예제 #1
void Client(char *Address, char *Port, int AddressFamily, int TransportProtocol)
char ErrBuf[1024];
char DataBuffer[1024];
int ClientSocket;				// keeps the socket ID for this connection
struct addrinfo Hints;			// temporary struct to keep settings needed to open the new socket
struct addrinfo *AddrInfo;		// keeps the addrinfo chain; required to open a new socket
int WrittenBytes;				// Number of bytes written on the socket

	// Prepare to open a new server socket
	memset(&Hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo));

	Hints.ai_family= AddressFamily;
	Hints.ai_socktype= TransportProtocol;	// Open a TCP or UDP connection

	if (sock_initaddress (Address, Port, &Hints, &AddrInfo, ErrBuf, sizeof(ErrBuf)) == sockFAILURE)
		printf("Error resolving given address/port: %s\n\n", ErrBuf);

	printf("Trying to connect to server on address %s, port %s, using protocol %s\n", 
		Address ? Address : "all local addresses", Port, (AddrInfo->ai_family == AF_INET) ? "IPv4" : "IPv6");

	if ( (ClientSocket= sock_open(AddrInfo, 0, 0,  ErrBuf, sizeof(ErrBuf))) == sockFAILURE)
		// AddrInfo is no longer required
		printf("Cannot opening the socket: %s\n\n", ErrBuf);

	// AddrInfo is no longer required

	printf("Connection established.\n");
	printf("Type the string you want to send to the server: ");
	// Warning: possible buffer overflow here
	fgets(DataBuffer, sizeof(DataBuffer), stdin);

	// fgets reads also the newline character, so we have to reset it
	DataBuffer[strlen(DataBuffer) - 1]= 0;


	WrittenBytes= sock_send(ClientSocket, DataBuffer, strlen(DataBuffer), ErrBuf, sizeof(ErrBuf));
	if (WrittenBytes == sockFAILURE)
		printf("Error sending data: %s\n\n", ErrBuf);

	printf("String '%s' sent. Press ENTER to terminate the program\n", DataBuffer);
	fgets(DataBuffer, sizeof(DataBuffer), stdin);
void *doControlConnection(void *parameters)
	int AddressFamily = AF_INET; //use IPv4
	int TransportProtocol = SOCK_STREAM; //use TCP

	char ErrBuf[1024];
	char DataBuffer[1024];
	int ChildSocket;				// keeps the socket ID for connections from clients
	struct addrinfo Hints;			// temporary struct to keep settings needed to open the new socket
	struct addrinfo *AddrInfo;		// keeps the addrinfo chain; required to open a new socket
	struct sockaddr_storage From;	// temp variable that keeps the parameters of the incoming connection
	int ReadBytes, WrittenBytes;
	int ServerSocket;

	// Prepare to open a new server socket
	memset(&Hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo));

	Hints.ai_family= AddressFamily;
	Hints.ai_socktype= TransportProtocol;	// Open a TCP/UDP connection
	Hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE;			// This is a server: ready to bind() a socket
	if (sock_initaddress (NULL, nf_params.tcp_port, &Hints, &AddrInfo, ErrBuf, sizeof(ErrBuf)) == sockFAILURE)
		fprintf(logFile,"%s Error resolving given port (%s): %s\n",module_name, nf_params.tcp_port,ErrBuf);

	if ( (ServerSocket= sock_open(AddrInfo, 1, 10,  ErrBuf, sizeof(ErrBuf))) == sockFAILURE)
		// AddrInfo is no longer required
		fprintf(logFile,"%s Cannot opening the socket: %s\n",module_name, ErrBuf);

	// AddrInfo is no longer required

		if ( (ChildSocket= sock_accept(ServerSocket, &From, ErrBuf, sizeof(ErrBuf))) == sockFAILURE)
			fprintf(logFile,"%s Error when accepting a new connection: %s\n",module_name, ErrBuf);

		ReadBytes= sock_recv(ChildSocket, DataBuffer, sizeof(DataBuffer), SOCK_RECEIVEALL_NO, 0/*no timeout*/, ErrBuf, sizeof(ErrBuf));
		if (ReadBytes == sockFAILURE)
			fprintf(logFile,"%s Error reading data: %s\n",module_name, ErrBuf);

