예제 #1
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    sony_result_t result = SONY_RESULT_OK;
    sony_result_t tuneResult = SONY_RESULT_OK;
    sony_integ_t integ;
    sony_demod_t demod;
    sony_tuner_terr_cable_t tunerTerrCable;
//    sony_ascot2d_t ascot2d;

    sony_i2c_t i2c;
	sony_i2c_t tunerI2C;
    sony_dvbt_tune_param_t tuneParam;
 //   drvi2c_feusb_t feusb;
    uint8_t i = 0;

    argc = argc;
    argv = argv;

     Setup / Initialisation
    /* Create I2C interface for tuner and demosulator parts.  GW (GateWay) members 
       provided but not required for tuner communication.  I2C switching handled 
       internally in the driver using a repeater. */
    i2c.gwAddress = 0x00;                                   /* N/A */
    i2c.gwSub = 0x00;                                       /* N/A */
    i2c.Read = Cxd2837_I2c_Read;                           /* Base level HW interfacing I2C read function */
    i2c.Write = Cxd2837_I2c_Write;                         /* Base level HW interfacing I2C write function */
    i2c.ReadRegister = sony_i2c_CommonReadRegister;         /* Common wrapper function for multi byte Read operation */
    i2c.WriteRegister = sony_i2c_CommonWriteRegister;       /* Common wrapper function for multi byte Write operation */
    i2c.WriteOneRegister = sony_i2c_CommonWriteOneRegister; /* Common wrapper function for single byte Write operation */

	    /* Setup I2C interfaces. */
    tunerI2C.gwAddress = 0xc8;
    tunerI2C.gwSub = 0x09;      /* Connected via demod I2C gateway function. */
    tunerI2C.Read = Cxd2837_I2c_ReadGw;
    tunerI2C.Write = Cxd2837_I2c_WriteGw;
    tunerI2C.ReadRegister = sony_i2c_CommonReadRegister;
    tunerI2C.WriteRegister = sony_i2c_CommonWriteRegister;
    tunerI2C.WriteOneRegister = sony_i2c_CommonWriteOneRegister;

    /* Display driver credentials */
    printf ("Driver Version : %s\n", SONY_DEMOD_DRIVER_VERSION);
    printf ("Built          : %s %s\n\n", SONY_DEMOD_DRIVER_RELEASE_DATE, SONY_DEMOD_DRIVER_RELEASE_TIME);

    printf ("------------------------------------------\n");
    printf (" Create / Inititialize   \n");
    printf ("------------------------------------------\n");
    /* Create ASCOT2D tuner with the following parameters, please modify as appropriate :
     *  - XTal = 41MHz
     *  - Address = 0xC0
     *  - Configuration Flags = None
        uint8_t xtalFreqMHz = 41;
        uint8_t i2cAddress = 0xc2;
        uint32_t configFlags = 0;

		result =  mopll_tuner_Create (i2cAddress,xtalFreqMHz,&tunerI2C, 0, NULL, &tunerTerrCable);

        if (result == SONY_RESULT_OK) {
            printf (" Tuner Created with the following parameters:\n");
            printf ("  - Tuner Type     : CXD2837 \n");
            printf ("  - XTal Frequency : %uMHz\n", xtalFreqMHz);
            printf ("  - I2C Address    : %u\n", i2cAddress);
            printf ("  - Config Flags   : %u\n\n", configFlags);
        else {
            printf (" Error: Unable to create Sony ASCOT2D tuner driver. (result = %s)\n", Common_Result[result]);
            return -1;

    /* Create the integration structure which contains the demodulaor and tuner part instances.  This 
     * function also internally Creates the demodulator part.  Once created the driver is in 
     * SONY_DEMOD_STATE_INVALID and must be initialized before calling a Tune / Scan or Monitor API. 
        /* Modify the following to suit your implementation */
        sony_demod_xtal_t xtalFreq = SONY_DEMOD_XTAL_41000KHz;
        uint8_t i2cAddress = 0xc8;

