &vecEndPos, 0.1f );


	// If the enter or exit animation has finished, tell the server vehicle
	if ( IsSequenceFinished() && (m_bExitAnimOn || m_bEnterAnimOn) )
		if ( m_bEnterAnimOn )

			// HACKHACK: This forces the jeep to play a sound when it gets entered underwater
			if ( m_VehiclePhysics.IsEngineDisabled() )
				CBaseServerVehicle *pServerVehicle = dynamic_cast<CBaseServerVehicle *>(GetServerVehicle());
				if ( pServerVehicle )

			// The first few time we get into the jeep, print the jeep help
			if ( m_iNumberOfEntries < hud_jeephint_numentries.GetInt() )
				UTIL_HudHintText( m_hPlayer, "#Valve_Hint_JeepKeys" );
		// If we're exiting and have had the tau cannon removed, we don't want to reset the animation
		GetServerVehicle()->HandleEntryExitFinish( m_bExitAnimOn, true );

	// See if the ammo crate needs to close
	if ( ( m_flAmmoCrateCloseTime < gpGlobals->curtime ) && ( GetSequence() == LookupSequence( "ammo_open" ) ) )
		m_flAnimTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
		m_flPlaybackRate = 0.0;
		SetCycle( 0 );
		ResetSequence( LookupSequence( "ammo_close" ) );
	else if ( ( GetSequence() == LookupSequence( "ammo_close" ) ) && IsSequenceFinished() )
		m_flAnimTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
		m_flPlaybackRate = 0.0;
		SetCycle( 0 );
		ResetSequence( LookupSequence( "idle" ) );

		CPASAttenuationFilter sndFilter( this, "PropJeep.AmmoClose" );
		EmitSound( sndFilter, entindex(), "PropJeep.AmmoClose" );