예제 #1
void RGBDCamera::update(const RawFrame* this_frame) {
  //Check the timestamp, and skip if we have already seen this frame
  if (this_frame->timestamp <= latest_stamp_) {
  } else {
    latest_stamp_ = this_frame->timestamp;

  //Apply bilateral filter to incoming depth
  uint16_t* filtered_depth;
  cudaMalloc((void**)&filtered_depth, this_frame->width*this_frame->height*sizeof(uint16_t));
  bilateralFilter(this_frame->depth, filtered_depth, this_frame->width, this_frame->height);

  //Convert the input color data to intensity
  float* temp_intensity;
  cudaMalloc((void**)&temp_intensity, this_frame->width*this_frame->height*sizeof(float));
  colorToIntensity(this_frame->color, temp_intensity, this_frame->width*this_frame->height);

  //Create pyramids
  for (int i = 0; i < PYRAMID_DEPTH; i++) {
    //Fill in sizes the first two times through
    if (pass_ < 2) {
      current_icp_frame_[i] = new ICPFrame(this_frame->width/pow(2,i), this_frame->height/pow(2,i));
      current_rgbd_frame_[i] = new RGBDFrame(this_frame->width/pow(2,i), this_frame->height/pow(2,i));

    //Add ICP data
    generateVertexMap(filtered_depth, current_icp_frame_[i]->vertex, current_icp_frame_[i]->width, current_icp_frame_[i]->height, focal_length_, make_int2(this_frame->width, this_frame->height));
    generateNormalMap(current_icp_frame_[i]->vertex, current_icp_frame_[i]->normal, current_icp_frame_[i]->width, current_icp_frame_[i]->height);

    //Add RGBD data
    cudaMemcpy(current_rgbd_frame_[i]->vertex, current_icp_frame_[i]->vertex, current_rgbd_frame_[i]->width*current_rgbd_frame_[i]->height*sizeof(glm::vec3), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);
    cudaMemcpy(current_rgbd_frame_[i]->intensity, temp_intensity, current_rgbd_frame_[i]->width*current_rgbd_frame_[i]->height*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);

    //Downsample depth and color if not the last iteration
    if (i != (PYRAMID_DEPTH-1)) {
      subsampleDepth(filtered_depth, current_icp_frame_[i]->width, current_icp_frame_[i]->height);
      subsample(temp_intensity, current_rgbd_frame_[i]->width, current_rgbd_frame_[i]->height);

  //Clear the filtered depth and temporary color since they are no longer needed

  if (pass_ >= 1) {
    glm::mat4 update_trans(1.0f);

    //Loop through pyramids backwards (coarse first)
    for (int i = PYRAMID_DEPTH - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

      //Get a copy of the ICP frame for this pyramid level
      ICPFrame icp_f(current_icp_frame_[i]->width, current_icp_frame_[i]->height);
      cudaMemcpy(icp_f.vertex, current_icp_frame_[i]->vertex, icp_f.width*icp_f.height*sizeof(glm::vec3), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);
      cudaMemcpy(icp_f.normal, current_icp_frame_[i]->normal, icp_f.width*icp_f.height*sizeof(glm::vec3), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);

      //Get a copy of the RGBD frame for this pyramid level
      //RGBDFrame rgbd_f(current_rgbd_frame_[i]->width, current_rgbd_frame_[i]->height);
      //cudaMemcpy(rgbd_f.vertex, current_rgbd_frame_[i]->vertex, rgbd_f.width*rgbd_f.height*sizeof(glm::vec3), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);
      //cudaMemcpy(rgbd_f.intensity, current_rgbd_frame_[i]->intensity, rgbd_f.width*rgbd_f.height*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);

      //Apply the most recent update to the points/normals
      if (i < (PYRAMID_DEPTH-1)) {
        transformVertexMap(icp_f.vertex, update_trans, icp_f.width*icp_f.height);
        transformNormalMap(icp_f.normal, update_trans, icp_f.width*icp_f.height);

      //Loop through iterations
      for (int j = 0; j < PYRAMID_ITERS[i]; j++) {

        //Get the Geometric ICP cost values
        float A1[6 * 6];
        float b1[6];
        computeICPCost2(last_icp_frame_[i], icp_f, A1, b1);

        //Get the Photometric RGB-D cost values
        //float A2[6*6];
        //float b2[6];
        //compueRGBDCost(last_rgbd_frame_, rgbd_f, A2, b2);

        //Combine the two
        //for (size_t k = 0; k < 6; k++) {
          //for (size_t l = 0; l < 6; l++) {
            //A1[6 * k + l] += A2[6 * k + l];
          //b1[k] += b2[k];

        //Solve for the optimized camera transformation
        float x[6];
        solveCholesky(6, A1, b1, x);