        /* Create parameters for integration structure:
         *  sony_integ_t * pInteg                       Integration object
         *  sony_demod_xtal_t xtalFreq                  Demodulator xTal frequency
         *  uint8_t i2cAddress                          Demodulator I2C address
         *  sony_i2c_t i2c                              Demodulator I2C driver
         *  sony_demod_t *pDemod                        Demodulator object
         *  Note: Set the following to NULL to disable control
         *  sony_tuner_terr_cable_t * pTunerTerrCable   Terrestrial / Cable tuner object 
         *  sony_tuner_sat_t * pTunerSat                Satellite tuner object
         *  sony_lnbc_t * pLnbc                         LNB Controller object
        result = sony_integ_Create (&integ, xtalFreq, i2cAddress, &i2c, &demod
            /* Terrestrial and Cable supported so include the tuner object into the Create API */
            /* Satellite supported so include the tuner and LNB objects into the Create API */
            , NULL, NULL

        if (result == SONY_RESULT_OK) {
            printf (" Demod Created with the following parameters:\n");
            printf ("  - XTal Frequency : %s\n", Common_DemodXtal[xtalFreq]);
            printf ("  - I2C Address    : %u\n\n", i2cAddress);
        else {
            printf (" Error: Unable to create demodulator driver. (result = %s)\n", Common_Result[result]);
            return -1;

    /* Initialize the tuner and demodulator parts to Terrestrial / Cable mode.  Following this call the
     * driver will be in SONY_DEMOD_STATE_SLEEP_T_C state. From here you can call any Shutdown, Sleep or Tune
     * API for Terrestrial / Cable systems or call sony_integ_SleepS to transfer to Satellite mode. 
     * Note : Initialize API should only be called once at the start of the driver creation.  Subsequent calls
     *        to any of the Tune API's do not require re-initialize. 
    result = sony_integ_InitializeT_C (&integ);
    if (result == SONY_RESULT_OK) {
        printf (" Driver initialized, current state = SONY_DEMOD_STATE_SLEEP_T_C\n\n");
    else {
        printf (" Error: Unable to initialise the integration driver to terrestiral / cable mode. (result = %s)\n", Common_Result[result]);
        return -1;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Configure the Demodulator
     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    /* DVB-T demodulator IF configuration  Low IF tuner */
    demod.iffreqConfig.configDVBT_5 = SONY_DEMOD_MAKE_IFFREQ_CONFIG (36.167);
    demod.iffreqConfig.configDVBT_6 = SONY_DEMOD_MAKE_IFFREQ_CONFIG (36.167);
    demod.iffreqConfig.configDVBT_7 = SONY_DEMOD_MAKE_IFFREQ_CONFIG (36.167);
    demod.iffreqConfig.configDVBT_8 = SONY_DEMOD_MAKE_IFFREQ_CONFIG (36.167);

    /* DVB-T2 demodulator IF configuration  Low IF tuner */
    demod.iffreqConfig.configDVBT2_5 = SONY_DEMOD_MAKE_IFFREQ_CONFIG (36.167);
    demod.iffreqConfig.configDVBT2_6 = SONY_DEMOD_MAKE_IFFREQ_CONFIG (36.167);
    demod.iffreqConfig.configDVBT2_7 = SONY_DEMOD_MAKE_IFFREQ_CONFIG (36.167);
    demod.iffreqConfig.configDVBT2_8 = SONY_DEMOD_MAKE_IFFREQ_CONFIG (36.167);

    /* DVB-C demodulator IF configuration  Low IF tuner */
    demod.iffreqConfig.configDVBC = SONY_DEMOD_MAKE_IFFREQ_CONFIG (36.167);

