예제 #1
void scan_cycle(alsa_rawmidi_t *midi)
    int card = -1, err;
    scan_t scan;
    midi_port_t **ports;

    //debug_log("scan: cleanup");

    scan.midi = midi;
    scan.iterator = &midi->scan.ports;

    //debug_log("scan: rescan");
    while ((err = snd_card_next(&card))>=0 && card>=0) {
        char name[32];
        snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "hw:%d", card);
        if ((err = snd_ctl_open(&scan.ctl, name, SND_CTL_NONBLOCK))>=0) {
        } else
            alsa_error("scan: snd_ctl_open", err);

    // delayed open to workaround alsa<1.0.14 bug (can't open more than 1 subdevice if ctl is opened).
    ports = &midi->scan.ports;
    while (*ports) {
        midi_port_t *port = *ports;
        if (port->state == PORT_CREATED)
            ports = scan_port_open(midi, ports);
            ports = &port->next;
예제 #2
int is_output(snd_ctl_t *ctl, int card, int device, int sub) {
    snd_rawmidi_info_t *info;
    int status;

    snd_rawmidi_info_set_device(info, device);
    snd_rawmidi_info_set_subdevice(info, sub);
    snd_rawmidi_info_set_stream(info, SND_RAWMIDI_STREAM_OUTPUT);

    if ((status = snd_ctl_rawmidi_info(ctl, info)) < 0 && status != -ENXIO) {
        return status;
    } else if (status == 0) {
        return 1;

    return 0;
예제 #3
파일: main.c 프로젝트: stewba/thekeyofevil
//list all the midi interfaces
void list_midi_interfaces(char* midi_dev, int bufsize)
    register int  err;
    int  cardNum;
    char devices[5][14];
    char user_midi[bufsize];

    // Start with first card
    cardNum = -1;

    for (;;)
        snd_ctl_t *cardHandle;

        // Get next sound card's card number. When "cardNum" == -1, then ALSA
        // fetches the first card
        if ((err = snd_card_next(&cardNum)) < 0)
            printf("Can't get the next card number: %s\n", snd_strerror(err));

        // No more cards? ALSA sets "cardNum" to -1 if so
        if (cardNum < 0) break;

        // Open this card's control interface. We specify only the card number -- not
        // any device nor sub-device too
            char   str[64];

            sprintf(str, "hw:%i", cardNum);
            if ((err = snd_ctl_open(&cardHandle, str, 0)) < 0)
                printf("Can't open card %i: %s\n", cardNum, snd_strerror(err));

            int      devNum;

            // Start with the first MIDI device on this card
            devNum = -1;

            for (;;)
                snd_rawmidi_info_t  *rawMidiInfo;
                register int        subDevCount, i;

                // Get the number of the next MIDI device on this card
                if ((err = snd_ctl_rawmidi_next_device(cardHandle, &devNum)) < 0)
                    printf("Can't get next MIDI device number: %s\n", snd_strerror(err));

                // No more MIDI devices on this card? ALSA sets "devNum" to -1 if so.
                // NOTE: It's possible that this sound card may have no MIDI devices on it
                // at all, for example if it's only a digital audio card
                if (devNum < 0) break;

                // To get some info about the subdevices of this MIDI device (on the card), we need a
                // snd_rawmidi_info_t, so let's allocate one on the stack
                memset(rawMidiInfo, 0, snd_rawmidi_info_sizeof());

                // Tell ALSA which device (number) we want info about
                snd_rawmidi_info_set_device(rawMidiInfo, devNum);

                // Get info on the MIDI outs of this device
                snd_rawmidi_info_set_stream(rawMidiInfo, SND_RAWMIDI_STREAM_INPUT);

                i = -1;
                subDevCount = 1;

                // More subdevices?
                while (++i < subDevCount)
                    // Tell ALSA to fill in our snd_rawmidi_info_t with info on this subdevice
                    snd_rawmidi_info_set_subdevice(rawMidiInfo, i);
                    if ((err = snd_ctl_rawmidi_info(cardHandle, rawMidiInfo)) < 0)
                        printf("Can't get info for MIDI input subdevice hw:%i,%i,%i: %s\n", cardNum, devNum, i, snd_strerror(err));