        //Check for NaN/divergence
        if (isnan(x[0]) || isnan(x[1]) || isnan(x[2]) || isnan(x[3]) || isnan(x[4]) || isnan(x[5])) {
          printf("Camera tracking is lost.\n");

        //Update position/orientation of the camera
        glm::mat4 this_trans = 
            glm::rotate(glm::mat4(1.0f), -x[2] * 180.0f / 3.14159f, glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)) 
          * glm::rotate(glm::mat4(1.0f), -x[1] * 180.0f / 3.14159f, glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f))
          * glm::rotate(glm::mat4(1.0f), -x[0] * 180.0f / 3.14159f, glm::vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)) 
          * glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.0f), glm::vec3(x[3], x[4], x[5]));

        update_trans = this_trans * update_trans;
        //Apply the update to the points/normals
        if (j < (PYRAMID_ITERS[i] - 1)) {
          transformVertexMap(icp_f.vertex, this_trans, icp_f.width*icp_f.height);
          transformNormalMap(icp_f.normal, this_trans, icp_f.width*icp_f.height);

    //Update the global transform with the result
    position_ = glm::vec3(glm::vec4(position_, 1.0f) * update_trans);
    orientation_ = glm::mat3(glm::mat4(orientation_) * update_trans);

  if (pass_ < 2) {

  //Swap current and last frames
  for (int i = 0; i < PYRAMID_DEPTH; i++) {
    ICPFrame* temp = current_icp_frame_[i];
    current_icp_frame_[i] = last_icp_frame_[i];
    last_icp_frame_[i] = temp;
    //TODO: Longterm, only RGBD should do this. ICP should not swap, as last_frame should be updated by a different function
    RGBDFrame* temp2 = current_rgbd_frame_[i];
    current_rgbd_frame_[i] = last_rgbd_frame_[i];
    last_rgbd_frame_[i] = temp2;

예제 #2
void SurfacePropagation::applyConstraintOLD()
	if (!imp_int) return;

	// imp_int->getImplicit()->interpolate(ps,flexible);
	Implicit *imp = imp_int->getImplicit();
	if (!imp) return;

	if (speedfac == 0.0)
	int i,j,k;
	gmVector3 gradient;
	gmVector3 xi;
	int qlen = imp->qlen(); // # of parameters
	int n = ps->size();      // # of control particles

	// Allocate some derivative vectors
	DoubleArray dFdQi(0.0, qlen);
	DoubleArray dFdQj(0.0, qlen);
	DoubleArray dqdt(0.0, qlen);
	/* Solve for Lagrangian multipliers
	* Equation (7) of WH.
	* Sum_j (dFdQ[i].dFdQ[j]) lambda[j] = 
	*       dFdQ[i].dQdt + grad(x[i]).v[i] + phi*proc(x[i])
	* Ax = b
	* x = vector of Lagrangians lambda[j], one per control particle
	* A = matrix of dot products of dFdQi with dFdQj
	* b = RHS of above equation
	TNT::Vector<double> b(n);
	TNT::Matrix<double> A(n,n);
	TNT::Vector<double> x(n);

	// Cycle through control particles
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
		// dFdQi = derivative of F wrt Q at control particle i
		imp->procq(position->x[i], dFdQi);
		std::cerr << "dFdQ: ";
		for(int k=0;k<dFdQi.size();k++) 
			std::cerr << dFdQi[k] << " ";
		std::cerr << std::endl;
		// b = - speedfac * speed function * grad(x[i]) magnitude * speed function
		b[i] = -speedfac*speed(i)*imp->grad(position->x[i]).length();

		// Build row i of matrix A
		for(j=0; j<n; j++) {
			A[i][j] = 0.0;
			// Get derivative of F wrt Q at particle j
			imp->procq(position->x[j], dFdQj);

			// Aij = dFdQi . dFdQj
			for (k = 0; k < qlen; k++)
				A[i][j] += dFdQi[k]*dFdQj[k];
	    } // end matrix loop
    } // end control particle loop
	std::cerr << A;
	// Try solving Ax = b using Cholesky
	if (!solveCholesky(A, x, b)) {
		//std::cerr << "Using SVD... " << std::endl;
		// Let SVD take care of it
		SVD svd;
		if (!svd.solve(A, x, b)) 
			std::cerr << "problem solving constraints!!" << std::endl;
	TNT::Vector<double> r(n);
	r = A*x - b;
	double residual = sqrt(TNT::dot_prod(r, r));
	std::cerr << "residual: " << sqrt(TNT::dot_prod(r,r)) << std::endl;
	// Update parameters
	for(j=0; j<n; j++) {
		imp->procq(position->x[j], dFdQj);
		dFdQj *= (double)x[j];
		for(k=0; k<qlen; k++) 
			dqdt[k] += dFdQj[k];

	// Apply the changes to the implicit surface parameter
	std::valarray<double> q(qlen);
	q += dqdt * (double)ps->dt;