    /* DVB-C2 demodulator IF configuration  Low IF tuner */
    demod.iffreqConfig.configDVBC2_6 = SONY_DEMOD_MAKE_IFFREQ_CONFIG (36.167);
    demod.iffreqConfig.configDVBC2_8 = SONY_DEMOD_MAKE_IFFREQ_CONFIG (36.167);

    /* IFAGC setup. Modify to suit connected tuner. */
    /* IFAGC positive, value = 0. */
    result = sony_demod_SetConfig (&demod, SONY_DEMOD_CONFIG_IFAGCNEG, 0);
    if (result == SONY_RESULT_OK) {
        printf (" Demodulator configured for Negative IFAGC.\n");
    else {
        printf (" Error: Unable to configure for Negative IFAGC. (result = %s)\n", Common_Result[result]);
        return -1;

    /* Spectrum Inversion setup. Modify to suit connected tuner. */
    /* Spectrum inverted, value = 1. */
    result = sony_demod_SetConfig (&demod, SONY_DEMOD_CONFIG_SPECTRUM_INV, 1);
    if (result == SONY_RESULT_OK) {
        printf (" Demodulator configured for Inverted Spectrum.\n");
    else {
        printf (" Error: Unable to configure SPECTRUM_INV. (result = %s)\n", Common_Result[result]);
        return -1;

    /* RF level monitoring (RFAIN/RFAGC) enable/disable. */
    /* Default is enabled. 1: Enable, 0: Disable. */
    result = sony_demod_SetConfig (&demod, SONY_DEMOD_CONFIG_RFLVMON_ENABLE, 0);
    if (result == SONY_RESULT_OK) {
        printf (" Demodulator configured to enable RF level monitoring.\n");
    else {
        printf (" Error: Unable to configure RFLVMON_ENABLE. (result = %s)\n", Common_Result[result]);
        return -1;

    /* Demod tunerOptimize member allows the demod to be optimized internally when
       connected to Sony RF parts.  Please ensure this is set to 
       SONY_DEMOD_TUNER_OPTIMIZE_UNKNOWN for all other tuners */
    demod.tunerOptimize = SONY_DEMOD_TUNER_OPTIMIZE_ASCOT2D;
    demod.tunerOptimize = SONY_DEMOD_TUNER_OPTIMIZE_UNKNOWN;

    printf (" Demodulator optimised for %s tuner.\n\n", Common_TunerOptimize[demod.tunerOptimize]);

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Tune
     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    printf ("------------------------------------------\n");
    printf (" Tune   \n");
    printf ("------------------------------------------\n");

    /* Configure the DVBT tune parameters based on the channel requirements */
    tuneParam.bandwidth = SONY_DEMOD_BW_8_MHZ;          /* Channel bandwidth */
    tuneParam.centerFreqKHz = 634000;                   /* Channel centre frequency in KHz */
    tuneParam.profile = SONY_DVBT_PROFILE_HP;           /* Channel profile for hierachical modes.  For non-hierachical use HP */

    printf (" Tune to DVB-T signal with the following parameters:\n");
    printf ("  - Center Freq    : %uKHz\n", tuneParam.centerFreqKHz);
    printf ("  - Bandwidth      : %s\n", Common_Bandwidth[tuneParam.bandwidth]);
    printf ("  - Profile        : %s\n", DVBT_Profile[tuneParam.profile]);

    /* Perform DVBT Tune */
    tuneResult = sony_integ_dvbt_Tune (&integ, &tuneParam);
    printf ("  - Result         : %s\n\n", Common_Result[tuneResult]);
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Carrier Offset Compensation
     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    /* Measure the current carrier offset and retune to compensate for cases outside the demodulator
     * acquisition range. */
    if ((tuneResult == SONY_RESULT_ERROR_TIMEOUT) || (tuneResult == SONY_RESULT_OK)) {
        int32_t offsetHz = 0;
        uint32_t stepHz = SONY_TUNER_OFFSET_CUTOFF_HZ;