		// Terminate buffer, just for printing purposes
		// Warning: this can originate a buffer overflow
		DataBuffer[ReadBytes]= 0;

		fprintf(logFile,"%sData received (%d bytes):\n",module_name, ReadBytes);
		fprintf(logFile,"%s %s\n",module_name,DataBuffer);

		char answer[1024];
		sprintf(answer,"Greeting from network function\"%s\"",nf_params.nf_name);
		fprintf(logFile,"%s Answer to be sent: %s\n",module_name,answer);
		WrittenBytes= sock_send(ChildSocket, answer, strlen(answer), ErrBuf, sizeof(ErrBuf));
		if (WrittenBytes == sockFAILURE)
			fprintf(logFile,"%s Error sending data: %s",module_name, ErrBuf);


예제 #3
void Server(char *Address, char *Port, int AddressFamily, int TransportProtocol)
char ErrBuf[1024];
char DataBuffer[1024];
int ServerSocket, ChildSocket;	// keeps the socket ID for this connection
struct addrinfo Hints;			// temporary struct to keep settings needed to open the new socket
struct addrinfo *AddrInfo;		// keeps the addrinfo chain; required to open a new socket
struct sockaddr_storage From;	// temp variable that keeps the parameters of the incoming connection
int ReadBytes;					// Number of bytes read from the socket
char RemoteAddress[1024];				// temp variable to store the address of the connecting host
char RemotePort[1024];				// temp variable to store the port used by the connecting host

	// Prepare to open a new server socket
	memset(&Hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo));

	Hints.ai_family= AddressFamily;
	Hints.ai_socktype= TransportProtocol;	// Open a TCP/UDP connection
	Hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE;		// This is a server: ready to bind() a socket 

	if (sock_initaddress (Address, Port, &Hints, &AddrInfo, ErrBuf, sizeof(ErrBuf)) == sockFAILURE)
		printf("Error resolving given address/port: %s\n\n", ErrBuf);

	printf("Server waiting on address %s, port %s, using protocol %s\n", 
		Address ? Address : "all local addresses", Port, (AddrInfo->ai_family == AF_INET) ? "IPv4" : "IPv6");
	if ( (ServerSocket= sock_open(AddrInfo, 1, 10,  ErrBuf, sizeof(ErrBuf))) == sockFAILURE)
		// AddrInfo is no longer required
		printf("Cannot opening the socket: %s\n\n", ErrBuf);

	// AddrInfo is no longer required

	if (TransportProtocol == SOCK_STREAM)
		if ( (ChildSocket= sock_accept(ServerSocket, &From, ErrBuf, sizeof(ErrBuf))) == sockFAILURE)
			printf("Error when accepting a new connection: %s\n\n", ErrBuf);

		if (sock_getascii_addrport(&From, RemoteAddress, sizeof(RemoteAddress), RemotePort, sizeof(RemotePort),
			NI_NUMERICHOST | NI_NUMERICSERV, ErrBuf, sizeof(ErrBuf)) == sockFAILURE)
			printf("Error getting information related to the connecting host: %s\n\n", ErrBuf);
		printf("Accepting a new connection from host %s, using remote port %s.\n\n", RemoteAddress, RemotePort);

		ReadBytes= sock_recv(ChildSocket, DataBuffer, sizeof(DataBuffer), SOCK_RECEIVEALL_NO, 30, ErrBuf, sizeof(ErrBuf));
		if (ReadBytes == sockFAILURE)
			printf("Error reading data: %s\n\n", ErrBuf);
		ReadBytes= sock_recvdgram(ServerSocket, DataBuffer, sizeof(DataBuffer), SOCK_RECEIVEALL_NO, 30, ErrBuf, sizeof(ErrBuf));
		if (ReadBytes == sockFAILURE)
			printf("Error reading data: %s\n\n", ErrBuf);

	if (ReadBytes == sockWARNING)
		printf("We waited for enough time and no data has been received so far.\nAborting the connection.\n\n");

	// Terminate buffer, just for printing purposes
	// Warning: this can originate a buffer overflow
	DataBuffer[ReadBytes]= 0;
	printf("Received the following string: '%s'\n\n", DataBuffer);