                    // Print out how many subdevices (once only)
                    if (!i)
                        subDevCount = snd_rawmidi_info_get_subdevices_count(rawMidiInfo);
                        printf("\nFound %i MIDI input subdevices on card %i\n", subDevCount, cardNum);

                    // NOTE: If there's only one subdevice, then the subdevice number is immaterial,
                    // and can be omitted when you specify the hardware name
                    printf((subDevCount > 1 ? "[%i] -    hw:%i,%i,%i\n" : "[%i] -    hw:%i,%i\n"), i, cardNum, devNum, i);
                    sprintf(devices[i], (subDevCount > 1 ? "hw:%i,%i,%i\n":"hw:%i,%i\n"),cardNum, devNum, i);

        // Close the card's control interface after we're done with it



    printf("\nEnter the MIDI input to use (eg hw:1,0) > ");

예제 #4
void list_subdevice_info(snd_ctl_t *ctl, int card, int device) {
    snd_rawmidi_info_t *info;
    const char *name;
    const char *sub_name;
    int subs, subs_in, subs_out;
    int sub, in, out;
    int status;

    snd_rawmidi_info_set_device(info, device);

    snd_rawmidi_info_set_stream(info, SND_RAWMIDI_STREAM_INPUT);
    snd_ctl_rawmidi_info(ctl, info);
    subs_in = snd_rawmidi_info_get_subdevices_count(info);
    snd_rawmidi_info_set_stream(info, SND_RAWMIDI_STREAM_OUTPUT);
    snd_ctl_rawmidi_info(ctl, info);
    subs_out = snd_rawmidi_info_get_subdevices_count(info);
    subs = subs_in > subs_out ? subs_in : subs_out;

    sub = 0;
    in = out = 0;
    if ((status = is_output(ctl, card, device, sub)) < 0) {
        error("cannot get rawmidi information %d:%d: %s",
              card, device, snd_strerror(status));
    } else if (status)
        out = 1;

    if (status == 0) {
        if ((status = is_input(ctl, card, device, sub)) < 0) {
            error("cannot get rawmidi information %d:%d: %s",
                  card, device, snd_strerror(status));
    } else if (status)
        in = 1;

    if (status == 0)

    name = snd_rawmidi_info_get_name(info);
    sub_name = snd_rawmidi_info_get_subdevice_name(info);
    if (sub_name[0] == '\0') {
        if (subs == 1) {
            printf("%c%c  hw:%d,%d    %s\n",
                   in  ? 'I' : ' ',
                   out ? 'O' : ' ',
                   card, device, name);
        } else
            printf("%c%c  hw:%d,%d    %s (%d subdevices)\n",
                   in  ? 'I' : ' ',
                   out ? 'O' : ' ',
                   card, device, name, subs);
    } else {
        sub = 0;
        for (;;) {
            printf("%c%c  hw:%d,%d,%d  %s\n",
                   in ? 'I' : ' ', out ? 'O' : ' ',
                   card, device, sub, sub_name);
            if (++sub >= subs)

            in = is_input(ctl, card, device, sub);
            out = is_output(ctl, card, device, sub);
            snd_rawmidi_info_set_subdevice(info, sub);
            if (out) {
                snd_rawmidi_info_set_stream(info, SND_RAWMIDI_STREAM_OUTPUT);
                if ((status = snd_ctl_rawmidi_info(ctl, info)) < 0) {
                    error("cannot get rawmidi information %d:%d:%d: %s",
                          card, device, sub, snd_strerror(status));
            } else {
                snd_rawmidi_info_set_stream(info, SND_RAWMIDI_STREAM_INPUT);
                if ((status = snd_ctl_rawmidi_info(ctl, info)) < 0) {
                    error("cannot get rawmidi information %d:%d:%d: %s",
                          card, device, sub, snd_strerror(status));
            sub_name = snd_rawmidi_info_get_subdevice_name(info);