        /* Monitor carrier offset. */
        result = sony_demod_dvbt_monitor_CarrierOffset (integ.pDemod, &offsetHz);
        if (result != SONY_RESULT_OK) {
            printf ("Error: Unable to monitor T carrier offset. (result = %s)\n", Common_Result[result]);
            return -1;

        printf (" DVB-T carrier offset of %ldHz detected.\n", offsetHz);

        /* Carrier recovery loop locked (demod locked), compensate for the offset and retry tuning. */
        stepHz = (stepHz + 1) / 2;
        if ((uint32_t) abs (offsetHz) > stepHz) {
            /* Tuners have only a fixed frequency step size (stepkHz), therefore we must query the tuner driver to get the actual
             * center frequency set by the tuner. */
            tuneParam.centerFreqKHz = (uint32_t) ((int32_t) integ.pTunerTerrCable->frequencyKHz + ((offsetHz + 500) / 1000));

            printf (" Re-tuning to compensate offset. New parameters:\n");
            printf ("  - Center Freq    : %uKHz\n", tuneParam.centerFreqKHz);
            printf ("  - Bandwidth      : %s\n", Common_Bandwidth[tuneParam.bandwidth]);
            printf ("  - Profile        : %s\n", DVBT_Profile[tuneParam.profile]);
            tuneResult = sony_integ_dvbt_Tune (&integ, &tuneParam);
            printf ("  - Result         : %s\n\n", Common_Result[tuneResult]);
        else {
            printf (" Carrier offset compensation not required.\n");
    if (tuneResult != SONY_RESULT_OK) {
        printf (" Error: Unable to get TS lock DVB-T signal at %lukHz. (status=%d, %s)\n", tuneParam.centerFreqKHz, tuneResult, Common_Result[result]);
        return -1;

    printf (" TS locked to DVB-T signal at %lukHz.\n\n", tuneParam.centerFreqKHz);

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Monitor the Channel
     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    printf ("------------------------------------------\n");
    printf (" Monitor   \n");
    printf ("------------------------------------------\n");

    /* Allow the monitors time to settle */
    SONY_SLEEP (1000);

    for (i = 1; i <= MONITOR_LOOP_COUNT; i++) {

    printf ("\n Monitor Iteration : %u \n\n",i);
    printf ("-------------------------|-----------------|----------------- \n");
    printf ("      MONITOR NAME       |    PARAMETER    |      VALUE       \n");
    printf ("-------------------------|-----------------|----------------- \n");

#ifdef MONITOR_SYNCSTAT        
            uint8_t syncState = 0;
            uint8_t tsLock = 0;
            uint8_t earlyUnlock = 0;
            result = sony_demod_dvbt_monitor_SyncStat (integ.pDemod, &syncState, &tsLock, &earlyUnlock);
            if (result == SONY_RESULT_OK) {
                printf (" SyncStat                | SyncStat        | %lu\n", syncState);
                printf ("                         | TS Lock         | %s\n", Common_YesNo[tsLock]);
                printf ("                         | Early Unlock    | %s\n", Common_YesNo[earlyUnlock]);
            else {
                printf (" SyncStat                | Error           | %s\n", Common_Result[result]);
            printf ("-------------------------|-----------------|----------------- \n");

            uint32_t ifAGCOut = 0;
            result = sony_demod_dvbt_monitor_IFAGCOut (integ.pDemod, &ifAGCOut);
            if (result == SONY_RESULT_OK) {
                printf (" IFAGCOut                | IF AGC          | %lu\n", ifAGCOut);
            else {
                printf (" IFAGCOut                | Error           | %s\n", Common_Result[result]);
            printf ("-------------------------|-----------------|----------------- \n");

