예제 #1
	void ChoroidTab::SetSortMenu ()
		auto sortGroup = new QActionGroup (this);

		SortMenu_ = new QMenu;
		auto byName = SortMenu_->addAction (tr ("By name"),
				this, SLOT (sortByName ()));
		byName->setCheckable (true);
		byName->setChecked (true);
		sortGroup->addAction (byName);

		auto byDate = SortMenu_->addAction (tr ("By date"),
				this, SLOT (sortByDate ()));
		byDate->setCheckable (true);
		sortGroup->addAction (byDate);

		auto bySize = SortMenu_->addAction (tr ("By size"),
				this, SLOT (sortBySize ()));
		bySize->setCheckable (true);
		sortGroup->addAction (bySize);

		auto byNumber = SortMenu_->addAction (tr ("By number"),
				this, SLOT (sortByNumber ()));
		byNumber->setCheckable (true);
		sortGroup->addAction (byNumber);

		sortByName ();

		auto sortModeButton = new QToolButton ();
		sortModeButton->setIcon (Proxy_->GetIcon ("view-sort-ascending"));
		sortModeButton->setText (tr ("Sort mode"));
		sortModeButton->setPopupMode (QToolButton::InstantPopup);
		sortModeButton->setMenu (SortMenu_);

		Bar_->addWidget (sortModeButton);
예제 #2
파일: p3.c 프로젝트: jxwufan/DS_Fundamental
int main()
    int n;
    int i;
    scanf("%d", &n); // input the size of table
    int table[1000];
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        scanf("%d", table + i); // input the information in the table
    Element element[1000];
    int elementCount = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        if (table[i] < 0)
            element[elementCount].position = i;
            element[elementCount].number = table[i];
            element[elementCount].hashposition = table[i] % n; 
            /* saving and calculate the informations of numbers in the table */
    sortByNumber(element, elementCount); // sort the Element array by the element's number
    int simulatetable[1000];
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        simulatetable[i] = -1; // initial the simulative hash table for algorithm
    int disjointSet[1000];
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        disjointSet[i] = -1; // initial the disjoint set data structure
    int flag = 0; // flag means this progorm has outputed or not
    while (elementCount)
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < elementCount; i++)
            if (checkInserted(element[i].hashposition, element[i].position, simulatetable, n, disjointSet)) // checkInserted return ture when element[i] can be insterted
                if (flag) printf(" "); // this part is for outputing format
                else flag = 1;
                printf("%d", element[i].number); // ouput the number current inserting
                simulatetable[element[i].position] = element[i].number; // inserted element[i] to the simulative hash table
                int insertedPosition = element[i].position; // saving the current inserting position
                int pre = insertedPosition - 1;
                if (pre < 0) pre += n; // calculate the adjacent position's index
                int post = insertedPosition + 1;
                if (post >= n) post -= n; // calculate the adjacent position's index
                if (simulatetable[pre] != -1) uni(pre, insertedPosition, disjointSet);
                if (simulatetable[post] != -1) uni(post, insertedPosition, disjointSet);
                /* union the current inserting posision's set to adjacent posision's set when the adjacent positions in the table was inserted */

                int j;
                for (j = i; j < elementCount - 1; j++) // iterating the element array
                    element[j].hashposition = element[j + 1].hashposition;
                    element[j].position = element[j + 1].position;
                    element[j].number = element[j + 1].number;
                    /* save the information of element[j + 1] to element[j] */
                /* remove element[i] from element array */

    return 0;
예제 #3
	hide_action = context_menu->addAction({}, this, SLOT(setSelectedSymbolVisibility(bool)));
	protect_action = context_menu->addAction({}, this, SLOT(setSelectedSymbolProtection(bool)));
	QMenu* select_menu = new QMenu(tr("Select symbols"), context_menu);
	select_menu->addAction(tr("Select all"), this, SLOT(selectAll()));
	select_menu->addAction(tr("Select unused"), this, SLOT(selectUnused()));
	select_menu->addAction(tr("Invert selection"), this, SLOT(invertSelection()));
	QMenu* sort_menu = new QMenu(tr("Sort symbols"), context_menu);
	sort_menu->addAction(tr("Sort by number"), this, SLOT(sortByNumber()));
	sort_menu->addAction(tr("Sort by primary color"), this, SLOT(sortByColor()));
	sort_menu->addAction(tr("Sort by primary color priority"), this, SLOT(sortByColorPriority()));
	sort_manual_action = sort_menu->addAction(tr("Enable drag and drop"));
	connect(map, &Map::colorDeleted, this, QOverload<>::of(&QWidget::update));
	connect(map, &Map::symbolAdded, this, &SymbolRenderWidget::updateAll);
	connect(map, &Map::symbolDeleted, this, &SymbolRenderWidget::symbolDeleted);
	connect(map, &Map::symbolChanged, this, &SymbolRenderWidget::symbolChanged);
	connect(map, &Map::symbolIconChanged, this, &SymbolRenderWidget::updateSingleIcon);
	connect(map, &Map::symbolIconZoomChanged, this, &SymbolRenderWidget::updateAll);
	connect(&Settings::getInstance(), &Settings::settingsChanged, this, &SymbolRenderWidget::settingsChanged);