예제 #1
static int nordic_pm_setup(struct device* dev)
	int ret = 0;
	struct nordic_pm_info *priv = (struct nordic_pm_info*)dev->priv;
	// Configure GPIO AON as wake up source when going high
	gpio_cfg_data_t config;
	config.gpio_type = GPIO_INTERRUPT;
	config.int_type = EDGE;
	config.int_polarity = ACTIVE_HIGH;
	config.int_debounce = DEBOUNCE_ON;
	config.int_ls_sync = LS_SYNC_OFF;
	config.gpio_cb = nordic_pm_callback;
	config.gpio_cb_arg = dev;
	soc_gpio_deconfig(priv->gpio_dev, priv->wakeup_pin);
	ret = soc_gpio_set_config(priv->gpio_dev, priv->wakeup_pin, &config);

	pr_debug(LOG_MODULE_DRV, "%s %d: use aon - %d (%d)", DRV_NAME, dev->id,
			priv->wakeup_pin, ret);
	return ret;
예제 #2
static int usb_pm_resume(struct device* dev)
	if (((struct usb_pm_info*)(dev->priv))->interrupt_source == USB_AON_IRQ_SOURCE) {
		int ret = 0;
		struct usb_pm_info *priv = (struct usb_pm_info*)dev->priv;
		// Configure AON as USB wake up source
		gpio_cfg_data_t config;
		config.gpio_type = GPIO_INTERRUPT;
		config.int_type = LEVEL;
		config.int_polarity = priv->is_plugged ? ACTIVE_LOW : ACTIVE_HIGH;
		config.int_debounce = DEBOUNCE_ON;
		config.int_ls_sync = LS_SYNC_OFF;
		config.gpio_cb = usb_aon_callback;
		config.gpio_cb_arg = dev;
		soc_gpio_deconfig(priv->evt_dev, priv->source_pin);
		ret = soc_gpio_set_config(priv->evt_dev, priv->source_pin, &config);

		pr_debug(LOG_MODULE_DRV, "device %d: use aon %d - %d (%d)", dev->id,
				priv->interrupt_source, priv->source_pin, ret);
		return ret;
	if (((struct usb_pm_info*)(dev->priv))->interrupt_source == USB_COMPARATOR_IRQ_SOURCE) {
		int ret = 0;
		struct usb_pm_info *priv = (struct usb_pm_info*)dev->priv;
		// Configure comparator as USB wake up source
		ret = comp_configure(priv->evt_dev, priv->source_pin,
					priv->is_plugged ? 1:0, 1, usb_comp_callback, dev);
		pr_debug(LOG_MODULE_DRV, "device %s: use comp %d - %d (%d)", dev->id,
				priv->interrupt_source, priv->source_pin, ret);
		return ret;

	pr_debug(LOG_MODULE_DRV, "%d: no irq source", dev->id);
	return -1;
예제 #3
static void usb_aon_callback(bool state, void *priv_data)
	gpio_cfg_data_t config;
	struct device *dev = (struct device*)priv_data;
	struct usb_pm_info *priv = (struct usb_pm_info*)dev->priv;


	// Configure AON as USB wake up source
	config.gpio_type = GPIO_INTERRUPT;
	config.int_type = LEVEL;
	config.int_polarity = priv->is_plugged ? ACTIVE_LOW : ACTIVE_HIGH;
	config.int_debounce = DEBOUNCE_ON;
	config.int_ls_sync = LS_SYNC_OFF;
	config.gpio_cb = usb_aon_callback;
	config.gpio_cb_arg = priv_data;

	soc_gpio_deconfig(priv->evt_dev, priv->source_pin);
	int ret = soc_gpio_set_config(priv->evt_dev, priv->source_pin, &config);
	if (ret != 0) {
		pr_error(LOG_MODULE_DRV, "usb_pm: cb config failed (%d)", ret);
예제 #4
/** Disables PIN1 interrupts from the BMI160 module.
void CurieIMUClass::detachInterrupt(void)

    soc_gpio_deconfig(SOC_GPIO_AON, BMI160_GPIN_AON_PIN);
예제 #5
static DRIVER_API_RC soc_gpio_test_pin(struct device *dev, unsigned int input_pin, unsigned int output_pin)
    DRIVER_API_RC ret;
    bool value;

    gpio_cfg_data_t in_pin_cfg;
    gpio_cfg_data_t out_pin_cfg;