            sony_dvbt_mode_t mode;
            sony_dvbt_guard_t guard;
            result = sony_demod_dvbt_monitor_ModeGuard (integ.pDemod, &mode, &guard);
            if (result == SONY_RESULT_OK) {
                printf (" ModeGuard               | Mode            | %s\n", DVBT_Mode[mode]);
                printf ("                         | Guard Interval  | %s\n", DVBT_GI[guard]);
            else {
                printf (" ModeGuard               | Error           | %s\n", Common_Result[result]);
            printf ("-------------------------|-----------------|----------------- \n");

            int32_t offset;
            result = sony_demod_dvbt_monitor_CarrierOffset (integ.pDemod, &offset);
            if (result == SONY_RESULT_OK) {
                printf (" CarrierOffset           | Carrier Offset  | %dHz\n", offset);
            else {
                printf (" CarrierOffset           | Error           | %s\n", Common_Result[result]);
            printf ("-------------------------|-----------------|----------------- \n");

            uint32_t ber;
            result = sony_demod_dvbt_monitor_PreViterbiBER (integ.pDemod, &ber);
            if (result == SONY_RESULT_OK) {
                printf (" PreViterbiBER           | Pre-Viterbi BER | %u x 10^-7\n", ber);
            else {
                printf (" PreViterbiBER           | Error           | %s\n", Common_Result[result]);
            printf ("-------------------------|-----------------|----------------- \n");

            uint32_t ber;
            result = sony_demod_dvbt_monitor_PreRSBER (integ.pDemod, &ber);
            if (result == SONY_RESULT_OK) {
                printf (" PreRSBER                | Pre-RS BER      | %u x 10^-7\n", ber);
            else {
                printf (" PreRSBER                | Error           | %s\n", Common_Result[result]);
            printf ("-------------------------|-----------------|----------------- \n");

            sony_dvbt_tpsinfo_t tpsInfo;
            result = sony_demod_dvbt_monitor_TPSInfo (integ.pDemod, &tpsInfo);
            if (result == SONY_RESULT_OK) {
                printf (" TPSInfo                 | Constellation   | %s\n", DVBT_Constellation[tpsInfo.constellation]);
                printf ("                         | Hierachy        | %s\n", DVBT_Hier[tpsInfo.hierarchy]);
                printf ("                         | Code Rate HP    | %s\n", DVBT_CodeRate[tpsInfo.rateHP]);
                printf ("                         | Code Rate LP    | %s\n", DVBT_CodeRate[tpsInfo.rateLP]);
                printf ("                         | Guard Interval  | %s\n", DVBT_GI[tpsInfo.guard]);
                printf ("                         | Mode            | %s\n", DVBT_Mode[tpsInfo.mode]);
            else {
                printf (" TPSInfo                 | Error           | %s\n", Common_Result[result]);
            printf ("-------------------------|-----------------|----------------- \n");

            uint32_t pen;
            result = sony_demod_dvbt_monitor_PacketErrorNumber (integ.pDemod, &pen);
            if (result == SONY_RESULT_OK) {
                printf (" PacketErrorNumber       | PEN             | %u\n", pen);
            else {
                printf (" PacketErrorNumber       | Error           | %s\n", Common_Result[result]);
            printf ("-------------------------|-----------------|----------------- \n");

            sony_demod_terr_cable_spectrum_sense_t sense;
            result = sony_demod_dvbt_monitor_SpectrumSense (integ.pDemod, &sense);
            if (result == SONY_RESULT_OK) {
                printf (" SpectrumSense           | Spectrum Sense  | %s\n", Common_SpectrumSense[sense]);
            else {
                printf (" SpectrumSense           | Error           | %s\n", Common_Result[result]);
            printf ("-------------------------|-----------------|----------------- \n");

            int32_t snr;
            result = sony_demod_dvbt_monitor_SNR (integ.pDemod, &snr);
            if (result == SONY_RESULT_OK) {
                printf (" SNR                     | SNR             | %ddB x 10^-3\n", snr);
            else {
                printf (" SNR                     | Error           | %s\n", Common_Result[result]);
            printf ("-------------------------|-----------------|----------------- \n");

            int32_t ppmOffset;
            result = sony_demod_dvbt_monitor_SamplingOffset (integ.pDemod, &ppmOffset);
            if (result == SONY_RESULT_OK) {
                printf (" SamplingOffset          | PPM Offset      | %d\n", ppmOffset);
            else {
                printf (" SamplingOffset          | Error           | %s\n", Common_Result[result]);
            printf ("-------------------------|-----------------|----------------- \n");

            uint8_t quality;
            result = sony_demod_dvbt_monitor_Quality (integ.pDemod, &quality);
            if (result == SONY_RESULT_OK) {
                printf (" Quality                 | SQI             | %u\n", quality);
            else {
                printf (" Quality                 | Error           | %s\n", Common_Result[result]);
            printf ("-------------------------|-----------------|----------------- \n");

            uint32_t per;
            result = sony_demod_dvbt_monitor_PER (integ.pDemod, &per);
            if (result == SONY_RESULT_OK) {
                printf (" PER                     | PER             | %u x 10^-6\n", per);
            else {
                printf (" PER                     | Error           | %s\n", Common_Result[result]);
            printf ("-------------------------|-----------------|----------------- \n");

        SONY_SLEEP (1000);

#if 0
     Closing / Shutdown
    /* Shutdown the demodulator and tuner parts, placing them into a low power mode.  After this
     * operation the driver will be in SONY_DEMOD_STATE_SHUTDOWN state.  From this state you can 
     * call sony_integ_SleepT_C to return to Terrestrial / Cable mode, or sony_integ_SleepS to
     * transition to Satellite operation.  Both Sleep API's will load the demodulator configuration
     * from memory to retain functionality from before Shutdown.  
     * Note : If sony_integ_InitializeT_C or sony_integ_InitializeS are called the configuration 
     * memory will be cleared and the demod will perform a SW reset of all device registers.
     * This method of returning from Shutdown state is not recommended. */
    printf ("\n------------------------------------------\n");
    printf (" Shutdown / Finalize                      \n");
    printf ("------------------------------------------\n");

    result = sony_integ_Shutdown (&integ);
    if (result == SONY_RESULT_OK) {
        printf (" Demodulator and tuner put into Shutdown state.\n");
    else {
        printf (" Error: Unable to shutdown the integration driver. (result = %s)\n", Common_Result[result]);
        return -1;

    /* Finalise the I2C */
    result = drvi2c_feusb_Finalize (&feusb);
    if (result == SONY_RESULT_OK) {
        printf (" I2C driver instance closed.\n");
    else {
        printf (" Error: Unable to finalize FEUSB I2C driver. (result = %s)\n", Common_Result[result]);
        return -1;

    return 0;
void CXD2837_init(struct cxd2837_state *state)
	sony_result_t result = SONY_RESULT_OK;
//	sony_result_t tuneResult = SONY_RESULT_OK;