    in_pin_cfg.gpio_type = GPIO_INPUT;
    in_pin_cfg.int_type = LEVEL;
    in_pin_cfg.int_polarity = ACTIVE_LOW;
    in_pin_cfg.int_debounce = DEBOUNCE_OFF;
    in_pin_cfg.int_ls_sync = LS_SYNC_OFF;
    in_pin_cfg.gpio_cb = NULL;

    out_pin_cfg.gpio_type = GPIO_OUTPUT;
    out_pin_cfg.int_type = LEVEL;
    out_pin_cfg.int_polarity = ACTIVE_LOW;
    out_pin_cfg.int_debounce = DEBOUNCE_OFF;
    out_pin_cfg.int_ls_sync = LS_SYNC_OFF;
    out_pin_cfg.gpio_cb = NULL;

    if((ret =  soc_gpio_set_config(dev, input_pin, &in_pin_cfg)) != DRV_RC_OK) {
        cu_print("Error pin %d config (%d)\n", input_pin, ret);
        return ret;
    if((ret =  soc_gpio_set_config(dev, output_pin, &out_pin_cfg)) != DRV_RC_OK) {
        cu_print("Error pin %d config (%d)\n", output_pin, ret);
        soc_gpio_deconfig(dev, input_pin);
        return ret;

    // Test LOW
    if((ret =  soc_gpio_write(dev, output_pin, 0)) != DRV_RC_OK) {
        cu_print("Error pin %d write 1 (%d)\n", output_pin, ret);
        soc_gpio_deconfig(dev, output_pin);
        soc_gpio_deconfig(dev, input_pin);
        return ret;
    trans_delay(); // Delay a little bit
    if((ret =  soc_gpio_read(dev, input_pin, &value)) != DRV_RC_OK) {
        cu_print("Error pin %d read 1 (%d)\n", input_pin, ret);
        soc_gpio_deconfig(dev, output_pin);
        soc_gpio_deconfig(dev, input_pin);
        return ret;
    if(value) {
        cu_print("Error pin %d is at 1, 0 expected\n", input_pin);
        soc_gpio_deconfig(dev, output_pin);
        soc_gpio_deconfig(dev, input_pin);
        return DRV_RC_FAIL;

    // Test HIGH
    if((ret =  soc_gpio_write(dev, output_pin, 1)) != DRV_RC_OK) {
        cu_print("Error pin %d write 2 (%d)\n", output_pin, ret);
        soc_gpio_deconfig(dev, output_pin);
        soc_gpio_deconfig(dev, input_pin);
        return ret;
    trans_delay(); // Delay a little bit
    if((ret =  soc_gpio_read(dev, input_pin, &value)) != DRV_RC_OK) {
        cu_print("Error pin %d read 2 (%d)\n", input_pin, ret);
        soc_gpio_deconfig(dev, output_pin);
        soc_gpio_deconfig(dev, input_pin);
        return ret;
    if(!value) {
        cu_print("Error pin %d is at 0, 1 expected\n", input_pin);
        soc_gpio_deconfig(dev, output_pin);
        soc_gpio_deconfig(dev, input_pin);
        return DRV_RC_FAIL;

    soc_gpio_deconfig(dev, output_pin);
    soc_gpio_deconfig(dev, input_pin);

    return DRV_RC_OK;
예제 #6
static DRIVER_API_RC soc_gpio_test_pin_int(struct device *dev, unsigned int input_pin, unsigned int output_pin)
    uint32_t priv = PRIV_KEY;
    gpio_cfg_data_t in_pin_cfg;
    gpio_cfg_data_t out_pin_cfg;

    out_pin_cfg.gpio_type = GPIO_OUTPUT;
    out_pin_cfg.int_type = LEVEL;
    out_pin_cfg.int_polarity = ACTIVE_LOW;
    out_pin_cfg.int_debounce = DEBOUNCE_OFF;
    out_pin_cfg.gpio_cb = NULL;

    // TODO: test return value. It should be ok if previous tests worked
    soc_gpio_set_config(dev, output_pin, &out_pin_cfg);

    // -----------------------------
    // Test ACTIVE_LOW interrupt
    // -----------------------------
    in_pin_cfg.gpio_type = GPIO_INTERRUPT;
    in_pin_cfg.int_type = EDGE;
    in_pin_cfg.int_polarity = ACTIVE_LOW;
    in_pin_cfg.int_debounce = DEBOUNCE_OFF;
    in_pin_cfg.gpio_cb = my_callback;
    in_pin_cfg.gpio_cb_arg = &priv;

    soc_gpio_write(dev, output_pin, 0);
    trans_delay(); // Delay a little bit
    my_callback_counter = 0;
    soc_gpio_set_config(dev, input_pin, &in_pin_cfg);
    trans_delay(); // Delay a little bit
    soc_gpio_write(dev, output_pin, 1);
    trans_delay(); // Delay a little bit