//	sony_integ_t integ;
//	sony_demod_t demod;
//	sony_tuner_terr_cable_t tunerTerrCable;
	sony_ascot2d_t ascot2d;
//	sony_ascot2e_t ascot2e;
//	sony_ascot3_t ascot3;
//	sony_i2c_t i2c;
//	sony_dvbt2_tune_param_t tuneParam;
//	int i ;
	cxd2837 = state;
	state->tunerI2C.gwAddress = SONY_DVB_DEMOD_ADDRESS;
	state->tunerI2C.gwSub = 0x00;	   /* Connected via demod I2C gateway function. */
	state->tunerI2C.Read = dvbtest2_i2c_Read;
	state->tunerI2C.Write = dvbtest2_i2c_Write;
	state->tunerI2C.ReadRegister = sony_i2c_CommonReadRegister;
	state->tunerI2C.WriteRegister = sony_i2c_CommonWriteRegister;
	state->tunerI2C.WriteOneRegister = sony_i2c_CommonWriteOneRegister;
	state->demodI2C.gwAddress = 0x00; 
	state->demodI2C.gwSub = 0x00;	   /* N/A */
	state->demodI2C.Read = dvbtest2_i2c_Read;
	state->demodI2C.Write = dvbtest2_i2c_Write;
	state->demodI2C.ReadRegister = sony_i2c_CommonReadRegister;
	state->demodI2C.WriteRegister = sony_i2c_CommonWriteRegister;
	state->demodI2C.WriteOneRegister = sony_i2c_CommonWriteOneRegister;
	/* Create ASCOT2E tuner using the parameters defined in sony_example_terr_cable_configuration.h */
	uint8_t xtalFreqMHz = SONY_EXAMPLE_TUNER_XTAL;
	uint8_t i2cAddress = SONY_EXAMPLE_TUNER_I2C_ADDRESS;
	uint32_t configFlags = SONY_EXAMPLE_TUNER_FLAGS;
	result = sony_tuner_ascot2e_Create (&(state->tuner), xtalFreqMHz, i2cAddress, &(state->tunerI2C), configFlags, &(state->ascot2e));
	  uint8_t xtalFreq = SONY_EXAMPLE_TUNER_XTAL;
	  uint8_t i2cAddress = 0x60;
	  uint32_t configFlags = SONY_EXAMPLE_TUNER_FLAGS;
	  result = sony_tuner_ascot3_Create (&(state->tuner), xtalFreq, i2cAddress, &(state->tunerI2C), configFlags, &(state->ascot3));
	 uint8_t xtalFreq = 16;
	  uint8_t i2cAddress = 0x60;
	  uint32_t configFlags = 0;

	if (result == SONY_RESULT_OK) {
		printk (" Tuner Created with the following parameters:\n");
		printk ("  - Tuner Type     : CXD2861 (ASCOT2E) \n");
		printk ("  - XTal Frequency : %uMHz\n", xtalFreqMHz);
        printk("  - Tuner Type     : CXD2871/72 (ASCOT3) \n");
        printk("  - XTal Frequency : %sMHz\n", ASCOT3_Xtal[xtalFreq]);
		printk ("  - I2C Address    : %u\n", i2cAddress);
		printk ("  - Config Flags   : %u\n\n", configFlags);
	else {
		printk (" Error: Unable to create Sony ASCOT2E tuner driver. (result = %s)\n", Common_Result[result]);
	/* Create the integration structure which contains the demodulaor and tuner part instances.  This 
	* function also internally Creates the demodulator part.  Once created the driver is in 
	* SONY_DEMOD_STATE_INVALID and must be initialized before calling a Tune / Scan or Monitor API. 

	/* The following settings are taken from sony_example_terr_cable_configuration.h */
	sony_demod_xtal_t xtalFreq = SONY_EXAMPLE_DEMOD_XTAL;
	uint8_t i2cAddress =0x6c;// SONY_EXAMPLE_DEMOD_I2C_ADDRESS;
	/* Create parameters for integration structure:
	*  sony_integ_t * pInteg                       Integration object
	*  sony_demod_xtal_t xtalFreq                  Demodulator xTal frequency
	*  uint8_t i2cAddress                          Demodulator I2C address
	*  sony_i2c_t i2c                              Demodulator I2C driver
	*  sony_demod_t *pDemod                        Demodulator object
	*  Note: Set the following to NULL to disable control
	*  sony_tuner_terr_cable_t * pTunerTerrCable   Terrestrial / Cable tuner object 
	*  sony_tuner_sat_t * pTunerSat                Satellite tuner object
	*  sony_lnbc_t * pLnbc                         LNB Controller object
	#ifdef CONFIG_TH_CXD2837_TUNER_MXL603
		MxLWare603_SetPoint((void *)(cxd2837->i2c));
	result = sony_integ_Create (&(state->device), xtalFreq, i2cAddress, &(state->demodI2C), &(state->demod)
	/* Terrestrial and Cable supported so include the tuner object into the Create API */
	/* Satellite supported so include the tuner and LNB objects into the Create API */
	if (result == SONY_RESULT_OK) {
		printk (" Demod Created with the following parameters:\n");
		printk ("  - XTal Frequency : %s\n", Common_DemodXtal[xtalFreq]);
		printk ("  - I2C Address    : %u\n\n", i2cAddress);
	}else {
		printk (" Error: Unable to create demodulator driver. (result = %s)\n", Common_Result[result]);
		return ;
	result = sony_integ_InitializeT_C (&(state->device));
	if (result == SONY_RESULT_OK) {
		printk (" Driver initialized, current state = SONY_DEMOD_STATE_SLEEP_T_C\n\n");
		printk (" Error: Unable to initialise the integration driver to terrestiral / cable mode. (result = %s)\n", Common_Result[result]);
		return ;