    // Check that interrupt is not triggered
    if(my_callback_counter != 0) {
        cu_print("Error: interrupt occured %d\n", my_callback_counter);
        goto fail;

    // Trigger interrupt (active low)
    soc_gpio_write(dev, output_pin, 0);
    trans_delay(); // Delay a little bit
    // Check that interrupt is triggered
    if(my_callback_counter != 1) {
        cu_print("Error: interrupt test for ACTIVE_LOW returned %d\n", my_callback_counter);
        goto fail;
    // Check that pin state returned in IRQ callback is valid
    if(my_callback_state != false) {
        cu_print("Error: pin state not valid\n");
        goto fail;

    // deconfigure input pin for next test (active high)
    soc_gpio_deconfig(dev, input_pin);

    // -----------------------------
    // Test ACTIVE_HIGH interrupt
    // -----------------------------
    in_pin_cfg.gpio_type = GPIO_INTERRUPT;
    in_pin_cfg.int_type = EDGE;
    in_pin_cfg.int_polarity = ACTIVE_HIGH;
    in_pin_cfg.int_debounce = DEBOUNCE_OFF;
    in_pin_cfg.gpio_cb = my_callback;

    // Test LOW
    soc_gpio_write(dev, output_pin, 1);
    trans_delay(); // Delay a little bit
    my_callback_counter = 0;
    soc_gpio_set_config(dev, input_pin, &in_pin_cfg);
    soc_gpio_write(dev, output_pin, 0);
    trans_delay(); // Delay a little bit
    // Check that interrupt is not triggered
    if(my_callback_counter != 0) {
        cu_print("Error: interrupt test for ACTIVE_HIGH returned %d (should be 0)\n", my_callback_counter);
        goto fail;
    // Check that interrupt is triggered (active high)
    soc_gpio_write(dev, output_pin, 1);
    trans_delay(); // Delay a little bit
    if(my_callback_counter != 1) {
        cu_print("Error: interrupt test for ACTIVE_HIGH returned %d (should be 1)\n", my_callback_counter);
        goto fail;
    // Check that pin state returned in IRQ callback is valid
    if(my_callback_state != true) {
        cu_print("Error: pin state not valid\n");
        goto fail;

    // deconfigure input pin for next test (double edge)
    soc_gpio_deconfig(dev, input_pin);

    // -----------------------------
    // Test BOTH_EDGE interrupt
    // -----------------------------
    in_pin_cfg.gpio_type = GPIO_INTERRUPT;
    in_pin_cfg.int_type = DOUBLE_EDGE;
    in_pin_cfg.int_polarity = ACTIVE_HIGH;
    in_pin_cfg.int_debounce = DEBOUNCE_OFF;
    in_pin_cfg.gpio_cb = my_callback;

    // Test LOW
    soc_gpio_write(dev, output_pin, 0);
    trans_delay(); // Delay a little bit
    soc_gpio_set_config(dev, input_pin, &in_pin_cfg);
    my_callback_counter = 0;
    soc_gpio_write(dev, output_pin, 1);
    trans_delay(); // Delay a little bit
    // Check that interrupt is triggered
    if(my_callback_counter != 1) {
        cu_print("Error: interrupt test for DOUBLE_EDGE returned %d (should be 1)\n", my_callback_counter);
        goto fail;
    // Check that pin state returned in IRQ callback is valid
    if(my_callback_state != true) {
        cu_print("Error: pin state not valid\n");
        goto fail;
    // Check that interrupt is triggered (double edge)
    soc_gpio_write(dev, output_pin, 0);
    trans_delay(); // Delay a little bit
    // Check that interrupt is not triggered
    if(my_callback_counter != 2) {
        cu_print("Error: interrupt test for DOUBLE_EDGE returned %d (should be 2)\n", my_callback_counter);
        goto fail;
    // Check that pin state returned in IRQ callback is valid
    if(my_callback_state != false) {
        cu_print("Error: pin state not valid\n");
        goto fail;

    soc_gpio_deconfig(dev, output_pin);
    soc_gpio_deconfig(dev, input_pin);
    return DRV_RC_OK;

    soc_gpio_deconfig(dev, output_pin);
    soc_gpio_deconfig(dev, input_pin);
    return DRV_RC_FAIL;