	/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	* Configure the Demodulator
	* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
	/* DVB-T demodulator IF configuration for terrestrial / cable tuner */
	state->demod.iffreqConfig.configDVBT_5 = SONY_DEMOD_MAKE_IFFREQ_CONFIG (SONY_EXAMPLE_DVBT_5MHz_IF);
	state->demod.iffreqConfig.configDVBT_6 = SONY_DEMOD_MAKE_IFFREQ_CONFIG (SONY_EXAMPLE_DVBT_6MHz_IF);
	state->demod.iffreqConfig.configDVBT_7 = SONY_DEMOD_MAKE_IFFREQ_CONFIG (SONY_EXAMPLE_DVBT_7MHz_IF);
	state->demod.iffreqConfig.configDVBT_8 = SONY_DEMOD_MAKE_IFFREQ_CONFIG (SONY_EXAMPLE_DVBT_8MHz_IF);
	/* DVB-T2 demodulator IF configuration for terrestrial / cable tuner */
	state->demod.iffreqConfig.configDVBT2_1_7 = SONY_DEMOD_MAKE_IFFREQ_CONFIG (SONY_EXAMPLE_DVBT2_1_7MHz_IF);
	state->demod.iffreqConfig.configDVBT2_5 = SONY_DEMOD_MAKE_IFFREQ_CONFIG (SONY_EXAMPLE_DVBT2_5MHz_IF);
	state->demod.iffreqConfig.configDVBT2_6 = SONY_DEMOD_MAKE_IFFREQ_CONFIG (SONY_EXAMPLE_DVBT2_6MHz_IF);
	state->demod.iffreqConfig.configDVBT2_7 = SONY_DEMOD_MAKE_IFFREQ_CONFIG (SONY_EXAMPLE_DVBT2_7MHz_IF);
	state->demod.iffreqConfig.configDVBT2_8 = SONY_DEMOD_MAKE_IFFREQ_CONFIG (SONY_EXAMPLE_DVBT2_8MHz_IF);

		state->demod.iffreqConfig.configDVBC = SONY_DEMOD_MAKE_IFFREQ_CONFIG (SONY_EXAMPLE_DVBC_IF);

//	printk ("------------------------------------------\n");
//	printk (" Demodulator configuration \n");
//	printk ("------------------------------------------\n");
	/* Run through the defined Set Config options */
	uint8_t configIndex = 0;
	uint8_t configCount = sizeof(demodulatorConfiguration) / sizeof(sony_example_demod_configuration_t);
	for (configIndex = 0 ; configIndex < configCount ; configIndex++) {
	result = sony_demod_SetConfig (&(state->demod),demodulatorConfiguration[configIndex].configId,
	if (result == SONY_RESULT_OK) {
		printk (" %u. %s set to %u\n", configIndex,Common_ConfigId[demodulatorConfiguration[configIndex].configId],
		}else {
		printk (" Error setting %s to %u (result = %s)\n", Common_ConfigId[demodulatorConfiguration[configIndex].configId],
		return ;